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  • Serious room-mate issues! Help!!!?

    The living situation is just getting more irritable every day where I live. My room-mates are inconsiderate and don't take responsibility for anything.

    On Friday night they had a party, the one room-mate decided it would be a good idea to invite over 70 people to the house :S During the party someone broke a chair and turned off the furnace. I don't know who because I wasn't there.

    She only told me before the party how many people would be coming. I don't want to come off as a party pooper and be seen as 'the bad guy' but this really p*sses me off. The furnace was off for two whole nights! And no one did anything about it in that span of time.

    I was at my bf's house from Friday evening to late Saturday night. When I got home, I figured someone had the windows open because it was cold. When I woke up, it was still cold, so I looked around. Then my other room-mate told me that someone had fiddled with the furnace during the party, and she never did anything about it :/. I turned up the thermostat to see if it would get warmer, and told my room-mate that if it didn't get warmer within the hour to call the landlord to have someone come fix it.

    She never called, so I came home later (6hrs later) and had to deal with the situation myself. I'm really upset that none of the people who had the party took responsibility to try and resolve the furnace issue and the broken chair. Instead, they leave it for me to take care of.

    I have already told them I don't like parties because no one cleans up the mess afterwards, which I think is disrespectful. AND that stuff keeps getting broken and stolen in the house during the parties. I hardly think I should have to babysit everyone at the party to make sure that nothing happens, since I am entitled to a life as well. I think my room-mates need to grow up!

    How should I deal with the situation? I don't want to get the landlord involved because I want the room-mates to take some responsibility. No one so far has replaced the chair, and I know I won't be paying for it.

    The one thing I will probably do is call the police for every subsequent party that happens. Because these incidents have proven to me that they are not responsible enough to have a party. My worry is that next time someone gets hurt, and then we all will be held responsible for the injuries to that person. Because of the law, I study it in school so I know.

    It just irks me that they have this "I really don't care about it" attitude. Because I am seriously sick of all of them and their disrespect for our living situation.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Furnace isn't working, room-mate turned it off in the middle of winter!?

    Friday night there was a party at my house. I didn't want one to happen, but my other room-mates decided it was a good idea. They didn't tell me until the day before that there was going to be 70+ people. I told them I didn't like that idea but they did it anyway. I left to go to my bf's house for the night. I stayed there all Friday night and most of Saturday. I came home and it was cold in the house, but not that bad.

    Now on Sunday the temperature went down very low. It's about 53 degrees Farenheit, I think that is around 14 degrees celsius, I have no idea. But it definitely feels wayyyy colder than that, my hands are stiff and red :S

    I talked to my room-mate and she said someone turned off the furnace, of course it's only my job to investigate these things and take care of them :S And I have no idea how to fix it. I am not happy with any of my room-mates since I wasn't even here and who would turn the furnace off in the middle of winter!? I have tried adjusting the thermostat, but it isn't doing anything!

    And I called the landlord but am only getting voicemail, and I emailed him. But no response yet!

    What can I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • I don't know what to do, can't afford school?

    I am so close to being done, I am in my last semester of school, so I only have 4 months left until I am done. But I am so stressed out! Not because my courses are too hard, but because I can't afford textbooks! I am already behind two weeks because I had to wait for my OSAP to come in. And it's still not in. And I didn't get enough to cover all the textbooks, I realize it's not going to cover everything but I don't know where else to turn. All my savings have been depleted because this is my very last semester.

    I don't have enough money to cover rent either, I have to choose between textbooks and rent :S I can't go to my parents, as they don't have a lot of money. They both work at factories and have been unemployed and laid off in the last couple of years. They can't afford to pay their rent and mine, and I don't think it's fair for them to have to.

    If I got a job, I wouldn't be able to get enough hours to pay for rent. Where I live there is barely any jobs, and I have tried to get one too. But they don't want to hire me since I am in school, and am overqualified (I have gotten qualifications within school). If I got a job also, OSAP would take the money away, they have already deducted money from when I worked during the summer for one month, and that was the only time I worked last year, so my yearly income is well below the poverty line. It was the only job I could get, I tried all summer to get employed and no one would hire me.

    I have been actively applying for jobs and searching for one's in my field for after school. I go to school everyday and do well in all my classes. I am very active in my program, even joined an industry social group to get some contacts. It's not like I am one of those people who just shows up for tests, or drinks my money away. I am just in need of some money for the rest of this term to survive.

    I don't know if there is any where I can even turn for help :S It just frustrates me that the kids who are well-off just don't care. I would love it if my parents could afford to purchase my textbooks and pay my rent, it would be great. It would take a lot of stress off of me. Instead I have to stress about getting the proper textbooks, if I can even afford them all :S

  • How to deal with needy, spoiled, obnoxious room-mate?

    Moving is NOT an option for me, as I only have 4 months left of school, so there's not point in moving now.

    The one room-mate that I live with is really annoying. At first she was nice, but now that she has made some friends her true personality has come out.

    When her friends are over, she is really obnoxious. If something is wrong with her phone, we all have to listen to it, she will moan and groan, yell and whine about it the whole time (5-6hrs straight)! Like I understand it's frustrating when ur phone doesn't work, but it happens, GET OVER IT :P

    Also, she completely ignores me when her friends are over, even complains about me to her friends in front of me. And yet she complains to her parents that I never hang out with her. Her parents even questioned me about it, as if it's impossible that someone wouldn't like their dear daughter :S

    Her friends are like her too, they are snobby and never even acknowledge me when I say hi to them. They think they are better than everyone else because they come from better off families and are popular. Also, the one friend even comes over to do laundry at our house, and she doesn't live with us. My room-mate never asks me if it is okay, and its always on the only day I have time off from classes. It's really frustrating.

    Worse yet, she complains to my other girl room-mate about me. And I am pretty sure they have been talking behind my back. I had b**ches, I don't play games, if I don't like someone I am still reasonably nice to them and show them respect. But they are playing underhanded games.

    How do I deal with this situation?

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Friends all have kids, shoving it in my face?

    I'm only 22, and I do want to have a family someday, and that includes kids. But it's just not in my cards for what looks like a while now.

    I just get so upset when some of my friends on facebook who have kids keep yukking it up like it's the only thing that matters in life. Like I am happy they have kids and that they are finding joy in raising their children, that's great. I hope for that some day.

    But the comments really hurt, especially since I have not been lucky to find someone who wants to have kids with me yet. I am finishing college, and I will be working. Not looking to have kids until after my mid-twenties sometime, probably in my late 20's if it allows.

    But it just hurts. Like I have been working my butt off in school so that I can afford to have a family some day. I just wish that people wouldn't always comment as if what I do in my life has no significance, because it does.

    Most of my friends had kids really young, and have to rely on the father. Luckily he's still in the game. I'm finishing school so that if for whatever reason, I am not fortunate enough to have the child's father in my life, I can still give my child a good life.

    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Bf won't spend New years with me :( ?

    We have been together for almost a year (New years is the anniversary that we first met).

    Earlier last week I asked my boyfriend if he would spend New years with me. He said to me basically what if he wanted to spend new years with his family, or do something else.

    I understand he's not obligated to spend new years with me. But I was down visiting my family, and he sort of manipulated me into coming back down to where he lives. I live in the same city as him and I go to school there. My parents live 45 minutes away, and I don't have a car. None of my friends drive either so them coming down is not an option.

    I would go back home for new years, but I start school again on the 3rd and am unsure if I would have a ride to get back here in time for school anyway.

    I feel like crap because for Christmas he never invited me over to meet more of his family. I was okay with that, until I found out that his cousin's girlfriend was allowed to go :S

    Does this mean I don't mean anything to my bf? I'm starting to feel that way.

    I am already depressed, as I am not sleeping well and the holidays are always a rough time of year for me.

    What should I do?

    I have no friends here that I can hang out with, all have already made plans that don't include me :/

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to deal with room-mate who ate my food?

    Okay, so I live with 3 other people.

    During Christmas break, one of my room-mates and me left to go back home for the holidays.

    Two stayed back, and while they did one of them ate my food while I was gone. This wasn't fresh food that was going bad, it was stuff I had stored in the freezer.

    I'm pretty sure I know who it is, but I don't want to go out and accuse someone of eating it.

    How should I approach the situation? I am so mad, because I don't have a lot of money since this is my last year at College and my savings has pretty much been eaten up now. So what food I do have I use carefully.

    The person I am pretty sure who ate my food spends all their money on alcohol, weed and cigarettes. So I don't feel sorry for their lack of food situation. Plus their mom comes to take them grocery shopping on a regular basis, AND they have a job!

    I left a nasty note on the fridge, but so far no one has read it. Should I leave it up, what should I do? I am just really sick of the whole situation.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Why is my bf asking me what to get me for christmas, after he already bought the gift?

    I just got off the phone with my bf. He is asking me what I want for christmas. We haven't exchanged gifts yet as we have been really busy and haven't seen each other for a week. He just got part of my gift a few days ago.

    When I was on the phone with him, he kept asking me to tell him what I want for Christmas. He said he didn't have enough money to get me what he really wanted to get me. I think that the thought is pretty sweet of him though :) I don't need the most expensive thing, and I told him that what he got me was probably really nice :)

    But why is he so concerned with knowing? He kept bringing up jewellery and my birthday :P (He didn't get me anything for my last birthday). So maybe he is waiting until then to get me some jewellery? I wanted a necklace or something but wasn't looking to get anything expensive. Just maybe a gemstone necklace, you can get those pretty cheap (about 30 bucks or less, depends on how big and what material the chain is). If I didn't get that I was planning on buying it for myself anyway. But I never told him that I wanted this necklace I had picked out. I just don't feel it's right because I had no idea what his budget was and what he felt was right to get me.

    I hope he didn't spend a bunch of money :S I just don't think it's right to tell him what I want and then it be different than what he got me, since it would make him feel bad. And I don't want him to feel bad. I really care about him so I don't want him to feel that what he got me wasn't good enough. I'm just happy he put so much thought into the gift.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My computer is saying its full, but I have been deleting stuff?

    I have been deleting stuff like crazy, deleting programs I do not use, and other various stuff. But it's still saying its pretty full. I am pretty skeptical. Could my computer have a virus? I have a good idea what I can delete, but there are file folders full of stuff I do not know what it is for and so I am scared to delete it S:

    I also transferred stuff to my portable hard drive, and then deleted it off the computer too :S So why is it still full?

    What should I do?

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Will my Betta be okay one night without a filter?

    I have a 10 gallon tank and just cleaned the whole thing out because it was getting dirty, noticed the filter needed to be changed as well. I bought some, but my mom accidently went home with them and I don't live with her (I live about an hour away). So I will have to go get one tomorrow. He has a heater, and there are two apple snails too to help keep the tank clean. But will he be okay without a filter for a day?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Buying flowers, how to get a guy to?

    Okay so on Valentines day my neighbour got these beautiful flowers :) I didn't receive anything and I was fine with that because me and my bf decided not to celebrate valentines day. He believes (and I agree with him) that you should show each other you love them everyday. However, I have been doing all of the romantic stuff, I always make him a delicious dinner. I just feel under appreciated :(

    I spend hours preparing and cooking food for him, I even took him to his party so he could go and drink (while he was there I went home and watched tv :( ). We have only gone out a few times, which is fine. But when we do go out, he complains of the cost. I do pay for things too. I am taking him out on a movie date whenever he is free next. Plus I do buy all the groceries for our big meals. It costs me quite a lot, I am a student so money is tight. I have gone without buying groceries just to afford food for when he is coming over, or to afford dates. I don't have any income at the moment and am trying really hard to get a job.

    But I wish he would come over with flowers sometime, it would mean a lot to me. Even a 5 dollar bouquet from Wal-mart is enough for me. He always complains about the cost of everything. I understand, its tough out there. But I have definitely been trying to do what I can to make up for the cost of our dates, and I think the amount of money I spend and time I take on meals is enough. (I easily spend 50 bucks a week on groceries) Most of that goes to one meal.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you have to do Wedding speeches?

    I always wondered this. I know that for the weddings that I have gone to they have always had speeches. But what if for my wedding I want to forgo that? I always find that part of the ceremony to go longer than it should because people write a long speech wanting to make sure they are not being too short. But for my wedding, would it be in bad taste to not have speeches? I would rather have a video homage to both of our lives and maybe some 'interviews' with family and friends instead. This takes pressure off of people to have to come up with a speech.

    Is this a good idea?

    14 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • How to find a job between college years?

    It's the summer now and I have just completed my first year of college. My program is only two years so I am halfway done. I am taking Business and Insurance programs and majoring in Insurance. I have already worked for the last 2 and a half years at Mcdonald's starting as crew and working up to a crew trainer position. I know that doesn't sound all that impressive, but I am hoping to get something related to what I am going to school for.

    I am unsure what jobs I can even apply for, I have just been applying to anything. I am just afraid I will have to be a dishwasher or something :S And not get paid much. I realize I don't have much to offer but how do I convince an employer to take a chance on me? I am so scared to job hunt again because when I first got my last job 3 years ago I had a heck of a time getting a chance. I lived in a small town and there are no opportunities there. I have since moved to a city and there are more jobs, but am having a hard time standing out.

    Any help would be great! Also tips on what to do and what not to do would be great as well!

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Why is garbage picking so frowned upon?

    I consider myself an avid garbage picker. If I see something that will be useful to me I will pick it up. I have found many good finds that I have re-painted, re-purposed...etc. Anyone who came to my house wouldn't know that I found these things in the garbage. However, today as I was picking up a much needed headboard, I got some pretty rude comments.

    So I have to ask, why do people have a stigma against garbage pickers? What is the issue and what goes through your head when you see someone garbage picking.

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Girls night out outfit ideas?

    Next weekend a few friends of mine are planning a girls night out, and I have no idea what to wear. I want something I can be comfortable in, but not look dumpy :/ No jeans cuz I find them highly uncomfortable, and they don't look good on me at all. I am 21, have big boobs and a big butt, smaller waist, blonde hair with blue eyes.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Secretary at Dr's office is very rude, I have had enough?

    Okay so I have been at this dr's office my whole life. A few years ago the old secretary retired. And now they have this new one, I have had her for 4 years and she just keeps getting ruder. I realize that it's difficult to work there, I'm sure it must be stressful. But whenever I call she is so rude to me.

    Last month I had blood work done, I have Hypothyroidism, so I need my medication to live. I am down to 5 pills now. And they won't write me a prescription, they say I have to pay them money for the prescription. Even though OHIP (I live in Ontario Canada) Covers it. She also told me to call at noon, I called around 1:15, I had classes from 2pm-5pm so I had to call then to catch the dr. And she was like "THEY ARE IN LUNCH OMG!!!" :S

    I have been fighting so hard to just get in to see a dr to schedule a blood test. I need this, without it I can't get a new prescription, and not having my medication isn't good. I can't live without it. I have already gone two months without another one because the doctor only prescribed a 3 month supply, when she knows I'm in school. So I have been without for two months :S! And I have been at them about this for a while now, about a month or so. Trying to get my results and get some answers.

    What should I do, I am going there today, I dont know what to say, I am so frustrated and mad. I live in Canada and should be able to see a dr when I need to. I am very flexible, I have taken time off work and come in when I am not in school to see them.


    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Dragging songs to itunes but they don't add to my music library?

    Okay so I dragged the music files to itunes library and they won't add :S Don't know what is going on, it won't work for pretty much half the songs I try to put on there :S

    Anyone have this problem? How do I get the songs into itunes?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Outfit ideas for clubbing on New years?

    I'm going clubbing for New years with some friends. I'm 21, so I want an outfit that looks nice and is age appropriate. But it's going to be cold (I live in Canada, and there is snow). But I also want to look good, I am single and I want to get guys to notice me.

    But I also want to look classy and not trashy. I am also a bigger girl? What can I do?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Dark blood around piercing, what should I do about it?

    I've been cleaning it with the saline solution as I was directed to. Got the piercing done yesterday, and ever since it has had blood around it. I know a bit of bleeding is normal, I had my other side pierced before. But I don't recall there ever being this much of an issue. It's only a day old, but I am kind of worried. Should I clean it every time it gets goop around it? I have cleaned it once today with the salt soak, and within 10 minutes the goop was back. So I used a q tip with some warm water to wipe it away. Is that okay?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • He's obviously not interested....right?

    I met this guy and he's really nice. He's so sweet. I really like him. And we made plans to see each other again, and he cancelled last minute, he forgot that he had already promised a friend he would watch the hockey game with him, they had a bet. Okay I get that, but he cancelled the second time, today. I realize it sucks because he has exams, so do I. But it really hurts that he cancelled again. I know it shouldn't I should just take that as a que that he is uninterested and move on. But it's hard.

    All I want is to love someone, and have them love me. It's hard going to the mall or grocery shopping and seeing a happy couple. I wish I could have that too. I'm a nice person, a great girl, kind-hearted. Yet Im single all the time, don't get much attention from guys. Even though I have been told I am gorgeous :( I think I have a pretty good personality too. Im a sweetheart. But despite that, no one seems to even care :S

    Anything I can do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago