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  • What's the cause and what is the cure?

    I used to love watching films and reading books , it was a big passion. However , these days I can't keep focused on one thing at a time. For example I'd start reading a book I just purchased I will then start thinking about something else and then I'll start doing something else but then I'll think about my book , so I'll start reading and on goes the same pattern. When I watch movies I'll watch the 5mins of it then think 'I don't feel like watching this one' so I'll put another one on and think 'this isn't the one either' I will put a few more on and then go back to the first movie I was watching then think 'I can't be bothered now'. I'm always drifting off into my thoughts and I always drift off in thought when im having a conversation , which is very annoying. If I'm at the doctors and he's telling me something important I'm not even there mentally because I'm lost in thought , thinking about something completely different. When I watch a program I get very figity like my legs can't keep still and I start getting the urge to get up and do something , anything it doesn't matter. When I was having driving lessons I could even listen to what my instructor was saying because I kept drifting off and start thinking about other stuff , so I had to stop. What is this ? How can I improve this ? I take 40mg citalopram could that be the cause ?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What do you use daily?

    I use blackhead cream from the body shop , old spice shower gel , anti dandruff shampoo , Nivea in shower moisturiser and Nivea moisturiser on my face. I would like something for under my eyes because I have black bags underneath , any ideas ?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • How to improve this or what is the cause?

    I used to love watching films and reading books , it was a big passion. However , these days I can't keep focused on one thing at a time. For example I'd start reading a book I just purchased I will then start thinking about something else and then I'll start doing something else but then I'll think about my book , so I'll start reading and on goes the same pattern. When I watch movies I'll watch the 5mins of it then think 'I don't feel like watching this one' so I'll put another one on and think 'this isn't the one either' I will put a few more on and then go back to the first movie I was watching then think 'I can't be bothered now'. I'm always drifting off into my thoughts and I always drift off in thought when im having a conversation , which is very annoying. If I'm at the doctors and he's telling me something important I'm not even there mentally because I'm lost in thought , thinking about something completely different. When I watch a program I get very figity like my legs can't keep still and I start getting the urge to get up and do something , anything it doesn't matter. When I was having driving lessons I could even listen to what my instructor was saying because I kept drifting off and start thinking about other stuff , so I had to stop. What is this ? How can I improve this ? I take 40mg citalopram could that be the cause ?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Aggressive when drunk but slightly normal when sober?

    I can get aggressive when drunk and start verbally abusing people. It doesn't happen all the time but it happens far too often , for my liking anyway. I'm not sure if I am an aggressive person when sober but I do get stressy over little things and start shouting over the tiniest incident. I do have anxiety and depression which is why I take 40mg citalopram on a daily basis , it helps but not as much as alcohol. Alcohol really does seem to relieve my anxiety way quicker than any medication i wish it didn't , but it does. I do have weird thoughts throughout the day such as 'I want to slap that person' , if I'm in a room I could see a knife then think 'I could use that to slit my wrist' it's thoughts like that but I never act out on them. I did read about intrusive thoughts but I didn't understand it and I have had therapy on the nhs but I was too scared to be honest , I was afraid of being locked away. So what's going on. ?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • How much will I get for this?

    1,000(one thousand) rawanda franc for great British pounds?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How to do this everyday?

    I've just been told that I should eat 5-10 servings of vegetables & fruit a day. The vegetables should be different colours , raw , steam fried etc but I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this everyday. I don't know if I'll be able to afford this everyday either but I would like to try , so I can say I tried. However , what vegetables can be eaten raw ?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What to do after finding this?

    I just found a notebook in my bag and I don't know what to do with it. Yes , I know it is a stupid question but it's a really nice notebook and I don't want to waste it. I don't need it for work because I am only a cashier , I don't want to write about my life because it's not exciting and there's no point keeping it for notes because like I said , my life isn't exciting. So what can I do with it

    5 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Can I mix these with this medication?

    Can I take diet pills while on 40mg citalopram ? I'm hoping to take a green tea pill or the new grenade pills.

    4 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • I feel like its out of control?

    I feel like I'm losing control over my eating at night. I can eat healthy all day whilst I'm out at work but once I'm home I eat a lot of junk , which messes up my diet. I do sometimes feel it can be quiet hard to keep healthy and not over eat but I can handle that , until I get home. If I've eaten healthy during the day with a healthy dinner I feel it gives me a right to over eat on junk food , especially sweets. I know I crave sweets , as well as loving them , because they make me feel good and lifting my mood. I know people say 'eat fruit for sugar' but it's really not the same , not to me anyway. I can be quiet hard on myself when eating healthy and I feel that fuels me to over eat but I'm not sure. I know I can eat foods to keep me fuller for longer but I don't feel it's that what's causing me to gain weight. I know it's physiological as well as me loving my food a bit too much , I can't help it. So please help ?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What gives people the right to act this way?

    First of all I ain't stupid and I know people are going to act however they want. I know people act the way they do because from the persons point of view it's how they are , it's there personality. However , when it involves not taking responsibility and trying to make someone else take the blame for something they did not do , that takes it to a whole different level. It makes it even worse when that person is me because I will not be someones thing to not blame and responsibility. I don't take false accusations lightly and I will defend myself to I prove them wrong. I work in a betting shop before I finished my shift I checked my till and my manager tool my money , which was spot on with no cash difference. I went to work in another shop and I finishes at 7pm. About 7.21pm I get a phone call from my manager saying his till was short so he found most of it and he says he is about £175 down he then says 'it must be you because it wouldn't be me'. I said how can it be me because my till was balances out with no cash difference he still thinks its not him which I think it's funny because he thinks he's never wrong. How can you blame me when my till was fine and I wasn't even there ? If it was me my till would of said £175 down but it didn't because my till was right. This is one of the worst managers I've ever had he is lazy he doesn't do his share of work he spends half of his time reading the news paper , he's also rude to customers. I've said stuff to him and he still doesn't do nothing but what makes me laugh is my supervisor knows he is useless because he's shop has the poorest performance. Everyone refuses to work with him because they know they'll end up doing all the work while he just lazes about reading the paper. Customers always complain about him because he has no personality he doesn't even say hi to customers and customers have told me he makes them feel like a nuisance. How he got to be a manager is beyond me ! What makes me laugh is this guy thinks he is always right and that only his opinion is important. If work go with him and try to blame it on me but I think they'll have a hard time doing that because as I said my till was fine and it shows on the records , what can I do legally ?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I'm sick of the mental torment?

    I'm sick and tired of the mental battle I have with alcohol. I can go for weeks without a drink but who am I kidding I still think about it , it's that bad. All the problems I have are caused by me abusing alcohol and I'm still too weak to do anything about this problem. I've been arrested twice and I have done community service because of me abusing alcohol and I still think alcohol has benefits for me , what a joke. I'm 27 in may I thought I would never have these problems with alcohol when I was 18 because back then , I absolutely hated the stuff. I've lied to myself for so long I've actually started to believe my own lies. I've tried just about everything to stop drinking hypnosis , self help books , DVDs but I feel none of them are of any benefit to me because like the addict I am , I always have the desire to drink. I feel there is too much pressure now days to not drink and I suffer with depression so that only fuels my desire to drink even more. I feel so hungover but here i am on my way to work thinking about finishing so I can have a drink , hair of the dog. Everytime I go to the doctors he asks me 'how is the drinking going ?' and like the fool I am I say , 'I rarely drink'. I actually believe this because I don't actually drink everyday but when I do I go all out. I can honestly see myself becoming a full blown alcoholic in the future and being a real nasty piece of work. I get nasty when I drink you can become an enemy at the click of a finger but I mean I can face the problem head on because people's real side come out after drinking , right ?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Any good books based on this?

    I want a good book that will get me thinking and feeling some deep emotions. I want it based on how I view myself and it has to be spiritual , religious , etc so here is what I view myself as : a free spirit but at the same time serious , I believe sex is one of the best things we have ever been given so it shouldn't be repressed , as long as its on normal terms for both involved , I don't believe people shouldn't base there lives or live there lives according to a bible , I believe when we die that there has to be something else but I'm not 100% sure. So any ideas ?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • The satanic bible - what to make of it?

    I have read little bits of the satanic bible and I don't know what to make of it. I am not going to lie there are some good bits in the book that have made me think differently about certain things but there are also bits I don't feel comfortable with. For example I don't like the whole ritual side to it or thinking about the destruction of your enemy and then doing a ritual , that just seems crazy. However I do think there is some knowledge to be picked up from this book but I was just wondering if anyone knows of any books like that are easy to read and without the rituals etc ? Thanks

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • The need to belong somewhere or follow something?

    Where does this feeling come from ? Is it caused by a feeling of insecurity ? Do people who feel they have no place on earth only feel and this way ? You have people who turn to religion and believe they have found the holy spirit but have they really or are they just saying this to appear as to belong to somewhere ? You have people who follow satanism because they read the satanic bible and then they suddenly believe that's where they fit in but again are they that lost , they are willing to turn to evil ? That's if it is evil. Then we have people who turn to spirituality and as far as I'm aware , so I've been told , people turn to spirituality because they feel there is nothing left to explore. I have no idea how true that statement is but a bit of information on that would be helpful. So why are some people afraid they don't fit in anywhere and that they have nothing to follow ? Because as far as I'm concerned religion is just something to control the people , they are losing the battle , which it definitely limits ones enjoyment of life. Satanism I have nothing to say about that because I don't know anything about that just maybe it's based on evilness , right ? Last but not least , spirituality. As far as I'm concerned spiruality is just a thing to make people feel calm , relaxed , connected to the universe but in my opinion I just consider this a way out of dealing with reality. So let's say you have a realist who believes in doing good , helping others if nessecary , always thinking about solutions instead of living on impulse but they are clever enough to know that that's not always possible. Take me for an example I think we should help eachother out but I ain't stupid enough to put my trust in you because I know if you ever get the chance , your going to back stab me. You won't do it out of sheer wickedness but you'll be tempted and the urge to resist will be too great because the thought of having one over on me carries too much of a thrill , it's the power you hold that turns you on. It's human nature and it's my nature to think and do what I want. So what religion or spirituality is that ? Where would I fit in

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • The difference between these two?

    What is the difference between religion & satanism ? I'm not meaning to offend anyone in anyway I am just trying to figure out what's so good and what's so bad when you compare the two. Ok so we have the bible which is how religious people follow Gods word and then you have the satanic bible which is basically one mans philosophy of life , in his words. God is said to represent love , peace , light , saviour and deliverence from evil where as Satan is supposed represent the complete opposite but as far as I am concerned the satanic bible doesn't relate such things as deitys. So Adam and eve were not supposed to eat the apple off the tree , the forbidden fruit , because they would be wise and all knowing. Where as Satan wanted you to eat it and I guess it can easily be argued what's wrong with having knowledge because after all it is knowledge that gets us anywhere in life , knowledge is power. The bible says 'please others , not yourselves' where as the satanic bible says to do anything that makes you feel good as long as it doesn't harm others , fair enough. So what's so evil about the satanic bible and what's so good about the bible ?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to be healthy but FEEL healthy too?

    What type of foods/drinks can I have in order to be healthy ? I want to eat healthy meals and lunches but I don't have lots of time , so it can't be anything that takes lots of time. I know water is healthy so I try and drink 1.5 litres a day. So any tips would be nice , thanks

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Need some advice please?

    I have been on a spiritual journey for about 6 months now but I've only read books and listened to audio books to gain information and knowledge. I have notices a few shifts in my attitude , energy , behaviour and my actions so far so good , all positive changes that I needed. However , I still feel like something is missing and I have no idea what it is , do you know what this is ? How do I seek answers from Angels or the universe for this ? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How can I listen to music properly?

    How can I listen to music without getting to involved with the music ? What im trying to say is that when I listen to music my feelings feel like they are taking on the emotion of the song , if that makes sense , it feels like drinking alcohol your mind is being altered. For example if I listen to a feel good happy song I get too happy and then come on a low if the next song is slow and vice versa for slow songs which is really annoying since I love music , who doesn't. I have even thought of buying eckhart tolled music CDs because some CDs I believe change thinking patterns as well as feelings/emotions , it's influential so to speak. I know a good artist will make you feel all mixed emotions but I don't want to be influenced by there ideas and views on life what they put on there songs. I hope all this make sense because I love music but I hate all the influence it has to effect our behavioural patterns etc I was thinking of buying David Bowles new cd or his greatest hits along with the hurts new one but not sure if these will make me think too much

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What is this and how to avoid it in the future?

    Today I had one of my many moments that happen quiet often but I can't figure out what it could be. I started feeling anxious , panicky , fainty , light headed and I thought I was going to faint because I was shaky , which is very scary. I know it's not anxiety because I take 40mg citalopram and it's working very well as I haven't felt anxious for a very long time and I often get this feeling. However , these awful feelings go away when I have something sweet that contains sugar so I know it's food or blood related but I've had blood tests and they said the results were fine. So what could it be ?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Any good tv shows to watch?

    Do you know any ? I like true crime , sci fi , prison drama , documentaries

    6 AnswersSoap Operas8 years ago