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*The RingLeader*

Favorite Answers14%
  • Favorite Harry Potter book?

    I love GOF. It's the one I can re-read 500 times and never get sick of, and once I pick it up again, I'll end up reading it all day whether I planned to or not - so during the semester I avoid it LOL.


    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Multiple choice VS. Short answer essay tests.?

    Last semester I had a class that had 9 exams, 100 multiple choice questions. Before this class, I was a fan of MC, now I hate it because you might know something about a topic, but the teacher's way of wording said answer screws you up and you have no chance to explain WHY you chose that answer. I never got 100% on anything in this class because of this, and I studied my *** off.

    I now have a class that has tests with mostly short answer essay and I prefer it (and I got 100% on my first major quiz). At least here, I can get partial credit if the teacher can see what I'm thinking, and I get to SHOW what I know, and after many hours of study, that is nice to know.

    Whcih do you prefer?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Why does PMS cause sore breasts?

    it's so uncomfortable ugh. And it lasts for a week. Makes simple things like running a painful job, and I skip wearing bras if I can get away with it? What is the point of this soreness?

    Has anyone done anything to make it go away. Change in diet? Less sugar maybe?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • would you call me AMBIDEXTROUS?

    I classify myself as left-handed because I write with this hand as well as hold a fork/knife with it, brush my teeth and so on, BUT when it comes to more physical things like sports, my stregnth is all on the right side. I throw with my right hand ONLY, bowl with it, even kick with my right food, and my right arm bicep is bigger even if I work my arms out the same.

    am i ambidextrous?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why do babies have no necks?

    I'm sure others have noticed that really young babies have no necks - at least nothing defined. Why is this?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Who here has stopped eating sweets completely?

    I'm not overweight, but I do have a sweet tooth that has caused me cavities, and feelings slugishness after consuming too much chocolate.

    I already gave up pop 100% on New Years. It was very easy to do, and I haven't missed it since. But i cannot seem to give up desserts. I can go about 3 days at a time, then I cave and eat some. then I feel like crap. The ony reason I don't gain weight is because I exercise it all off, and eat well (fruits and veggies, whole grains) other than this.

    Has anyone ever quit on sweets cold turkey?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Favorite Harry Potter Book?

    Mine is a tie between POA/GOF.

    I also LIKE DH, yes, DH, even though a large part of fandom seems to hate it :(

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do you pronounce "Lestrange"?

    You knwo from Harry Potter - Bellatrix Lestrange.

    How do you say that last name?

    At first I always said it as it looks, Le - Strange, but that can't be right.

    Is it pronounced Le - Stronz?


    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Have you ever turned your grades around mid-semester?

    I'm taking a summer chem class - a general chem class. I'm only taking it as a prereq for something else. I really do not like or have any interest in chemistry, as things like chemistry are very abstract and hard for me, because I cannot relate to the material at all.

    I study as hard as a I can and yet, I have failed one test and gotten a C on the other. To pass this class I will have to get at least two high B's or an A and a B on the next tests, and I feel so discouraged. I've never not got a good grade after putting in effort in studying.

    Does anyone have any good stories about starting out horribly and ending up at least passing the class?


    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Density question for chemistry?

    I just need to confirm my answer.

    Problem - Calculate the mass of a rectangular solid that has a density of 3.92 g/cm^3 and measures 2.50 cm by 1.80 cm and by 3.00 cm.

    My answer was 3.44 but my review says it's wrong.

    I used D=M/V.



    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Why are guys reluctant to female heroines?

    I just read something interesting. A guy posted that guys have no problems reading or watching male heroes, but when it comes to female heroines, they are reluctant to watch or find any interest. And yet, females can go both ways, as in we can find interest in a male hero AND a female heroine, as long as they are well-written.

    Why do men on average, seem to have an issue, but women don't?

    I think it's sad.

    19 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why does it take me so long to read Harry Potter books?

    I just started reading them a few weeks ago. I'm on book 4 right now. I read about 100 pages a day, then watch the movie when I'm done. It takes me about 4 days to read a book. I like to take in the words so I don't miss anything, because I know writers don't just write things no reason and that things will come back later.

    I keep reading that everyone read these books in one day or a few hours, and I'm like "WTF", thinking, "did you skim and that was it" or something?

    Is everyone lying? lol

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If a child spits on you, is it the parent's fault?

    I babysit a 5 year old (along with a 3 year old). We've been getting along pretty well for the last couple of weeks, considering there were some bumps in the beginning, and I almost quit a few times. But then yesterday she was upset that I told her there no was no gum left in the house because her brother had the last piece (they are each allowed one piece a day), and as I tried to usher her out the house and into the car, she spit on me. On my sleeve, and a little on my hand. I was not expecting this. I was pissed. I told her parents when they got home, and she barely apologized to me. I was just thinking that, "gee, my sisters and I NEVER acted this badly" and we never spit on anyone!!

    Is this just a kid problem for some children, or are the parents seriously lacking here?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Identity theft? Was I a victim?

    Last Dec I was desperate for a job so I signed up for a website to help me find one, and it did cost money (I was a college student looking for babysitting jobs and you need to be a member to see their profiles and get in contact with people in your area). It cost 45.95.

    I have noticed that even though I paid that, months later, now in April, someone has again withdrawn 49.95 from my account. I was sure it was a secure page and legit site and I talked to some of the people.

    Did I get ripped off?

    Will I have to close my entire account?!

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • AMC - Any Jake & Amanda fans?

    I love them, anyone else?

    14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Car insurance deductible question?

    OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha!

    I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow).

    I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500).

    Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in?

    Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone.

    Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it?

    What should I do?


    10 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • If you knew ahead of time how hard it is, would you have had kids?

    I work with two kids on a regular basis, so I only get a short time into the life of a parent and it is rough. I'm so grateful to be able to hand them back over to the parents, and tbg, I feel sorry for the parents and that they are stuck with their kids. I mean offense, I'm telling the truth.

    So, if you knew ahead of time what it was like to be a parent, would you still have gone through with it, or decided against it?


    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • If someone rear ends you, do you have to pay for the damages?

    Someone rear-ended me.

    I called the insurance company and they said i have a $500 deductible.

    Do i have to pay for my own repairs (the $500 part), when I didn't even cause the damage or will the other person have to pay that part?

    i'm young, bear with me.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • They need to raise the driving age, y/y?

    I just got rammed in the back, again, by teenagers!


    No one under 20 should even be testing for a license.


    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • They need to raise the driving age, y/y?

    I just got rammed in the back, again, by teenagers!


    No one under 20 should even be testing for a license.


    5 AnswersSafety1 decade ago