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  • Need suggestions for a catchy stage name?

    I'm an alternative model and things have been picking up lately. I'm not using my exact name, but even so at the moment it is too easy for people to find my personal profiles and such.

    In order to keep people at bay I want to come up with a catchy stage name.

    Something that can be used as my alias.

    I don't really care what the name is. It could start with any letter. It is for an alternative scene though (think suicide girls)

    Some names that could be incorporated that are close to my name now are







    I also am fond of the name marla lol

    Let me know!


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Need suggestions for a catchy stage name?

    I'm an alternative model and things have been picking up lately. I'm not using my exact name, but even so at the moment it is too easy for people to find my personal profiles and such.

    In order to keep people at bay I want to come up with a catchy stage name.

    Something that can be used as my alias.

    I don't really care what the name is. It could start with any letter. It is for an alternative scene though (think suicide girls)

    Some names that could be incorporated that are close to my name now are







    I also am fond of the name marla lol

    Let me know!


    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Need suggestions for a catchy stage name?

    I'm an alternative model and things have been picking up lately. I'm not using my exact name, but even so at the moment it is too easy for people to find my personal profiles and such.

    In order to keep people at bay I want to come up with a catchy stage name.

    Something that can be used as my alias.

    I don't really care what the name is. It could start with any letter. It is for an alternative scene though (think suicide girls)

    Some names that could be incorporated that are close to my name now are







    I also am fond of the name marla lol

    Let me know!


    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • If I have dark brown hair, can I eventually get bright red hair with Henna Dye if I keep re-applying?

    I have dark brown hair naturally

    I also have one bleached streak on the side of my bangs that is almost white. I was thinking of hennaing that streak to be red, but I was wondering if I dyed the whole thing red, and then over the months with reapplication of the same red, would it eventually become a brighter red colour over all? Or would the dark hair just stay dark with the red tinge?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Questions about my next tattoo?

    Hey all

    So I'm working on my next tattoo. Basically I'm hoping for it to bee half of my back, across the back of my shoulders down to just under where the bra strap would go. I have my reasons for getting this tattoo and I already have another so i'm not asking for advice in those fields.

    Basically it's going to be leopard print. Black splotches with grey and a bit of white shading (snow leopard)

    Based on my last tattoo, my questions are would the black spots all have do be done with the single needle? Or is it possible to shade in that kind of black black to cover more space faster?

    Also I know it's best to just ask the artist, but seeing as I'm a few months away from this tattoo due to funds I was wondering if anyone who had gotten a similar sized tattoo or style, how much did it cost? And how long did it take? I don't need exact times or costs, I just want to get an idea as to whether this will be in the hundreds or thousands. I'm actually more interested in the time that it took seeing as I know which artist I'm going to be going to, and their cost.

    So to sum up.

    Is it possible to use the shading needles to draw in that black black that you get from the single needle? And how long did it take to get your half back tattoo's done?


    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • First tattoo and on my rib cage, have a few questions?

    I'm getting my first tattoo hopefully sometime next week. I've decided to put it on my ribcage as this seems to be the perfect placement for it. I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but won't pretend to know what to expect with a tattoo, so any stories of those who have rib tattoos would be great.

    I'm also a model and I have a shoot scheduled for a few days afterwards. It's in a clean and easy going environment so I would be able to take breaks to clean and care for it. I was just wondering on average how long did it take for your tattoo's to stop looking red. I don't mind a little bit of swelling and such, but I know that they look very irritated at first as well they should be, but I just wonder how quickly does the original red irritation go down (I am aware that the full healing process takes a much longer time)

    Also can anyone recommend a good antiseptic soap, and or a good moisturizing cream.

    Any after care advice would be great.


    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How to initiate sex for the first time with my boyfriend? Gentlemen answer please?


    So I'm turning 20 soon and I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now (been friends for about 6), I'm still a virgin by choice, but think that it's time to let it go. I know how to rock his world but want to take it further now.

    Gentlemen, how would you want your girl to initiate sex with you for the first time? *He is also a virgin btw I don't know if that makes a difference*

    Or what were some of the best ways that it was initiated in the past for you?

    Any stories, suggestions, or advice would be great.

    And just to clarify...I'm 20, mature, in a committed relationship, not being forced into it, safe, protected and ready, so no answers about any of those things saying that I shouldn't etc. Oh...and I'm a girl, though my user-name may be deceiving


    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Has anyone bought bordello shoes online?

    I want to purchase two pairs of bordello shoes online

    Pair 1:

    Pair 2:

    Has anyone bought bordello shoes before? We're you satisfied? How did they fit? Where you happy with the delivery and condition of the shoes? Where did you purchase them from?

    Any info you have would be great. Thanks a lot ^^

    Yahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • I have a question about when to start my birthcontrol?

    I got my birthcontrol a while ago, but decided not to take it just then as I wasn't planning on having sex at that time. Now however, my boyfriend and I have been going out for years, have known eachother even longer, and I'm becoming more comfortable with the idea of having sex. Obviously I know it takes a few months for the pill to become effective, I'm not worried about that, I just want to be prepared whenever it does happen.

    My question is about when to start taking the pills. Do I start during my period, or do I just start any sunday? (my pills start on sunday so that'll just be the easiest for me to remember)

    I would like to start them soon, and I know I'm coming up close to my next period, so i'd like to know before then.

    On a random note. I'm 19 and still a virgin. Just for all those young girls who are jumping at the idea of sex, theres nothing wrong with waiting. You don't have to jump into bed with every boyfriend you have.

    Not being condescending or anything, just saying that it's ok to wait.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Medical issues I should expect from a shelter cat?

    I have one kitten already, 4 months old (I'm taking her to be spayed, but I'm not allowed to take her to the OSPCA spay and neutre clinic until she is 5 months old) she was lonely, and I wanted a second kitten, so we took a trip to the local cat shelter.

    We brought Mila (my kitten) with us to the shelter to help pick out a new kitten. We found a 6 month old male, already neutred with all of his shots done. They're getting along just fine. Ironically Mila, the younger and smaller of the two is the alpha female.

    My question is. Obviously a shelter cat is exposed to any illnesses that any of the other cats may have, so I was wondering what to expect when I take him to the vet. What sort of things do shelter cats usually suffer from when brought home?

    He appears healthy. Bright eyes, eating fine, drinking fine, not scratching excessively. I'm going to clean out his ears of course just to be safe, but is there anything else I can do? And what could be lurking beneath the surface that I should be prepared for.

    Just to clarify, both are indoor cats, both will be fixed. They're claws will forever remain intact, they eat wellness wet and dry, and there is always water on hand. They have two extra large cat trees for them and one smaller one. They have a good life, so no need to fret.\

    Thanks in advanced.

    Oh, interesting fact. the female is a small calico, and I think the Male (named skylar) is part siamese.

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Cheapest most reliable vets in toronto for spaying?

    My kitten is 3 months old now, and I'm hoping to spay her at 4 months old. My vet has quoted me at 300 dollars to spay her (she has already gotten all of her shots) However, I live in a minimum wage life. I don't have a ton of money to spare, and I'd rather spend the extra money on a shelter kitten (spaying and shots already done) for my kitten to play with, then spend it on 100 plus dollars of consultation fees. almost 200 of the 300 dollars are consultation fees.

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a place (I've done some research, but it hasn't been the most helpful) that will spay my kitten for cheaper then my vet, but is still safe and reliable. A rescue clinic, or something of that nature.

    I'll pay the 300 if necessary, but I'd rather not pay such a beastly amount, and put the leftover money towards something else that would be good for the cat.

    Just a side note. She is absolutely going to be spayed no matter what. I would never declaw a's beyond cruel. She eats only good quality foods, and she is an indoor cat.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My 12 week old kitten is having unusual stool problems. Help?

    My 12 year old kitten has been a completely healthy kitten so far, healthy mother, healthy siblings etc. Her stools are fine in the general sense. They are firm, but not to the point where she has trouble passing them. However, 3 times now since I;ve brought her home, she;s gone to the bathroom, and then while covering her stool, she'll step in it and then fling it all over the place. I don't know if this is something medical (I'm taking her to the vets in a week regardless for her shots) or if her litter box is just too small or what.

    If anyone has any ideas about what this might be, please let me know. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Taking care of a new beta?

    I bought a beta yesterday. Now I love fish, I used to have a tank full of goldfish at home (I know it's not the same thing) Hence why I'm asking the question.

    He seems to be ok, active during the day, then rests for a while. He;s eating etc. Yesterday I put him in his small beta sized tank (I can buy a bigger one if need be) I had put the conditioner in the water and let it stand for quite a while to get it a room temperature (cleaned out the tank before hand) This morning the tank was cloudy. I work at a pet store and we sell a serum thats supposed to clean cloudy tanks. Would this work? Should I try it? (The instructions aren't incredibly helpful) do I put the serum in while the fish is there, or do I transfer the fish to a new environment while I de-cloud the water?

    Any advice would be great.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Do you love you cats? Show them to the world. Share your pics?

    Share your cat pics and video's ^^

    This is my baby Mila. She is now 11 weeks old.

    Check out my page for more video's of her

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can download a free version of the game Dogz4 or Catz4?

    I've managed to loose the only copy we owned, and my little sister is dying for it.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Ant are getting into my kittens food. How do I kill them without harming her.?

    I need to know how to kill the ants before they reach her bowl. They're coming through the wall into my room and infesting her bowl of food.

    I've moved her food for now, but I'm afraid that the ants will find it on the other side of my room while I'm at work. In the meantime I've been killing them as they come out of the wall looking for food, but without me here to kill them... >.<

    Not to mention they keep crawling on her and making her itchy, then she brings them onto my bed. She's afraid to get water, and go in the general area where the ants are. I want to get rid of them asap but don't know how to do ti safely. I can't imagine that I can use those ant traps, won't the poison infect her food?

    Are there any safe ways to get rid of them without hurting the kitten.

    btw I can put any trap out of her reach, I just don't want the poison to leach into her food in any way.

    Suggestions are extremely needed and appreciated. thanks in advanced.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Am I doing everything right for my new kitten.?

    I just brought home my new kitten this morning at around 10am. She obviously misses her mama and is a little scared. She's been hiding/sleeping under my bed alot. She's come out a few times, let me pet her, let my pet her belly etc.

    I put out food for her and fresh water, as well as a litter box full of her usual litter. I've shown her where everything is. She has toys, a bed, and it's warm in my room. She's slowly comming out to explore, play with some toys etc, and then she'll run back under the bed.

    She hasn't had anything too eat yet and she hasn't had anything to drink. She also hasn't used the litter box yet, but I suppose that makes sense considering nothing has been going in yet.

    I've had cats before, but I've never had a kitten so I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything for her that I can.

    (she;s the cutest thing ever, mews alot and explores everything. I love her already XD)

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • makshift holding cage for my kitten (not a carrier, already bought that)?

    I've asked a question about my kittens before. I'm getting two from seperate litters, different ages. They will be getting their shots at different times. I gathered from my question that I need to seperate them for a few days just to be safe. I own a carrier, but can't afford a cage or anything. I live in a small apartment and my bedroom is the initial safe room, thats where they will be spending the first week or so. But if both of them are being kept in my room how do I keep them apart without confining one to a small carrying case?

    Does anyone know of a cheap cage (a good size one for the kitten, a small scratching post, a bed, and a litter box) or know how to make a makeshift cage. I want them to be able to see eachother and smell eachother so they can bond but I don't want them to be able to infect eachother or anything.

    thanks for the help

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Two new kittens, not being vaccinated at the same time. Problem?

    I'm getting two new kittens, one in 3 weeks (she'll be 9 months and had her first shots, the owner is a very good owner and is taking all the necessary precautions) The second will probably only be 7 weeks old unfortunatly. Now I've already asked questions regarding this young kitten, so I will say I am fully aware that this kitten is too younge to be seperated from it's mother, I'm aware of everything relating to this so please don't preach to me about how I'm stupid or heartless. It isn't my choice to seperate the kitten from her mother. I'm adopting her because I want to, because if I don't she'll end up in a shelter. I'd rather have a kitten who is too younge in my home under my loving care, than in a small cage collecting diseases and ultimately being alone.

    My concern is that the 9 week old will have had her first vaccination, but the 7 week old will not. Advice?

    The 7 week old will be getting her shots asap of course, but until that time what do i do? keep them away from eachother? Are they allowed to be together if they both have to go through more sets of shots afterwards.

    I know quite a bit about cats, and have access to de-worming pills if necessary (obviously when there older) etc, but I'm not positive about this and was hoping someone was a little more sure than me.

    Oh, and how likely are two kittens from seperate litters to get along?

    thanks in advance

    29 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    Oh ya, they will both be indoor cats. I live right beside a realatively busy road, and the neighbourhood is pretty crappy. Also they will probably be healthier in the long run if they are indoor cats.

    I'm more concerned about them infecting eachother as kittens tend to have worms passed down from their mamas milk.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Two new kittens and their shots. Not being vaccinated at the same time.?

    I'm getting two new kittens, one in 3 weeks (she'll be 9 months and had her first shots, the owner is a very good owner and is taking all the necessary precautions) The second will probably only be 7 weeks old unfortunatly. Now I've already asked questions regarding this young kitten, so I will say I am fully aware that this kitten is too younge to be seperated from it's mother, I'm aware of everything relating to this so please don't preach to me about how I'm stupid or heartless. It isn't my choice to seperate the kitten from her mother. I'm adopting her because I want to, because if I don't she'll end up in a shelter. I'd rather have a kitten who is too younge in my home under my loving care, than in a small cage collecting diseases and ultimately being alone.

    My concern is that the 9 week old will have had her first vaccination, but the 7 week old will not. Advice?

    The 7 week old will be getting her shots asap of course, but until that time what do i do? keep them away from eachother? Are they allowed to be together if they both have to go through more sets of shots afterwards.

    I know quite a bit about cats, and have access to de-worming pills if necessary (obviously when there older) etc, but I'm not positive about this and was hoping someone was a little more sure than me.

    Oh, and how likely are two kittens from seperate litters to get along?

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago