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i have a question about browsing history?
ok my daughter who is only 14 has a computer but mine has been down so i used her computer..i went into the browsing history on IE 8 is what she runs.anyway i was looking for a site i had been too..
when i pulled up the history i found some sites that where not so good like sites with info on drugs etc not to mention porn.
now ive always trusted her so i never put any restrictions on her computer.
so in that i tried to talk to her and asked her..all i got was mom you dont know its cookies..i am smart enough to know where the cookies are..then she said its ads..
my question is ,is only what web pages that you have visited are in the browsing there any other way for sites a a person did not visit to get into the for an example she says she goes to site to get free games etc,,ad banners are there..she said she didnt click them but that they can get in the history...or is it only what that person using the computer has visited that is int he history...?
it is true that i am not the most knowledgeable person on computers i know enough..
i found that strange and as a parent im worried..
i borrowed my friends computer and went to the sites she had been to before those questionable ones and it did not put those other porn and drug sites int other history.
i don't buy the story and honestly need to know so i can take action.she is young and i cant as a parent let her do those thigns..
any help is really appreciated...thanks fro any help
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade agohow long does it take to have an allergic reaction to something?
..i mean whether it be food or pollen whatever.does it happen immed or take hours..can it happen a day later ?
2 AnswersAllergies1 decade agohow to get rid of musty smells from a couch?
well i have been having a lot of allergy symptom's lately ..i used the little green machine to steam clean my couch and a carpet cleaner for the rugs..
in the living room it took days to dry..i don't know why but there is now this musty im not sure if the cleaning made it worse (from not drying for awhile)..
so should i clean it again?how do you get it to dry was ok in the bedroom but its a small room..
so i guess what im trying to ask is anyone run in to this problem?what did you do>?
basically im think its smells like a mildew smell.ive opened the windows for along time to air it out.ive run the was to hot and muggy for im stumped/
also anyone know how to get pet odors out of a home and smoke smells?
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade agocan i change my verizon phone i own to a prepaid verizon phone?
i have a verizon phone that i just bought like 6 months in laws kicked me off the plan and i have bad i ws wondering if i can use my phone as a prepaid can i take it down to the store and have it changed to it is verizon.instead of buying a new phone for prepay
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoone of my chinchillas died?
i woke up and found one of mt two chinchillas dead in the cage..she seemed fine the night before ..i dont know i am concerned about the other one..they have been together as a pair for years..
so a couple questions..if anyone knows about chinchillas..will he be ok alone?
second what can i do or how do i disinfect the cage..also is it ok to use natures miracle in the cage?
the cage is a metal one a bottom metal tray..
any help would be appreciated..
1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade agoare cock a poos really hypoallergenic?
hi ive been looking all over the internet and im getting a lot of mixed info on this..
see i got this pup from someone and he is said to be a cock a i have a yorkie mix and he is fine with me and my allergies ..however and im not if it is the pollen or what but after one night of being with this new dog ive had some wheezing and sneezing im not sure if it is and allergy or cold..
all i would like to l know is it is true that they are for the most part good for allergy sufferers or not..
i know that no dog is 100 percent ...
any body have any experience with allergies and cokcapoos?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agodoes hp wired keyboard have an internal battery?
ok sounds stupid but im not so into computer stuff and equipment..i have an extra hp wired keyboard and i took it out of a box after a move.there is a couple buttons pushed in and it looks like some gunk on the area around it..almost like a leaking i was wondering if they have have internal is wired not a wireless..i dont know what other thing it could be that would do that..what kinda damage..just curious..didn't want to plug it in...thanks
3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agohow to open an xls file?
hi i don't know a lot about this.i have a work schedule i need to open and its an xls file.i have windows vista business on my computer.i downloaded Microsoft office service pack 1.yet it wont that the wrong program. i don't have the money to buy the programs it i downloaded that as a trial.what i am doing wrong or missing.plz help need to open it tonight..
12 AnswersSoftware1 decade agocan a virus put pics files?
can a virus put files and open them in your recent documents on xp.
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade agocan a hacker or a free game site do this?
well can a hacker put and open pics nude ones on your computer would the recent documents folder.
also would a free game site known for porn advertisements put files on your computer then have them show up in the recent documents folder?
i dont think so but im being challenged on this and its about trust so id like some help.we have avg and zone alarm .there is no Trojans etc.
i just dont get it.see i found things opened in the recent docs 3 months ago then today saw the same pic in the history image search.
so i dont see why or how a hacker would go in put files( like .zip files) then open them in your computer.or how a free game site would put files yeah maybe tracking cookies.also the pics names were named either explicit things or names of i dont think they were opened like what this.even if so then whats the harm in saying so.anyway my husband and i are the only ones with access to this computer.also he tells me any access to internet then this can happen.he hates it and i dont agree with this i just trying to get this .any help.
5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agois it possible or likely?
first off i have a computer only 2 people use it.i have windows xp on it.
is it possible to have hacker come in and open files so it would be on your my recent documents folder.
i ask this because i found a .zip file in there that i dont have and some other not so good things.the other person who has acess to the computer says that they didnt put them on ther ethat it must be someone hacking in to the computer .
now this makes no sense to me.the questionable material is the only thing i have saw on the computer.every other file folder etc on the recent documents list i knew of or used opened is it possible or even likely to happen.
i just dont see why someone would go and put things ob the computer and open they were nothing else.
the other person says as long as you have internet it can happen.we have avg on there and zone alarm as well if that helps.
can it?plz any help i appreciate.this is bugging me and causing a conflict....
6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoquestion about my recent documents folder?
this mat sound strange but i am not too knowledgeable about computers .i just know the basics.anyway i found a folder awhile back named my recent documents.there were things on there that i didn't recognize.things i hadnt my question is .is that folder only thigns the user opened files etc.can a hacker or someone else outside of your house computer put things into that file.
for an example if you didnt open files or didnt knowingly have them on yur computer can or is there a way someone else could put them in the recent docs?or is only from the user files that have been used opened recently?
again confusing to me sorry.
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agowhy is it?
when u get married do husbands not all but some start to treat u different ,act as if they rule or control u?why do they stop trying or just blame it all on you?If it was all wonderful then u got married and a guy doe this what is that?Im so confused?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat time is it where u live?
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Special place,a place to yourself where no one can bother u?
26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoif u could find 1 thing u lost?
what would it be and would u want it back?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do u do when?
u had a bad fight with significant other and they really hurt u?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoif u could describe?
ur last fast food experience what would it be?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago