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See my Yahoo Profile to know more about me (see my first blog). Most of my Yahoo Answers activity is between two topics "Religion and Spirituality" and "Women's Health." My Answers are public but understand that sometimes the nature of Q&A may not be considered by some as "suitable for the general public." I love the Lord and am in active service; my ministry includes women and children/young adults so I believe that I can useful and helpful by participating in Yahoo Answers. Be blessed...

  • Are there members who have had papillary or follicular cancer?

    - Did you have total thyroidectomy? If so, any complications?

    - Did you have parathyroids removed? Or did they fail after thyroidectomy due to injury? If so, did function eventually return? Currently on 2400 mg calcium carbonate + Vitamin D daily (plus Tums in between if symptoms start :-(

    - Any problems with obstructed airway after surgery? How long?

    Am taking Levothyroxine 0.175mg daily. Is there a possibility of changes in voice and/or breathing problem if meds adjusted?

    I'm five weeks post op: total thyroidectomy due to papillary cancer in nodules. Had huge goiter removed (wrapped around entire neck and extended down to upper chest and started extending out to nerves along right shoulder). Two parathyroids on right removed; two on left bruised or injured during surgery. Nerves to larynx okay but believe I lost notes in higher range (singer/2nd alto) and now and then lose speaking voice (or sound like "Minnie Mouse.")

    Strangest thing: Breathing! Feels like there is something blocking airway. Had one follow up and another schedule in upcoming week. It's bad enough that I awaken OFTEN during sleep with suffocating feeling. While awake must continually reposition head to breathe more easily. TIRING and am exhausted and beginning to get somewhat depressed. (Was an avid singer...) Comments, advice, suggestions?


    Note: Have other medical problems which my docs/surgeon are aware of--including additional meds.

    Thanks and God bless.


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Are there members who have had papillary or follicular cancer?

    - Did you have total thyroidectomy? If so, any complications?

    - Did you have parathyroids removed? Or did they fail after thyroidectomy due to injury? If so, did function eventually return? Currently on 2400 mg calcium carbonate + Vitamin D daily (plus Tums in between if symptoms start :-(

    - Any problems with obstructed airway after surgery? How long?

    I'm five weeks post op: total thyroidectomy due to papillary cancer in nodules. Had huge goiter removed (wrapped around entire neck and extended down to upper chest and started extending out to nerves along right shoulder). Two parathyroids on right removed; two on left bruised or injured during surgery. Nerves to larynx okay but believe I lost high tones. (Was a singer.)

    Strangest thing: Breathing! Feels like there is something blocking airway. Had one follow up and another schedule in upcoming week. It's bad enough that I awaken OFTEN during sleep with suffocating feeling. While awake must continually reposition head to breathe more easily. TIRING and am exhausted and beginning to get somewhat depressed. (Was an avid singer...) Comments, advice, suggestions?

    Thanks and God bless.


    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Atheists: How do YOU define "religion?"?

    I just saw a question in R&S asking if atheists would support a law forbidding religion.;_ylt=Ag2kE...

    I've always considered "atheism" a form of religion be it is a specific belief system based on absolute faith that there is no supreme creator being or other supernatural being or forces.

    Per ReligiousTolerance.Org, an atheist site: "Definitions of the word "religion" (None are totally satisfying)"

    Do you agree? If not, please define "religion" as you perceive it.



    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do many atheists (and agnostics) think and/or believe that many-to-most Christians are uneducated?

    I've notice that many atheists (and often agnostics) make statements, point to urls (of explanation) and insinuate that Christians are: ignorant, uneducated, of low intellect, simpletons, etc. This is especially true here on Yahoo!Answers. (However, I realize that some who identify themselves as atheists/agnostic may not actually be atheists/agnostic.) Could it be that you don't actually know many Christians and generalize?

    Many are well-educated--not only from Bible colleges but from accredited colleges and universities. Most of the people I've met and known (in my adult life) are learned, highly educated professionals with their masters and/or doctorates. They work in areas of medicine, science, law, business... The fact is that most of them actually became Christians (born again) AFTER completing their educations.

    ****************Respectful answers only please.****************


    I'm trying to gain some understanding of the reasons behind those statements and attitudes. Thanks.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Protestant Christians can you give your opinion(s) on this?

    Please check out the question and my answer below. Then check out the Asker's comment and give me your opinions on what is going on here...

    Wondering why he selected my answer as "Best Answer" if he was so opposed but truly wondering what's up with his additional comments.

    Thanks and be blessed.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion of each of the quotes below?

    1 "The only reason Africans don't go to school is because they're too lazy and stupid."

    #2 "no one cares about ni ggers"


    #1 and #2 above were copied verbatim without being altered in any way.

    Below is the question that was asked:

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that all things are possible with God?

    There is a young man-child now lying in critical condition in a Ghanian hospital. He is an orphan of the Liberian wars. He fleed after both parents were killed and has been living in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), West Africa, for many years--on the streets and alone. God has sustained this boy. We recently made contact via the internet (June). He was "hanging around." A resident of the village allowed him to use a computer periodically which gave him a place to be (off the streets). As of last week the boy has been hospitalized, in a coma with malnutrition, malaria and complications: severe anemia and jaundice. This is verifiable information. NOT an internet hoax or scam. I have been kept abreast of the boy's condition--now critical. There are no funds for his medical care. Sadly, this is a common occurrence in Africa and other parts of the world where so many now suffer "absolute poverty." But God... God IS able! All those in Christ know that God's grace is sufficient. We also know that it is God's will that we prosper in all ways--body/health, soul, spirit (3 John 2).

    "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    [This manchild is a person of GREAT faith who has not compromised himself for an easier way of life. Some of us praise God while others ARE a praise to God. He is a living witness of God's power and mercy and is a praise unto God for all of us to see how great God is.]

    Believing prayer works. I ask that you pray with me in Jesus' name for his full recovery and for God to touch the hearts of those who are able to contribute to his current medical needs and also after care--a much needed home and fellowship. "To God be the Glory!"

    (I ask that you also pray for a Muslim family who put themselves at risk for befriending this lone child of God by extending caring, concern and charity to him. The took him to the hospital when no one else cared. Hearts touched and eyes open...)

    Thank you.

    ***Request no disrespectful remarks from those who do not believe. Thank you.***

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In the Islamic faith, are you allowed this type of personal prayer?

    My question is directed to Muslims or non-Muslims who are well-educated or well-informed about the Islamic faith.

    [Please, no "guesses" from people who are uncertain. Thanks.]

    In addition to salat, it is my understanding that Islam allows personal supplications (du'ah). In those personal supplications, does Islam allow prayer in behalf of others or for their recovery if they are too ill to pray for themselves?

    This is a serious question and I ask you to forgive my ignorance of Islam. I search online sources but did not find an answer to my question. Someone is very ill (and quite possibly dying). I wish to ask a someone who is Muslim to pray for "our mutual friend." However, I do not wish to offend or accidentally disrespect anyone's faith nor do I wish to personally offend or disrespect the person.

    Thank you in advance for your response(s).

    ***I request no disrespectful remarks from non-Muslims or those who have no committed faith and/or belief system. Thank you.***

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for Jews: Who do you believe Jesus is?

    **Please give reason, any scriptures or writings supporting what you believe. I am aware that this question may have been asked before today but I have not been on the system that long and it didn't show up when I entered it in the question box above. This is my second attempt to on this question today so if you answered early, simply pass.***

    (NOTE: No input necessary or requested from other faiths, religions or belief systems.)


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • People of Abrahamic faiths, can you answer the questins below correctly?

    Quiz: All About Abraham

    How much do you know about Abraham's place in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity? Take this quiz to find out.

    Plus: Explore more about Abraham or the three Abrahamic faiths.

    Q1. Where was Abraham born?

    1. Baghdad

    2. Cannaan

    3. Ur

    4. Sodom

    Q2. What was Abraham's father's profession?

    1. Shepherd

    2. Idol merchant

    3. Beggar

    4. Stonecutter

    Q3. Before becoming Abraham's concubine, Hagar was:

    1. A prostitute

    2. Sarah's maidservant

    3. A female shepherd

    4. A fortune teller

    Q4. How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?

    1. 35

    2. 85

    3. 100

    4. 120

    Q5. When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, what did God send to sacrifice instead?

    1. A ram

    2. A bird

    3. A sheep

    4. A she-goat

    Q6. Hagar and Ishmael were banished by:

    1. Abraham

    2. Sarah

    3. God

    4. Isaac

    Q7. Jews read the story of the binding of Isaac on which major holiday?

    1. Rosh Hashanah

    2. Hanukkah

    3. Yom Kippur

    4. Purim

    Q8. Muslims believe that Abraham was the original builder of the:

    1. Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

    2. Prophet's Mosque in Medina

    3. Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

    4. Kaba, the holy cube in Mecca

    Q9. Muslims believe Muhammad is a descendent of Abraham:

    1. True

    2. False

    Q10. Abraham appears as a heavenly comforter in which parable of Jesus?

    1. The mustard seed

    2. Lazarus and the rich man

    3. The Good Samaritan

    4. The barren fig tree

    Q11. Many Christians see parallels between the near-sacrifice of Abraham's son and:

    1. Zachariah circumcising his son John the Baptist

    2. Jesus "adopting" the disciples as sons

    3. God sacrificing his son Jesus for humanity

    4. Paul abandoning his spiritual son Timothy

    Q12. Abraham is considered a prophet in which religion:

    1. Judaism

    2. Islam

    3. Both

    4. Neither

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Homosexuals and bi-sexuals, do you have a mutual respect and acceptance for each others' lifestyles?



    I realize that those who post answers are not representatives of the whole but I am speaking "generally." (Same with Part 2 below)

    Part 2:

    Homosexuals and bi-sexuals what are your thoughts about those who are "on the down low?"

    I'm curious because I've had discussions with homosexual who expressed that they had little or no respect for bi-sexuals and that they were not "alike" because bi-sexuals DO have a choice of their sexual preference and they (homosexuals) do not feel they HAVE a choice--that they are born homosexual.

    By the same token, I've spoken with bi-sexuals who believe and/or feel that they should share in the "struggle for civil rights" with homosexuals.

    Share your thoughts and comments please.

    "Down-low folks," sorry this question is not directed towards you. Maybe next time.


    Thanks for your answers.


  • As a Christian, what do you believe in? Briefly, what is your statement of faith?

    - What is your faith/denomination/sect?

    - Have you been reborn? How long ago?

    - Your preferred version of the Bible and reason?

    - Are you a disciple of Christ?

    - If you are asked by someone, "How can I be saved?" -- What would you respond?

    (Take your time. It's not a test. Just checking out the "workforce." ;-)


    Before responding, please read Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-20, and John 14:20-22.

    Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ. Be blessed.


    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people ask for "Your Thoughts" then send harassing email after you Answer?

    Can't people who post questions in R & S understand that there are BOUND to be those who do not agree with them?

    Has anyone else in R & S experienced what seems to be passive-aggressive behavior from Askers who simply don't like or agree with what you Answer? If so, how do you handle it?

    Blocking does no good if said "folks" have multiple accounts or make up throw-away accounts in order to harass. I'm not generally one for reporting everyone who "gets on my nerves" but I pay for my e-mail so that may be my only alternative.

    Do you have any tried and successful suggestions?


    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Non-Christian believers, how do you glorify your Creator and acknowledge what has been done for you?

    My question is directed to non-Christians who believe in a higher power or Creator.

    -- Do you publicly acknowledge what your diety has done for you? (Do you witness?)

    -- If so, how do you do that?

    Example: Christians witness publicly, testify/give testimony, some journal and share their experiences with others, some write or sing songs of praise, etc.

    Thank you.


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For the Jews: Why do you get "upset" when Askers refer to Messianic Jews or Jews For Jesus?

    ******No offense is intended. This is a serious question.******

    I don't understand because, I'm thinking they still have their Jewish culture, many traditions, heritage, and, of course, Semitic bloodlines. How are they no longer Jews (as is often stated by Jews)? I am African American (and other), there is nothing I could ever do to change who and what I am no matter what I believed.

    This is an earnest question. It's not an attempt to ruffle any feathers. Often when those two groups are mention, there are comments from Jews who seem to be "upset" stating they are not Jews.

    ***Messianic Jews and Jews for Jesus your answers are welcome. And a question: Can you explain what changes take place in routine life outside of the obvious worship, belief, etc.?***

    Thank you in advance.


    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists/Agnositcs, why do you ask questions in R&S if you only wish to get secular responses?

    ***If users only want or accept scientific and/or secular answers state that in the details of your questions. Be considerate of other users' time and energy and desire to give serious answers to serious questions.***

    Do you not realize that by posting spiritual questions in R&S you are bound to receive answers/responses from members who have some form of belief systems? Yet, when you get those responses, you either go through and give a thumbsdown to EVERYONE who responses with an "i believe-type" answer. Doesn't matter if those are Wiccans, Christians, Muslims, Jews or Satanists. People who HAVE a believe system will gravitate to questions of a faith/belief nature.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jewish members, can you help me with confirmation regarding a Sabbath(s) question?

    I need confirmation on something I read long ago. I do not have the document available--paper--somewhere in this place.

    Question: During Passover do you observe two (2) Sabbaths?

    - one "annual Sabbath" and one "regular Sabbath," if so does annual Sabbath fall on Thursday or does this day "rotate" according to th year with regular falling on Saturday?

    Question: Does Sabbath begin at dawn and end at sunset? Making a "day" 12 hours (I believe following ancient Jewish tradition?) Correct me if I am in error please. Or has a "day" always been considered 24 hours or does this "change" for Sabbath?

    Again, this is from memory of a document I read long ago. Forgive me if I've got it all mixed up.



    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you responding to or e-mailing someone in women's health claiming to be a doctor?

    If you have answered yes to the above, please be careful: Have you seen that this person is answering specifically in Women's Health--sometimes claiming to be a doctor other times stating not a real doctor?

    Can someone tell me if this may fall under the illegal status of Yahoo Terms of Service if people are asking this person to help with legitimate health complaints?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Salvation Question: How to be saved?

    If one asks "What Must I Do To Be Saved?", how should we reply?

    Seriously, what do YOU tell a person who asks? Please include the scriptures you would use or give the person God has drawn near to Him and prepared for your message of the Good News.

    From what you've learned in church, reading the Bible or Bible studies (or any of those or a combination), why is it important to you to be saved? Is going to Heaven not Hell the most important aspect of salvation for you?

    [I know because global mission/evangelism is my passion and what I do. Due to many responses I've read in R & S, I have concerns that there are many "almost-saved people" living with a false sense of security.]

    - Do we lead them down Roman's Road? Or Do we lead them halfway down the road, turn and go home calling it a done dealth?

    This is not a quiz. See The Great Commission.


    [Note to non-Chrisitans and/or Atheists: Warning - the truth of God's word IS hazardous to your beliefs or lack of them.]

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago