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Do you need to fill out the backs of savings bonds before cashing them?
I have a bunch of Series EE savings bonds and want to cash them soon. I'm assuming I do need to fill out the back, but I don't want to before I'm sure. Also, I wasn't sure if I need to do it at the bank or whatever or if I can show up with them already filled out.
2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoColour vs. Black & White enlarger?
I was just wondering if I could develop black and white pictures using a colour enlarger. I found a colour one for free, but I wasn't sure if it'd actually be useful.
1 AnswerPhotography1 decade agoHow do you add favorites or shortcuts on the LG Xenon?
I've had my LG Xenon for a while and it's been awesome, but I've been completely incapable of doing one thing on it: I can't add anything to my favourites (star button) menu. I managed to delete something from it once and could never figure out how to do it again.
I've googled and found a few solutions, like holding down the star button until it leads to something that can edit it, but that hasn't work.
I also tried holding down the icons for what I want to add, as suggested by someone online, but it didn't work either; it just led me to the application, rather than adding it.
Maybe someone on here has some other way of doing it? Thanks!
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoSpotting from starting Yaz 3 days late?
I didn't get my newest pack of Yaz birthcontrol pills in time, so I got them on Monday when I needed them on Saturday. It said to take two when I first got them and two the next day, then continue as normal.
I'm about to take the two for today.
However, I've had some spotting (not bad, but not "light"). Will this go away? Did I wait too long so I'll sorta just get my period?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoHow much does the Gathering of the Juggalos cost?
I know the tickets are $150, but how much are other things there?
Most concerts seem to jack up the prices for food and water, so how is it there?
I'm hoping to go this summer, but if it'll cost another $100 just to eat, I might not be able to.
So how much would basic food and Faygo cost?
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoWhat song is this? It's vague, but yeah...?
I don't remember the words or even what it sounds like, but it's some girl that's just sort of talking, she's in like, a cafe or something and she's talking about the people she sees and stuff...
Sorry that's so vague.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoHow to find a lost Word document when I "opened" instead of "saved"?
I just worked for four hours on a thing for school with Microsoft Word 2007 and it all just went away!
I saved it, but I didn't do "save as" or anything.
When I downloaded it (I'd emailed it to myself) I clicked "open" instead of "save," which is probably why I can't find it.
I never use Windows (I use Mac) so I'm clueless on here!
PLEASE help!!
This is due tomorrow and it's 50% of my grade!
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoIs it possible to play WoW on two computers?
Without paying for two copies of the discs? I have a paid account, but use two computers and would like to play it one both.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoTo Buy WoW or Not to Buy WoW?
Do you NEED to buy the discs to play it, or can you do the free trial and change the realmlist like with a free server?
I used to play with a free server and never needed to pay for the discs, but now I was going to pay monthly or whatever and want to know if I need to pay for the discs now.
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs Sobe LifeWater vegan?
It has taurine in it, which comes from cows, but many things use synthetic taurine.
I'm sure it says this on the website, but I can't get to it (it won't load on my computer) and I need to know, asap. (My mom gave me some because I'd passed out and I need to know if it was okay to drink / if I can drink it again)
Thanks so much. :)
5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoChevy Nova Gas Mileage?
I'm considering buying either a '73 or '74 Chevy Nova and I was wondering what the gas mileage is for those cars.
If anyone knows, that'd be awesome.
3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade agoAdvantage 18?
All of my cats have fleas right now (it's sad, I dunno how they managed to get them), but we are treating them with Advantage 18. However, we don't have the box that it came in, so I was hoping someone knew how many drops to use per cat.
Thanks so much!
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoFaygo in Canada?
Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if they sell Faygo pop in Canada, around Ottowa or Montreal?
If not, where's the closest place to those that they do sell it?
2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade agoAT&T Downloads?
I don't have a plan on my phone to download things, so I was wondering how much it costs per KB or something like that. I can't imagine it's too much, but just so I know.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoBrown University Campus?
I was just wondering:
Do you have to live on campus at Brown University? I live in Barrington, RI --about ten minutes from Brown -- and think it'd be sort of pointless to go live on campus.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoPregnant Man?
I just read about a "pregnant man." First off, is this actually real?
Also, has anyone heard the old rumour that the first man to successfully get pregnant and have a baby is supposed to get Disney World or something? Walt Disney supposedly said it while he was still alive. Did he really say this and if so, would that mean this guy gets it?
13 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoPaypal with no bank account?
I need to make a paypal account but don't have a bank account.
I have a debit card which I put into the account info thing, but I don't know how to USE it now...
4 AnswersCredit1 decade agoAwkward period question!?
Well, I'm on the pill and I took my sugar pill things and everything was going great.
Period started, all that lovelyness.
But it stopped yesterday... And was gone this morning.
Then it just started up again...
Any reasons for this or any ideas of when it'll actually go away?
8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoNew iPod - Doesn't have all the space?
I just got my new (Red) iPod Nano, which is supposed to have 8 gigs. However, when I hooked it up to my computer, it said it only had 7.41. Not a big different, but I need that extra space.
Any ideas as to why it's not there and how to get it back?
5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoHeightened sense of smell...?
I recently had a weird change in how I smelled things. Everything smells really awful, even things that were just sorta "ew" before... No one else seems to notice it that much.
Anyone know any possible reasons for this?
I'm 99.99% sure it's not pregnancy, so are there any other possible causes?
5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago