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Lv 2663 points

Baby 5 due Jan 22th 2010

Favorite Answers11%
  • Possibility of pregnancy after tuba-ligation?

    I'm wondering what the chances of getting pregnant after having tubes tied and if it happens can it be while still having menstrual bleeding?

    I understand that it's possible for the tubes to fuse back together so you can get pregnant. I am wondering about how long after having tubes tied and if you can appear to still have cycle? I have 5 kids and each and every time I've been pregnant I have known I was as well as I have stopped my period. i am having a lot of pregnancy symptoms and just wondering the chances...

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When 2cm dilated, how long before you went into labor.?

    When your doctor told you that you were 2cm dilated how long was it before you actually delivered your baby?

    I know that each delivery is different and this is number 5 for me. But I want to hear personal experience on how long after being told you are at 2cm dilated did you deliver. (p.s. I have been losing mucus for several days)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Having intercourse while experiencing a UTI.?

    I want to know if I have a UTI will any of the bacteria affect my partner during intercourse? We have been avoiding intercourse so that we avoid an STD. I need to be sure he won't get anything from me.. Is it ok to have sex?

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • 23 Weeks pregnant with a nasty cold.?

    During the last week I have had this nasty cold that my son brought home from daycare, spread to dad then spread to me. I have had the really nasty cough for about 5 days now. Sometimes I cough so hard I tinkle a bit. I try to drain my bladder before or during the coughing fit but it doesn't always help. Anyway today while at work I've had a ton of coughing fits but have not felt any liquid leak out... Then I just went to the bathroom and my underware are a tad damp. I thought well it's clear but maybe it's pee. So (gross I know) I smelled it. It wasn't pee, in fact it had NO odor at all. I wonder if I should get a pad so that I can monitor it, or just chalk it up to the cold. I'm just afraid that it might be baby fluids....

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 9 month old new to babysitting: HELP!?

    My 9 almost 10 month old baby has just been exposed to babysitters. My husband had been virtually unemployed since before he was born, so naturally he stayed home with our son. After a very long wait my husband finally found a full time day job. While he works from 4am to 1:30pm our son has to go to a sitter. We used a friend for the first couple days, then found a couple from our church, in our neighborhood and that only lasted 4 days before she just decided that she had to get a real job as well. Now he is with another friend of ours. Since he started with this friend he seems to be scared of us leaving the room, putting him to bed etc. (he is also teething again). He used to be so good at bedtime, lay him down with two binkies and a bear and he was out in a matter of 5 minutes. Now he just screams bloody murder. I feel so bad, do you think it is because of the teething or the sitter thing? I'm going crazy! I can't stand to hear my baby crying. (he's not a cryer either, he only gets fussy when hungry and when he falls and bonks his head hard) I don't want to spoil him by holding him till he sleeps or giving him a bottle in bed etc... I need strong good lived advice.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How late have you ovulated on Clomid?

    I found out that I was pregnant about 3 weeks ago. I took clomid on my April cycle which was from April 17th - 20th. ( I have very messed up cycles) So my doc thought I was 7 weeks today. Well when I had my first visit on tuesday he had concerns because I had called him last weekend and the weekend before and told him I had severe cramping. So he wanted to do an u/s on Tuesday and couldn't see much of a sac. Since he thought I was 6+ weeks this was concerning to him and ordered a blood HCG level. It was 4,261 on Tuesday evening and then on Thursday morning it was 7,299. He was excited about the levels but confused as to why he wasn't seeing more of a sac. So he had me go get an ultrasound with a collegue of his that is more familar with ultrasound and would be able to tell if it was a tubal pregnancy or what the deal was. Well this morning it took about 2 minutes for the doc to look at the ultrasound and tell us that we are only 4 weeks pregnant. I was shocked to hear that far back. But anyway he also said that there is a slight chance that the pregnancy is barely in the tubes and barely in the uterus. So there is a chance they will have to terminate the preg. I told them I want to wait and see how things develop.

    Anyway I am wondering of all you others that have used Clomid, how much later have you ovulated than normal cycles? It seems that I May have ovulated nearly two weeks later.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ever get a false positive b/c of using clomid.?

    Ok, I am a little (lots) stressed out after my appointment today. I have been experiencing a higher than usual amount of cramping this pregnancy. I was thinking that since there is NO sign of blood that it could be that I've changed a lot of my eating habits and eat a considerable amount more fruits than I used to. So I thought the cramping might be gas.

    Well I went in for my first OB appointment today and since my doctor knew about the cramping did an ultrasound. According to my LMC I am 6 weeks and 3 days. During the ultrasound he couldn't see much. So he requested a transvaginal ultrasound.

    During this U/S I couldn't see anything. So the U/S tech said that she needed to have the radiologist look things over. When she came back she asked if I had, had any blood work. I said no, but I got a possitive on a HPT. She said well I'm just not seeing a good enough evidence of a G. Sac. So this of course freaked me out and I proceeded to head back over to my Doctor (same building) and ask them to double check the preg test. They said it was possitive.

    I have to wait until later today to find out the results from my actual doctor, but I am so nervous and I'll be really dissappointed if for some reason I am getting false results.

    HELP! Please

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This is my first cycle of Clomid.?

    First time taking clomid. I am 36 and took clomid to help with fertility. (I've never had a problem getting pregnant before, but am getting older now) I just found out that I succeeded on the first try. I am wondering what my chances are of multiples giving the fact that I am a bit over weight, I am over 36 and I used clomid. I've been reading and reading and never get a clear answer about clomid. I just really want to know if other women who mostly ovulate regularly who have taken clomid have been blessed with twins. That I know of I don't have twins in my family and neither does my husband.

    Really curious! I think it would be great to have twins.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm taking clomid and am wondering if it's?

    possible to get false negatives on my PG test. Last month was the first month for me to take them and I am now 7 days late for my cycle. If ever late it's only by a day or two, NEVER 7 or more. I've taken several dollar store tests and 9 of 10 are negative and the 10th is barely pink as if to say that it's negative too. Can it be that I really am pregnant and it's just not showing on a test? I've taken one at the docs office too, but it may have been to early to tell since it was about 4 days prior to missed period. (please don't use abbreviations I don't know what they all stand for)

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • does clomid cause a late period after month 1?

    I'm wondering if since last month was the first month that I took clomid is that why this month my period is late? I was supposed to start period last month on the 14th, it was late due to stress and happened on the 17th. Now I am technically 2 days late and have no signs of period. Could this b because of clomid? Also I have taken numerous prego tests and NONE of them are positive.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My baby has a rash that looks like a bunch of zits.?

    I just noticed while getting my son ready for bed that near the area the top of the diaper touches as well as a portion of his left side have these red spots that look like they could be zits. I am worried that they are chicken pox. Or something that he has eaten. I'm even worried about it being something that is caused by exposure to mold. We about 2 weeks ago started smelling mold in our house and we think we have found the source. Not sure if these pumps are related. I really need advice here. I don't want to have to put him through the drama of the emergency room if I don't have to..

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Clomid and not waiting for day bla on cycle.?

    Has anyone who is going to be taking or excuse me has taken clomid ever been so anxious that they couldn't wait until their period to start taking it and took it like a few days before the start of your period? What were the results if so?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why does my vagina smell like buttered popcorn?

    When my son was 2 weeks old and I was nursing his poop smelled like movie buttered popcorn. Today I smelled that same scent, however it was from my vagina. How weird. Any clues? Could it be that when I ovulated my husbands sperm fertilized the egg? What could it be?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My husband and I would love to have the experience of twins.?

    I don't have any fertility issues at all, however we would love to have twin babies. I am over 35 and so we want two more kids together since I fear getting pregnant closer to being 40. I'm not sure what to do, or how to go about trying to conceive 2 babies at once. any suggestions?

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid and Multiple Births. I want to know if anyone who has taken clomid.?

    . I want to know if anyone who has taken clomid has gotten prego with more than one child. If so how many and what dosage were you on?.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My husband and I want to ttc. We both are interested in having twins as this is going to be my last pg.?

    We are looking at getting prego with twins b/c we want to have 3 kids together and have one. However I am going to be 36 this year and don't want to deal with prego on towards 40. So we want to have twins and then stop. Any suggestions? I have a scrip of Clomid, but am reading that it won't make me drop more eggs, just matures the one's that will drop.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Allergic to cats or not? I have a 7 month old that seems to have a cold now for about 3 months.?

    My nearly 7 month old son has had what seems to be a cold for about the last 3-4 months. It started with his nose and some congestion, then about the a month into it my 7 yo got sick with a nasty cold and had an ear infection. Next thing you know we take our son in for his 6 month check up to find that he has had an ear infection as well. So the doc prescribs antibiotics and it all goes away. Until the day after we stopped giving him the pink stuff. Then the nose congestion and plugged nose came back and has been with him once again for about a month. Some times he coughs but mostly its just his nose.

    How can I tell if he is allerigic to our cats? Neither my husband or I are.

    Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Please help. My baby has runny poop frequently and continually vomits.?

    My son is now 2 months old and until about 1 week ago he would only poop maybe once or twice a week if that. When he did it was yellow creamy and seedy (normal right). Now he has been pooping very runny yellow poop just about every feeding. Also he is vomiting after nearly every meal. Tonight especially he has been puking what looks like curdled milk. He gets really fussy and consistenly is fussy through the day. Sometimes he will wake up after only 5 minutes or so and cranky as heck. Other times he will wake up in a few minutes and have a blood curtling scream to where you know he is in some kind of pain (usually farts within a few minutes). Sometimes the swing helps but I am worried about the fussy, runny poop and vomiting. Please help shed some light.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My babies poop smells like popcorn.?

    My babies diapers when he poops smell like fresh, butter, movie popcorn. At first the smell was nice, but it gets annoying. I don't even eat popcorn but once in a great while, like every 2-3 months. Is it normal for his poop (started at 4 weeks, now he's 6 weeks) to have this scent to it?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Have a 1 month old baby and breasfeeding. Been having NP sex, what are the chances of prego?

    I have a one month old baby and have been nursing exclusively. If he doesn't take the breast I pump. I've had to pee a ton just like the first trimester of his pregnancy. Since we started having sex again when he was 3 weeks can I be prego? Or is it just the amount of water I am drinking to stay hydrated for him? I didn't think I was drinking any more than I did when I was prego... What are that chances of getting prego while nursing? I've read only 2% but who knows really? Has anyone gotten prego while exclusively nursing and not having started back the normal pita cycle??

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago