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Favorite Answers33%
  • Anxious Covid vaccine was empty?

    Hi I struggle with health anxiety and my recent fear is that my Covid vaccine syringe that I received was empty. I got it at a CVS and I’m not sure why I have this fear but I do and I saw that it happened to some people in Virginia. How do I deal with this health anxiety?

    8 AnswersMental Health4 days ago
  • Is Covid bad in Philly right now?

    I’m going to Philly tomorrow and Wednesday and just want to know if I should double mask or not

    1 AnswerPhiladelphia1 week ago
  • Can I get Covid from someone’s lingering cough?

    Hi I went to visit my father yesterday and he has finished his 14 day quarantine for Covid-19. However, he had a lingering cough that sounded pretty nasty. I’ve heard you’re not contagious after 10 days but does that still apply if you have a cough?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 month ago
  • Anyone else been suffering from Dissociation (depersonalization and derealisation) since corona?

    Since the pandemic started, I’d say around September I started struggling with dissociation on a frequent basis. At first I was confused what it was that made me feel off and it became into a daily thing. I have become a little better but still have it sometimes when I think about how life used to be before and how I don’t feel the same. Along with this, I’ve also had memory loss since my symptoms started. Just wanted to see if I was the only one who dealt with this. (Btw I am seeing a therapist and I have been diagnosed with anxiety. I also was given Prozac to take but I decided not too because I’m worried about emotional blunting)

    1 AnswerMental Health2 months ago
  • Boil on outer vaginal skin?

    Hi, as you are all aware there is a pandemic happening so I’m a little confused on to what to do about my problem. I have a boil on the vaginal skin next to my vagina and it has a small black head to it. It is painful when I walk or sit so I often have to sit with my legs open. It’s been here for 3 days now and I have started to wear no underwear so that it wouldn’t rub against anything. I don’t know if I should wait it out or try to pick at the black head because I am in New York and I don’t think they’re seeing any patients at an gyno unless it’s an emergency. I really don’t want this to scar. I’ve had an issue with this before but it didn’t hurt as bad.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health12 months ago
  • Experience as an occupational therapist ?

    Hi I’m planning on becoming an occupation therapist when I get older and I would like to know the process of becoming one, how you like your job, and your overall experience.

  • Best way to grow curly hair?

    I have 3c hair and I’m really trying to get my hair long. I’ve been using biotin for about 6 days now and I do hair masks with egg regularly. Anymore tips on how to get long and healthy hair?

    Hair2 years ago
  • Will a 24 oz corona can get me drunk?

    I’m 15 and weigh 155 pounds and before you try to stop me or something I’m going to do it anyways and there’s really no point in lecturing but anyways I was planning to drink a 24oz corona can but I’m just not sure that it will get me drunk?

    10 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits3 years ago
  • Heart races while about to take a nap?

    I’m a 14 year old girl and I was just trying to take a nap and I was still awake while I was dreaming almost like lucid dreaming so then in my dream I start to float above the ceiling and when I do it’s just black and my heart races fast and when I try to wake up I’m stuck in this limbo between waking up or going back to bed and my heart is still racing but when I actually wake up I feel my chest and my heart is normal. I was in this limbo a few times before actually waking up. I don’t know if it was just in my dream or real life but I got a bit spooked.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • How come I have a B shaped belly?

    My belly is in a "b" shape while most people just have a rounded or "D" shaped stomach. Like my belly has an indent in the middle

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • I'm 13 and am losing weight will I get lose skin?

    Hi I'm 13 and I used to weigh 196. Now I weigh 185. My goal is 135 and I was wondering if I will get lose skin.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Can you try to interpret my dream?

    So I was in the city with my family and friends and we were on our way home. Then all of a sudden it was me and my mom living in an apartment. A clown tried to break in and my mom got the gun and threatened him. (Idk if this detail is important but he was Asian). Anyways then I was laying on my bed and I had a bunch of stuffed animals underneath my bed for some reason. All of a sudden I look up and see the clown at my window. For some reason I ignore it. Then I see it again and try calling out to my mom who is down the hall. My voice is really raspy and low so she can t hear me. I had to run over there and tell her to get the gun. Then I tried to call 911 but I kept dialing the number wrong (for example I would type 722) and then my mom opened the front door and he s there at the corner of the hall staring at us

    And then walks through a wall. I touch him with my finger and he gives me an angry look. It got too scary for me and I woke up.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Help this kid keeps staring at me and smiling and I find it creepy!?

    so I have this class with one big who sits behind me and everytime I look in that area he is always staring back smiling. ALWAYS. And I go to my locker in the morning and he stands in the hall waiting for his class and he stares at me again. I find it pretty creepy is this nothing or does he like me

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago