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Lv 43,514 points

nora d

Favorite Answers10%

I live on the reservation in northern Arizona. I have two ears to hear with, a heart that listens more deeply. A mind that is clear. I have years of experience in just living in a chaotic world. Life is what we make of it. Good and bad. Its up to us as how we deal with things.

  • Would you consider this wrong?

    I am on the road more than I am home. I know that my man is not physically cheating on me. But, I am aware that he has other women he talks to either on line or on the phone. Maybe he thinks I do not know. But, I do. These women chase him or throw themselves at him because he is a nice man. On the reservation there are very few men who are sober and clean. He is considered a hot commodity. It sort of pisses me off. But, I can not say too much because I am not home but a few days a month. I think I get a bit more than jealous over this. I do try to tap down those feelings. Do you think its wrong that he talks or emails these women while I am out on the road bringing home the income? I do not even know if these women know I exist. He gets real mad if I bring up the subject. Like I should never question him about being faithful. He gets all butt hurt over it. Should it bother me this much? Am I making too much out of nothing?

  • If you could live any where in United States, Where would you choose to live?

    What city or state would you like to reside? Why would you choose that place?

    9 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What is the state of the American ecomony doing to you?

    Is anyone having more difficulties these days? If so, in what way are you effected by the down cline of the American ecomony? Mine is job related as in the shipping industry has slowed down. Leaving truck drivers like me. Short of miles and pay.

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • a women hitting a man.?

    earlier a question was asked about whether or not a man should defend himself if a woman hits him. I have to say I have seen women beat men down. I am not saying just a slap. I am saying straight up beating a man. So, when a man defends himself against that I feel he is justified to knock the crap out of her. It is after all self defense. Men can be bigger and stronger. Woman are not as helpless and weak as they seem.. My question is.... Why would you not defend yourself from a woman doing this?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what are some of the side effects of zoloft?

    I have three people close to me taking zoloft. I am wondering of the side effects. Two of them have PTSD. and seem to be having more issues being on this drug than when they never took it. One has seems to be going more over the edge than ever. My daughter just started taking it and does not like it. She says it makes her feel weird. So anyone taking it have any adverse effects from this?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do you fall out of love with someone?

    when you love someone and a break up occurs. How do you fall out of love with that someone? How can you turn off your feelings and shut out your life with that person, so you can move on? I am really in a rut here.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • broken relationship.?

    Can we get a prayer going for us... Things just went from bad to worse. Our relationship ended today. Neither of us cheated, nor argued. We did not even have a fight. It was other people causing us problems that made my man walk out. His ex would not leave him alone. It became an issue that could not be resolved. Seems stupid. I do not know if it can be patched up... but a prayer would sure be nice. Thanks

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it cheating?

    When you are in a relationship with someone. Would you see this as cheating? Like if an ex keeps calling your significant other. And he sneaks off to take the call? They were never married. Just a brief relationship in which she left him for someone else. He knows I get irritated that she still calls. I think she does it just because she likes causing problems. He sees it that she needs help. Because she is unstable emotionally. Do you feel him letting her to continue calling as a form of cheating? Just curious for input

    17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How do you get past it?

    Its been ten years since my love of my life passed away. Its been a long road. But when certain times of the year come up. Like his birthday, or time that he passed on. I get the blues real bad. Its been ten years. When does it stop tearing you to peices inside? I have been in relationships since then. But, at these times of the year, I just seem to loose it. Has anyone else gone through this?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Do you give up or fight?

    My man left me today. Not for another woman. Not for an arguement, Not because of cheating. Because of his depression. He sent a email to me. After a long term relationship. Should I just give up and leave it alone or fight because we love each other still? Im at a loss here. Anyone got ideas? Or what would you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • have you ever had a near death experience?

    If so, tell me about it.. can you wear a watch? Does any electrical appliances give you problems if you use them for any length of time? I am trying to compare stories to what I already know. Any infor would be great. thanks.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is your favorite Native American Food?

    I love frybread served with a good stew.. Sometimes beef and other times mutton... Anyone have any new Native American recipies?

    13 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Does anyone with PTSD have problems with relationships?

    Does anyone with PTSD have problems in relationships?

    Is it a problem being close to your spouse or significant other. Do you have problems having any deep emotional feelings toward them or anyone? Im wanting in put from those who have this disorder. And how you are coping with it.

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about Native Americans?

    I was curious to see how much everyone knows about Native Americans. I live on the reservation in Arizona. I see a lot of discrimination in our border towns. I was just wondering in general peoples thoughts toward us. What do you know of us or of our culture? I will answer any questions you might have also about our people.

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • need help please.?

    need a prayer.. things are bad at home.. anyone want to pray for us? thanks.. We need a miracle.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else snowed in from the storms in CA, Or Nv?

    Im snowed in. The roads are closed and Im wondering how many others are stranded out there. My big rig is not going anywhere soon ..Just wanting to know who else is having the same experience.

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • How do you not hurt someone you love?

    My best friend just called me tonight. He told me that he is in love with me.. It stunned me. Because I am in a relationship with a wonderful man. I would never leave him. But how do I go about not hurting my best friend. I love him. but I am not in love with him. Need to handle this with kindness. Got any situations or ideas that will not cause my friend any deep pain?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that demonic possession happens in this day and age?

    I was just doing a poll to see if people believe if demonic possession and spiritual possession still happen in this day and age. And if so, did they have an experience that they would like to share.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't she move on?

    I have been in a relationship with my very loving man for a year now. Before we met. His ex broke off with him and moved to Tennesse to be with her mother. Or so,that is what she told him. She had been messing around with other men. He found out and she could not deny it. It broke his heart. He really loved her. Now she does not leave him alone. She calls all the time. He tells her to stop it. She keeps saying she wants to come back.He does not want her. He told her she burned her bridges back to him long ago. He means it... We love each other deeply. We have a good honest relationship. The only problem seems to be she will not let go. Should I step in? Or let him continue handling it his way. Is there no way of getting rid of her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone with PTSD have difficulty in relationships?

    I have been in a relationship for a year now with a man who has PTSD. He seems to have a general lack of desire in the sexual department. Is this common for anyone else who has PTSD? What are some ways to help get my better half back on track. I am curious to hear answers on this.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago