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  • What's the difference between a titer and CFU?

    So for my lab, we incubated a flask of Bacteria for 150 minutes. We took out 100 ul sample at the time point 80 minutes and 120 minutes (point of titering). For each titer point, we diluted the sample up to 10^(-5) and spreaded that dilution on agar plates. We allowed it to grow overnight and and counted the colonies.

    So for the Titer at 80 minutes with 10^-5 dilution, I counted 25 colonies. How do i calculate the Titer? And then I have to calculate the Total number of cells at 80 minutes (Which I assume is the number of cells of original sample?)

    Thanks. Very confused

    1 AnswerBiology5 years ago
  • where can i buy final fantasy and kingdom hearts stuff in stores?

    like gift ideas?

    not into shirts, jewelry...

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • I don't understand how to do serial dilutions?

    I understand why we do it for Bio lab but I don't understand the math...

    for example..I don't know if this is a full problem...

    Calculate the Volume of culture required to set up 10X serial dilution. The Final volume is 7 ml, how much of the culture should be transferred?

    So...if the final volume was 7 ml, then I am assuming 1mL of the culture should be transferred...?

    3 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • I don't understand how to do serial dilutions?

    I understand why we do it for Bio lab but I don't understand the math...

    for example..I don't know if this is a full problem...

    Calculate the Volume of culture required to set up 10X serial dilution. The Final volume is 7 ml, how much of the culture should be transferred?

    So...if the final volume was 7 ml, then I am assuming 1mL of the culture should be transferred...?

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • can you not load pokemon y files?

    new to 3ds but not to pokemon. Is there no option to load a previous saved file?!!?!?!?!?

    Pokemon Y

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • what's a FANTASTIC anime movie to watch?

    I don't need the classics ~~~Akira, Spirited Away, Howl's moving castle, Mononoke Hime, etc~~ primarily because I watched them all as a little boy and the fact that (disappointingly, I know) I can't stand old graphics now. I know the age of 19 to hate bad graphics is depressing D:

    So.. I need some FANTASTIC (not good) anime movies to watch. I rather not watch Movies that come off anime series (i.e naruto, bleach, etc) unless it is realllyyyy good.

    I just watched Sword of the Stranger and that WAS FANTASTIC.

    Judgemental, yes. D:


    I really like swords. But I hate the Berserk Graphics. I did read the manga though.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • help on physics; oscilllopes?

    I have trouble.

    This is about a standard Oscillope and a Function Generators. the Specific one is a CFG 253

    (1)The Volts/div setting is .5 volts/division and the time/div setting is 1 ms per second

    (a)With What controls could you adjust the trace of wave B in order to measure the peak to peak voltage as accurately as possible?

    (b)What controls could you use to adjust the trace of wave B in order to measure the period as accurately as possible?

    (2) The input signal has a frequency of 500 Hz and a P-P amplitude of 3 volts.

    (a) with what VOLTS/DIV setting is wave C displayed

    (b) With what TIME/DIV setting is wave C displayed

    (c) if the TIME/DIV was not changed but the frequency of the input signal was increased, would the number of visible peaks increase or decrease

    (3) the VOLTS/DIV setting is 0.5 volts per division and the TIME/DIV setting is 1 ms per division

    (A) can you be sure that the total amplitude of Wave D is displayed? is a period displayed?

    (b) what knobs need to be adjusted in order that both an entire period and the peak to peak amplitude will be displayed?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • physics help about ohm's?


    Find the resistances between the following

    A and B

    E and D

    D and C (give reasoning)

    C and B

    A and E

    I thought it was a trick question, but my friend told me wrong.


    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Question's about Ohm's Law?

    I'm a little bit confused.

    Here's the scenario: A current is running through a Resistor.

    What I want to understand is...

    Is the Current being "used up" as it goes through the Resistor?

    It shouldn't be, right? Because it would convert to heat.

    Is potential difference (voltage) the same or decreasing or increasing?

    I'm assuming the Voltage has to increase to make up for the heat loss by current due to Ohm's law (V=iR)

    Does Resistance stay the same?

    It should stay the same, right? The resistance depends on the object (aka our resistor in this scenario)..

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Physics help circuits?

    Sorry, but I do not know why Imgur rotated my pictures :[

    (1)Looking at Photo 1:

    There's a circuit with a charged Capacitor. and a "Large obstacle" and a Light bulb.

    (a)Will The bulb light for the whole time that the capacitor discharges? Explain

    (b)Why is this method (of measuring the size of an obstacle) not useful?

    (2)Looking at Photo 2:

    Bulbs D and E are identical. G and H are objects that conduct electricity but present an obstacle

    to flow. Suppose G presents a bigger obstacle than H.

    (a)What do you predict about the relative brightness of bulb D and bulb E? Explain your


    (b)Suppose that alligator clips are moved so that bulbs D and E have the same brightness.

    Compare the flow through bulb D with the flow through bulb E using statements...

    I.if two bulb are identical and the same flow of electricity passes through them, then they will

    light with the same brightness and vise versa.

    II. No flow is used up

    III. The flow through components that are wired in series is the same

    (c)Use your previous answer to compare the flow through Obstacle G and H. Use the

    hypothesis (in this case: the size of flow increases if a component offers it a smaller

    obstacle and vise versa)

    (3)Looking at Photo 3:

    The two bulbs are identical. Alligators are placed so that the rheostat presents an obstacle

    of the same size as conductor B. How will the brightness of bulb A compare witht he

    brightness of bulb C? Explain

    Whew. that was a lot. Thanks for the help! ♥

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • physics Homework help Power and Current?

    a 239 W computer power supply is on 10h per day.

    Part A: IF the cost is $0.15/kWhr, what is the energy cost (nearest Dollar) if used for a year?

    Solution: 131 Dollars. I understand this.

    Part B: If the power supply is replaced by a more efficient 100W version and it costs $74.60, how long will it take the decreased operating cost to pay for this power supply? (answer in years)

    Yea, I am confused. I tried working backwards, but it is not working out


    Thanks :]

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • physics help about batteries?

    Batteries are made by connecting cells in series and parallel. Suppose a battery is to be made of cells of 1.32V and 1.2E-3 A.

    To make a battery of 48.5V and 3.45A, how many cells must be put in each row and how many rows must be in parallel?

    I understand that we are going to have a combination of a series and circuit type of battery. But I do now know how to put this in math form.

    Thanks in advance Xd

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • What skateboard brand to get?

    A huge debate might occur but I just want your opinions? I got a longboard recently and it's fun as hell to just cruise. I want to do tricks now on a legit skateboard. I'm looking for an affordable complete set (yea, I'm a nub for completes) that can take a beating?

    Right now, I am leaning towards Birdhouse.

    I also like the Pandas from Enjoi (lol).

    So, what would you recommend? And size? 7.5,8.0? I'm 5ft 4 in at 126 lb size 9 feet

    And what minimum bearings should it be? 5?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • how to fix this scratched, ugly part of laptop?

    There's a part where the sticker was removed. Then There is some white stuff (I really don't know what that is and it ain't ----kum----. So i scratched some white, thinking it might be tooth paste. Now part of my laptop is scratched with splotches.

    How should I fix that? Use a sticker? I know ordinary stickers can't work. I looked up Decal but they don't have small ones.

    Help :D?

    thanks, ♥