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  • Need help with laptop blu-ray?

    Cant figure out why blu-ray wont play smoothly, player stutters like disk speed or buffer is too slow. here is my set up.

    Asus m50sv

    core 2 duo T9300

    3 gb ram

    nvidia 9500m gs

    matshita UJ-120 BD drive

    phillips liteon BD E DS4E1S

    polaroid BD162 BD ROM

    latest update of cyberlink power dvd 10

    latest update AnyDvd

    I never had any problems watching bluray through hdmi to my 34" led tv, then the matshita crapped out. so i bought the polaroid and liteon drives to decide on a replacement. Both drives recognise and play bluray and dvd but neither will play smoothly.

    The polaroid is powered by usb 2 with no other options. The liteon is also powered by usb 2 but also has an extra usb 2 to external power jack on the back of the drive to make sure it is getting enough power. Neither drive will play smoothly both have major stuttering.

    The extra power connection on the liteon seems to make no difference in its performance, and that leads me to believe that the drives are not the problem.

    All my drivers are fresh and both BD drives were plug and play with no installation issues.

    Any advise or ideas from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerHome Theater10 years ago
  • Interesting problem ?

    A team in Zurich has developed an electric motor that can exceed 1 million R.P.M. My question is if you attached a one inch long rod ninety degrees to the motor shaft onto the end of the motor shaft and at the end of that rod you attached a one ounce sphere, what would the weight of that sphere be at 1 million R.P.M. ? Feel free to expand on your answer by varying the length of the rod or the initial weight of the sphere. The reason I ask this is I have always wondered if it would be possible to create a singularity in this way but I don't have the math skills for this. Yes I realize that with our current technology and materials this is not possible so please just treat it as an interesting math problem. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • tough questions for believers?

    Imagine non existence. A void where nothing has ever yet existed, devoid of any matter or even time itself.

    Now ask yourself under these conditions would true consciousness or self awareness be possible ? To me the answer is very obviously no.

    So now the tough question, did God exist before he created "heaven and earth" ? If you said yes what was his meaning his purpose ? The reason i ask this is because many religious people say without the existence of God life has no meaning or purpose. So adversely i ask if there were no life how could God have meaning or purpose ?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What type of government would Christianity be ?

    If you had to label the Judeo/Christian churches as a form of government what would you call it? Im not talking about the religions themselves but the organizations, the "churches". here are just a few choices that fit. I left out theocratic because thats too easy and also a few types that couldn't intelligently be applied to organized religion, so choose and explain.

    Democratic, republic, socialist, communist, dictatorship, totalitarian, parliamentary, oligarchy/plutocracy, anarchy.

    I know anarchy is not a form of government but a lack of any semblance of one, i just threw it in for s&g and in case anyone wanted to be really mean.

    OK now do the same thing with Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism.

    so if you answered this honestly and without thought of your belief in god what did it show you.

    Remember this is about the churches not your belief.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • were Islam and the Quran products of the vatican ?

    Muslims please don't be offended i am not attacking your belief in Allah only the origins of your "church", i use the word church to mean organized religion. i only state historical fact that is not hidden but is fairly obscure because of its volatile nature. one day the truth about the various "churches" will be common knowledge, if mankind can only survive the turmoil created by these "churches".

    ok here are the facts, let me know what you think.

    the vatican wanted the pope to rule from Jerusalem but to make it a roman catholic city they had to get rid of the jews and the christians in north africa. so at the end of the third century a jesuit cardinal named augustine bea gave the vatican the idea to use the vast number of the children of ishmael "arabs" to do their dirty work. now the vatican knew better than any that the beast way to control vast numbers of people was through religion, so they set about creating a messiah for the arabs. a wealthy arab woman named khadijah who was loyal to the pope was given the task of finding a man that could be molded into a prophet. she met muhammad saw his potential and married him. at the direction of the vatican roman catholic arabs all over north africa began telling a story of a great one that would rise up from among them to be the chosen one of their god. thus was the birth of islam. the funny part is that once the pope passed down edicts to the muslims allowing them to invade and conquer the nations of north africa he sealed the fate of the land of israel turning it into a war zone for the next 1700 years. the muslims held jesus in high esteem as a prophet of the lord and as the pope was his representative on earth they felt he was also a prophet. by the time the muslims had conquered jerusalem they had become so powerful and united under islam that they refused to turn the city over to the vatican. in fact islam and its armies had become so powerful that they next wanted to conquer europe. naturally believing the pope to be a prophet of god and hence on their side they went to him and requested papal bulls allowing them to invade european countries. this enraged the pope so he called up his armies and thus began the crusades. the rest of the story is common history openly taught.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • laws on return of deposit ?

    i have looked at every website dealing with florida state law i can find and cant find what i am looking for. what i need to know is if you are required to place a deposit for services, for instance cell phone service, how long or for how many billing cycles can the provider hold your deposit before they have to return it and do they have to pay interest?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what exactly does it mean when "the fed" raises or lowers the interest rate ?

    I know the answer to this question but wonder how many other people do. it may come as a shock to most people to find out that the federal reserve bank, (the place that all U.S. currency comes from) is not a part of the U.S. government but is a privately owned bank. the interest rate set by the "fed" is the amount of interest charged on every dollar or coin produced by the united states mint, (which is a part of the U.S. government).

    so my real question is, since the constitution gives our government the sole rite to produce currency, and we do this at the various branches of the U.S. mint and run the mint with U.S. tax dollars, why do we order the money from the federal reserve bank (a private enterprise), then issue bonds to pay for the order, let the "fed" place the order with our mint and then on top of all this charge the "fed" a printing fee that is much less than what it actually cost the taxpayers to operate the mint. why do we do this? why do we let this continue? how do we stop it?

    this is not conspiracy theory, this is all done out in the open but few know about it, why? bottom line every dollar produced by our (united states citizens) mint cost us one dollar in the form of government bonds plus the interest charged by the "fed" plus the majority of the cost to print the bill. why?

    here are a couple of links to look at the first one is a radical site the second is mainstream

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • new math as sign of god ?

    Do you think that the relatively new science of fractal geometry will lend more credence to the theory of evolution or help provide proof of intelligent design ?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • can you handle the truth ?

    if someone could prove to you beyond doubt that the entire Judeo Christian tradition is false and is in actuality a misinterpretation of how ancient people interpreted the sky and furthermore the "church" knows this, would this have an effect on your belief in god ? if you are interested in the truth you can watch this movie, but be prepared to have the very foundation of your world shaken.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • to judge your fellow man part three?

    another follow-up to "pass judgment on your fellow man". from a biblical sense do you make a distinction between judging someone or criticizing them? the way i see it is, it is written in the bible that you should judge you fellow man for his actions but not for his ideals. to me this is a pretty simple concept and is as it should be since if you believe in god you know that he purposefully gave us free will. so after my first two questions and this one we come to the real question.

    does the church, "organized religion" teach you to judge your fellow man based on his views? if your answer is no then answer this. i am a man but not a doctor so i could never have nor perform an abortion, yet if i say i believe having an abortion is a woman's rite then i can be refused communion by the church. to me thats not criticizing, thats passing judgment. what do you think?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • to judge your fellow man part two?

    follow-up to "pass judgment on your fellow man". ok i see some pretty hateful stuff on R&S, so i want to know from a biblical point of view what it means to judge your fellow man.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • to judge your fellow man?

    this is a three part question. first, do you believe that all humans are the creation of and children of god ? second, do you believe that it is your duty in gods eyes to watch over your fellow man ?

    and third, do you believe it is your duty in gods eyes to pass judgment on your fellow man ?

    please don't quote scripture, i want to know what is in your heart. i have a follow-up question that will address the concept of judgment from a biblical point of view.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I am an atheist but theology is a fascinating subject so try this on for size.?

    if god were real would or would he not want his exitance to be known as an indisputable fact by all mankind and why ? and how does this tie in with the suffering of man ? all you other atheists out there open your minds and answer this question without malice.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • can you trap a beam of light?

    If you had a two way mirror and a regular mirror both with absolutely flawless 100% reflective surfaces and you shined a bright or laser light through the two way into the regular mirror, would you be able to trap the beam of light between the two reflective surfaces once the light source was removed ? assume that the light and mirrors could be perfectly aligned and that the reflective surfaces are flawless and shaped to keep the light from reflecting off at an angle. do we know enough about the nature of light to say for sure that this would or would not create a permanent light source ?

    9 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Is this the best wedding song of all time ?

    I just ran across this in aol music and right away thought this was the best song for a wedding i had ever heard, what do you think?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Please don't get mad.?

    Do you feel uneasy if a believer in the holy trinity tells you "it is Gods will!" ...why ?

    Do you feel uncomfortable when you hear a Muslim shout "Allāhu Akbar!" ...why ?

    please resist the urge to teach I know what AA means,i just want honest answers.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • question for a professional?

    I remember reading somewhere that writing or typing using all capital letters is a symptom of certain kinds of psychosis, any one know anything about this?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • A question for Satanist.?

    I myself am an atheist but theology is a fascinating subject and I am curious as to what I see as a fundamental flaw concerning Satanism. If you believe in Satan then you must also believe in God, so my question is how do you worship someone as a god when he himself has a god?

    Please don't tell me that Satan doesn't believe that God is his god, because if you believe in God then you by default believe that God is the creator and master of all, Satan included.

    This is not a "loaded question" I respect you personal beliefs, im just curious what has Satan done for you?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists help me out here.?

    I cant ever remember having believed in God even though I went to and participated in church for almost the first half of my life. To me church was just a really cool community center. Because of this i have respect for all religious beliefs and ideologys. I can cary on a respectful and intelligent theological discussion with almost anyone, in short I believe in their belief. I am a spiritual person (yes i can use that word without reference to God, look it up). Because of this and my past, I see the benefits of and need for true religion/spirituality in our world, I just don't see the need for the "church" to exist. I think that if God did exist that there shouldn't be rules on how to worship and penalties for not following the rules.

    So atheists do you agree with me or do you just want to stamp out belief all-together ?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I asked a Muslim this...part two?

    this is an extension of another question i asked re, "I asked a Muslim this...".

    overwhelmingly people say "yes God knows whats in your heart", in other words you cant lie to or fool God. so if this is the case why do we need a church, or worded another way. why do we need rules telling us how to worship God and penalties for straying from those rules? and yes i know of and fully endorse all the good things that a church does ie, charity,kinship and succor to all who ask. i just want to know why you think we need rules and penalties. and don't quote scripture as none of it was written by God.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago