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  • Can my twitter account be hacked simply by clicking on a link?

    I got a tweet from someone about some rubbish, and I clicked the link provided, don't know why. And even more stupid I replied to it with hateful comments. 2 days after this my account got hacked, thankfully they didn't change any of my details, but they did send out 2 tweets acting as me with more bad links in them. How, just by clicking the link, does an individual or company obtain your password?!?!? I never authorised any suspicious apps, never signed in on a dodgy looking site... How?

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Illustrator/photoshop: how do I make the colour picker select from a different layer? without switching layers?

    I'm trying to colour in polygons with the average colour of the image behind them. How do I make the colour picker select from a different layer, instead of the one I'm currently on? Making the polygons transparent seems to still pick the colour of the polygon instead of the actual screen colour.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • What is it called when, for instance, a blind person makes up excuses as to why they can't do something?

    I saw this on QI I think maybe, it was when, for instance, blind people are asked to do something that a blind person never could, and instead of admitting they can't they just make up excuses like "I don't feel like it", "maybe some other time" etc.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Is this a correct usage of "whom"?

    "The painting depicts the Glasgow child, Mary Samson, whom Eardley often painted."

    I think that Mary Samson is an object in this sentence, so whom should be used, shouldn't it?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Falling ball, momentum physics question. What am I doing wrong?

    The question is: "a ball of mass 100g falls from a height of 20cm onto a surface and rebounds to a height of 18cm. The duration of the impact is 25ms. Calculate the change in momentum of the ball caused by the bounce."

    The answer is meant to be 0.386kgms^-1 but I keep getting 0.01.

    I first state: delta mv = Ft = mv - mu (change in momentum = impulse ...)

    Mass is obviously 0.1 kg, and to get V I use the kinematic equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as (where s is -0.2m (20cm) and a is -9.8ms^-2) which gives me 1.98ms^-1, and then again for the momentum of the rebound, where s is +0.18m and a is still 9.8ms^-2, which gives 1.88ms^-1.

    mv - mu is then 0.01kgms^-1

    What am I doing wrong?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Raspberry pi camera module, how can I input stills as arrays?

    I want to take pictures into a triple buffer of arrays possibly (kind of like a video). And then somehow detect shapes and colours from the array. In python, lua or java preferably.

    My overall project is to turn my RC car into an automatic "factory floor"esque robot, where it follows a line of a certain colour on the ground. I guess I'll just use a straight line gradient formula to change the turning after detecting the shape.

    Am I doing this in an efficient manner ?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Should legal action be taken on this employer?

    My mum works in care for the mentally ill (don't know what the correct term is), but a few years ago many of her workmates were promoted or given pay rises, while my mum got demotion/pay reduction. She says that some of the people who got this didn't entirely feel they deserved it, this was brought to management, nothing was done, even though most of the people who got promoted work far less, take their job less seriously, do things with the service users that aren't exactly legal, don't have families and spread lies. And the manager was entirely on their side as well.

    Recently my mum got told she would be made redundant, and she fought her argument again, she works harder and better than anyone else, she turns up on time, the other employees spread lies and at the same time supports a family. and the manager just tells her bluntly, " i don't know where you've heard about these rumors of lies, but it is absolutely not true!".

    although she probably doesn't want to have anything to do with this bunch of **** holes anymore, I feel that she deserves some form of compensation for these years of mis-pay, mistreatment etc. how should legal action be taken (UK)?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • no python will work on my raspberry pi! why?

    Using raspbian I make a .py file "", don't worry I am good at programming, but I just wanted to test the pi, it consists of :

    name = ""

    while True : name = raw_input("what is your name?") print "hello", name

    That comes up with error on line 1 for invalid syntax. I thought that was weird so I tried something even simpler

    print "hello"

    This comes up with the same error. I'm running it by typing python path/ into the terminal WHY!?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Should oblivion 5th anniversary edition (PC) come with a map?

    I bought this from game yesterday, and I didn't realise until I got home that it was meant to come with a map. Not only did I not get a map, i didn't get a game manual. Does it use a CD key? If so, I didn't get one either ( it was probably in the manual).

    Do you think if I show up at GAME with the game and my receipt they'll give me the map and manual?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • PEOPLE FROM SHETLAND! What would you say are some unique aspects of Shetland?

    I'm making a mod for the game civilisation 5 which will add: Orkney, Shetland, their respective leaders and traits and maybe later Harris, Lewis and Skye. I already know what I want for Orkney (I'm from Orkney)leader: st Magnus, two buildings: st Magnus cathedral and highland park, two unique units: John Rae and the royal oak, and possibly natural wonders like ward hill and the old man of hoy.

    I'm certain that up hellya will feature in this, but apart from that I don't know alot about Shetland. Could you give me a list of features for Shetland in the same way I have for Orkney?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • My current balance is higher than the available balance, why?

    So my available balance is £3 and my current balance is £44 what does this mean? am I overdraft or something? A lot of explanations have so far confused me about what the difference between the two is.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • If I block someone on twitter will it appear as if they are following as normal?

    I really don't want my family to see my account where I remain mostly anonymous to the world. If I block someone will it appear to them as If I'm just not tweeting?

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • Is the hex number 0x888888 inbetween 000000 and FFFFFF?

    I want to make a grid that is most visible whether the squares in the grid are completely black (000000) or white (FFFFFF), is the hexadecimal number 888888 (in terms of RGB) perfect grey? I thought it would be because half of 16 is 8, so each number should be 8 instead of F (16).

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Where could you find the false teeth that vic reeves uses in shooting stars?

    God, I want some, I could laugh my head off just putting them in! This has been asked twice before a while ago but I believe a dick trolled the answer and no one else gave an answer. Maybe it is unknown but anything even similar would be good, they look like hard plastic teeth (normal ish not goofy).

    3 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Photoshop Elements 11: changing the UI colour?

    I know lots of people are complaining about the Dark scheme in PS but I actually WANT it to be that way (or easier still make it customisable), and in elements it has a light colour and I would really like it to be dark like CS6, is it possible? nothing on Google is very clear about it.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Scouting is the most accepting organisation for children? I think not!?

    Scouting is supposedly one of the most accepting groups for children in the world. A dear friend of mine is no longer allowed at scouts because in his application for leadership he put his religion as "atheist", so everyone is allowed, every race, colour, religion, sexual orientation. Apart from those who don't believe. Considering that just more than half of people in the UK DONT believe in god I think this is old fashioned and stupid.

    You could put Jedi as your religion for all you want, as it is a recognised religion by the census, but if you admit you don't believe in a god (or gods) of some sort you can be kicked out immediately.

    How do we go about changing this?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Anyone else find the Big Bang theory insufferable?

    I don't know anyone who doesn't like the Big Bang theory, they're always saying "aww I watched every episode on the weekend" "I know the theme tune off by heart".

    I have tried to watch it and my opinion which I think differs kind of from most haters: I love sheldon, he is the essential part of what makes it funny, the perfect target for jokes or any other kind of slapstick. But like EVERY other recent American sitcom the show revolves entirely of the characters "girl troubles", uurgh... And it's always the same, which isn't always bad unless like all of these sitcoms it literally never changes. The one guy, "yeah I just f*cked this chic last night", Shelton pulls a nice joke/reference, Indian guy is mocked for being Indian, the one with thick glasses makes a whiney response to what they say and that girl just talks away in an awful, annoying voice.

    An I the only one?

    1 AnswerComedy8 years ago
  • why must the art written exam be so difficult?

    In SQA you must write in just under one hour: two 10 mark essays about two different paintings, a 10 mark essay comparing two designers and a 10 mark essay comparing two natural artists. COME ON! Even if I revise and learn the two comparative essays I still cant write them in half an hour, I usually have 10 mins left to do the other two essays.

    I know it is still possible to get an A for art if you fail the writing because the practical part accounts for 75% of your grade and the written 25% (you need 75% to get an A) but this is the most stupid, and badly thought through exams I have ever seen, if I had two hours I could get full marks for the paper as on many practices I have got full marks for each essay, but I just can't do them in the time frame.

    If I complain will it make any bloody difference?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • the O'reilly Java guide, or the Java 7 guide, which one?

    I want to know which is more worth getting, the ordinary Java guide or the Java 7 guide. As most applications use Java 7 now I thought it would be better to have the most up to date reference on the libraries. But alot of the other tutorials and books I want to get are from 2005ish, so I wonder if it is easy to port Java 7 into older guides. Which one should I get?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What is the correct response to; did you see that ludicrous display last night?

    I know it's only fools and horses, but try hard as I might I just can't remember all of it. I know the next part goes "what was Wenger thinking.." But that's about it.

    1 AnswerComedy8 years ago