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Lv 610,981 points

Yvonne Cesaro

Favorite Answers18%
  • How to avoid uncomfortableness at work with co-worker you don't even know?

    Right now I am working at a call center and for the past week I have been sitting in this same seat because I like the spot it is in. Today I come in and there is no seat at the desk so I grab a seat and slide it over to that desk. While doing this I could feel the woman whom was sitting next to me watching my EVERY move so finally I look at her and say "good morning". She says it back but in a nasty way. Fast forward to lunch same lady is in the lunch room standing by the sinks. I put my lunch on my table and go to get some paper towels to wipe off my table with. This woman asks me "are you following me?" and I laugh because I thought she was joking. Surely she cant be serious right? Well turns out she was because when I got to wet the paper towel to clean my table she proceeds to say "I just want to know, you sat next to me this morning and now you are in here with me. I'm not really comfortable with that it's a bit creepy." Now when she said this I didn't even respond I just continued to laugh and walked away. I then see she quickly grabbed her things and moved outside of the break room peeking in to see if I am at the sink and paper towels and then finally coming back in to finish up whatever she was doing with her lunch. When I came back from lunch later thankfully she had moved her seat so I didn't have to move mine to avoid anymore awkwardness that day. I am still so taken aback as to how and why she would jump to such a wild accusation I think I have seen this woman

    3 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Trying to find an old school R&B song that sounds similar to Human by The Human League?

    Sorry for the limited information but I can't remember the lyrics for the song I just know it sounds a bit like this song and when I saw a commercial featuring this song I thought it was the R&B song I am thinking of. If it helps it's a male singer with a higher pitched voice. Any help would be appreciated if anyone has a clue what song I am thinking of!

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul7 years ago
  • Looking for the name of an Asian horror movie. Vague details sorry?

    Hi! I asked this question a while ago and unfortunately didn't get a response so going to try again. The movie I am thinking of starts out with a man digging out of what seems to be a shallow grave. He goes into a nearby home and finds a pregnant woman dead whom we are led to believe to be was his wife. He begins watching some home movies and starts crying and goes on the hunt for who he thinks has killed his wife and search for his kids. The twist of the movie is that the guy we are watching is actually the killer and is playing some kind of game that involves burying himself and going into a coma like state and when he wakes up his memory isn't all that clear and he hunts for the victims. The ending he finds another family to do this with. I hope this makes sense =/

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • I slammed my elbow a few days ago and had a strange tingling sensation?

    Last night my left hand started to feel numb. Could the elbow slam be the cause of this even though that happened a few nights ago? I'm nervous because I know that numbness in hands and or feet can be a sign of diabetes which quite a few of my family members including my father have.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Trying to find a name of an Asian horror movie about a guy who puts himself into a coma like state?

    Hi! I don't know if coma state is the proper way to describe what he does so I apologize. I saw this move late night on a streaming site and was watching it half asleep. But this man for some reason injects himself with some kind of liquid in a needle which knocks him out for a specific amount of time and then buries himself. When he digs his way out of the hole we are initially led to believe he was put there by someone else and a murderer is stalking him and his family. The twist was he was the killer and was doing this sick game for fun. Any help would be appreciated!

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • I can't figure out where I remember this scene from! Very small scene and has to do with fingers rubbing?

    I can't remember what movie this scene is from. The scene is the passing of a piece of paper or photograph between two characters and one of the characters rubs their forefinger(pretty sure) against the finger of the person they are passing it off to. I don't think it was anything sexual in nature but not sure. Any help would be appreciated I can't remember where I know this from =( I know it seems dumb but I have this image in my head and can't place it.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Looking for name of a movie about a group of girls that go camping on a boat. I can remember beginning scenes?

    I had work in the morning and was unable to finish this movie. What I remember that happened was a girl gets abducted in the beginning of the film but I don't think she was killed. Then the movie flashed forward I think like 12 years but not sure about that. But anyway the part I left off on the older woman whom was in charge of the younger girls gets murdered by this man and woman. She is tied up and thrown into the water. Then the killers try and hit the girls that are swimming in the lake with their boat. I hope this makes sense. If anyone could help me that would be great, I would like to finish watching this and see how it ends. It was on a streaming site so unfortunately I can't look through history to see what it was and I tried messaging someone but they weren't much help.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is there a way to put purchases you make on an iOS device in some sort of wait list to download?

    I want to buy some apps but don't want to download them right away. Is there a way I can just put them on standby or something? I guess what I am thinking of is the PSN store on my PS3. I can make a purchase but don't have to download it immediately. Is there a feature like this on an iPad? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question I am not familiar with the interface yet.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Is my laptop supposed to shut off at 11% battery left? Is there a way I can change this in the settings?

    Hello =D if you can't tell by my question I'm not the best person when it comes to technology so please bare with me here. I got a new laptop for Christmas and whenever it gets to 11% battery it tells me I need to plug in the charger. Is this normal? The laptop shuts off if I don't plug it in. I don't want to continually plug in the charger because I know that it drains the overall life of the battery if it's constantly being charged or at least that's what I have been told. The battery unplugged has been lasting at max about 2 hours and 20 minutes. This is an HP laptop if that makes any difference. All I have been doing is surfing the web or sometimes play The Sims 3.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Is it odd to give a customer a thank you card and you don't know their name?

    There is a customer that frequents my store and every morning she always says hello and starts a small conversation. The woman even brings some baked goods for us. The other day she made some cookies and I thought that was so sweet. I plan on giving her a thank you card with a few scratch off games inside. But sad part is I don't actually know the woman's name and my coworker didn't either or claimed she couldn't remember. So I am giving her a holiday card that just says thank you on it with the tickets inside. Is that odd or tacky? I can't believe I never bothered to ask her name now I feel bad but still I want to give her something for her kind gestures even though it isn't a whole lot.

    3 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Question about sending packages to Canada?

    Okay this may seem a bit silly to ask but please bare with me as I have never sent anything other than a letter and never to another country. My friend of many years has moved to Canada and I want to send her something for the holidays. Now if I bring the items that I want sent to the post office they will have packages there I can put them in right? And all I have to do is pay for the postage and the weight it turns out?

    3 AnswersOther - Canada9 years ago
  • Do you believe that there is a such thing as not having a worthy opponent in the Olympics?

    I came home and cut on the games and caught the first bit of Volleyball they are showing. One of the announcers made a comment about the coach of team USA saying they never underestimate their opponents or something along those lines. Then the other commentator(I apologize I do not know the name of the men) made a comment he must have been drinking something to think that everyone is a worthy opponent especially the Serbian team they are facing right now. I thought that was kind of messed up but my boyfriend seems to agree with this mindset o_O What do you think? I just feel that the Olympics have the highest caliber of athletes participating in the sports so that kind of comment I don't feel is true in this situation but I could be wrong.

    5 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • Was I out of line for this? Should I have been written up?

    I am currently working part time at a grocery store. At my job we have those self scan machines. I was helping a woman bag her stuff up and instead of asking me to clean the scanner she was using she proceeded to lick her finger and tried to wipe off the scanner with her saliva. I thought that was gross so I told her that was unsanitary and too not ever do that because she isn't the only person that is going to use that machine. I didn't raise my voice but I did ask her if she thought what she did was nasty. Of course I immediately washed the machine off after she did that but still blech. She took offense to this and complained to the management who then wrote me up because they said I overstepped my boundaries because I called her disgusting. I know that might not have been the most tactful way to have gone about it but why on Earth would anyone try to do that?

    5 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Should I just tell her off?

    I have a part time job for now while I am still in school. I have been trying to find full time employment but to no avail. Anyway this newish manager that we have(has been working there for about 8 months) is well to put it bluntly a nasty rude ***** to me. And it seems like only to me and a couple of other people. I found myself about to yell and scream at her today when she kept snapping at me for no reason whatsoever. I feel like I am at a breaking point. I tried to talk to the other manager about this but since they're buddy buddy she just looked at me like I was crazy and it seems didn't say anything to her about it or if she did took it as a joke. She is also nasty to customers but the management here is so biased they don't actually talk to certain people whom customers complain about it's BS. I don't want to quit and then be without a job because I have bills and all that but I feel I am going to have to before I explode. I think if I cuss her out she will stop messing with me or worse case I'd be fired or something.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do you eat before going to the home of another person for dinner? Do you think this was rude?

    My mother was a bit insulted when someone we know did this. We had a huge family get together for the holidays and my parents invited their friends over as well. She asked the husband what he had to eat while he was there and he said he ate dinner before he came over. I don't hang out with these people to often but apparently he is not a fan of my mother's cooking so opted to eat before he came over. His wife on the other hand had seconds. At first I thought that maybe he felt there may not have been any food left for them but they came very early and only live about 5 minutes away. I feel sad that hurt my mom's feelings but at the same time I can't help but think I would do the same thing in that type of situation. Only difference is I would lie and say I had eaten something =(

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the name of this old comedy about a boy-band? I can't remember much from it though.?

    I know they had a ridiculous song about math or something and it was film that was mocking groups like N'Sync and Backstreet Boys. I believe that one of the members passed away in real life. Sorry for such little information that's all I can remember.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If you have seen the film Gran Torino, during the scene *SPOILERS*?

    SPOILERS if you haven't seen the film and plan on seeing it.

    When Tao comes over after his sister is attacked and he is down in the basement. Did anyone else think that Walt(Clint Eastwood) killed himself? At first when I heard the big bang of him locking Tao down there I thought he committed suicide because he felt guilty about what happened because of his actions.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If I plug my brother's iPod into my laptop will all of his songs get erased?

    I don't own an iPod so I don't know how that works. But I have iTunes on my computer and I was going to put something on his iPod. Will plugging it into my laptop erase all of his stuff?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is it weird to say thank you after someone says "I'm sorry for your loss"?

    When my grandmother passed away I went to the store to buy a blouse for the wake and funeral. When I told the associate what I was shopping for she said "I'm sorry for your loss" and I turned around and said "thank you". She then gave me a WTF type of look. What do you say when someone says that to you? Is it rude to not say anything at all?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me with the name of film?

    I know it was about a man whom ate these special kinds of leaves and they had some kind of eggs on them with DNA or something and he becomes a monster. I know one scene a security guard is killed while in the bathroom. I remember seeing this a while ago and for some reason it just popped into my head.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago