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Hello, I'm Renae, I live in Ohio, and a senior in high school. :D One of my bigger hobbies is gaming, mainly on the 360. My favorite game is Assassin's Creed II or Fable II, but I also like the online mode of MW2. My favorite movies are I Am Legend, John Tucker Must Die, Enchanted, Disney Classics, and basically anything Will Smith. My favorite music is classic rock, especially Aerosmith, Nirvana, and Queen. I hate what main-stream music has become. My favorite sport is basketball, even though I am terrible at playing it. o.0 I've always rooted for Cleveland, and probably always will. Why Cleveland fans are so angry at LBJ... My favorite book is the Harry Potter series. I can blow through these books in 2 weeks, and it actually lives up to its hype, unlike other books. (*cough*Twilight)

  • Finding the limit by using the conjugate?

    lim t->inf (5t-sqrt(25t^2+9t))

    What I got...

    lim t->inf (5t-sqrt(25t^2+9t))(5t+sqrt(25t^2+9t))/1((5t+sqrt(25t^2+9t))

    lim t->inf 25t^2 - 25t^2 +9t/(5t+sqrt(25t^2+9t))

    lim t-> 9t/(5t+sqrt(25t^2+9t))

    But then I get stuck. Did I do something wrong or what do I do from there?

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Help find the absolute minimum and maximums of a function[Calculus]?

    f(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 - 63x + 7

    on the intervals

    [-4, 0]

    [-1, 8]

    [-4, 8]

    I got...

    f'(x) = 3x^2 - 12x - 63

    and that the roots were -3 and 7.

    I don't know where to go after that. I thought I just plugged in the roots/intervals and made a timeline type thing and found which numbers were greater/lesser, but not that's not working.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Using implicit differentiation to find the slope of the tangent line?

    The curve is...

    2xy^3+5xy = 7

    and the point is (1,1)

    I got -2/11 but apparently that is wrong.

    y^3+2x(3x^2)+y+5x(dy/dx) = 0

    dy/dx [6xy^2 + 5x] = -y - y^3

    and I just placed dy/dx alone and plugged in 1 for x and y. Did I do something wrong in this process?

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Problem with evaluating limits?

    (x-5)/(x^2(x+2)) What is the limit as x approaches 0?

    Just plugging in 0 gives you -5/0, which I figured would mean that it does not exist, but apparently that is not correct. Am I doing something wrong?

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • College decision help?

    Is it worth it going to a school that costs more, but you feel would be a better place?

    I have to make my decision between two schools; one is a pretty well-renowned state school and the other is a small liberal arts school.

    I want to go to Ohio State University, but it will cost more.

    I got a $5,000 grant, which is about half of tuition (around $11,000) but you're required to live on campus your first year, which is another $10,000. After my first year, I don't plan on living in the dorms anymore because of the cost.

    The second school will cost me about $9,000 the first year (With $3,500 worth of subsidized loans) and I plan on staying on campus all 4 years. It's a lot smaller (like 2,000 people or less) but does seem to have a nice community.

    I'm undecided for a major, but I'm leaning towards Computer Science, which would make OSU a better choice since they would have a better program. They also have waaaaaaay more majors to choose from.

    BUT cost is rather important as I will be pulling out loans with not too much help from my parents.

    Is it worth it?

  • What laptop should I get for college?

    Well, I'm going to be heading off to college when fall rolls around and I'm starting to look for a laptop.

    I've been looking around and I found a couple that are pretty good, but I'm not sure if suitable enough for college.

    Should I just get a nice netbook with decent specs and long battery life?

    Or should I get a regular laptop with good specs but heavier/shorter battery life?

    I did manage to find a good deal on a laptop..

    P6200 Processor, 500 GB hard drive, 4 GB RAM, 5 hours battery life, Windows 7, and 15.6' screen for less than $400 (with sale). Only problem is that I'd have to buy it very, very soon because it is a reduced price.

    Is that a good deal? Is it worth it?

    I will be living on campus and I don't have a car so I'd ride a bike/walk/public transportation.

    Or go with a good netbook? Any links to a netbook with good specs would be nice.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Ohio State University campus life?

    Does anyone know what the campus life is like?

    I've gotten accepted there, and as of now is my first choice. I have yet to visit it, but will soon. I also have a few other colleges on my list, but are quite a bit smaller.

    I'm definitely not the party-type and would much rather hang out in a small group of people or just sit back and play video games. Would the campus be too overwhelming?

    I know it used to be a huge party school a few years ago, but apparently isn't as bad. Of course there are still a lot of parties as there are 50,000 people there, but ya know..

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Question about Black Swan? (spoilers)?

    So, I need some opinions.

    At the end of the film, I was basically like "WTF just happened?" and then recollected my thoughts. :P

    Did Lily actually exist?

    I mean, I know there were obvious hallucinations that Nina was having such as stabbing Lily and such, but overall, was Lily actually real?

    Because I totally get the Fight Club vibe from it, but in Fight Club it was 100% certain that he had an alter ego...

    Your thoughts?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I need some art project ideas?

    I'm taking independent study and I need some art project ideas.

    I don't want anything with clay, as I suck at it and it dries out my hands and all that fun stuff.

    But basically every other media is open. (eg. graphic design, acrylic paint, water paint, charcoal, colored pencils, graphite pencils, etc)

    Any ideas? And nothing really basic, as I have the basics down...

    Some project ideas I had..

    Flip book

    Movie poster (graphic design)

    Watercolor portrait

    Advertisement (graphic design)

    Cut out drawing (take a photo, then draw a section of the photo with graphite and paste it on the original)

    Anything will be helpful. :]

    5 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • So, for you Atheists...?

    I've been thinking lately, and I'd really like to hear your opinion on my thoughts and explaining to me how you think.

    Well, I'm not an Atheist as I believe in God, but not exactly a true Christian as I do not believe in the Bible. I am well aware of all the scientific breakthroughs that prove evolution and whatnot, and agree with them as you really can't get around them.

    I just really don't believe the Big Bang Theory. I mean, where did this matter come from? It couldn't of just... been there, and it couldn't of just been created, as matter cannot be created nor destroyed according to scientific theory. That is why I simply can't believe there weren't some type of outside factors(God) weighing in.

    So, my question is what are your thoughts about the time BEFORE the Big Bang Theory.

    Also, I just think it's odd that humans completely out developed every other species. No other species is even close to our level of thinking, whether it be through intelligence, communication, or emotions. That's another reason why I think humans are a bit too developed simply for it to be a coincidence.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Small private college vs. large public college?

    Well, I'm applying to colleges and I'm still rather unsure where to go.

    Kenyon College

    Ohio Northern

    Ohio State University (already accepted here, and may get accepted into scholars program)

    Those are the three colleges at the top of my list, and they're quite different.

    The first two are small, private schools(Kenyon is liberal arts) and Ohio State is huge.

    I'm pretty sure I could get accepted into all of them based on the academic mediums. I will also most likely apply to Case Western, but I'm not sure if I would get accepted.

    I've lived in a small town the majority of my life and have gone to a small school. So.. I'm not sure whether I should stick with the "small school" stature just to feel more comfortable or to try and experience something completely new and become a bit more independent at a large school.

    Also, which would be better price-wise?

    OSU is cheaper overall as I'm a Ohio resident, but private schools are generally better at giving academic aid.

    Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. :]

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Symbolism in African culture?

    I have to do a presentation on the society and fun stuff of African culture, and my part is symbolism.

    I found some symbols in basic beliefs and some African literature, but not much else.


    elephants: wisdom/power

    leopard: aggression

    Can anyone give some other objects or ideas that symbolize abstracts things, I guess. Like the color yellow would represent something specific in their culture.

    It can be in their literature, also.

    Thanks for any help, as I'm kind of stuck.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Does anyone actually understand Cleveland fans?

    I'm getting sick of everyone calling Cleveland fans crybabies and saying how they're selfish and need to get over it. Does anyone actually understand why? Cleveland fans have been put through SO much disappointment it's not even funny. 46 years of championship drought is heartbreaking. Yet Cleveland fans are still loyal. People always make fun of us for rooting for such "terrible" teams even though we are probably one of the most loyal out there.

    The huge upsets Cleveland has is a loooong list.

    The Catch

    The Drive

    The Fumble

    The Shot

    The Move (Art Modell)

    The Decision

    and there's a ton more...

    People say Cleveland fans have to get over it and Lebron have every right to leave. I respect that, but the way he did it was just terrible.

    I am mad at Lebron because he went on National TV to slap Cleveland across the face with the emotion of a potato. He promised us MULTIPLE times that he was going to win a championship. He quit in the Boston series. (I swear to god if someone brings up stats... You actually had to watch the games to understand. He did a ton for Cleveland, but did not bring his all) He told us that the team he had wasn't good enough, even though the team was built solely around him. Then he acts like nothing is wrong.

    This is like your spouse of 7 years leaving you for another person. You did nothing wrong; you absolutely loved your spouse and had so much admiration for him/her. So what do they do? They leave you by posting it on Facebook (as Lebron did not tell the Cleveland franchise anything until they also learned on nation TV) that they are dating a supposedly "better" person, even though after 2 months in the relationship, they're already having chemistry(D-wade/Lebron) and parent(Coach Spolstra) problems...

    That's my metaphor for the situation. I just want to express my point. I know that Cleveland will always be the butt of the joke, but I hope it makes some people see our position.

    18 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Best laptop for a college student?

    Well, going to college next fall and my parents brought up buying a laptop this Christmas for it. Yeah, a little early, but I keep care of my stuff very well.

    So I think the max is about $500, as I would mainly just use it for the internet, typing papers, etc.

    Any suggestions? Thank you. :]

    10 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Help with reduction + oxidation problems(chemistry)?

    I'm okay with pretty much everything else in this chapter, but these are plain confusing me.

    It says..

    If they are redox reactions, which element is oxidized, and which is reduced?

    If they aren't redox reactions, indicate if they are precipitation or acid-base reactions.

    a) Cu(OH)2 (s) + 2HNO3 (aq) -------> Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 2H2O (l)

    b) Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO (g) -----> 2Fe (s) + 3CO2 (g)

    There's a few more problems, but I just need to understand how to do it, not just the answers.

    ANY help is appreciated. Thank you so much. :]

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Is the Cavaliers' season this year going to be similar to the 1994 Bulls' season?

    The Cavaliers are in the same position that the Bulls were in 1994; their beloved superstar who was in his prime left them rather suddenly and unexpectedly.

    But even from that, the Bulls rose to the occasion and got a record only 2 wins fewer than the previous season with Jordan. They were shut out of the playoffs early, but still got there nonetheless.

    So, do you think the Cavalier's season could be similar, but not as monumental? I don't see them winning 55 like the Bulls did, but at least a .500 team or better and making the playoffs. They have a good coach that the team believes in, young, fresh legs, and a very deep roster. The Bulls did have a top 50 player in Pippen, and added some very good defensive players, but the Cavaliers have pieced together a good strategy for their team.

    If the Cavs did go on to win 45, or maybe even 50, it would make LeBron look like a tool with his "never got the right supporting cast" declarations. If the Cavs did make it to the playoffs, they most likely would get shut out early, but their point would be proven nonetheless.

    So, what do you think? Do you think that the Cavs could be in the same situation as the '94 Bulls?

    note: I'm not only saying this for the single win they got over the Celtics, so no "why is everyone freaking out 'cause of one win?" answers please.

    9 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Good list of colleges to apply for in Ohio?

    I live in NE Ohio, and the closest colleges are Akron University and Kent University.

    I have a 27 on my ACT, but am retaking it Saturday and I'm thinking I'll get about a 28-30 since I had no calculator last time. Top 10 in class/AP classes/etc. so I'd get accepted to most I apply to I'd imagine.

    I want to stay in-state as it's cheaper, and dorm/no-dorm is not really an issue. Just depends on distance.

    For majors, I'm pretty blank. The only set course I have now is computer/technology arts (animation?) or medical.


    Miami Oxford

    Ohio State

    Hiram College

    Akron University (kind of "if-all-else-fails" application)

    any more tips or suggestions?

    Thank you very much for any help. :]

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What should I make for the county fair(bake sale)?

    We have an auction for the county fair with baked goods, so any suggestions on what to make?

    Nothing too hard, but also nothing too easy, as I am in the senior decision.

    So, no cookies and the pies have to be double crust.

    But otherwise, posting any interesting recipes would be nice. :D Thanks

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Crime and Punishment essay questions?

    I have to write 5 essay questions about Crime and Punishment that need to be 150 words long. Can someone give me some ideas to go off of? Obviously you don't have to write out the whole question since I can elaborate on it, but can you think of any good essay topics to go off of?

    Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • So, scary movie night?

    Yup, me n' a couple friends are having a scary movie night, so list some scary movies?

    Preferably not too gory. It just makes me want to throw up, not scare me.

    and we'll be in my RV sitting in the woods, so everything will prolly be 10x scarier. :D

    11 AnswersMovies1 decade ago