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how do i disarm the alarm of a 1999 mercury villager?
i do not have the fob. alarm works car does not
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agowhat causes your stomach to growl?
outside of the lack of food being in there, what is the mechanical process that manifests itself in my stomach growling? now its time to put some food in there and make it stop.
1 AnswerBiology1 decade agohow do i can turkey broth?
heres the dealio. im cooking down turkeys and want to can the broth. i do not have a pressure cooker and am not buying or borrowing one. i would like to know how to can in pt jars turkey broth sans pressure cooker. ive searched for some time online. every site says do not can meats without a pressure cooker. i know that it can be done safely. i am absolutely certain of that because of my aunt and uncle. they were married in 1930. in the heat of the depression. one of their gifts was a whole cow that her mothers family got together and canned without a pressure cooker. when i was a kid i used to go to their house and on special occasions my aunt made dishes with that meat. three years ago my uncle passed. he told me about 4 years before that that they had eaten the last of that canned beef. my aunt passed about 2 years later. both in their 80s. both eating beef that was canned without a pressure cooker that was more than 50 years old when the last of it was eaten, with no ill effects. please respect my request. im not looking for a lesson in the virtues of a pressure cooker, or the virtues of throwing away canned goods of a certain age. if the canning is done properly and stored properly the food is good indeffinitely. im just looking for how to can turkey broth with no meat without a cooker. thank you for you help.
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agocan a stint recipient knee replacement surgery?
someone i know had a stint put in at the VA hospital a year and a half ago. he needs his knees replaced. the VA dr told him that they cannot do the operation because he would bleed out on the table. was to lunch at the restaurant a few weeks ago and the guy at the next table also a vet using private ins and non VA drs has a stint and was scheduled for knee replacement. the one i kniow is otherwise healthy. which is right? and why? ultimately can the person i know get his knees replaced outside of the VA system?
1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade agoCan some HR people out there please answer these employment questions for me?
I'm looking for work. Have been sending out resumes via email and usps, as well as through more tradional pavement pounding for 6 months now . Last count was over 120 resumes sent in total. I have had 3 interviews, and two second interviews, which from what I am hearing is better than many. My questions relate to what you, as HR personel, see as proper protocol for online applicants in general. Also, I would like to know, more specificaly, what you as individual HR personel have done to limit your workload by limiting the number of online apps that you actually look at. To attach or not to attach my resume? Many are telling me not to attach my resume. Pointing out that so many people are unemployed right now that any posting will garner significantly more applications than the same listing would have one year ago. They favor to have a resume in the body of the email, limiting the amount of work that they as the company HR person has to do to fill the open position. Then there are the questions concerning cover letters. Most of the positions that I have applied for do not mention cover letter preferences. Do I include a cover letter in the body of the email, as an attachment or not send a cover letter? This is what I have been doing; Attaching one of my resumes, copying and pasting my cover letter into my email. In general do you see me attaching my resume and pasting my coverletter in the body as a limiting factor in my chances for having my resume actually read? Specifically have you passed on resumes that are attached instead of pasted in the text, or responces that have cover letters or no cover letter? I know that your inboxes are chocked full of resumes, which amounts to a lot of extra work on top of a heavy workload for you.
thanks for your help.
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agocan you help my cat is sick?
my cat has a sinus cold. all the symptoms of a human sinus cold. im unemployed lost my job to GM and Chrysler's union's greed. cannot afford to take her to the vet. is there an over the counter cat antihistamine that i can get for her that isnt going to cost me an arm and a leg? she has some chest congestion. runny nose, wheezing. still plays w/ her toys so doesnt seem to be achey. just the chest and sinuses. breathing doesnt seem to be labored, just wheezy and runny nose and sneezing a lot. again no money for a vet trip. would have to put the money in the tank to take her in then nothing to pay the vet w/. any suggestions would be a great help. dont like to see her sick. although she is much more friendly.
6 AnswersCats1 decade agodo i have to earn a masters?
heres the scoop. im unemployed like everyone else. cannot find work in my chosen profession and have been toying with a ba/mba in buis admin or accounting. have a ba and some masters level classes in an analytical scientific field . looking at the significant differences in per credit hr cost for masters and undergrad. want to know weather, in general, i have to take masters level courses to get a degree or a second ba. like everyone else contemplating this finances are tight. i know that realistically a mba holds more weight than 2 bas. finances are the main constraint. some family concerns mitigate the institution choice. have discussed finances with some universities.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agodo you have a turkey broth recipe?
have about 15 quarts of broth and pulled meat to put up. just meat and juice withe the grease skimmed off. want a simple broth that isnt loaded with salt and will can well.
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agohow do i adjust my antique clock?
i have a new haven clock co clock. i think that i was told by the repairman that it was part os the statesman series the executive, something like that. the rect says that it was bought in 1876. i am gaining just shy of 1 min/ hr. been fiddling with the adjustment nut on the bottom of the pendulum for a few days and not getting rin of that gain. basic physics says that to slow it down the pendulum has to go up. shorter distance fromt he pivot point means less speed needed for the pendulum to make the required swing. am i correct and that i need to turn the nut to the rt or bring the pendulum up more? i am currently againing between 45 and 55 sec a min.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agowhy get rid of horse drawn carriages from nyc?
is it just me or have the animal rights orgs become stupefied by their ineptness. the horses in nyc are taken care of very well. they are not hit, overworked, neglected, underfed, under watered. in fact they have a significantly better life than most of the people in nyc, or anywhere else for that matter. maybe these idiots are just jealous of the horses living, working and socialization conditions when they realize that such a noble animal has a much better life than they can ever have. yeah they have to work. so what. they were bred for work. these idiots have to work too. should we put you out to pasture because you are an idiot??? no. these horses have a place in the fabric of nyc. these horses are maintained much better than many people chose to maintain themselves. they are socialized better. the carriage drivers and stables love and maintain their horses much better than most people love and maintain their spouses. just leave them alone.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agodid you read about the oldest documented person?
the link to the past is what is neat not the circumstances of the past. Gertrude Baines is the oldest person as of today. The thing that made me pause about this is that she is the daughter of slaves. I am not in any way condoning the pervasiveness and evil of slavery. It is amazing to me that there are people alive today that were one gen removed from such a shameful institution. The civil war ended 1865. Legal slavery ended 1865, other kinds emerged but legal slavery ended 1865. more than 140 years ago. Do any of you find this woman's link to the past interesting? Please speak your mind but remember that any comments of a racist or hateful nature will be reported and removed. Just comments on the longevity of Mrs Baines and her link to the past.
1 AnswerHistory1 decade agodo you know the words to the song "To Anacreon in Heaven"?
2 AnswersLyrics1 decade agowhich brk lines go to which port on the abs?
replacing the abs on a 98 olds cutlass. it is the delco VI abs. stupid me. I did not mark the two lines going into the abs from the master cylinder. on the MS they are side by side horizontally. on the abs they are vertical. the rest of the lines are not a concern. Which port on the abs does the front line from the master cylinder go to? I can figure out which port the back line on the master cylnder goes to by default. would like a gm tech. to answer if possible. the gm dealership was closed today for the holiday.
thanks and merry christmas.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agohow can i do this on myspace?
how do i come on myspace and be invisible so that others or selected other myspace people cannot see me as being on?
2 AnswersMySpace1 decade agowhere do i find the vin no?
67 short bed pickup trailer. i need to know where to find the vin that is stamped on the frame. do any of you know where it was stamped for that year? on the dodge for the same year it is by the lf door. only number there i assume is the part number for the frame. it is 802B. that is stamped on the same spot right and left. the rails on my trailer from the back of the cab to the front axel were notched and bent and welded to close the notch and form the hitch. so if the vin was in that space of metal when new it will be there now. just need to know where to look. thanks
4 AnswersChevrolet1 decade agononintegral rear abs 1990 toyota p/u?
replacing brk lines in the truck. having problems with leaks in the rear abs. want to just bypass. can i without any major complications?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocan you make my dog stop farting?
he stinks. wooooweee does he stink. i feed him iames basically because he farts less potently and frequently and gets the same nutrition as my vet says he should get. tried all of the brands of food that are consistant with vets nutritional advice, passing them by him as well. tried cooking his food with vets input, nutritionally sound but massive mistake. hes a 13 year old australian shepheard and started farting bad last two years. its constant and to be honest it interferes with company, and more importantly women. lol. the vet says that his system is functioning fine. no build ups no nothing. vet gave me a list of foods to stay away from or limit in his food both store bought or home made, but man oh man. sometmes i just cant stand him. he is old but otherwise healthy. so i am not putting him down so do not mention it. he is otherwise friendly and sociable and liked by both friends and women until he farts. any legitimate sensible non idiotic stupid suggestions? please help. he just farted and the green coud hasnt lifted in nearly 10 min. i cant go in there. he even left the room. please help me????? i think he is blaming me for that one.
11 AnswersDogs1 decade agocan i freeze heavy cream?
got a good sale at the store tonight. heavy cream pints at 29 cents, regular marked price 2.27 each. with the holidays coming i bought 24 of them, everything on the shelf. they expire in 3 days. wont need them until the week of thanksgiving. i want to freeze them until i need them. will it render the cream useless. was told you cannot freeze half and half and that heavy cream may not be freezable.
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agohow do i do this with my verizon phone?
i have a lg vx8350. i want to block a harasing number dow do i do it?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agocan i do this with my drive shaft??? 98 explorer xlt?
i own a 98 explorer that i bought because of the improved mileage over my previous vehicle. was getting 12 mpg. now getting 20 mpg. if i remove the front drive shaft will i improve my milage enough to offset any potential problems that may show up in my transfer case? are there any other concerns that i need to take into account. i have to do u joints over next wknd then will be the time to do any alterations.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago