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  • 5 days without pooping?

    I m a 19 yr old female I m on antidepressants and birth control that have been making me constipated.I m on day 5 I ve been eating a ton of fiber and drinking glasses if prune juice and water for the past three days.Any help?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Is it bad to steal a tattoo in this case?

    I love Lilo and Stitch it was one of my favorite shows as a kid.I want to get just the outline of them on my calf and only have lilos hair colored in.I found a picture on google of someone with a lilo and stitch tattoo.Is it bad to steal a tattoo when its something like a well-known cartoon?(i thought of the coloring style by myself btw)

    4 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • My parents make me feel anxious and suicidal.Advice?

    For my entire life my parents have been violent towards eachother.My mother and siblings would gang up on me and emotionally abuse me without my fathers knowlege.At some points starving me and blaming me for their legal problems at a young age.I developed selective mutism and depression.Recently my parents have gotten back together and I'm worried about my mother ganging up on me again like when I was younger.I'm 18 now and am in the process of being treated for what I suspect to be ADHD,PTSD,and or an anxiety disorder that hasnt allowed me to learn throughout school or start college because its so severe I can't read books anymore and I have no idea whats wrong with me(getting a psychiatrist was super hard to begin with).I guess I'm just looking for advice for working through this until I can move out and sustain myself without them in my life or your experiences if you've been through something similar.Just being around them or them being in my room pushes me into a full blown panic attack.

    5 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Advice on becoming a medium/more spiritual?

    So I'm 17 and for as long as I can remember spirits have been attracted to me.From touching my face to throwing my things on the floor spirits have uaed these to get my attention.I can also feel a spirits prescense and I can describe it most closely to a kind of heaviness on me.Lastly I can sense peoples energys.After speaking about it with some of my friends and recently feeling a new spirit the other day I've decided that I want to try to be more in tune with this.By that I mean I want to be able to see them and communicate with them more efficiently instead of them just moving things when I speak.Does anyone know of any good websites or books I can read that can teach me more about this stuff or have any experience with this?Thank you to all answers.(and please do not say this is all in my head.My mothers even seen the damage that one of them did to my room while I was out)

    5 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Am I being unreasonable?

    Next week my friends birthday and she wants to go to the city and go to an art gallery,and get lunch with me and a few other friends.She just told me that she changed her mind and now wants to go to a zoo.I'm not comfortable going to a zoo or any place that exploits animals as I'm a vegan.Is it unreasonable for me to call off the trip because of this?(its not possible for me to go with them to the city without going to the zoo itself)

    25 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Are most tattoo inks vegan?

    Or do atleast most shops carry vegan/all natural tattoo ink alternatives?I plan on going to a NYC shop(haven't decided which artist yet)and I wanted to know if vegan tattoo inks are "out-there" like I may get weird looks if I ask for it because its that uncommon?Are artists supposed to know?This is my first tattoo so I have no idea.Any answers and advice and appreciated thank you.

    1 AnswerTattoos6 years ago
  • Are most tattoo inks vegan?

    Or do atleast most shops carry vegan/all natural tattoo ink alternatives?I plan on going to a NYC shop(haven't decided which artist yet)and I wanted to know if vegan tattoo inks are "out-there" like I may get weird looks if I ask for it because its that uncommon?This is my first tattoo so I have no idea.Any answers and advice and appreciated thank you.

    2 AnswersTattoos6 years ago
  • Relationship advice?Help?Opinions plz?

    So me and my boyfriend have been dating for 11 months now.For the past 10 months his best friend has been awful to me.He tried convincing my boyfriend that I fake having an anxiety disorder to manipulate him,that I'm ungrateful to him,and that I don't treat him right.None of these things are true.He also thinks I basically abuse him and at any social gathering he'll mention the "unbalance" in our relationship(my boyfriend is very kind and likes to help with little things more than me).During a break his friend thought we broke up and decided to tell my boyfriend that I didn't participate in the relationship and that it was all one-sided.Everytime I've gotten upset with him trying to be in our relationship he's responded by calling me names and my boyfriend doesn't defend me most of the time.After all of this I've refused to go anywhere near his friend,however they still spend alot of time together.I asked him to stop being friends with someone who was so awful to the girl he loves and he thinks I'm being unreasonable.They've been friends for a few years however I'm not comfortable with him being friends with someone who has attacked me so many times.If this was vice versa I would not be friends with them anymore.Sorry for how long this is.I was hoping for an input or opinions?Am I being unreasonable?His friend also dislikes me because he doesn't think I'm good enough for him.I know he's jealous or whatever but my boyfriends very upset that I would ask him to drop his friend.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Relationship advice?

    So me and my boyfriend have been dating for 11 months now.For the past 10 months his best friend has been awful to me.He tried convincing my boyfriend that I fake having an anxiety disorder to manipulate him,that I'm ungrateful to him,and that I don't treat him right.None of these things are true.He also thinks I basically abuse him and at any social gathering he'll mention the "unbalance" in our relationship(my boyfriend is very kind and likes to help with little things more than me).During a break his friend thought we broke up and decided to tell my boyfriend that I didn't participate in the relationship and that it was all one-sided.Everytime I've gotten upset with him trying to be in our relationship he's responded by calling me names and my boyfriend doesn't defend me most of the time.After all of this I've refused to go anywhere near his friend,however they still spend alot of time together.I asked him to stop being friends with someone who was so awful to the girl he loves and he thinks I'm being unreasonable.They've been friends for a few years however I'm not comfortable with him being friends with someone who has attacked me so many times.If this was vice versa I would not be friends with them anymore.Sorry for how long this is.I was hoping for an input or opinions?Am I being unreasonable?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Itchy vulva?

    So 3 days ago I wore a menstrual pad made out of synthetic materials as I didnt have any cloth pads at the time(usually what I wear).And when I woke up I had itchyness on my vulva and near my anus.Theres also a couple small bumps.I'm not sure if the pad gave me a yeast infection because the itches is only on the outside and if its only irritation I don't know how to treat it or what to do.I don't have health insurance and I don't want to do a yeast infection treatment unless I'm sure that I have one to avoid throwing my pH off.Does anyone have experience with this?Help?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Teenage tax return help?

    Hello,I'm 17 and the summer of 2014 I had a job.I got tax return forms in the mail a couple months ago from the park but my mom said I couldn't do it because I'm not 18.But later I found out that you can and when I tried bringing it up again she said she already claimed me as dependent and therefore I can't file them now anyways.Is this true?I don't trust that she knows what shes talking about but the IRS website doesn't say.Does anyone know?Or have experience with this?

    6 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • UTI help.?

    Hello,I'm a 17 year old female and 6 days ago I began to feel the need to frequently urinate.Even after peeing I would still have the urge to go and random urges started coming.I peed myself twice,and had some minor leakage.Yesterday I had extreme burning while peeing and my urine had a bit of blood in it.Prior to yesterday I didn't check for blood so I don't know if it was happened before yesterday.Today I've had minor pain in my pelvic area and peeing slightly burns.On a scale of one to ten its a two.Is it possible that its getting less worse?I have an appointment in a couple days but I'm very nervous.Has any experienced this before?Does anyone think it could be something other than a UTI?I feel almost completely cleared up and my fever has gone down from yesterday.All answers are appreciated.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How to stop receding gums?

    I'm 17 and I don't smoke.I brush my teeth twice a day.When I woke up this morning I was able to see more of my two bottom teeth.The gum area is red and and shorter then the rest of my gums.What could've caused this?Could this be an infection?How can I cure this at home?I don't want to go to the dentist unless completely necessary.Has anyone experienced this or have knowledge about it?Thank you

    Dental6 years ago
  • Am I pregnant?

    I want to start off by saying I CANNOT et a pregnancy test for another week.I need some information and opinions to ease my mind so that the stress doesn't delay me any more.I got my period 31 days ago and a typical cycle for me 29 days long.I has sex on the 7&16th day of my cycle.The first time the condom broke and the second time the condom was 100% in tact and water tested afterwards.Neither time has he ejaculated inside of me and he always urinates prior to remove any semen from his urethre.I had very heavy ovulation fluid on the 18th day.Currently I have breast tenderness and my cervix is slightly hard,low,and it has a slit in it.Does this mean that its closed or open?My discharge is normal like it usually is before my period(really light and clumpy).I always track my cervix and discharge but I'm too nervous to even think clearly right now.Please any help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Do you think that I'm pregnant?

    I want to start off by saying I CANNOT et a pregnancy test for another week.I need some information and opinions to ease my mind so that the stress doesn't delay me any more.I got my period 31 days ago and a typical cycle for me 29 days long.I has sex on the 7&16th day of my cycle.The first time the condom broke and the second time the condom was 100% in tact and water tested afterwards.Neither time has he ejaculated inside of me and he always urinates prior to remove any semen from his urethre.I had very heavy ovulation fluid on the 18th day.Currently I have breast tenderness and my cervix is slightly hard,low,and it has a slit in it.Does this mean that its closed or open?My discharge is normal like it usually is before my period(really light and clumpy).I always track my cervix and discharge but I'm too nervous to even think clearly right now.Please any help is appreciated.

    Pregnancy6 years ago
  • How long after FINISHING monistat 7 can I have oral and vaginal sex?

    Does anyone know if its safe?We don't use condoms and he plans on performing oral sex on me.It'll be the only time in the next month that we'll have time to ourselves.Will the medication be gone all the way 5 days after using the last application?Its day 3 today and my dishcarge has been back to normal now with no symptoms or leakage of the suppository.The itching cleared up after the first night of using it.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What is the failure rate for this contraceptive method?

    What are the chances of me getting pregnant on the 28th day of a 30 day cycle?I am 100% sure I ovulated around the 15th day of my cycle.During ovulation my mood and discharge become noticeablly different.We also plan on pulling out.Using a condom is NOT an option so please don't bother telling me to use one.My partner would just like to know how risky it is by getting a percentage.I know that if executed perfectly the pull out method is 94% effective and peeing before sex clears any sperm left over from previous ejaculations from getting into the pre-ejaculatory fluid.However my partner still wants a percentage of the chances of us getting pregnant?And sources would be great.Thank you

    Women's Health6 years ago
  • How effectictive is contraceptive film against pregnancy?

    My partner and I both dislike condoms and I'm unable to use hormonal birth control.I'n considering using contraceptive film,the pull-out method,and not having sex while I'm ovulating.In my opinion this seems good because if the pre-ejaculatory fluid does contain semen then it'll be blocked by the spermicide and there also won't be an egg for it to fertilize to begin with.Howver my partner wants an outside opinion?Does anyone know the effectiveness of this method?Also how effective is contraceptive film to begin with?I've heard many different percentages.All answers are appreciated thanyou.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How effective is contraceptive film at preventing pregnancy?

    My partner and I both dislike condoms and I'm unable to use hormonal birth control.I'n considering using contraceptive film,the pull-out method,and not having sex while I'm ovulating.In my opinion this seems good because if the pre-ejaculatory fluid does contain semen then it'll be blocked by the spermicide and there also won't be an egg for it to fertilize to begin with.Howver my partner wants an outside opinion?Does anyone know the effectiveness of this method?Also how effective is contraceptive film to begin with?I've heard many different percentages.All answers are appreciated thanyou.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Can dry sex cause a yeat infection?

    6 days ago my boyfriend and I had sex and the condom wasn't that well lubricated so it was dry.I didn't mind though.The next day I've experience itching on my inner labias.I read that tiny cuts from the friction can cause an itch?Is that true and if so how long until they heal?I also don't wear tight clothing,thongs,and I never use soap in my vagina.I use menstrual cups so it can't be from tampons or anything like that.And we've been using the same condoms for 6 months nowPlease anyone who has experience with this?Its uncomfortable and I don't want to treat it as a yeast infection if it isn't one.All answers are appreciated thankyou.I also can't go to a doctor.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago