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Hola! My name's Sarah, and I'm a Leo/Virgo cusp baby. I love basketball and volleyball w/ a passion. I'm on the varsity squad for two state winning programs. I'm a musical addict, and I can tell you about almost any musical on the planet. My personal favorites are Jesus Christ Superstar, Wicked, West Side Story, Little Shop of Horrors, Aida, Cats, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (can't you tell that I'm an ALW addict?? :D) My personal faves on Y/A have to be Sports (Basketball and Baseball sections) Health (Diet and Fitness) the whole Beauty and Style category, Entertainment and Music, and Arts and Humanities.

  • Google Chrome--GadgetBox search help?

    I got the my-start incredibar bug from watching some torrented legend of korra. yeah, shame on me. it hacked into google chrome and redirected the search engine to its own. i removed the program from my computer via control panel, but now there's another search engine hacking chrome.

    it's called gadgetbox, and the link looks like this:

    it only shows up when i first open chrome, after that i can open chrome and see the normal chrome homepage. i don't see any sketch programs left on the control panel.

    how do i remove this?

    4 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Book Title question??

    Okay. This is what I know about this book.

    It's fairly recent, written after 2000.

    Written by a women with breast cancer.

    The book is comprised of letters to her daughters.

    Can you guys help me out??

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Question about Navy ROTC?

    I'm a freshman in high school, and I'm from a military family. I want to be a doctor, preferably in sports medicine or trauma. I've thought about attending the Naval Academy, but my oldest brother has talked me out of that. I still want to serve my country though, so the Navy ROTC was my next choice. Navy ROTC has a nursing program, but I can't find if it has one to train future doctors. So can I be a doctor and be in the Navy ROTC?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Swimsuit question???????????????

    Before I go swimsuit shopping, i'd like to know what types i should be looking for to flatter my body type. I have a very athletic body type: my shoulders and arms are very toned from playing basketball and volleyball year round, my boobs are a little bit bigger than a 36B. I do have a define waistline, but it's not very great. My butt is rather large, and my thighs are also large but muscular.

    Is there any specific type of suit i should be looking for that would best flatter my body? thanks!

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Question about the Knoxville TN skyline?

    Whats the name of the Disco-ball shaped building in Knoxville?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Midwest-esque [ha! i rhymed] city names.?

    So I need a name for a make-believe city in Illinois for a silly busy work project. it can't exist already in illinois

    thanks in advance

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What kind of blow-dryer should I get?

    I'm looking for something in the 50-60$ range, w/ a diffuser attachment too, preferably something w/ a substantial warranty, and any comments on what NOT to get would be appreciated too :) I certainly don't want it to fall apart after I use it twice :P

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Concussion Question??? ?

    I've gotten two grade-1 concussions in the last month and a half, both from basketball. My last one happened friday night, when my head got slammed by a girl's elbow and subsequently falling and hitting my head. I didn't have a chance to get to urgent care last night, the game ended at 9:45 and the closet urgent care was more than a half hour away, and I wasn't too discombobulated that a trip to the ER was necessary.

    MY question really is, how long should I tell my coaches that I'll be out for? I'm hoping only a week or so, but since I've gotten 2 so close together, I think it may be longer. Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Knee Pain/Potential Injury Question?

    I've got pretty messed up legs. I have flat feet, which has messed up my thigh muscles (I took care of that problem), which made my knees generally hurt. I went to therapy for awhile and I got that taken care of. I've been out of pt for about 2.5 months, and since about a week ago, my right knee has been hurting, on the outside curve.

    This only happens when I bend my knees or put more than half of my weight on my leg. I don't recall a specific incident where it started hurting, I play basketball and volleyball, and I take advil before games/long practices for my shoulder (overextended it during vball), so I may have been blocking out some of the pain.

    Any ideas on what I may have injured?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Post Marking Date Question?

    If I get a letter to the post office approximately at 3:30, will it be postmarked December 1, 2008.

    I need to know when that postmarking cut-off time is, b/c if I don't get my scholarship application in to the mail on time, this y/a-er won't have a chance of getting a hefty scholarship :(

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Choosing a high school??

    I'm going to highschool next year, scary stuff :P I used to be a huge fan of School A, just because my brothers went there and b/c my *friends* are going there. A few days ago I went on a tour at school B, and I really liked it, and two of my favorite friends are going to B.

    The bigger problem is sports. I've played for School A in their feeder programs in volleyball and basketball for the last 3 years, and I've met w/ the varsity coaches and they keep saying how great I'm going to be w/ them and how I could go to state and how excited they are that I'm going to be playing for school A.

    School B has an equally decent sports program, but in this league, it's pretty mandatory that to be considered for sports that you need to be in a feeder program.

    So now I'm teeter-tottering back and forth between these two schools. I know that I'd have a great education at both. I would have better friends at school B, and at School A I would know a lot more people, but I probably wouldn't have as many good friends. Also, at school B, I would eventually get into the athletic system, and I also like how at school B people come from a lot more socioeconomic backgrounds and having lots of money usually doesn't affect your popularity and how there aren't too many cliques. But, there's the added fact that my family has been die-hard School A fans, and having a child go to school B (schools A and B are major-rivals) would be blasphemy.

    Placement tests are on the 22, and I have to decide soon. Any thoughts?


    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Choosing a high school?

    I'm going to highschool next year, scary stuff :P I used to be a huge fan of School A, just because my brothers went there and b/c my *friends* are going there. A few days ago I went on a tour at school B, and I really liked it, and two of my favorite friends are going to B.

    The bigger problem is sports. I've played for School A in their feeder programs in volleyball and basketball for the last 3 years, and I've met w/ the varsity coaches and they keep saying how great I'm going to be w/ them and how I could go to state and how excited they are that I'm going to be playing for school A.

    School B has an equally decent sports program, but in this league, it's pretty mandatory that to be considered for sports that you need to be in a feeder program.

    So now I'm teeter-tottering back and forth between these two schools. I know that I'd have a great education at both. I would have better friends at school B, and at School A I would know a lot more people, but I probably wouldn't have as many good friends. Also, at school B, I would eventually get into the athletic system, and I also like how at school B people come from a lot more socioeconomic backgrounds and having lots of money usually doesn't affect your popularity. But, there's the added fact that my family has been die-hard School A fans, and having a child go to school B (schools A and B are major-rivals) would be blasphemy.

    Placement tests are on the 22, and I have to decide soon. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Science Fair Ideas.....?

    So. It's nearly November, and @ my school, for all honors science students, it means that its time to get started on your science fair project :(

    I would like to do something w/ making paper. I just can't figure out what the best topic is to focus on: how many times paper can be recycled and remade w/o losing strength, etc., eco-friendly ways to bleach paper, eco-friendly dyeing, etc. etc.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could narrow this down?? thanks! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Acne medication question?

    I've been using benzaclin for my acne, and for the last year or so, it's been working phenomenally. But these last 2 weeks, I've gotten monster zit after monster zit. I've had 2 that were bigger than pencil erasers, and 4 that were maybe half that size.

    I'm fairly sure that this isn't because of my cycle, and I know that my medication hasn't expired, I've been under low stress, and my diet/exercise habits haven't changed.

    a. What is causing this? and

    b. Do I need stronger medication

    11 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • DIY Paint Job Question?

    I'm planning on painting a room in the next few weekends. I've got primer, the right kinds of brushes, the correct amt. of paint, and all of the various painting paraphernalia that one requires when painting a room.

    The problem is that the former resident of the room put up posters w/ tape. After a few years, he ripped the posters and tape off the wall, and the tape took some paint w/ it. I don't want my walls to be rough, so I'm thinking that they way to solve this is by sanding the torn off areas so it's smooth and hopefully will look better once the paint has dried. Is this the correct way to do so??

    Thanks in advance :)

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Choosing a highschool...?

    I'm going to highschool next year, scary stuff :P I used to be a huge fan of School A, just because my brothers went there and b/c my *friends* are going there. A few days ago I went on a tour at school B, and I really liked it, and two of my favorite friends are going to B.

    The bigger problem is sports. I've played for School A in their feeder programs in volleyball and basketball for the last 3 years, and I've met w/ the varsity coaches and they keep saying how great I'm going to be w/ them and how I could go to state and how excited they are that I'm going to be playing for school A.

    School B has an equally decent sports program, but in this league, it's pretty mandatory that to be considered for sports that you need to be in a feeder program.

    So now I'm teeter-tottering back and forth between these two schools. I know that I'd have a great education at both. I would have better friends at school B, and at School A I would know a lot more people, but I probably wouldn't have as many good friends. Also, at school B, I would eventually get into the athletic system, and I also like how at school B people come from a lot more socioeconomic backgrounds and having lots of money usually doesn't affect your popularity. But, there's the added fact that my family has been die-hard School A fans, and having a child go to school B (schools A and B are major-rivals) would be blasphemy.

    Placement tests are in November, and I have to decide soon. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • nearly 9 months of waiting....Heroes is nearly here!?

    So who else is psyched for Season 3 of Heroes??

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • I'm not sure if my rib is broken or not...?

    Okay. So I'm playing tag w/ my babysitting charges. I am being chased, and I see the girl who's it fall. I try to turn around to see if she's alright, but a door frame is in the way, and I smash my whole right side on the door. The main impact was on my false ribs, and a phone also slammed into my shoulder. All last night I noted that it hurt to breathe deeply, laugh, and lie down, but I figured it was just cramps.

    So today, during volleyball practice, my coach notices that I'm in pain, and asked me what was wrong. After hearing what had happened, he thought that it sounded like I had cracked one of my ribs. Another coach, who's an occupational therapist, said that a cracked rib was also very likely.

    I'm a hard-core German, and I'm pretty sure that it's only bruised. But d'you think it's worth a visit to UrgentCare just to make sure?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Best ankle braces for unstable ankles??

    I've got extremely unstable ankles. I roll one of them at least once a day, usually w/o pain or spraining. However, ever since I've started higher level volleyball competition, my ankles have been giving out on me a lot more often, and I've gotten 2 sprains in the last 3 weeks, and I obviously need braces. So, in you experience, what is the best ankle brace out there?

    PS- The ankle problems are totally genetic, and physical therapy won't help them.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I need shoe help asap...?

    I have uber-flat feet, and today I just got my new (and painful) inserts/orthodics/torture devices. My podiatrist vetoed most of my current athletic shoes (Adidas Bounces and Nike Shox), and I'm sure he's going to have a heart attack once he sees my basketball and volleyball shoes (Nike Vis Air Elites and Asic Gel Rocket 4s).

    He wants me to get some new balances, but the kind he wants me to get, are, in my opinion, hideous. At my school, we're required to wear athletic shoes, and having cool ones, however childish and petty that may sound, is important to me.

    My question is, are there any Nike/Adidas/Puma shoes that have good stability and support? I'd like it if the shoes were close to my current style.





    Air Elites:

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago