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Mom of 1 expecting girl 9/21/09

Favorite Answers28%

I am a lucky woman, I'm divorced, been through hell, came back and now officially engaged. I am going to marry my wonderful fiance in June 09. I have a wonderful daughter, Kimber who is my world. And I am expecting my 2nd little girl on 9/21/09 and I am so excited to get to be a mommy x 2!

  • My fiance and I seem to fight a lot lately - looking for advice to stop!?

    Well, my fiance and I have been together for almost 4 years. I really do love guy but, lately stress has taken hold of our family. We are supposed to get married in June 09, which is only in a couple months. We are supposed to also have a baby in Sept 09. We have been planning this wedding for around a year and 1/2, so obviously we are not just getting married b/c I am pregnant.

    I know I have not helped the situation being moody from pregnancy, and he is not being helpful by being so off handed and just unaware that there have been so many problems lately.

    We can't get our budget balanced, we are nervous b/c the baby on the way, we haven't had sex for two months and we can not have sex even on our wedding night, until I give birth. It's just seems we are in a big rut. We have been fighting a lot, especially over finances, and I don't know what to do. I do not want to break up with the guy of course but I can not live with us arguing almost every single day. We end up resolving it by us yelling (more like me yelling and him ignoring the problem) and then me going to bed.

    How can we learn how to get through our stress and cooperate with each other more?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How should I spell my-to-be's name? Addalynn, Adelyn, Addilynn, etc...?

    I just found out TODAY that I have another little girl! I am more than just excited! But NOW I have to figure out how to spell this babies name!

    I want it to be able to be pronouced


    How should I spell the name? Also!

    My baby girl's middle name has to start w/ a D b/c it's a family tradition. SO what do you think should be the middle name? The last name is Hayworth.

    I was thinking

    Addilynn Dawn Hayworth

    but I don't know if I like that spelling b/c it is so long and it would give an impression it was pronounced Add-e-lynn and it's supposed to be Add-uh-lynn. So please any suggestions would be great!


    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 17 weeks pregnant - need advice on college...?

    Like I put above I am 17 weeks pregnant and I am wondering how I should go about going to college. I would only have to go to school maybe once or twice a week for a while after the baby is born but, after that I still have a full year of college 4 days a week w/ clinicals. My child would be around 4 months when all that starts.

    What I should I do? I mean is there anyone out there who has dealt with this same problem? I am really concerned b/c I know a college education is important. I already have a 6 year old daughter. Supporting two kids and trying to get them through life (including college for them one day!) is going to cost A LOT I know that for sure...

    Has anyone went through these problems and made it? How did you make it work?

    I am getting married soon, and my fiance can help a little but honestly he works so hard with very long hours and he won't be a great back up for studying and etc.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Question about head circumference at 14w5 days?

    I went in today for my second sonogram (my doctor does them every time). I am supposed to be around 13w4 days give or take, due around September 20th to 28th.

    My baby's head measured at the size of 14w5d.

    How does head measurement figure up the age of the baby? Can you go by head size to determine the age of the child?

    The first appt said I should be 13w4d and the ultrasound of the head measurement said it was 14w5d... just wondering why it is so different and how do I know how old my baby is?


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Vivid sex dreams on 50 mg of Zoloft at night. Wondering if this is normal...?

    I can't believe how personal this is but, I will tell you. I know that on anti-depressents you are supposed to have a reduced sex drive. But, I have been on Zoloft 50mg daily for about two weeks. I have had vivid sex dreams every night since I have been on it. The other day I even woke up masterbating which is crazy because I have never done that before! I honestly wake up so 'wound up' if you know what I mean that I can barely stand it. The dreams are so realistic, I have no idea how to seperate reality from dreams when I wake up. It's absolutely crazy. I wake up several times throughout the night and early morning just wanting to have sex compulsively. Is this normal?!?!

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Am I overprotective because I won't let my 5 year old run all over town by herself?!?!?

    O.k., I am a single mother of a 5 and 1/2 (almost 6) year old daughter. I live in a small town of around 1,000 people.

    The kids in this town run around like they have no parents. I see 4,5,6, and up kids just running around town on their bikes every place. I see them walking down the sidewalks, in the streets, playing in the park unsupervised and everything else you could imagine.

    My daughter just started the big Kindergarten this year. She is getting new friends and they are coming over to the house all the time (unsupervised of course) wanting my daughter to run all over town with them. Of course, my daughter doesn't understand why I won't let HER go out and play except for in the yard unless I am with her, or another parent.

    Am I too strict? It's crazy, this seven year old girl whose mother never knows where she is, is always coming over and begging to have my daughter go to her house, go across town to the park, and everywhere else and my daughter cries and cries....

    You get the point.

    Am I too strict to believe that my daughter shouldn't be running the streets? Is it too old fashion for me to believe that my daughter is the most precious thing in my life, and letting her go and come as she pleases at almost six years old is too much?

    I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I am from a bigger town. We don't see this stuff happen where I'm from...

    Just want some opinions.

    Please only serious answers. This is important to me.

    20 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Why won't my cat stay out of her litter box?

    I have a 7 week old kitten that will not stay out of the litter box! Now I know that people always complain of kittens not making it and this is backwards but, my kitten almost refuses to get out! Today I went to Walmart and she was in there going #2 and when I got back she was still in there. I thought maybe she had got out and got back in again, but she stayed in there another 30 minutes. I took her out of the box, gave her the food (Friskie's it's like pureed stuff almost) and Whiskers Cat Milk. I have not changed her diet at all, same stuff. Is it possible she is afraid of not making it back to the box? I have never scolded her for not making it although I did put here in there directly after an accident today. Please Help! I just want to know if this is normal or not!

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Baby kitten I found (6 weeks?) won't drink! PLEASE HELP! I NEED GOOD ADVICE!

    I found a little baby kitten yesterday. She must be 6 weeks old. I think she was a drop off and the yard she was hanging out in they weren't the owners so I went ahead and took her home.

    I mean she she is skin and bones and literally covered in little fleas. I gave her a flea bath, a spot treatment, and a little bitty kitty flea collar. I spent about 4 hours combing out fleas on this poor little kitty. She seems content but although besides being hard to catch outdoors she has been very inactive. She has basically set in a blanket that I made up for her to sleep in. Right now she's walking slowly around the house but she will only eat wet food but she won't drink anything. I tried to bottle feed her but she won't do that, she won't drink special baby kitten milk from Wal-Mart or water. She's almost a whole 6 oz can of cat food over the last 18 hours. How do I get her to drink? How do I know if she is sick or if she is just little and can't? Please any help would be very much appreciated. I do not have the money to take her to the vet until Monday (It's Thursday now) and I need to know what to do. I want to save this poor stray but I need some help!

    Constructive answers only please I am just trying to be a good new cat owner! Thanks in advice!

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I found a little baby kitty (6 weeks?) full of fleas and he eats but won't drink! With or without bottle! HELP

    I found a little baby kitten today. She has been out and about in someone else's yard and I finally got a hold of the owners and found out that it wasn't there cat. So I went ahead and swooped the adorable little kitty up. She looks maybe 6 weeks old, it's hard to tell. She was COVERED in fleas though, it was awful. I've spent the last four or five hours giving her a flea bath, picking out her hair, and giving her flea spot treatments, a long with a new flea collar. She was hard to catch but since then she's not active. She mostly likes being all balled up in a blanket being warm. I tried to give her a cat baby bottle with some fake milk stuff I bought that was for baby cats and she wouldn't drink it, tried water, and no go on that either. She would eat and eat her little cat food I bought her though. She ate quite a bit of that stuff. So what is my next step? How do I know if she's not thirsty b/c of other reasons or b/c she is sick? I really need help on the next steps! PLEASE!

    I would really appreciate it!

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can two people base a relationship on happiness alone?

    O.k., odd question. My fiance and I are going to get married in October. Most of the time (and I mean 99 percent) we get a long great. We have a wonderful happy relationship that we just laugh and have a wonderful time. Only about 1 percent of the time we argue and it is not too bad even. We are truly and really happy. Happy with each other. I mean we really are a HAPPY couple. Which is SO rare nowadays.

    BUT I realized today that is the only that we really have in common. That we are happy together...

    no SERIOUSLY. We don't get a long on politics, religion, child rearing, and we have two totally different personalities in general.

    Although we make those differences work and for the last three years we have had the best relationship ever.

    But it fills my mind w/ some sort of doubt - can two people base a relationship on being happy alone?

    We work through our differences, and we have a wonderful family life and our child is happy as a lamb as well...

    PLEASE no rude or mean answers!!!!!!

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it normal my 5 and 1/2 year old is losing both bottom teeth at the same time?

    My daughter who is five years and 8 months old is losing both of her middle bottom teeth at the same time! Is that normal? She mentioned today that they were lose and they were very lose, both of them and they look like they are going to come out at least soon. Is it ok they are both coming out at the same time? Is that normal?

    8 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Can irregular periods effect fertility?

    I am 26 years old, with one child she's 5 years old. My fiance and I are talking about trying to have a child right after we get married (we've been together 3 1/2 years already).

    My question is, how does having irregular periods effect fertility?

    I can go around 4-5 months without having a period easily. Most of the time, I'll go 4-6 months with one regular 5 day period (no real cramping, heavy flow etc), and then go another 4-6 months w/out one.

    It took me 8 months of trying to have my daughter w/ my ex husband.

    I just want to know if I will have any trouble having anymore children because of this. Just because I don't ovulate does that mean that my egg doesn't drop or does it and then what happens to it? If I don't have a period then what happens then?

    I am just confused and really hopeful that we can make a big family together and I am worried that I will have problems.

    I started my periods at 13 1/2 and have had this irregular problems since.

    Please don't give rude answers! TY!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • how taboo is it to have a punch and cookies wedding reception?

    I am going to have a wedding in October and I am trying to figure out how to plan out my reception.

    I can not honestly afford to buy (or be in debt) 75.00 or so a head of a sit down menu dinner and I was thinking traditional buffet style but someone mentioned to me that it would save a lot of money to have a punch and cookie reception. I could have on the buffet table lots of cookies, punch, and pies and at the end maybe a little candy buffet for people to fill up their wedding favors with out of beautiful glass candy dishes that I already have. BUT how taboo is that? I mean it is considered cheap and cheesy? I've never really been to too many receptions so I don't know. I was going to provide my own meal buffet myself but I was thinking it is a lot of stress to cook so much food by myself (no one to help) the day before my wedding. The reception is 2 PM, and is outdoors. Besides the reception mostly traditional, floral and pretty. Kind of a rustic outside scene. What should I serve?

    22 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know! Do you get the extra stimulus package money if you didn't claim child as dependent but EIC?

    I did not get to claim my daughter on my taxes this year as a dependent but I did get to claim her on EIC b/c she lives with me more out of the year and I am her primary custodial parent for the majority of the year although we share joint custody.

    My ex husband claims he did not claim her as a dependent either but who knows if he is telling the truth I did not know for sure.

    Please serious answers only if you know the answer 10 points! Thanks!

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Creative wedding favor idea...but how do I present without being cheesy?

    O.k., I have a GREAT wedding favor idea...

    or at least I think so.

    On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 the least, 10 the best) how do think about this idea?

    I am going to have these gorgeous glass bowls, dishes etc (they are beautiful I have them already) and I want to have a 'make your own favor' station. I want to have a nicely set up station at the end of the receiving line at a seperate table where it's all set up with pretty decorated favor boxes, have the containers labeled with what they are, and show them hey, you get to chose what you want to take home as your favor. Mints, Jordan Almonds, about 5 or 6 different little kinds of candy favors. BUT how do I present that to them? I've never heard of it before and I don't want them to get to there table and there is no favor and them wonder why. I don't want to just announce it b/c whether or not it's a good idea or not it sounds cheesy.

    Should I have something else at there table for them to?

    How would you present a new idea like that?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Base of a lilac color for my wedding but what would best my best accent colors??! Help!?

    I am having an outdoor wedding this August with the base color of light purple (varying shades between periwinkle and lavender), but I am stuck! What would be my best bet for my accent colors? Now I already have a lot of white things (garland etc, plus my guest book and pillows) but, what would be a stand out color to go with lilac that I could incooperate in everything?!

    I need to have something that stands out but nothing too gawdy.

    Also best answer will go to whoever can help me figure out how to implement that color(s) on my tables, flowers, etc and be able to know where to put all the colors together at!


    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • If ONE credit bureau deletes something do they all have to?

    Recently I had several things deleted off my credit report(s) by disputing the information underneath of the Fair Credit Protection Act. I got all three credit scores and I disputed all of my debt online through all the three credit bureaus. Well, several things were deleted off of my Experian and my Equifax. Actually almost all of it. But, they are all different things!

    My question...if something is deleted off of your credit report by ONE credit bureau do they ALL have to take it off or how does that work?

    I have a 4,000 Repossession that was taken off of my Equifax report but not my Experian and I just want to know if they have to take it all off. To be honest I owe the money otherwise I wouldn't care. But, I have worked long and hard to fix my credit and I was wondering if that meant that I was clear of it on there at least.

    Thanks! Please only answer if you know for sure! This is SO important to me!

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How can a divorced woman get married in a Catholic Church or at least by a Catholic priest?

    I married my high school sweetheart in 2001. We later separated in 2005 and divorced in 2007. I have been with my boyfriend (now fiance) for 3 years here pretty soon and recently he asked me to marry him. We are trying to get married in August 08. I very much love this man and the only problem?

    Well, he wants to get married in a Catholic church or by a Catholic priest. Now, I am very aware that divorced people have a very difficult time getting married in the Catholic church if at all. Now as odd as this sounds the situation is worse b/c he is not Catholic either. So neither of us really can technically. So what can I do? Can you get married in the church w/o being Catholic and if you can what are the chances? How? He has never been married before. I also have a daughter from my previous marriage, wouldn't they disown her? I have no problem converting but I don't honestly think they'd take me and my daughter would be a 'bastard' wouldn't she? I'm so confused!

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago