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  • How do i get or buy a copy of "The Wonder Years"?

    does anyone remember that show, The Wonder Years? There seems to be no where to buy copies of all the seasons. Does anyone know where i can buy it? I've tried amazon, ebay and everywhere on line with no luck. does anyone have a way to get a copy of all the full complete seasons? there is a vhs with 2 shows on it. i don't want that. I want the full complete seasons. thanks

    1 AnswerMagazines1 decade ago
  • where is the best place to meet men between the age of 36 and 55 years old?

    men that don't smoke and are not alcoholics. men that like to laugh and are loving and fun. Men that are not broke, but make a decent living. men that are monogamous and free of diseases. someone tell me where they are? they must like me as i am.

    i guess if i went out more i could meet men!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • if you are married to a muslim and you are getting a divorce what are the rights of the wife who is non muslim?

    okay, if your married to a Muslim man for over 20 years & it has not been working out what does the Islamic law say? i have understood it to say the wife has the right to ask for what she wants and he must agree to it.

    now, if the Muslim man only started practicing some form of actually being a Muslim for the last few years and is only Muslim when convenient how does that work? i mean he started drinking alcohol and becoming belligerent to the children and me? what if he is into drugs and crashing and become violent? what rights then do I, the wife and children have against such behavior?

    I'm asking this way because he is playing religion for convenience.

    this person is an addict and bi-polar (manic) and it is a reasonable question since he is suddenly thinking since he went to Mecca 2 years ago that he can do whatever he wants to hurt his family and people in general.

    what do other Muslims think of this? is this right behavior for Muslims? i thought the religion preached peace and Godliness.

    By the way, he wants the divorce, he doesn't want me or the children anymore. He is violent and life threatening. He just wants to do whatever it is at the moment that he wants.

    We no longer live together. The children and I feared him so much we moved out because he is life threatening.

    He said if he was in his country he could have me executed as a divorce.

    now, what does that mean? if you don't want to be married, you kill your wife?

    I'm freaked out. He scared me and the children so much, i don't want them to grow up afraid. they are already not wanting to be around him anymore, because he is so damn mean. like a vicious snake.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really know about the Urantia Foundation?

    Does anyone have first hand knowledge of the Urantia Foundation. (sponsored by Uversa Corps of Superuniverse Personalities acting by the authority of the Orvonton Ancients of days) Who they are, why this book was published, what reason this was published and why it seems to be obscure bizarre and vague? I ran across this book by accident. I've heard people refer to it as "Project Blue Book".

    What is this all about and who would take such time to write it? it looks like 12 people did, but who and why take the time to write what seems to be in all aspects of the word, "phony".

    They have offices around the world and I'm just curious if someone belongs to this foundation or has a friend or relative who is and will be willing to share the reason for this book i'd really appreciate the clearing up of this mystery.

    it seems to give accounts of the writer being in places at points in history that go back hundreds of years and also be in present time although the book was originally published 1955 and is in the Library of Congress.

    Any help solving this mystery would be helpful.

    but please, no religious preaching that its the devil or fire and brimstone. I'm not looking for a preacher, just looking for a truthful answer of who and what the heck this book is and why it was written. thank you

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • what is the best way to get a divorce without the blood sucking attorneys trying to get my money?

    I'm married to a very bi=polar person. he won't take his medications and he berates me and the children in the most insane manner. no one can talk to him. he is off the wall. i fear that once again he will give all our holding to some Muslim organization or just give it to strangers. he is so crazy, he is frightening the children, they are in the middle and they do not want to even bother with him. he is cruel to say the least.

    He thinks we are all against him.

    I'm not a muslim, i'm a laid back catholic. i don't care and never did what his religion is. i didn't marry a religion. i thought i married a man, but he is acting insane, telling me if we were in the middle east that he he could kill me in a divorce. he has become totally irrational.

    after all the hard work i have put in over the years i do not want to see whatever we have left to be given away.

    i want my children to be loved and able to go to college.

    he screams bloody murder on the phone.

    i think i'm going to have a nervous breakdown if i don't find a way out from his tyrant behavior. i moved out in 2003, because i feared for my life and the life of my children.

    is there anyone out there that can give some real and helpful advice.

    no jokers please! i'm at my wits end.

    he has called every minute for the last few hours, i shut the phones finally. calling, screaming and me hanging up. over and, please

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are you glad President Bush is leaving the White house? ?

    What did you like or dislike about him. are you glad to see him go? or would you rather he stay? what are your feelings on Obama, Biden and Hilary being Secy of State?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • should george bush be impeached?

    after having a war that killed so many American Soldiers and Iraqi's for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. after the CIA repeated sent him letters, telling him they didn't exist on at least 11 occasions, he still brought us into a war instead of helping here on our own soil the people of 911, katrina and so on. do you think he should not only be impeached, but all the money him and his croonies made on the war, by selling the uniforms, meals, tanks etc, from their private companies to our military and country and making the taxpayer pay for it. do you think the way we got screwed, that the money should in fact be taken away from every company they all own here and around the world and give the money back to the people of the united states and put jobs, businesses, education and health care into own country?

    what do you think we can all do to fix and settle this problem, obviously throwing a shoe at him doesn't so a thing. He didn't realize what an insult that was. its like saying, hey, mr bush, you are a dog!

    also, should Harvard and Yale take back the Business degrees they gave him? his daddy paid for that with your tax dollar.

    our kids can't even go to a safe school and this son of a b*tch is president. plus, if your president, i thought you couldn't have a past record of illegal drug use, so how does a coke head alcoholic get to be President?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Acai Pills, 5.95 for shipping has anyone else been ripped off money, $88.00?

    I tried to ask this question but the stupid people who were making a pretense of answering, were telling me about weight loss. i don't give a rats tail about weight loss.

    my question is, NOW TRY TO READ ENGLISH.... Has anyone been ripped off by the people who sell the "Acai Pills" where you are suppose to just pay, "$5.95 for shipping and handling"? No other fees.

    I got a credit card debit reciept from them and more of these crappy pills for $88.00. when they were not ordered. they have no email address when it comes to contacting customer service the phones are busy only during business hours and there is no return address or policy.

    that's it. I don't want any answers about weight loss. the pills are for my aunt flabby. so forget the weight thing, just answer this.... have you or anyone you know been ripped off of money by the people who push the Acai pills? { scammed, ripped off, for money".}


    2 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been screwed by the Acai product to loose weight,where you pay for the shipping only $5.95?

    I bought the Acai pills. they didn't really do anything, no weight loss. except some diarrhea. they say you can loose like 30 or 40 lbs. i thought i might loose 5 lbs. but lost nothing but money!!

    I got a bill this month....$88.00 for them charged to my credit card, but i haven't got my statement yet, just a bill and a no reply email. The Pills, their is really nothing useful in the Acai. maybe some homeopathic sounding words that mean: blueberry and green tea in the pills. i didn't order anymore, but they don't give you anyway to stop them from billing your credit card. if you call them during business hours. the phone is busy constantly. has anyone else been ripped off by them? be careful. don't waste your money on this crap. they are out of Florida and i have no email to reach them. the email is a no-reply address. their are a BIG RIP OUT.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • if you think medical marijuana should be legal what is the best way to get our state leaders to know that?

    If you think medical marijuana should be legal, how do you think this can be conveyed to our leaders. Considering most of them are drunk most of the time, how can you get through to them?

    Do you know that cocaine is a class 2 narcotic, but marijuana is class one and one plant in certain states can put you in jail for 5 years.

    so, we have 12 states that have legal marijuana, but the federal government saying its still illegal. how do we get the federal government out of our health issues and get them making our economy better and fixing the national deficit?

    Do you know Thomas Jefferson farmed Marijuana, and it was legal until the the 1930's. it has thousands of uses. it does not cause addition, nor does it cause cancer. can you say that about cigarettes or alcohol? I think not.

    so why is marijuana illegal and so evil. well, you see, its kind of hard for a drug company to market a weed that grows anywhere like a dandelion will. the competition would be bad for business.

    there are no overdoses from marijuana.

    i'm not talking for stoner's i am though in favor of helping the sick with marijuana, that has no side effects, except maybe the munchies.

    if you have cancer, migraines, IBS, ulcerative colitis, MS etc....there are to many illnesses to list that it helps. and for people thinking oh, a doctor will write a prescription for it instead of sleeping pills. well, please! SLEEPING PILLS ARE ADDICTIVE, MARIJUANA IS NOT. no matter what you've been told. look up for lots of info on medical marijuana

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • do you think medical marijuana should be legal with a doctors prescription?

    medical marijuana is great for helping cancer patients, IBS, migraines, MS patients and tons of other illnesses. So how would you feel if the Federal Government would make it a 2nd class narcotic, which means, a doctor can write a prescription for you and you would either go to a pharmacy or a pot vending machine, or grow it yourself or they also put the THC in pill form. There are 12 states now that write prescriptions for medical marijuana, but the federal government still sees it as illegal.

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that the Federal Reserve is not part of the federal gov't and is privately owned?

    Many Americans today wrongfully believe that the Federal Reserve is somehow part of the federal government, possibly even the Treasury Department. Many do not know that the Federal Reserve is actually a cartel of private banks that was given the power to be the sole issuer of U.S. money, with full control over its quantity and thus its value. Since this group of private bankers (the Fed) provides credit to the U.S. government when we spend money we don’t have, the Fed also is able to profit handsomely from the ever-increasing national debt. Because the Fed makes more money when the country goes deeper into debt, there is no incentive for the Fed to support any reductions in federal deficit spending. The more credit we need, the more money this cartel of private banks will make.

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • which is best, home schooling, private schooling or public and why?

    which is the best way for children and even adults, seniors and toddlers to get an education?

    5 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Who is voting for Ron Paul come November?

    will you be voting for Ron Paul, or the bozo's that are running?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • do alligators live in salt water?

    i live at the SC coast on the Kiawah River. Its salt water, not brackish.

    there has been an alligator living in this water and i watch him almost everyday and wonder why he hasn't moved to a pond or lagoon. i know i've seen alligators come out of the ocean, but they are usually traveling through, but this, now 4 footer is getting just big enough that i'm wondering if maybe its a croc and not a gator. can someone give me some help with this one. thanks

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Do you think John McCain heard all the questions and answers of Obama last night?

    I thought john mccain answered the question so quickly as if he heard them before and knew the answers of test. there was no thought put into them. plus, we already have a president that has no thought of the future, he just comes out and lets the chips fall where they may. I don't think he is a visionary and i think he is to old and set in his ways.

    what do you think?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • parents drop their teenager off friday night and want me to drive him home on sunday?

    okay, this is it. these parents that live 1 hour away drop their teenager off at my house on friday night about 9pm. i don't really even know them. our kids go to high school together. then, here it is 12 noon sunday and the mother calls me asks if my husband can drive her son half the way home. they never even say thanks for keeping their son here. feeding him and taking care of him. but she complains of how much trouble her kids are. i have boys of my own. i feel like a door mat. i would drive the kid home, but my husband and i are exhausted ourselves and we've had to keep kids entertained, which, i really don't mind. they aren't a problem to me. its the parents that i think are very selfish. i mean, why do you have kids if you don't want to be doing things with them?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • does anyone else feel etrade accounts are a rip off?

    i just want to know if you have had a bad experience with etrade. its bad enough they make it sound as if you can open an account in a few minutes, then it was over a week for me and i missed what i wanted to invest in. it was to late by the time my account was actually open. what about you? have you had trouble getting your money back or put in your other home accounts?

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where John Titor is? Has anyone ever actually seen him or do you have a picture of him?

    John Titor was supposedly on the net in 98. said he was a time traveler, moved in with his parents, here, in the past as he watched himself at 3 years old, then he also had gone back to 1975 to retieve a IBM 5100 computer, that looks like the old Telex machines, that changed our destiny about Y2k...... okay anybody out there know more about this malarkey? Its an interesting story, but i still want to know more details

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago