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  • What else can I do? (Life help)?

    I am 24 years old and my girlfriend and I recently found out that we are 11 weeks pregnant. Its our first child and we are very excited, but we are also worried, because we are not financially set as it stands. My parents died when I was a teenager and my girlfriends family live 2 states away and do not talk to her vey often. I had to sell my car a few years ago to pay the taxes on my childhood home (since Im the only one left in my immediate family). As a result I have difficulty finding work and am stuck in a small town with very few (privately owned) business, that tend to only hire members of their own family. We are getting some help from the state for food, but my biggest worry is finding a way to provide for my family. I recently looked into a grant for local collage classes, but never heard back from the place I applied. I dont need to drive a new car and have a large bank account, but I would love to at least get a foot in the door again. I don't want to skim by and do the bare minimum, but around here you either have to know people or be born into the right family to make money. We have already decided to keep the baby, and I would love to do something with my life, but I cant seem to get my foot back in the door. So we have no family, no car, no income, and I have been losing alot of sleep over this for the last couple weeks... Can someone give me some life advice? I can't raise my child without being given a chance to make an income. (Adoption is not an option)

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • WWE 13: Universe mode problems?

    As I was playing "Universe mode" and setting up my Royal Rumble contenders, the PS3 kicked me out of Universe Mode and has now made it unavalible to get back in. Has anyone else experienced this on WWE 13? If so, why is it doing this and how do I fix it?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How do I trade Pokemon from SoulSilver to White?

    We both have DS's, and before I restart my Soul Silver version, I was going to trade a few Pokemon to my friend with White version so he could have them. I cant figure out where to go or what to do to trade between the games though. Can anyone help? Details please.

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago
  • Why are IWC fans siding with Cena now that he's losing?

    IWC has hated Cena for years and has been saying "I wish Brock would comeback kick his ***, or CM Punk would take his spot"... Then when both those things happened, everyone wanted to be a Cena fan again!!! What the hell?! The guys is terrible! Why is it that most people in the IWC are turning on Lesnar now that he's doing EXACLEY what theyve been begging him to do since 2005?! I dont get it? Why is everyone around the web pulling for Cena now? I for one am still on Team Brock. Cena should lose at Extreme Rules. He loses one WrestleMania to The Rock, and everyone acts like Cena needs another push... Hello! What did you call 2005-2011? I called it a 6 year Cena push! Brock needs this more than Cena... Hell, we all need Brock to win. The Internet fans used to get that. O.o

    1 AnswerWrestling9 years ago
  • Wait... is Cena ALREADY heel?

    Hear me out! ...WWE may have invented a new type of heel without any of us even realising it. Instead of turning Cena "bad", WWE may realise the best way for him to get heat, is to be the same Cena he's always been. Did you hear the boo's he got Monday when he said "I wont lash out at the WWE Universe". Com'on, listen to the way he said it, he KNEW that was going to get hear from the fans. Its almost like he wanted the fans to boo him before Lesnar made his return.

    So what Im asking is this: Is it possible that WWE has already made Cena heel, by his refusal to give the fans what they want? They know that were going to boo him everytime he refuses to turn heel, yet he never fails to bring up that he wont be doing that. Plus, this way he will still be able to play hero to the kids, while collecting heat from the adults. It makes alot of sense! Its almost like he's turning heel, in an stubborn attempt to stay face. That way he's heal, yet he's still the same old Cena.

    10 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Does WWE really think we dont know who the A-Train is?

    I understand that he has a new gimmick, and thats ok... but King and Cole acted like he was a "new" superstar that they had never seen before... Like he didnt wrestle in WWE for 7 years.. Like King and Cole themselves didnt call 95% of his matches.. I was like "Oh my god, they sound so stupid to the older fans".

    5 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • How big will Lesnar's push be this time around?

    Im sure this has already been asked, but I didnt the topic anywhere... Brock was WWE's "Next Big Thing" and was groomed to be the next Hogan, Austin, or Goldberg of the company. In 2003-2004 they truly began to shape the entire company around this man, then... he left. Now that he's back 8 years later, and Cena has become "the guy", do you think WWE will make Brock look bad? Heres why I think WWE will fail with Brock.

    1.) He left when WWE needed him most, and Vince was made to look like a fool after selling him as the future of the company.

    2.) Cena has taken his spot and if Brock reclaims it, Cena will continue to fall down the ladder (WWE dont want that, he's their golden boy).

    3.) Brock only signed a 1 year contract, and obviously dont want to stick around long.

    4.) WWE would love to put guys like Cena, Orton, and Sheamus over a former UFC Heavyweight Champion. How often do they get the chance to do that?

    I am a big fan of Brock's, but I could really see another "Goldberg" case when he returns. Think about it, Goldberg came in in 2003 and as much as it rocked the wrestling world, WWE destroyed his image and threw away the pieces. The made him look stupid because he was "The Man" in WCW when it was WWE biggest rival. (BQ) Couldnt you see WWE doing the samething to Brock since he left in 2004 during his BIG push to the top? I really think WWE will give him the Goldberg treatment this time around.

    3 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Watching RAW for free?

    My TV broke 2 days ago, can anyone provide a link where I could watch RAW live tonight? I thought WWE had a place you could watch it on, but Im not 100%

    3 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Does anyone else notice how terrible Swagger is in the mic?

    He's a great wrestler, but his mic skills suck.

    BQ: Did Jack Swagger really jack Kurt Angle's swagger?

    6 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • How do I get my things back?!?

    So my girlfriends sister and boyfriend moved in with us, and her sister has taken every oppertunity to bad talk me behind my back. I know she doesnt like me and never really card, until now. She gets mad because after cleaning up after the kid, do laundry, and do the dishes I dont pick up her and her boyfriend's messes (since i dont feel that room mates are my responsibility). I leave them for her to pick up and I go play Xbox for a couple hours in my bed room everyday until my girlfriend gets home from work. For some reason that angers her sister... This morning I sat down to play Xbox, and noticed that my cords were gone. I know she stole my cords, for not being their maid. She wants me to believe that she dont have them, but I know the 3 year old didnt move the big screen, unplug the jacks, and take the cord out of the wall, then unplug both from behind the Xbox. Its just not a logical for a small 3 year old, especially since hes always being watched.

    My question is, how do I deal with the theft? I have no proff and my girlfriend will side with her sister because of it (even though she has a good idea who it was as well). What do I do? I cant stand for this, but I dont want to make my girlfriend pick sides.

  • Why is Matt Hardy held to a higher standerd than Jeff?

    Matt has always been treated like crap by promoters, media figures, fans, and other wrestlers. Why doesnt he get the respect he deserves?

    I mean, come on. He should have been main eventing before Jeff was:

    1). Matt was seen as a bigger star in the early days, and was never "less" popular than Jeff, until Jeff started dressing wierd and wearing glowing paint.

    2.) Matt has shown more wrestling skills, and the ability to carry a match better than his brother. Not to mention his far superior mic skills. (Jeff is horrible on the mic, and is a big part of why I could never take him seriously).

    3.) Jeff messes up EVERY year, and is always givin a main-event push when he sobers up. Matt only got in trouble once, and people acted like he shouldnt be given another chance. Yet his brother Curt Cobaine, is givin World Titles for his drug addictions! (And dont say, "Jeffs actions where only hurtful to himself". Because getting hopped up and trying to do high-flying moves, is dangerous to EVERYONE in the match!).

    4.) Matt has always been loyal to the WWE, but they always treated him horrible based on the actions of others (Jeff, Lita, and Edge). Even after being treated like he was worthless, Matt stuck with WWE until 2010 (when he was fired because of Jeffs actions).

    5.) Matt proved during his ECW days, that he was quite capible of being a main-eventer, yet again, for some reason he was over shadowed by his brother. (Matt could have been just as popular as Jeff if he had been givin the proper push).

    Why didnt Jeff get the treatment Matt did? Sure Matt whines alot on the internet, but you would to if your brother could shoot heroine before every show, and still be givin a main-even run. After 4 years in TNA bashing WWE mind you... While Matt remained loyal, I might add).

    4 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • What should I do about my girlfriend?

    Im pretty sure that she only keeps me around because I do all the chores around the house (Babysit her son, do the dishes, feed her dog, shoping for food, take out the trash, and cleaning the house). When we 1st got together she was amazing and we had an equal relationship. Now it feels like she cant stand being around me. She pulls away when I try to kiss her, and is always making comments to her sister about how usless she thinks I am. She even started talking about "hot" guys she sees at work everyday, and completly disrespects me, right to my face.

    I believe she is even trying to drown me with errands, just so I can do her b**ch work, instead of focusing on getting a real job (Ive noticed that she secretly doesnt like the idea of me making my own money, because she likes to have the position of power). We used to be so crazy about each other, but now Im nothing more than her glorified butler. We NEVER have sex anymore, and for the past 3 weeks she has refused to sleep in our bed with me. She even sleeps 15 hours a day, just so she dont have to spend any real time with me! ...

    I dont know what to do. Shes too stubborn to talk to, but I want us to be equals again. How can I get her to show me the respect I deserve, and start treating me like a real boyfriend again? I love her alot, and I know she used to love me, but I can keep letting her treat me like a slave!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How come the mom in Cujo never got rabies, after her bloody encounter with the dog?

    The dog took a chunk od her leg and bite her open several times... Why didnt she ever show signs of contracting the rabies virus? That never added up to me.

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Do you count the ECW Title as a World Title?

    I tend to not count the WWE version as a legit World Title. (For example: I consider CM Punk to only be a 4 time champion, because the 5th "world" title he has credit to is WWE's ECW Title.)

    If you dont count it as a legit title, do you consider the REAL ECW (1993-2001) Tilte as a World Title?

    10 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • How the Vince Russo keep finding work in wrestling?

    Honestly, the guy f**ks up everything he touches. Yet for some reason companies continue to not only hire him, but give him high ranking positions within the company. The guy doesnt need to be in the business anymore! Give me Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishoff over Vince Russo anyday!

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Anyone else think BFG's ending sucked?

    1.) There was no big suprises what so ever.

    2.) The BFG Series was pointless.

    3.) There was a double rope break?! WTF?!

    4.) Im not 100% but Im pretty sure the ref only counted to 2.

    5.) They did the same 5 moves all the way through the match!

    10 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Who else is sick of Crimson?

    The dude is wayyy overrated.

    9 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Why are Sting and Undertaker held to a double standard?

    Everyone says Kurt Angle, Triple H, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and The Rock should stay out of the spotlight and push younger talent. Even though Hogans only had one match since 2006 (where he pushed AJ Styles btw) and The Rock will likely push Cena at WM28. They still get crap for wrestling... HOWEVER, when Undertaker and Sting (Im a big fan of both, dont get me wrong) show up, they burry EVERYONE! Then the fans get 100% behind them, and never hold them to the same standard as the other guys. Even though they burry wayy more talent (Triple H could be put in that catagory as well, Ill give you that). Why is it ok for Sting and The Undertaker to burry talent into their 50's, while hogging the spotlight and never getting grief for it, while everyone else is held to a higher standard?

    8 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • When did Robert Roode start going by "Bobby" Roode again?

    Last I knew he didnt want to be called "Bobby" anymore. Ive missed a few months of TNA, but last I knew he was still Robert Roode, and didnt like being called Bobby. When did he start going by "Bobby" again?

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Did anyone notice that Stings is only 2 World titles away from beating Flair's record,?

    Its true... Sting is a fifteen-time world heavyweight champion. He has held the NWA World Heavyweight Championship twice, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship six times, the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship twice, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship four times, and the WWA World Heavyweight Championship once, making him a 15x World champion. If he gets the title 2 more times, then he will officially be the top title holder.

    9 AnswersWrestling10 years ago