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Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  • After a long trip should you keep the engine on?

    My mother in law told me to keep the car engine on after a long trip (5 hours). I have never heard of this before especially for a 2009 car. I just want to make sure she is correct or not, she is known for telling tall tales lol

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Would your religion stop you from going to your child's gay wedding?

    I just found out that my mom, (a christian) might not go to my wedding (I am a lesbian) she told me that she is unsure on her decision but she doesnt know if she is going to attend. My mom has always been there for me and up to this point I thought she supported me. She says that she loves my girlfriend and me but she cant go to the wedding because she feels like she is turning her back on god. She is confused because she is turning her back on her only daughter. I dont know what to do, I understand but i am hurt and I know that if she doesnt come, that our relationship will never be the same again. What should I say to her? What should I do? its going to be a small wedding with just our siblings and parents, 3 of my brothers are in the military and will be in training or Iraq during the wedding but they are going to see it via webcam, so all I am going to have on my side is my younger brother and my grandma. My girl will have 4 sisters and her mom. What should I do? I am hurting.

  • Is it possible to get a 47in LCD TV Mount on a side of a Uhual type truck?

    I dont want the tv itself on it just the mount on the truck for community events in which we allow innercity kids to play the Wii game. We have a tv stand that is really heavy and would like to get the mount attached to the truck, which is the size of a uhual truck. If we get the mount on the truck we would just have to attach the LCD TV onto the mount. the TV is 47 inches. If this is possible (something like on pimp my ride) what are some websites of installations that would do it? also a quote on an approx. price? again the tv will not be on the truck when will be placed on the mount only after the truck is stopped and parked for childrens play

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Do male cats mate with their own young?

    I have two cats, one male, one female. Of course they mated and had kittens. Its was weird when the queen had them because the tom cat was very much involved with the babies. Playing with them, protecting them, making sure they ate and no one hurt them or touched them in fact. well its been three months almost four and he is still a very good father to the kittens but last night my partner and I saw the tom cat (father) trying to mate with its young. The litter only has one female cat and the father was trying to mate with that normal for cats to do that?

    If you have links that would be great to read so that I can show my girlfriend as well. Thanks

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My niece might be sick?

    Ok so for the past couple of weeks my niece has had her eye look pink...almost like a pink eye but her whole eye is also pink...its getting red. Now her so called dumb *** mother doesnt do anything about it and its pissing me off. She is only 1 year old and cant take care of herself. Her eye is getting really bad...what can or might be the cause of this. I know she needs to see a doctor but until her pathetic mother takes her...what Can I do to help the child. Also the child lately has been eating her feces...what could be the cause of she acting out or seeking attention or is their something pyschologicially wrong with her? please help I really need information on how to help this kid. I know that if this continues I WILL BE CALLING CPS!

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are gay people allowed to get a civil union is california?

    My girlfriend and I are getting married. we were going to go to canada to do it but want our family with us so I wanted to know if you can get a civil union in cali and also what do you have to do to get it?


  • what is a good gift to give my brother who is graduating from the Marines Boot camp in oct?

    we are going to his graduation and want to get him a good Marine corp gift. Our budget is between 100-200 dollars. If you have any ideas or websites please let me know. I dont want to give him money that is the easy way out. I want it to be cool, unique and something to do with the Marines. Thanks

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What are inspirational sayings or phases that would encourage someone who is at the marines basic training?

    My little brother is going through the marines basic training. I have been writing him to encourage him, but i wanted to know if there was any other phases or bible verses that would encourage him to stay strong and continue to make it. I love my little brother and he has been through so much in life and this is only making him stronger but he in his last letter stated that it was hard and he wanted to make it but its hard. He said that he will finish it its just hard and he feels alone. I want him to know that he will make it and that he is strong. I know I am going to write that but I also want to include encouraging phases, inspirational sayings and bible verses. Thank in advance

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • OK So i post this on the Military section but didnt get alot of good response?

    Most were saying that things about being a marine is the best title you can get or something about being weak and not being about to make it blah blah blah anyways. here it is

    What are inspirational sayings or phases that would encourage someone who is at the marines basic training?

    My little brother is going through the marines basic training. I have been writing him to encourage him, but i wanted to know if there was any other phases or bible verses that would encourage him to stay strong and continue to make it. I love my little brother and he has been through so much in life and this is only making him stronger but he in his last letter stated that it was hard and he wanted to make it but its hard. He said that he will finish it its just hard and he feels alone. I want him to know that he will make it and that he is strong. I know I am going to write that but I also want to include encouraging phases, inspirational sayings and bible verses. Thank in advance

  • what are inspirational sayings or phases that would encourage someone who is at the marines basic training?

    My little brother is going through the marines basic training. I have been writing him to encourage him, but i wanted to know if there was any other phases or bible verses that would encourage him to stay strong and continue to make it. I love my little brother and he has been through so much in life and this is only making him stronger but he in his last letter stated that it was hard and he wanted to make it but its hard. He said that he will finish it its just hard and he feels alone. I want him to know that he will make it and that he is strong. I know I am going to write that but I also want to include encouraging phases, inspirational sayings and bible verses. Thank in advance

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is a good controversial Halloween costume for us to wear?

    At work, my department along with other departments are trying to have a halloween costume department challenge. Every department is going cutie, scary or funny. My department wants to go Controversial~! We have One guy in our department and four girls...this is a business and we cannot go slutty (though some departments are going that way) or do anything that is too revealing or provacative. Any suggestions?

    15 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • what are some controversial halloween costumes for us to wear?

    At work, my department along with other departments are trying to have a halloween costume department challenge. Every department is going cutie, scary or funny. My department wants to go Controversial~! We have One guy in our department and four girls...this is a business and we cannot go slutty (though some departments are going that way) or do anything that is too revealing or provacative. Any suggestions? Also This has nothing to do with GLBT section but I am asking this here because I am always on the GLBT section and I respect all of my fellow gay's opinions.

  • how do you get rid of hic ups if you already tried holding your breathe and drinking water?

    i cant get rid of them and i have a very important meeting in a few hours

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • which celebrity females are gay?

    not the ones that we already know, ie elton john, angelina jolie...

  • Is my best friend gay?

    Ok so my best friend who is like a sister to me just found out that I am gay and i came out to her and she told me she is cool with it. reason why she is my best friend, well since coming out to her she has been more open with me saying that she has always checked out girls and thought of them as attractive. well today she told me that she had a dream of me and her kissing, and that a friend of ours wants a threesome she told him "no! well at least not with you or any guys" said she that she thinks that since we have both grown up that I have gotten hotter...and her boyfriend hates me, he always tells me that one day she will leave him for me and cause of that she acts like a meanie to is she gay/bi and does it seem like she likes me?