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Favorite Answers42%
  • For Those With PS3 and 360?

    I just bought my PS3 and noticed more then a couple of notable downsides such as not being able to output audio from both HDMI and Optical at the same time, this is a real inconvenience as its not always appropriate to play using my 1000watt receiver. I also noticed that when using media streaming the PS3 is far less lenient then 360 for video files. Does anyone know any others so that I can pop an email over to Sony for a firmware update.

    2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • When is Greedy Microsoft Going to Learn?

    I have 2 xboxs (360 and original) and 3 computers all with Windows crapsta. What I want to know is when is Microsoft going to learn that people can't afford to pay 1000 for a piece of software. When are they going to learn that 200 dollars is not an appropriate price for a 120GB hard drive.

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Michigan Driver Responsibility!?

    4 Years ago the state of Michigan passed the Driver Responsibility fee. Last year the fees came into question for change as there haven't been notable changes in driver safety or accidents.

    Do you consider a fee that compounds an already made judgment cost (Tickets) as a form of double jeopardy as it puts Michigan's citizens who are reaching all time lows in per capita income (the costs alone put those who have them in life or limb as we all need to eat)?

    Currently our state representatives don't want to put this fee on the chopping block is because of the extraordinarily large budget deficit (expected to be about 1 billion dollars to date), do you think that punishing citizens is the proper route to solve poor budget planning?

    This law effects those who can't afford the sky rocket automotive insurance rates but excludes people who violate the law in ways that put drivers in immediate danger, (wreckless driving, speeding, damaged safety equipment)?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Federal Tax ID numbers.?

    I know that businesses need to have them listed in some form or the other because it is part of the public forum. Some are much easier to find then others. Are there any online sources for Fed Tax ID listings that anyone knows of, (I found an official on last year but got a new computer).

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • IRQL-Not_Less_Or_Equal BSOD?

    I have been all over the place trying to figure this one out, I keep getting random BSODs, literally there is no warning or specific software that triggers them. At first I suspected 2x1GB dimms but I tested the bejesus out of them and it passed on 3 full passes in extended test mode and no problems. I recently downgraded to XP Pro (Vista sucks nuts) and my computer supports IDE emulation so I figured this was a possibility but more likely I assume it is running virtual disc programs causing a IRQ conflict with my already present optical device. Any clues that will save me the time from actually writing down the offending addresses and going through the 500 devices in hardware manager would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Digital TV Convergence And The FCC?

    They're the stuffiest of stuffiest of special interest groups any baby with a brain can tell you everybody...

    So we all know the song so I would love to know all of the angles/opinions on the slightly controversial subject soon to hit home early next year.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Mitt Romney Religous Debate?

    The Mormon religion for those who may know less about it is a knowingly racist faith depicting God as being favored to those who have fair skin, furthermore they are the contributing factor to the exclusion of gays in the scouts. He is being compared to JFK because of JFK's Catholic faith but the basis of the Catholic church does not display the same negative nature.

    My question is, how is it possible to compare a faith thats sole basis is rooted in racism to a faith that only fundamentally flawed by a select few that practice it?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Issues With Windows Vista All Versions?

    For those of you with issues with Windows Vista, this includes all versions and all problems, from that software crash to that game that just doesn't load, list them here. Best Issue of coarse gets best answer, I also have a running list on my web page to also list your issue, if you would like to add your issue email me for an invite to join my site forums. ALL and I mean ALL issues will be collected December 15th and sent as a massive email (over and over) to Microsoft to fix their OS.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Extended Desktop (Dual Display) in Ubuntu Linux?

    Still trying to figure out an easy way to do this avoiding using terminal commands (really long ones).

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago