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  • Why do colleges try to actively seek me out?

    Okay, I will admit that I am going to be a senior this year. I understand that colleges see this and put me on their mailing lists. But does this really happen to everyone? I have gotten "Leader's edge" applications and about a hundred other very similar things. I swear, the college practically begs me to go there.

    I'm nothing special. I have a 3.9 GPA, I got a 25 on my ACT. I have some leadership experience. I'm president of our FFA chapter and a Region Officer but really, most people have something good like that to put on applications. Why am I getting about 10 emails a day along with 10 items in the mail? They have no regard for intended major (I've told quite a few that I plan on going for Agriculture Education but one school even told me not to pick a school based on my major!)

    Is it really just that they want my money because this is ridiculous!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • What are the best ACT prep books?

    I took the ACT once already and got a 25. I'm hoping to bump that up to at least a 28 because that opens a lot of doors scholarship wise. I'd be happier with a 30 but I'm trying to be realistic. I'm not sure if I plan on taking the test in September or October (I just have to decide by the beginning of August) but I have almost 2 months to study at the very least. This is a lot better than the last time where I started studying the week before...

    Anyway, I was just wondering what are some really good books that could help? There are a lot of prep books so I'm kind of wondering what the best ones are. Thanks in advanced!

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • What are some easy hairstyles?

    I have my NHS banquet in an hour and I should probably do something with my hair (Why did I have to born a female?) Anywho, I never do anything with my hair besides a simple ponytail or down. I figured since I am wearing a dress and heals (and hopefully won't kill myself on those things) I should probably do something with my hair. What's something that's professional yet cute yet really easy to do? I don't even know how to braid so let's keep this as simple as possible!

    My hair is pretty long, probably average length but incredibly thick. Anyway, I have to be leave in less than an hour so again, nothing to complicated.

    5 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • What is a good poem to write a paper on?

    I am supposed to write an explication paper on a poem for my AP Lit class. What are some good poems that are semi-easy to analyze but not so easy that they make me look stupid?

    3 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • What is a good poem to write a paper on?

    I am supposed to write an explication paper on a poem. What are some good poems that are semi-easy to analyze but not so easy that they make me look stupid?

    1 AnswerPoetry7 years ago
  • Should I take the ACT of SAT?

    Should I take the ACT or SAT? I am currently a junior in high school and have a 3.9 cumulative GPA. I have decided on the college that I want to go to and a second choice. Both are uncompetitive. The one that I really want to go to, most students are in the top 40% of their class (I'm in the top 10%) OR an ACT score of at least 22. Both require either SAT or ACT.

    Anyway, which test is better? The main thing that I'm going to use it for is scholarships. Both schools require it but my score doesn't really matter because I have a good transcript and a fair amount of extra curricular activities. Neither school cares which one I take.

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • What are some good places to work for a high school student?

    I am almost 17 years old and am looking for a job. I worked at a restaurant for 1.5 years where I washed dishes and bussed. I know how to run cash registers, basic food preparation, and can do just about any grunt work. The only place I don't want to work is McDonalds because... Well, it's McDonalds. Any recommendations where I should reply. I did like where I worked but it was pretty much a bar (a nice bar where they served food but it was still a bar) and most bars don't need teens to work for them, mostly because in my state you can't serve alcohol until you're 18. Anyway, what are some good places for high school students to get part time work?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • What would happen if...?

    A psychiatric patient through a temper tantrum, started throwing stuff, then took off running down the hall screaming "I don't want to take my meds!"

    Okay, I understand that this probably wouldn't happen. (Or maybe it would. I've never been in a psych ward and I'm hearing incredibly mixed stories about things like that)

    Anyway, what would be the procedure not only for the nurses and such, but also for the other patients. Would they put the whole building on lock down or would they just hunt down the one patient and sedate him/her?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • How would law enforcement respond to this?

    (Fictional situation follows)

    Police come to the scene of a motorcycle crash. Two people were on the motorcycle, a teenage boy and a teenage girl. The boy is declared dead on arrival. The girl seems okay, a few scratches but it appears that wearing a helmet saved her life (the boy was not wearing a helmet). They search the motorcycle and find several hundred dollars, the same amount that had been reported stolen from a near by gas station about half an hour ago. The person working at the gas station said the male who stole it (who was probably about 19 years old) took off on a motorcycle with a second person.

    They continue to search but find no IDs to identify either of the two teens. They arrest the girl for aiding and embedding (I think that would be the charge for helping a thief escape) and bring her into questioning. However, she doesn't say anything. She won't even give her name or age. They give her a lawyer but she still doesn't talk, not even to the lawyer. Though she doesn't speak, she seems upset about the fact that the boy had died. Besides not talking, she refuses to eat.

    At this point, would they turn her over to a psychologist? What if she still refused to speak/eat?

    This is all information that they don't know:

    She is between ages 15-17 (probably 16 but I haven't decided yet) and is several states away from home. She ran away with her boyfriend an couple weeks ago (exact time still tbd) and it was her boyfriend who died in the crash. He did steal money from the gas station but she knew nothing about it until after the crash.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • If a teen storms away from a fight, do you talk to her immediately or wait for her to cool down?

    Obviously, this isn't a real situation. It's in a book I'm writing/editing/working on. Anyway, the main character ends up in a fist fight with this guy. It's most definitely provoked but that's not the point. The MC storms out of the room just to remove herself from the situation before she causes any more damage. She is 17. Her sister-in-law, who has kind of been raising her, sees the entire thing go down and is sort of the one who pulls her off the other guy. Should she follow and talk to her right away or should she give her a chance to cool down? How would you do it as a parent?

    The mc also has a bit of a temper. She was raised where fighting was acceptable and sort of encouraged (to an extent) but she has cooled down a lot since the book began. She is also not openly emotional because that was not at all acceptable growing up. (ie, she'd get beat up if anyone ever saw her cry)

    4 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • If a teen storms away from a fight, do you talk to her immediately or wait for her to cool down?

    Obviously, this isn't a real situation. It's in a book I'm writing/editing/working on. Anyway, the main character ends up in a fist fight with this guy. It's most definitely provoked but that's not the point. The MC storms out of the room just to remove herself from the situation before she causes any more damage. She is 17. Her sister-in-law, who has kind of been raising her, sees the entire thing go down and is sort of the one who pulls her off the other guy. Should she follow and talk to her right away or should she give her a chance to cool down? How would you do it as a parent?

    3 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Make up for a 16 year old girl?

    So, I'm 16, 17 in less than a month, and I don't wear make-up. I'm a bit of a tomboy. To school, I wear t-shirts and jeans with tennis shoes (I have these awesome sketchers that are black and then have super colorful bottoms. They're pretty cool) Anyway, so I was in this musical in November and we were talking and I made a joke that I should totally show up to school one day flipping hot. I should do my hair (which usually chills out messy, lucky to have been brushed that morning) and make-up, and actually wear cute clothes. All the girls would talk about how nice of a body I have because I am skinny and have curves all in the right places. Everybody thought that this was a great idea and said that I should just do it one day, right after Christmas break, and then go back to normal. The problem is, what do I do?

    I have a decent outfit picked out. i think I'll stick with jeans. I have this cute pair that fits just right. Then I'll wear a nice blue top that I have. Anyway, I don't know what to do for make-up or hair... At all. I have incredibly thick, blonde, hair that has potential but it sucks to do anything with it because it is so flipping thick. It just keeps going and going and going. Not to mention, I've never ran a curling iron or straightener before. Not to mention, make-up. I have no idea what to do with that. Any tips?

    10 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • How do I prevent myself from getting sick?

    I had a coughing fit last night before going to bed. I had a runny nose all day today. The thing is, I can't get sick. I have musical performances this week where I need a voice that I can use to sing really high notes. Besides getting lots of rest (I'll do what I can between school, homework, and the performances) what can I do to keep myself from really getting sick?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • What are the best caffeinated beverages?

    November. National Novel Writing Month. Unfortunately, in addition to writing a novel in 30 days I have a million other major commitments. I have a musical performance three weeks into the month with intense practices (3:30-8 everyday after school, 9-12 on Saturday, 3-6 on Sunday), I am a straight A student and would like to keep it that way, and I still need to work a few shifts here and there. Not to mention all the FFA stuff that I have going on throughout the month. Anyway, long story short, November will be absolutely crazy and I will be sleeping the bare minimum. So, what are the best caffeinated beverages?

    5 hour energy makes me sick so those are out. I loathe the taste of coffee other than pumpkin spice cappuccino but those are warm and filling and just make me want to take a nap. I'm not a big fan of the the taste of the majority of energy drinks (I really don't drink any but I've tried NOS and don't really like it very much. My brother said Red Bull is similar) So I was wondering about energy drink shots. Is a shot of Red Bull any good? Or at least tolerable for the 30 seconds it takes to swallow it?

    I don't like a whole lot of pops either. Coke, pepsi, dr. pepper, and mountain dew are all no goes.

    I understand that energy drinks can have harmful side effects and they should not replace sleep and blah blah blah. I'll deal with it in December. I get two weeks off of school in December and anyone who thinks that I will use them for anything other than sleep is insane.

    Anyway, is there anything caffeinated that I should try before November to see if I like it?

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • What are must see episodes of the Classic Doctors?

    I started watching Doctor Who about a year and a half ago and have torn through the three most recent Doctors. I decided to watch the classic series but there are a lot of episodes and some are very hard to find. Not to mention, I'm not the biggest fan of the first doctor. Anyway, I have watched almost all of the episodes of the first Doctor up through them being in Rome. I think I just want to see his regeneration unless there are more important episodes that will play a roll in the future. I want to see any important episodes of the classic Doctors along with any episodes that take place on Galifrey. What are some must-sees?

    4 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Sources to find biblical allusions?

    For summer homework for an AP class that I'm taking, I have to read some stories out of the bible and basically relate them to what we reference them as today. I have to do the same thing with some Greek Mythology so the teacher made an example with "achilles tendon" but what I'm really looking for is a source to help me find the allusions in the bible. The stories are all very common ones that I have read before but stories like the creation story, I really don't know what the allusion would be. Any sources that would help me out would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any suggestions on buying a used car?

    My 16th birthday is in 8 days (7 if we decide not to count today) and my parents want to get me a car. Not anything fancy or anything, just something that will get me from point A to point B without breaking down all of the time. I have my farm permit and my parents gave me my mom's old car to drive for now but it has many flaws and has left me stranded in odd places on multiple occasions.

    My mom's only specification was that the car could not be better than her car. Her car is a 1999 Subaru Outback. She said if I wanted to get a Subaru I would just have to find one better than hers and then I could have hers. This wouldn't be a terrible idea to be honest. However, I was wondering if there were any other good, reliable, used cars people know of that I could get. Does anyone know of any sites I might find something on?

    Really if anyone knows of any good sites that I could find used cars on, or any brands that make good used cars, that is what I would like to know. Just ideas.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • How much do you know about agriculture? (poll)?

    For FFA, a school club... thing... for agriculture, I am taking a poll about how much people know about ag. I live in a rural community so asking people in my school would be incredibly biased. If you don't feel comfortable answering some of the questions, you don't have to. Some of them, there is a right and a wrong answer but I ask you do not look them up because that would ruin the whole stats thing. Also, don't look at other people's answers until you've completed yours:)

    1. How many stomachs does a cow have? (Elaborate if desired)

    2. Where does chocolate milk come from?

    3. Define agriculture.

    4. What is the difference between farming and agriculture?

    5. What is the difference between organic food and non-organic food?

    6. What is the difference between brown eggs and white eggs? (besides color pigment)

    7. Name one or two businesses not ag. related.

    8. Say the hay baler is jammed and none of the parts are working. What should you do before working on it? (Don't try to over-think this one.)

    Okay, these are a little more personal questions for statistical reasons:



    Have you ever visited a farm/lived on one? If so, please elaborate.

    Would seeing a cow be something you could wow your friends with? (May sound weird but my grandma was on a tour one time and they had to stop to take pictures of a cow.)Population of city/town you live in: (you can google this one if you're comfortable answering it. I understand it's slightly personal)

    Exact answers preferred, however, you can do this if so desired: less than 1000, 1000-5000, 5000-10,000, 10,000-50,000, 50,000-100,000, 100,000-250,000, or greater than 250,000

    Scale from 1-5 how much do you think you know about ag? (1 being, "A cow goes moo... I think" and 5 being you could run a farm or agriculture business.)


    Thanks, I know it's long but it's really helpful!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago