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Favorite Answers18%
  • Are you beginning to fear the government?

    The government seems to grow more tyrannical every day... Those within the system are rarely held accountable for anything... They lie to us at every turn, or use "national security" to conceal just about any issue they desire... Yet they want to watch me everywhere I go with face scanning cameras, listen to and record all my calls, read all my emails, and fly over my city day and night with armed drones, nano-drones in the works!

    Isn't it right for the government to fear it's people more than for the people to fear their government?????? I'd say we're on the wrong side of the spectrum...

    And we should unite in a common interest to peaceably reign in the government before it gets way out of hand like Nazi Germany!

    7 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Anybody else watching Ted Cruz on CSPAN2?

    Ted Cruz has been filibustering Obamacare on the senate floor for 9 hours already!

    It is likely that he will continue to speak until tomorrow afternoon... He's also taking some questions from Democrats...

    You can watch it on TV, or by clicking the link below...


    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • TIME Magazine - "Can Google Solve Death"?

    Genesis 3:4 -

    "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"

    Google is talking about uploading your brain to the internet to live forever, and merging our bodies with machines, possibly even splicing in some animal genes...

    They're talking about life extending technologies where you could live forever, but what do all the technocratic billionaires like them usually say? That the planet is already "overpopulated", "global warming", and/or "lack of resources"....

    And we're supposed to believe that Google or any other corporation wants to share this life extending technology with the masses? This is only for the elite, those in the circle of secret societies who want to rule over us as if they are God...

    This merging with machine (aka "transhumanism") can, and eventually will be used to implement the mark of the beast system... I say Google is of the devil...

    What say you??????????????

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How do we explain that Memorial Facebook Pages were created 1-4 days BEFORE the shooting?

    How do we explain that Memorial Facebook Pages and "Memorial Funds" were created 1-4 days BEFORE the shooting? (I put couple of links about these pages below, more examples can be found though)

    And what do you think about Robbie Parker's smiling and happy demeanor just 24 hours after his precious baby girl was supposedly shot repeatedly?

    Or Noah Ponzer's mother going on Anderson Cooper, just a few days after her boy was supposedly shot 10 times, and lobbying for against "AR-15's", even though Lanza didn't bring the rifle into the school?

    And about that "Bushmaster Assault Rifle", it sure looks like a shotgun to me, and not an assault rifle at all... What say you?

    Millions of Americans are questioning the official story behind Sandy Hook, so what's wrong with the rest of you all????

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Did you know that I am the reason things are so F'ed up in America?

    Things are accelerating, you will see many more tragedies in the near future, most of which will be staged...

    Why am I to blame? Because this is an information-war, and the globalist establishment is losing to people like me...

    Everyday thousands of people worldwide are waking up to the impending "New World Order"... We went from dozens of people standing on street-corners handing out literature on the NWO in the 1960's-70's, growing to a few thousand in the 1980's, then came the internet, making this information readily available and growing our numbers to hundreds of thousands, and today, we number in the tens of millions in America alone...

    We grow in number each day, and we NEVER lose anybody, we only gain... The globalists know that they need to hurry and get everybody under their control, or the New World Order will die, and freedom will spread across the globe like wildfire...

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • How can black people vote for Obama?

    As a black person, you're aware that abuse of power and police brutality is more likely to happen to you than any other race...

    Yet the majority of black voters support Obama, even though Obama has implemented the NDAA which gives the government the pseudo authority to secretly imprison any US citizen without due process... That means never being charged with a crime, never going to trial, no phone calls to a lawyer, no contact with family, you just disappear... What's more, Obama says he can even have you executed without trial, should you find your name on the "Kill List"...

    Now as a black American, aren't you concerned that this type of tyranny could be used disproportionately against black people, be it by Obama or whoever may come next?

    (Not that I suggest voting for Flip Romney either, because he also fully endorses the NDAA)

    The Question That Makes Most Obama Supporters Nervous and Evasive -

    5 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Landlord responsible for Mosquito infestation?

    I live in an apartment community Lewisville Texas, and my apartment is continually infested with Mosquitos...

    I probably kill 15-20 everyday with my hand, but no matter how many I kill, there's always more... I even try to keep my toddler quarantined in a bedroom for most of the time we're at home, we keep the door closed to this bedroom at all times...

    Never the less, my 3yo currently has about 10 bites on her! And when she gets bitten, it swells up big time! Now within the past week, there have been 3 confirmed cases of human West Nile Virus in my immediate area!

    I am pissed as hell! I don't pay $1,000 bucks a month in rent so I can live in an infested apartment!

    I told the property management about my concerns, and they said that it's just nature and there's nothing they can do... But that's BS! I used lived in an apartment complex right across the street and never had any problem mosquitoes there... So I believe that it's their fault for creating a breeding ground for them, perhaps due to poor drainage of rain/sprinkler water...

    I am so fed up with living in a mosquito infested home!!!!!!!!!!

    What can I do????????? Can I force them to address this situation??? Can I force the city to address it??? I would have never moved in here if I had known I'd be subjected to these living conditions...

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Name something that you view as a "BIG issue", but doesn't get enough media coverage?

    Name something that you view as a "BIG issue", but doesn't get enough/any media coverage, and most people don't know much about it?

    18 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is Agenda 21 real, or just a conspiracy theory?

    Well, sorry to answer my own question, but it's important for people to become aware of Agenda 21 and it's impact on their lives...

    Agenda 21 is this crazy Nazi-environmental plan developed by the UN, it gave birth to an even crazier plan for UN world domination under the mask of "environmentalism", that book is called the Global Biodiversity Assessment: Summary for Policy-Makers...

    This fascist/communist/socialist agenda is playing out word for word in almost every city and town across America, and even most of the world... Don't take my word for it, please, look into it, you'll very likely find that it is taking over your city as well...

    The terminology being used by almost every American mayor and/or city council member is the same, and it all comes straight from the UN's Agenda 21 plan... The actions are the same all across the country, and they're all going straight from the UN playbook...

    Cities and towns no longer make their own decisions, all the power has already been consolidated into "Regional Councils of Government"... These Regional Councils often encompass dozens of counties, not to mention countless towns and cities under their regional umbrella of power... These are unelected bureaucratic councils that also intertwine with foreign infrastructure companies... This is type of regional council is also known as a Soviet...

    This is the website for the North Central Texas Regional Council of Governments, this is the regional council for where I live...

    Some cities and states are fighting it, I'm also fighting it in my city of Lewisville, TX, and I will win...

    Alabama forbids UN Agenda 21 in their State. Fair or foul? -

    Agenda 21: Arizona close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill -

    Republicans and Democrats alike are going against Agenda 21 in America...

    This is the happy face they're putting on Agenda 21 - 2045:

    A New Era for Humanity -

    It's definitely real...

    The best lecture I know of on Agenda 21 was given by Michael Shaw... It's not flashy, but it's very interesting and informative...

    Thanks for looking at my question... Peace...

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Republicans, will you support HCR-107 to impeach Obama?

    Congressman Walter Jones has introduced a bill to bring impeachment proceedings against Obama if he launches another war or combat operation without the consent/declaration of congress...

    This is in response to Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta telling congress that the Obama administration does not need to consult with congress before launching military offensive operations, and further implying that the UN and International law now trump the law of the constitution... You can see Panetta saying this in his own words in the video link here -

    We can not allow our sons and daughters of the military to be deployed under the authority of a foreign government (the UN)... This violates numerous articles of the constitution (article I, section 8, clause 11 & article II, section 4) and it is an impeachable criminal offense (high-treason)...

    If you'd like to encourage your representatives to support this bill for impeachment, all you have to do is find out who your Congressman and Senators are at -

    and then call the US Capital Switchboard and ask to speak with the office of your representative...

    The phone number to the US Capital Switchboard is 202 - 224 - 3121

    It can also be found on this page -

    Tell your Congressman/Senator (or his office reps) that you want him/her to support HCR-107...

    I just wanted to share this information because there seems to be a media blackout regarding this bill.... Thanks...

    Ron Paul in 2012!

    6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • How shocked will you be when Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination?

    I know, I know, the mainstream media has told you that Romney has already locked up the nomination, but he hasn't...

    After all the primaries have been held, there's no doubt that Romney will have a much larger number of delegates, but will Romney have the 1144 needed to clinch the nomination? There's a very real possibility that he will not...

    Many of the delegates that are currently bound to Romney by rule, are actually Ron Paul supporters, and if Romney fails to reach the 1144 delegate total, then those delegates are allowed to flip and vote Ron Paul...

    This has been Paul's strategy all along, and it's working quite well so far...

    Ron Paul Could Still Win Enough Delegates To Deny Mitt Romney The Republican Nomination -

    Ron Paul Continues to Nip at Mitt Romney's Heels -

    If Paul pulls this off, the people will be shocked! This would totally expose the mainstream media as pure propagandists...

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Cons, why aren't you fighting Agenda 21 in your state?

    Not that Democrats shouldn't also be fighting this, and some are, but if this is going to be pushed back, it will ultimately fall on us conservatives...

    Many people think that Agenda 21 is just something that "conspiracy nuts" made up... But if that were the case, how would you explain this;

    Agenda 21: Arizona close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill -

    If you're not familiar with Agenda 21, you need to read that article... Agenda 21 is more dangerous than Obama himself, and it can actually be stopped from within your community...

    Here's a link to the UN's 17 principles of Agenda 21 document -

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Southern California, Did you know Ron Paul is coming to Fullerton May 2nd (Today)?

    Just wanted to put the word out, Ron Paul will be in California for the next few days...

    His next stop is tonight, Wednesday May 2nd, at Cal State Fullerton... His speech was going to be in the auditorium, but due to overwhelming demand, it had to be moved to a LARGER venue, so it will be held at Titan Stadium....

    Ron Paul will also be speaking at UC Davis (Sacramento area) on Thursday May 3rd...

    His California swing will conclude on Friday May 4th in San Diego...

    If you live in California and support Ron Paul, make sure you get to one of these venues and show it...

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Were George Bush Sr. and Bill Gates arrested recently? Is the NWO collapsing from within?

    I came across a Ben Fulford article

    claiming that Timothy Geithner had been arrested in NY, I didn't believe it, but then I saw this clip talking about on Fox News...

    So there's obviously something to the story... Geithner supposedly gave the Fed's information linking George Bush Sr. to the alleged crime, Bush then pointed the finger at Gates, and both were supposedly arrested and questioned 2 weeks ago...

    Apparently this all centers around the Federal Reserve and the families that own it... Supposedly other secret societies are fed up with them stealing money and trying to rule the world from behind the curtain... The alleged tipping point came when the families connected with the Federal Reserve had James Blackheath murdered on February 29th, after he denounced their theft of $15 trillion in the British House of Lords.

    There's still no real media coverage regarding this, so it may not be true at all... But then again, who would have believed Geithner was actually arrested, almost nobody, that is until it was reported on Fox News 2 weeks after the fact...

    The Hacker group Anonymous is also listed as one of the cabals that is pissed at the Fed Reserve owners (the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, etc), and I find this notion credible... I've come across many messages from Anonymous that were aimed at the NWO conspirators and the Federal Reserve, these messages were progressively threatening in nature, so I know Anonymous was really getting pissed...

    This is the most exciting news I've heard in a LONG time!

    I definitely think there's some element of truth to this story... What do you think?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Have you seen this video of 3YO in a Wheelchair being harassed by a TSA agent? Does it make you MAD?

    This makes me MAD as hell at Bush for instituting all this garbage, and just as mad at Obama for not only continuing it, but actually enhancing it!

    Not only is nobody putting this group of low-lifes in their place, they are rapidly expanding outside of airports!

    In Tennessee in October, a TSA viper team used radiation monitors and explosive-trace detectors to help state police inspect trucks at highway weigh stations throughout the state. Last month in Orlando, Fla., a team set up metal detectors at a Greyhound bus station and tested passengers' bags for explosive residue.

    Mad yet?

    Ready to vote for liberty yet?

    Ron Paul anyone?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How is it that these topics aren't dominating political discussion in this country?

    Secretary of Defense Panetta told congress this week that he does not need congressional approval for a military offensive, but rather he only needs the approval of the U.N.....

    Also this week, FBI Director Robert Mueller, was "unsure" whether or not he had the legal authority to target and assassinate American citizens on US soil without a trial... However, Eric Holder (Head of Justice Dept.) claimed that authority on Tuesday during a speech he gave at Northwestern...

    How can anybody support an American president that endorses such atrocities? All the Republicans candidates also seem to endorse these things, except the great Ron Paul...

    How is it that these topics aren't dominating Yahoo Answers, as well as every media source in this country and around the world?

    Don't believe the propaganda based illusion, it can happen here, just as it did in Germany! If you have kids, you better seriously consider what kind of world you want them to live in!

    Ron Paul in 2012!

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Did you know we're Occupying and Protesting at the Dallas Federal Reserve starting today?

    If you live near Dallas, please come down to the Dallas Fed this afternoon or anytime you get the chance, people will be there all weekend too... (Nov. 11, 2011 - Nov. 13, 2011)

    Come out and chat with some protesting patriots that know our cause and our solution...

    No matter how you slice it, I think you'd have to agree that the Fed played a large part in our economical demise... Please stop by and show your displeasure, even if you can only stay for an hour or less, come check it out...

    10 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Why am I the "Smartest Guy in the Room"?

    Why am I the smartest guy in the room? Why am I the smartest guy pretty much everywhere I go?

    I'm not the most educated, I barely made it through high-school...

    I don't have an extremely high IQ, though I'd like to believe that I'm a little above average...

    No, I'm the smartest guy in this "room", because I'm much more informed than you are!

    You know, sometimes I read things around here and just LMAO, even though I really want to cry because you idiots are destroying my country, 90% of you guys have NO CLUE...

    I know people that are total morons and/or total pot-heads that know more about what's going on in the world than the people around here that like to think they're some sort of "intellectual Democrat" or "common sense Conservative"... You know nothing about the real world!

    It's all about information!

    I'm serious, I've seen people that are high on dope, obviously have a below average IQ, and can literally barely complete a sentence when they talk, yet these idiots have a better grasp on reality than your average PHD! That's REAL TALK!

    So what makes 10% of the world smarter than the rest? We know our true enemy!

    I don't know what it takes to get through to you people, I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU!

    Get informed, get educated, never view the world the same again!

    Everything you need to know, nothing you don't...

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • My apartments say I cant hangout in my garage... Can I fight this?


    I live in the Dallas Texas area... I have been living in my apartments for about 6 months on a 12 month lease and have always been a good tenant...

    I go out to my garage for about an hour to one and a half hours per night to smoke cigars... I don't like to smoke inside my apartments with my kids there etc, and I don't like sitting outside getting eaten by bugs, so I go to my garage... I don't do anything loud, or anything that would disturb anybody else...

    Yesterday I got a letter on my door stating that I was violating my lease because "somebody is living in garage 39"...

    I went down there today to straighten it out, I told them what I had been doing in my garage, and assured them that nobody was living there...

    They told me that garages were to be used as car storage only... I told them that was BS and that I hadn't violated my lease in any way... They printed out the lease and highlighted some stuff pertaining to garages and my supposed violations...

    But the things they highlighted were

    1. Garages cant be used as "storage units"... - Everybody in the apartments uses their garage for storage on some level, and the items I'm storing are minimal... I can still easily fit my car in there..

    2. Garages cant be used for "commercial or industrial purposes" - No issue with that either...

    3. Disturbance - I'm very quiet and you would never know that I'm in my garage if you didn't see me go in... I do use a radio out there, but I have tested it at the volume I use it at, and it can not be heard even when you're right up against the door...

    They say that the disturbance occurred when one of my neighbors reported that somebody was living in there, and that constitutes a "disturbance"...

    This pisses me off! I feel that my rights are being violated...

    PLEASE HELP... What can I do????????????????????????

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Anybody watching this BS on Fox News right now?

    This is such BS!

    Supposedly there's a "terrorist threat" for NYC, so they're putting NYC on police state lock-down, again...

    They're talking about checkpoints for automobiles, increased bag checks at the subways, just an increased police presence all over the city area...

    I think it's no coincidence that they're doing this so close to the big 9/11 anniversary... I feel like they're using the 9/11 anniversary and the emotions that it conjures to implement their police state without criticism...

    I hate this!!!!!!

    3,000 people died on 9/11, and it's truly tragic, but how many people die everyday.... We can not let them use the 9/11 victims *** an excuse to advance the police state in America! 3,000 deaths from terrorism in the past 10 years is does NOT justify taking freedom and liberty away from all Americans in any way!

    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty. "

    - Benjamin Franklin

    Resist the police state!

    13 AnswersPolitics10 years ago