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Why am I the "Smartest Guy in the Room"?

Why am I the smartest guy in the room? Why am I the smartest guy pretty much everywhere I go?

I'm not the most educated, I barely made it through high-school...

I don't have an extremely high IQ, though I'd like to believe that I'm a little above average...

No, I'm the smartest guy in this "room", because I'm much more informed than you are!

You know, sometimes I read things around here and just LMAO, even though I really want to cry because you idiots are destroying my country, 90% of you guys have NO CLUE...

I know people that are total morons and/or total pot-heads that know more about what's going on in the world than the people around here that like to think they're some sort of "intellectual Democrat" or "common sense Conservative"... You know nothing about the real world!

It's all about information!

I'm serious, I've seen people that are high on dope, obviously have a below average IQ, and can literally barely complete a sentence when they talk, yet these idiots have a better grasp on reality than your average PHD! That's REAL TALK!

So what makes 10% of the world smarter than the rest? We know our true enemy!

I don't know what it takes to get through to you people, I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU!

Get informed, get educated, never view the world the same again!

Everything you need to know, nothing you don't...


Just laughing at you all... You're pathetic... You're so scared of the truth...

Keep telling yourself there's no New World Order...

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective--a new world order--can emerge...... We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." George Bush - Sep 11 1990

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

- David Rockefeller

Just keep thinking that the soil on which you reside is what makes you free

11 Answers

  • Curt J
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yep...You're an absolute legend in your own mind.

    Source(s): Just my opinion
  • 10 years ago

    I knew what was in the link, but had to click it to confirm my suspicion. I was 100% sure it was a NWO link; my only real doubt was that maybe it was a Ron Paul link where he would talk about the NWO. I hate to break it to you, but your idiotic people high on dope with below average IQs are not more informed than the average Phd holder. In fact I doubt you have normal interactions on a social level with more than 2-3 people with a Phd.

  • 10 years ago

    "I'm not the most educated, I barely made it through high-school...I don't have an extremely high IQ, though I'd like to believe that I'm a little above average..."

    Well, Senator Perry, you were so smart why didn't you write "energy" on your palm...the way Sarah Palin did.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Do you know way New World Order taking over the World and what their manifesto stat?

    They have one goal it is to take over the world and eliminate 80-90% of the world population and slave all remain rest of population. Do your research “Google “NOW it may wake you up!

    Today "Profiteers" dedicated their life’s to fight over “Evil Big Government”.To all of you mongers so call Christ followers remember his teaching over rich and poor? or maybe you two face liars and Hippocrates like you masters Koch Brothers puppeteers of NWO who is finders and financiers of American for Prosperity,Tea Party,Heritage foundation. Today right wing radios,Fox&Friends “salve claim News"Tea party puppets and puppeteer’s repeating empty talking points and leas from Heritage foundation like broking records. My friends today We have the best republicans majority Congress what Koch Brothers money can bay.History repeats itself one day"Bastille"will fall and Koch Brothers with their associates,Puppets and puppeteers will be intrudes to French Lady "Mrs.Guilatin".

    My friends,recently I discovered on YouTube some disturbing information regarding secret societies that woke me to a harsh reality.A few of these so called “societies,” include the 170 year old Illuminate,Bilderberg, and the Bohemian Grove.One of the worldwide biggest societies is a Globalist consisting of 13 family bloodlines and headed by the Rothschild family; they are currently holding half of the world’s wealth accumulated from wars and other significant events. Members of Bilderberg are Kings,Queens,politicians and individuals of vast wealth such as George Soros,Rockefeller,Carnegie,the Koch Brothers,as well as practically all worldwide political heads of financial institutions that are members of secret societies.They are all working on the creation of a Nwe World Order and it’s no longer a well kept secret.Politicians ideologies and their party affiliations no longer matter. After their election they become millionaires in no time.It is has become a sad reality.Puppeteers are using corrupted politicians to implement NWO plans.The European Union as well as the North American Union spawned the B.K. NAFTA,and the G.W.B. who signed documents with Canada and Mexico without Congressional approval. V.Putin in 10/2011 proposed the creation of the Ural Asian Union.The 3 country in near future Iran Syria N.Korea will "join"NWO by furs.One of final steps of will be illuminating physical currency and force all peoples the placement of computer chips in our bodies after that no one will purchase anything without being electronically scanned.We all going to be under total control of NWO masters.Today puppeteers of NWO continues killing humans with virus’s,wars, economic crisis and many other ways most of us don’t now or don't understand.They have one goal it is to take over the world and eliminate 80-90% of the world population and slave all remain rest of population.My friends we must investigate and expose and burn to the ground their evil plans but if you want to be a market slave go ahead because in the totalitarian NWO regime will be only two classes the masters incredibly wealthy and their slaves.Can you guess which one you will belong to or it is too difficult for you.All puppeteers call themselves "patriots and constitutional defenders".Wake up my Brothers do your research, my recommendation:Read the book “Masters Game”by Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval.Book contains 6 hundred pages with sources, photos and references.And YouTube videos especially:Zeitgeist by Peter Joseph,The Upcoming New World Order, NWO Deception, Satanic NOW,One World Religion,The big deception,NWO Alien Agenda,The Deception of One World Religion, New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the World's Population,Illuminati Satanic 2012+ UFO Event, NWO Satanic Higher Consciousness,New Age Satanism,Satanic Enlightenment, New Age Deception,The Power behind the New World Order Full Documentary,The Satanic 9/11 Ritual,by Bill Cooper.Wake up my Brothers time is running out, we have to face those cronies. May god blesses all of us OCCUPIERS and 99% percentile.

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  • 10 years ago

    A lot of empty rooms around you, apparently.

  • John
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    "No, I'm the smartest guy in this "room", because I'm much more informed than you are!"

    Being well informed doesnt make one smart.

  • 10 years ago

    You should spend some time outside of your bathroom.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I can see the whole room and there's nobody in it. except you.

    Source(s): congratulations my boy
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because you are with all of your friends, which is by yourself.

  • 10 years ago

    that's name is rumpleskilskin, repunsle, roll down your hair.

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