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I enjoy answering questions in the Family/Relationship section. I also, enjoy answering the ones under Food-ethnic because I am 3rd generation Chinese.

  • How do I stop crying every time I think of our almost 10 yr. old Black Flat Coated Retriever who passed away?

    We got our dog, "Magic" when he was only 6 months old. He passed away almost a year ago, yet I still am very sad and cry sometimes as I miss him so much. I don't want another dog, I don't think, but I miss Magic so much. He was a Black Flat-Coated retriever who was bread for hunting. Magic was never interested in hunting, Magic was given to my husband at 6 mo. old as all he wanted to do was play and run around in the field and not hunt. I don't cry everyday anymore, but I still have some rough days. My girlfriends say to get another dog, but not sure the I can do that since Magic was the perfect dog. Any advise?

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How do I get over the loss of my canine child named Magic?

    We adopted our Black Flat-Coated Retriever Pup, "Magic" when he was 6 months old, almost ten years ago. Last June 30th, one hour before we were hosting an extended family pot luck at our home, Magic was outside with my husband who was sprucing up the front yard. Soon the relatives would be arriving, so I yelled outside for my husband and Magic to come in and wash up. My husband came in, but no Magic. I stepped outside and called Magic again. He came running up the two front steps and then sort of was slipping and sliding as he passed thru the front door and into the house. My husband noticed Magic and yelled at me to get Magic (as I was closer distance to him. Magic "dove" for his doggie bed across the entertainment room, then his body jerked once

    then his body jerked once and he was gone. I was in shock! We assumed that he must have suffered a heart attack. He was almost ten years old. We all were in shocked! The date was June 30, 2012 and it still makes some tears roll down, like right now. Some people say to get another dog, but I can't even think of that, at least for now. At least I don't cry every day anymore.

    I have some good days and then there are rough days like this morning. Some people say to get another dog, but I can't do that until I am "ready". I miss my "Magic" soooo much. I guess if or when I am ready, I will know. Right?

    Magic's Mom

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What to do with our eldest child?Are kids these days spoiled?Why don't they want to get a "serious career job?

    I fear that due to my husb. wanting to "help out" our eldest daughter "Marie", we have created a "Monster". She's still living at home after graduating college in 2009 & has been working at a "Start-Up" co. with the hopes of them making her permanent with stk. options, like I had while working at a Start Up myself (which was a Wonderful Exp. for me as the stk split every yr. & 2 yrs. split twice in one yr. & I enjoyed 200 Engrs. coming at me with Reqs. I loved it!

    Marie is driving my husb.'s car while he takes the bus to save money. Marie takes his large Suburban to her temp.40 hr./wk job. She's only saved less than $6K and Marie's graduated from college with a Bus. degree since 2009.

    The "start-up" co. has had two yrs. to make her permanent with stk. options & hasn't, so my husb. & I told her to go out & look for a permanent job, as my husb. cannot keep her under his medical plan after she turns 26 yrs. old which is next yr. I guess since I worked so hard to pay for my college, both of us wanted to give our children "a better life", but I think that Marie is having too much "fun" & doesn't really want to "grow up". I want to tell her to pay Rent, buy her OWN car & Ins., but husb. wants to "help" her. I think that when she turns 26 she'll have to get "serious" about getting a "career job", which shouldn't be hard as she had excellent college grades & rec'd a couple of scholastic awards. I fear that in our intent to "make it easier on the children", we've unintentionally "created a sort of monster", well at least with our eldest. Interesting info.: We raised all 3 children exactly the same way, yet our Middle child (in 3rd. yr. of college) does chores around the house to earn his spending money and the youngest who is in her first yr. of college works 3 p/t jobs for her spending money. I worry about the youngest the least.

    My husb. & I wanted to make life better for our 3 kids of which one is done with college & the other 2 are still in college. The eldest is still living at home after completing college back in 2009 & has been working at a "Start-Up" co. with the hopes of them making her permanent with stk. options, like I had while working at a Start Up myself .

    She's driving my husb.'s car while he takes the bus to save money, (bus pass pd. for by his work). Marie takes his large Suburban vehicle to her temp. full-time job. The "start-up" co. has had two yrs. to make her permanent with stk. options & hasn't, so my husb. & I told her to go out & look for a permanent job, as my husb. cannot keep her under his medical plan after she turns 26 yrs. old or so. She'll be turning 26 Spring of next yr.

    I guess since I worked so hard to pay for my college (working 3 P/T jobs), etc., both of us wanted to give our children "a better life", but I think that Marie is having "too much fun" & doesn't really want to "grow up". I want to tell her to pay Rent, buy her OWN car & Ins., but husb. wants to "help" her". I think that when she turns 26 she'll have to get "serious" about getting a "career job", which shouldn't be hard as she had excellent college grades & rec'd a couple of scholastic awards. I fear that in our intent to "make it easier on the children" (as we both worked so hard ourselves), we've unintentionally "created a sort of monster". Yet, the other two younger children were raised the save way. The middle child (in 3rd. yr. of college) does chores around the house to earn his spending money (as he is sort of shy), while the youngest who is in her first yr. of college & "going a mile a minute" & works 3 P/T jobs for her spending money & gas money and I worry about the youngest the Least as she has 3 p/t jobs for spending money. My girlfriends tell me that our youngest is like a mini-version of me. Yikes!

    What to do with the eldest child??? Any tips, suggestions???

    5 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • What the the true reason "why" I still cry over my first marriage's relationship?

    "A" was my first serious relationship when I was 18 and we got along famously. I met him="A" one day b/4 I leaving town forever. "A" & I dated for 3 yrs. & he wanted me to "live w/him", but even tho it was the mid 1970's, I still was quite old fashioned & insisted that if we were to "live together" I would not dishonor my elderly parents by causing them any disgrace since they were 2nd generation Chinese. So, "A" agreed & we married. All was fantastic & we were both madly in love, until one day "A" had the idea that if we got divorced, we could save $1K/yr. I refused to agree to this, even tho we barely spent time together, (he would only spend 1 afternoon per wk. with me as he wanted to spend as much time "getting rich" with real estate purchases, which he ultimately did. Even after physically separating from ea. other, most years we would take each other out for our respective birthdays, with the exception of yrs. when I found it a bit too bitter-sweet. My question is "why" does it still bring me to tears when I reflect upon that relationship, even tho I've been married since 1984 to my second+current husb. for 26.5 yrs.? My ex is currently on his 3rd wife. He had children with his 2nd wife, but I understand she was an OBGYN who hates her job....(ew, I'd hate to have that woman for my doc. even if I wasn't relationship-related to her...Yikes!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not truly 100% pleased within my own current marriage & feel that after all these yrs. of being a good wife & mother, that I deserve a bit more in life from my current husband & somehow I'm not getting it. I told my husb. that we should have wkly "date nites" & he said, "ok". I told him I would plan the 1st one & we'd alternate ea. wk. He never planned our second date, which was many yrs. ago. Somehow I feel that I'm just the mom of his 3 college-aged kids, etc. I feel like an "old shoe" that is no longer attractive, yet I know that I'm not ugly, cuz guys still "hit on me". What do you think? Any constructive suggestions? I guess, since he doesn't want to ask me out on "dates" or bother planning them, I could use the old Caveman approach & just hit him on the head & pull him out on a date forceably. Ha! Ha! Gotta laugh, or I'd cry, so I guess laughing is always a better choice. Thx, everyone, (in advance.) Roz

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how many US Post Office Forever Stamps are needed for a letter from the USA going to Canada?

    I want to send a birthday card to my cousin who resides in Vancouver, B.C, Canada. I only buy USA Forever Stamps which don't carry any monetary reference on the face of the stamp, so I'm not sure IF they can even be used Internationally, which is technically what Canada is sort of considered. Anyone know the answers & can show me where the info is posted on the US Postal Service's website?

    Thanks, everyone!


    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What age should a 24 yr. old child have to pay parents rent or find her own place to buy or rent?

    My husb. & I paid for all of our eldest daughter's 5 yr. college & when she wanted to become an exchg. student to Japan, we paid for airfare, housing, tuition, books, etc. for that endeavor. She has since graduated from San Jose State Univ. with honors, (we paid for 100% of her college, books, etc.) She continues to work at the temp. job she held down while attending college, but now works 40 hrs. a week. When I went into my bank where I do my sole proprietorship business banking, the bank manager inquired about my eldest child & asked where she is working since she had graduated over a year ago. When I shared with her the situation she stated that B of A had the best International Banking program around. She shared with me that B of A wouldn't take a person into their Int'l dept without any banking experience. With that, she offered to 'create a position' just for our daughter & speed her thru a special training program that she would create, so that our daughter would be easily selected by Bank of America after a year's training by her. The bank mgr. knew that our daughter's degree was in International Business with a minor in Japanese. The bank mgr. then stated that B of A had the best International Banking program. I was elated & went home to share the great news with my husb., who then was also elated. When I shared this "great news' to my daughter, her only replyt was, "Well, I dunno know." I was speachless! I immediately went to share what had transpired with my husb. and he was also in shock. That was over a wk. ago. What should we do? She is also driving my husb. car and he is taking the bus to work, which takes him twice as long to get to work, as he doesn't want her to have to walk or take a bus. I think we've created a monster child/adult. What to do you think? Any suggestions of how to rectify this situation? BTW, we have two other children (one who is in his 3rd yr. of college & another child in her first year of college. Thx. for any constructive suggestions.

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I need advice on how to get my husband to go see his doctor?

    I am sleep deprived becuz IF I don't fall asleep B/4 he does, my sleep is screwed for the entire nite, just like tonite. I can survive on about 6 hrs. of sleep per nite, but zero per nite sleep is impossible.

    We have a futon in the family room, but if I move at all during the nite, the wood slats below make a noise & I'm awakened & can't fall asleep again. IF I am so lucky as to somehow fall asleep B/4 my husband, & get 6 hrs. of sleep, then I'm good to go for the entire day. Getting 5 hrs. or less per nite just isn't cutting it for me. I have a "reverse curve" in my neck from two really bad car accidents were people have rear-ended my vehicle, so I have a reverse curve in my neck & if I don't get 5-6 hrs. sleep per nite, my neck becomes quite painful & I have to get my chiropractor to adjust my neck so it's back in alignment agn. What to do about my hubby who refuses to admit he snores loudly. He says that I snore, too, but how can I even snore, if most nites I'm wide awake? Help, pls. Any constructive advice would be most appreciated. My husb. is a bit of a "neanderthal" type of guy, too, sadly to say.


    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How can my friend get her her rescue dog Jack Russel rescue dog to stop being extremely agressive?

    She adopted Tommy from just in front of the Humane Society. Tommy is ok with people & dogs he knows, but he will growl and try to attack any strangers or dogs he hasn't met yet. He got out of her house one day & attacked a large dog in her gated community. Thank goodness the other dog was big & didn't have any injuries & the owner wasn't too upset & just brought Tommy back to my best girlfriend, but I'm worried about future possible law suits concerning her dog.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it too late to invest in Redbox?

    Has it already gone up too much? Is it worth it to invest in that company at this late stage in the game?

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • How to become a real author for fictional stories?

    I've always loved Creative Writing when I used to be in high school. Does anyone know if it is extremely difficult to become an author for Fictional books and get them published ? I've always loved creative writing classes in school & rec'd good grades on them. Is it difficult to get published as a fictional writer? Anyone know the steps to becoming one? Any insights would be helpful. How does one protect their "intellectual property" from being stolen? Now that my kids are all grown up, I'd like to try my hand at writing. Thanks in advance for your input & advice.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Which is more secure? To pay for things via phone or via internet when using a credit card?

    Everyone thinks that their personal computer is "secure", but what if you don't know that you have a breach? What is the best way to extend your account.

    Pay via Internet with your credit card or giving your credit card via the phone?

    All this security stuff is making my head spin.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where to find the serial number on a Maytag Neptune Washed?

    It has black mold on the gasket. I understand that there was a class action lawsuit in 2004. Anyone know how I can get this gasket replaced at no charge? What website to contact or phone number to call?

  • Anyone know where serial numbers are located on these two items?

    I need to know where to find the Serial Numbers on:

    1) Sub Zero Refridg. Model # 601R

    2) Sub Zero Freezer Model # 601F


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Anybody have an experience with Toyota Camry Hybrid cars?

    We own a 2004 regular Toyota Camry & love it. We need to buy another used car as we have 3 kids and we're one car short. Any particular year that is an excellent model year for their hybrid car?

    Any other used cars anyone can highly recommend. Want to spend around $10K-$12K, if possible.

    1 AnswerToyota1 decade ago
  • Anyone know anything about Oriental Lillies?

    Here's what they look like:

    I've got a brown thumb, but I would like to grow these as they are one of my two fav. flowers. How difficult are they to grow?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Which is the more "secure" way to order products you want to buy?

    I want to buy something that I saw for sale thru the Internet. It's a company. Is it more secure for me to order via phone or via internet? Since you are giving your credit card number and the numbers on back side of card, which mode is more secure?

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of a safe way to get rid of roaches in a home?

    We have a dog, so don't want to use anything that will harm him as he's in the house, too. Our daughter came home late & discovered small roaches in her overhead light-fixtured and they were also on the floor & in her bathroom. I hate bugs, especially roaches. Eww! Any remedies that aren't toxic for dogs & humans would be apprecitated.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think about George Lazenby's physical apperance as James Bond?

    He said that he attributed his success in landing the role to his attractiveness to the opposite sex, and not to his talent. I don't think he was that attractive then. I think Sean Connery was the best. Pierce Brosnan was the next best Bond, but I never thought Lazenby was attractive. Sor of conceited of him to brag that he thinks he's so good looking. (see photo link below)

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago