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  • Help! My computer turns off randomly?

    This is really frustrating, it happened twice within an hour and I never had it happened before.

    I'm scared it will go out before I get this out..

    Anyways, I was just playing on facebook when SUDDENLY it turns off. Not only that, the small lamp signaling it's turned on, switched between being on and off, not like it was blinking, because it switched waaay slower. As if it suddenly turned off and on. I tried pressing the "turn on" button and NOTHING happened!

    I was scared and panicking, so I took out the power cable, and put it back in. It now turned off completely, and when I turned it back on it worked!

    Phew. Now just working with some homework in Word, it did it again! Only 10 minutes went by or something! Except instead of turning all BLACK, it turned WHITE for 3 seconds, and then black...

    It's really frustrating, cause all my work is on this computer (i'm backing up now, hopefully I can go through it before it close down again)

    Please help! Also I have no battery in the computer, so I don't know what it could be...

    It's a dell inspiron 1545

    1 AnswerDesktops8 years ago
  • Why did my dream stop?

    I had a pretty cool dream where I was kissing with one of my crushes, it was on my school...

    So I kept walking around, and I figured that despite in my dream felt normal, something was different than it used to. For a few seconds I thought that I was dreaming, then I saw a fountain in the middle of my school and a pirate jumping from it (very neutral thing, didn't affect my mood or anything) I just smiled and said out loud (though no one was probably near to hear me) hahaha, I am actually aware that I am dreaming now. Suddenly everything that happened stands still, and it was framed in black in my eyes, and I remember having enough time to either think or say, "no that doesn't mean it should stop..." but just as I thought/said this.. I could see the inner of my halfopen eyelids.. So I was awake.

    Why didn't my dream continue, just because I figured it was a dream? Why didn't it suddenly stop, but actually made this "transition" that indirectly told me this would wake me up?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Pokémon: EV "stat" training, help? generation 1?

    I want to understand how stat points work in Pokémon RED (1st GENERATION, not later!!) and how to use VITAMINS (protein, carbon etc.) best possible, is it best to use them on low lvl pokémon or high lvl pokémon?

    Also can anyone explain the "box trick"? (something about boosting stats after lvl 100)

    I have a charmander lvl 5, and I want to EV train it effectively. Also the 510 point is not until later gens as far as I have understand, so can anyone help?

    Pokemon red/blue/yellow

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Rejected by a virgin guy?

    A virgin guy rejected a decent looking girl: what went through his mind?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why would a virgin guy reject a hot girl?

    If it's not due to religious views, any cultural difference ir anything like that.

    He couldn't have been scared (he had multiple chances). No girls have been romantically involved with

    him at all... A hot girl approaches him, and they were pretty good friends beforehand... he turns her down, n now they cant talk cus its awkward. What could the reasons be?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help paypal, will i go to prison?

    Help, so I have a private account which is verified all information 100% true, but I made another for businesses and I could not make it verified because I would need credit card only have 1 for private account... so it got limited... now I made a new one, but all info on it is false, and I go under fake name, I just use this for profit I earn, I am not spending money I don't have or anything, when I earned money I send them to my real account. The fake one I said to be from US (I'm from EU) and I have verified it, by using etrade online bank... I'm scared I will go to prison cause I just turned 18, I am earning money legally however, it's just all info is wrong, also I assume they can see I send all money from their site to my original account, I guess it could look suspicious... What should I do? Help

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • One Night Stand... How to deal with?

    I was at a party the other night, and met a very ncie guy. Long, blond hair, on superficial matter, he was my type. I had a pretty direct approach, which at first did not work very well, but at the end of the night with a little help from friends and a great wingman I did win him over! Awesome.

    So the party closed randomly due to some riots that had happened, so we had to leave. Me and this guy decided to sleep over at his apartment west from town. I was at that point not exactly sure what to do, as I have never really, gone so far that I was going home with a guy on the first night. I had a tiring debate in my head whether I should not have sex with him, get to know him and eventually have a real relationship with him, or whether I should just screw him. I guess you could guess what I chose.

    We were up for countless hours, talking, having sex, then talking some more... I figured he wasn't my type at ALL personality wise, and that was actually what made me choose the decision I did.

    With his words he told me that all he really wanted to do was to have sex with me, and that he found me really sexy and hot, and he never really complimented my personality, except a couple times he said I was "pretty nice", "good company" and "a little weird in a good way" I stayed over at his house until afternoon when I had stuff to do. We even ate pasta at his house, and he followed me down to the bus, and he made sure to take my hand and warm me when I was freezing etc., also we cuddled, snuggled, and kissed all through the night, but I think of this as more normal.

    I don't think I want a relationship with him, nor do I have any major or strong feelings, but he did leave me with an impression. The last thing he said was "We'll write to eachother sometime"

    And that was it. I'm not really sure what to think, we're friends on FB it's been 6 hours, and we haven't talked and I don't feel the need to talk to him actually. I just can't help but to analyse everything. I just want some thoughts on this subject as I am totally new to one night stands, and am not really sure of the "rules" as far as if there is any?

    7 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Would a christian guy reject a non-christian girl due to that?

    I was wondering cause I was friendzoned by this very nerdy, highly intelligent, sweet and caring guy, most girls does not find him attractive at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first to pursue him. I know he has never had a gf, and he is the type to blush and go away when people talk about sex... really cute guy.... i get told a lot I am very attractive... I told him I had feelings and he rejected me, saying he only saw me as a friend (well that's what he said to his friends, to me, he said "I don't love you and I won't lie and say I do, because I don't..." pretty awkward, especially as I NEVER said the L-word, I only said I liked him a lot. I recently figured he is a christian, and pretty much into it I believe... I am agnostic... Could this be a reason for rejecting? Anyone who is christian who knows if this is important etc.? thnx

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Would a christian guy reject a non-christian girl due to that?

    I was wondering cause I was friendzoned by this very nerdy, highly intelligent, sweet and caring guy, most girls does not find him attractive at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first to pursue him. I know he has never had a gf, and he is the type to blush and go away when people talk about sex... really cute guy.... i get told a lot I am very attractive... I told him I had feelings and he rejected me, saying he only saw me as a friend (well that's what he said to his friends, to me, he said "I don't love you and I won't lie and say I do, because I don't..." pretty awkward, especially as I NEVER said the L-word, I only said I liked him a lot. I recently figured he is a christian, and pretty much into it I believe... I am agnostic... Could this be a reason for rejecting? Anyone who is christian who knows if this is important etc.? thnx

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is it safe?

    I am so unsure as there's a LOT of bad reviews about them on the internet, a lot is however from 2010, but still :( they do seem to be a longstanding company however, and also HAVE received positive reviews... Also, they use sagepay which has also a lot of negative reviews, I am scared, is my information protected? I used for about £101 so I would really like to know if I should do something before it's too late... thanks

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • How do i cancel an order on karmaloop?

    I bought a pair of jeans unfortunately they are too big, so how do I cancel my order? It is not yet processed or shipped please help

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • I am in love with Dave Days, help?

    I am head over heels in love with Dave Days I am 18 years and I have had a crush for him since I was 14, he is just so cute, and it's heartbreaking that he is so famous and loved by every girl in the world, and I just wish I could be with him so bad.... And I also live on the other side of planet, so I can't even see his concerts... and all how do I move on?

    Also I never said I love him, I said I am in love with him, which is the same as infatuation... But it's been 4 years and it hasn't faded? And I compare my bfs to him sometimes? I'm single now... He just seems so cute and perfect...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I am in love with dave days?

    I am head over heels in love with Dave Days I am 18 years and I have had a crush for him since I was 14, he is just so cute, and it's heartbreaking that he is so famous and loved by every girl in the world, and I just wish I could be with him so bad.... And I also live on the other side of planet, so I can't even see his concerts... and all how do I move on?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does pretending to be happy and playing hard to get ever work?

    Say there is this guy that I like, and I told him, only to be rejected. He was very kind about it however... But it hurts.. a lot.

    Now we're sometimes having classes together, and I just try to be all smiles and happy with my friends, not even thinking about he is there... Is there any chance that this may open his eyes for how awesome I am? I know it will help me move on in the long run, but I sort of also want him to like me, as I still think he is a really sweet guy.. Thanks..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Have you ever rejected someone, then fallen for them later on?

    I'm just curious as to whether anyone has rejected a guy/girl, just to find out later that you really liked them.

    What did the person do that piqued your interest? Also are you a guy or girl? Tell your story :)

    7 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Have you ever rejected someone, then fallen for them later on?

    I'm just curious as to whether anyone has rejected a guy/girl, just to find out later that you really liked them.

    What did the person do that piqued your interest? Also are you a guy or girl? Tell your story :)

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Have you ever rejected someone, then fallen for them later on?

    I'm just curious as to whether anyone has rejected a guy/girl, just to find out later that you really liked them.

    What did the person do that piqued your interest? Also are you a guy or girl? Tell your story :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why did he reject me? :( 10 points, long!?

    I know I shouldn't obsess over this or take it to heart, because sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not the first time I am rejected, but it is the first time I ever got rejected by a guy I truly liked (and probably the first time I acted so stupidly upon my feelings) but here's the story.

    There is this guy I crushed on for a couple monthes, and we would constantly have eyecontact when we talked, both our faces would light up in a huge smile when we saw eachother. And sometimes, though rarely, he would lightly touch me when we talked, he was attentive on my feelings (one day he came up to me and apologized if I felt like he was waving me away), also he once asked if I liked to share money for a bottle of soda..

    Anyways, thought there was something there but he was apparently just friendly.. I did a stupid move and leaned in to kiss him while I was drunk, and he just backed away he is very inexperienced with girls and all, I may have shocked him, and right after (bad timing I know!) I told him that I liked him - a lot!

    So I've been very ashamed of this and couldn't look him in the eyes after this. But he was persistent we should talk about what happened, and he was very apologetic and said he was slightly nervous and all, so I thought something good may happen......

    I always catch him looking at me in the hallway at our school after this, so I was hopeful, but he didn't like me. We finally got to talk about it all, and I told him how embarrased I was about it all, and that I was sorry for putting him in a such uncomfortable situation, he didn't seem too bothered about it - I then said I stood by what I said, that I really did like him, and he said "Well, I did catch up on that. It's just I can't lie to you and tell you that I love you because I don't..." I didn't think too much of it, because I don't love him either, I'm just infatuated (how can you love someone you are not in a relationship with?) but I just said "No of course not..." waiting for him to say he just wasn't into me, but I guess that was my answer... I could then feel he was about to hurry leaving and I just prod him and said "___ I would appreciate if you could..." and he finished my sentence exactly as I would have said it "Keep away from you for a while?" "Yeah..." I replied... And I remember I said in the end "And stop being so damn cute" And I remember he just smiled a little, nodded, and walked away.

    I'm a decent looking girl, I mean I am pretty attractive, and my looks have never ever been a problem for me when it comes to getting guys (actually, it's sometimes annoying how many pervs approach me) so I don't think it's that :/

    Also I know he is single, and I'm pretty sure he is straight - also that he is a virgin and doesn't have much experience with girls... Also I'm pretty sure there isn't any other girl he likes so yeah.. :/

    My theories are:

    A: Everything went too fast, and my bad move made all he ever had for me "fall to the ground" so he just didn't like me anymore... :/

    B: He could sense that I was being desperate and that may have been a huge turn off (I really tried not to appear clingy etc. but maybe the fact that I was so blunt about it when I was drunk made him think of me as "too easy"?)

    C: He never really liked me, as I simply wasn't his type, and all his signs of affections was just friendliness :'( "He's just not that into you"...

    Can I do anything to pique his interest for me, or have I lost everything to the ground? :/ I know if it is C there's nothing I can do... I just don't know how to find out... Does it mean anything if he keeps starring? I'm pretty good at holding face and keep smiling when in school. It's just whenever I see him I get reminded of how much I like him.. I wish the best for him, but can I somehow change his mind?

    1 AnswerGender Studies8 years ago
  • Why did he reject me? :( 10 points, long!?

    I know I shouldn't obsess over this or take it to heart, because sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not the first time I am rejected, but it is the first time I ever got rejected by a guy I truly liked (and probably the first time I acted so stupidly upon my feelings) but here's the story.

    There is this guy I crushed on for a couple monthes, and we would constantly have eyecontact when we talked, both our faces would light up in a huge smile when we saw eachother. And sometimes, though rarely, he would lightly touch me when we talked, he was attentive on my feelings (one day he came up to me and apologized if I felt like he was waving me away), also he once asked if I liked to share money for a bottle of soda..

    Anyways, thought there was something there but he was apparently just friendly.. I did a stupid move and leaned in to kiss him while I was drunk, and he just backed away he is very inexperienced with girls and all, I may have shocked him, and right after (bad timing I know!) I told him that I liked him - a lot!

    So I've been very ashamed of this and couldn't look him in the eyes after this. But he was persistent we should talk about what happened, and he was very apologetic and said he was slightly nervous and all, so I thought something good may happen......

    I always catch him looking at me in the hallway at our school after this, so I was hopeful, but he didn't like me. We finally got to talk about it all, and I told him how embarrased I was about it all, and that I was sorry for putting him in a such uncomfortable situation, he didn't seem too bothered about it - I then said I stood by what I said, that I really did like him, and he said "Well, I did catch up on that. It's just I can't lie to you and tell you that I love you because I don't..." I didn't think too much of it, because I don't love him either, I'm just infatuated (how can you love someone you are not in a relationship with?) but I just said "No of course not..." waiting for him to say he just wasn't into me, but I guess that was my answer... I could then feel he was about to hurry leaving and I just prod him and said "___ I would appreciate if you could..." and he finished my sentence exactly as I would have said it "Keep away from you for a while?" "Yeah..." I replied... And I remember I said in the end "And stop being so damn cute" And I remember he just smiled a little, nodded, and walked away.

    I'm a decent looking girl, I mean I am pretty attractive, and my looks have never ever been a problem for me when it comes to getting guys (actually, it's sometimes annoying how many pervs approach me) so I don't think it's that :/

    Also I know he is single, and I'm pretty sure he is straight - also that he is a virgin and doesn't have much experience with girls... Also I'm pretty sure there isn't any other girl he likes so yeah.. :/

    My theories are:

    A: Everything went too fast, and my bad move made all he ever had for me "fall to the ground" so he just didn't like me anymore... :/

    B: He could sense that I was being desperate and that may have been a huge turn off (I really tried not to appear clingy etc. but maybe the fact that I was so blunt about it when I was drunk made him think of me as "too easy"?)

    C: He never really liked me, as I simply wasn't his type, and all his signs of affections was just friendliness :'( "He's just not that into you"...

    Can I do anything to pique his interest for me, or have I lost everything to the ground? :/ I know if it is C there's nothing I can do... I just don't know how to find out... Does it mean anything if he keeps starring? I'm pretty good at holding face and keep smiling when in school. It's just whenever I see him I get reminded of how much I like him.. I wish the best for him, but can I somehow change his mind?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why did he reject me? :( 10 points, long!?

    Ok so there is this guy I crushed on for a couple monthes, and we would constantly have eyecontact when we talked, both our faces would light up in a huge smile when we saw eachother. And sometimes, though rarely, he would lightly touch me when we talked, he was attentive on my feelings (one day he came up to me and apologized if I felt like he was waving me away), also he once asked if I liked to share money for a bottle of soda..

    Anyways, thought there was something there but he was apparently just friendly.. I did a stupid move and leaned in to kiss him while I was drunk, and he just backed away he is very inexperienced with girls and all, I may have shocked him, and right after (bad timing I know!) I told him that I liked him - a lot!

    So I've been very ashamed of this and couldn't look him in the eyes after this. But he was persistent we should talk about what happened, and he was very apologetic and said he was slightly nervous and all, so I thought something good may happen......

    I always catch him looking at me in the hallway at our school after this, so I was hopeful, but he didn't like me. We finally got to talk about it all, and I told him how embarrased I was about it all, and that I was sorry for putting him in a such uncomfortable situation, he didn't seem too bothered about it - I then said I stood by what I said, that I really did like him, and he said "Well, I did catch up on that. It's just I can't lie to you and tell you that I love you because I don't..." I didn't think too much of it, because I don't love him either, I'm just infatuated (how can you love someone you are not in a relationship with?) but I just said "No of course not..." waiting for him to say he just wasn't into me, but I guess that was my answer... I could then feel he was about to hurry leaving and I just prod him and said "___ I would appreciate if you could..." and he finished my sentence exactly as I would have said it "Keep away from you for a while?" "Yeah..." I replied... And I remember I said in the end "And stop being so damn cute" And I remember he just smiled a little, nodded, and walked away.

    I'm a decent looking girl, I mean I am pretty attractive, and my looks have never ever been a problem for me when it comes to getting guys (actually, it's sometimes annoying how many pervs approach me) so I don't think it's that :/

    Also I know he is single, and I'm pretty sure he is straight - also that he is a virgin and doesn't have much experience with girls...

    My theories are:

    A: Everything went too fast, and my bad move made all he ever had for me "fall to the ground" so he just didn't like me anymore... :/

    B: He could sense that I was being desperate and that may have been a huge turn off (I really tried not to appear clingy etc. but maybe the fact that I was so blunt about it when I was drunk made him think of me as "too easy"?)

    C: He never really liked me, as I simply wasn't his type, and all his signs of affections was just friendliness :'( "He's just not that into you"...

    Can I do anything to peak his interest for me, or have I lost everything to the ground? :/ I know if it is C there's nothing I can do... I just don't know how to find out... Does it mean anything if he keeps starring? I'm pretty good at holding face and keep smiling when in school. It's just whenever I see him I get reminded of how much I like him.. I wish the best for him, but can I somehow change his mind?

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago