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  • Can you track ip address?

    Is there anyway to find an ip address from a forwarded email if the original email address has been deleted?

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • Track fake ad on craigs list?

    Somebody posted a fake personal ad on craigslist. I have the ID number and the fake email it had come from but both have been deleted. I'm going to the police tomorrow to file a complaint and I am wondering is there a way to track down who posted this ad now that the sources have been deleted.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Is there somebody here, that believes in God, that can truly help me?

    I came on this website seeking guidance into the questions I have with religion in my life... Through the Q&A format I am not finding it... I am seeking a true believer in God. Somebody that can do more than quote bible verses, because I am not interested in those... I have read the bible. I have gone to church. I have been baptized and asked for Jesus to release me from my sins. I have a majority of people in my life that can tell me to have faith in the Lord and he will show me the way...

    It is not that simple. I do not struggle with my faith in the Lord, but I do struggle with the people around me who I love and care for that believe more blindly in Gods message than I can bare. My own husband’s beliefs are limited to the blindness of a traditional religion and it limits our ability to grow as a couple.

    I seek answers and reasons. My beliefs are based only on my own experiences as evidence which are enough for me. I do not need validation in those beliefs. I seek only objective insight into my doubts and struggles I am facing by a person who does not know me or the people in my world. If you feel you are this person, and you feel that you are here to truly help those that are lost and can do this with the ability to understand that I am a person that does deeply believe in God but relates more to the ideas and logic in the words of an Atheist than I ask that you message me...

    If you believe that no one soul is less significant in the eyes of the Lord than another, than you truly have the ability to help one now.

    And an added thought... If you are somebody that is going to give a "thumbs down" to an Atheist that responds saying I cannot find what I am seeking... You are not the person I am looking for because I believe they are entitled to their opinion and I respect their opinion's completely.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why won't you Conventional Christians attempt to gain some logical perspectives...?

    Some of the most brilliant in American history...

    “All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.” Aldous Huxley

    “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    “Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?" Annie Dillard

    And finally... Our Founding Fathers were not Christians... by reading their own writings, it's clear that most of them were opposed to the bible, and the teachings of Christianity in particular...

    "Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise." James Madison

    "God is an essence that we know nothing of. Until this awful blasphemy is got rid of, there will never be any liberal science in the world." John Adams

    “The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their (the Christian clergy) hopes, and they believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Thomas Jefferson

    "In the affairs of the world, men are saved not by faith, but by the lack of it." Benjamin Franklin

    George Washington was very private about his beliefs and quotes have often been changed and mangled but... George Washington's practice of Christianity was limited and superficial because he was not himself a Christian... He repeatedly declined the church's sacraments. Never did he take communion, and when his wife, Martha, did, he waited for her outside the sanctuary... Even on his deathbed, Washington asked for no ritual, uttered no prayer to Christ, and expressed no wish to be attended by His representative.

    You may not agree, but you can't discount the rationality behind logic and reason

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Lets here from the husbands please...?

    So, a lot of religious people are opposed to the use of birth control... I know a lot of women in these marriages that just do not want more kids so they secretly use the calendar method of birth control to prevent getting pregnant and just lie to their husbands to get out of sex during those days.

    So, if birth control is a sin... And divorce is a sin... And rape and murder are sins (So you can't knock her up or get rid of her that way)... What exactly would you do when you realize that you are living your entire life "in sin?" And how would you justify that God has brought this woman to you and joined you as "one flesh?" If you were one of these husbands wouldn't you feel kind of shafted???

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is this hypocritical?

    Do you find it hypocritical that your question can be deleted because it is disrespectful and insulting based on the "community guidelines"... but somebody can tell you that you are going to burn in Hell, and that's okay?

    You know a friend of mine got in a fight with her, now ex, he told her she was going to rot in Hell for being such an evil b**tch... She punched him in the face and the fight eventually required cops to intervene... When this was presented to the cop he looked at the guy and said, "You got off easy. If I talked like that to my wife, they wouldn't be calling the law. They'd be calling a priest to pray over my body when she got through with me."

    Belief in God or not, isn't "Damning a person eternal soul to Hell a bit "Disrespectful?"

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A question for the Atheists...?

    Have any of you here seen the movie "The Invention of Lying"

    Just wondering, because of your beliefs, do you find a different level of humor and irony behind that plot?.. And if you haven't seen the movie, watch it... You would love it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Here's your chance... Help me understand...?

    Okay... I'm going to give the title "Christian" one last chance... So if you truly are a believer in God I won't get one sarcastic, insulting remark from a "Christian" because I do, in fact, believe in God.

    I've seen a lot of responses on here from Christian people that are repeated cut and paste replies...You preach that your belief is your own, and your faith is not defined by predetermined ideas laid out for you by somebody else... How do you honestly expect anybody to take you seriously when you can't come up with an original thought to back up your case.

    Anybody can quote the bible... what do you have to offer that is your own?

    Here's a quote for you... "They believed in nothing. And now they are nothing." And what's that from... Anne Rice, Queen of the damned... an author who spent the first half of her career researching the hidden darkness within us all... And has spent the second half of her career researching the truth behind religion and now tells the real story of Jesus Christ... the man on earth we have been asked to follow.

    Say what you will... but at least make it your own original thought...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Alright... What do you got for this one?

    I had a response to my earlier post about proving something does not exist that gave me another question to ponder...

    In a controlled environment you can prove that something does or does not exist. But without that controlled environment you can not... So what does that say about organized religion???

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do "Christians" always ask the wrong questions?

    Christians keep asking Atheist what is their proof that God does not exist. You cannot prove that something does not exist... To prove that something does not exist you must first assume that something does exist and then gather evidence to dispute it... It is circular logic. If the bible is the only proof in God, then you must first believe in the bible to accept it as evidence.

    Many Christians accept traditions that have been "passed down" as true spirituality and never fully examine where those traditions came from. If you never question your own belief in God, then you will never be able to understand why you believe in anything at all. And if you blindly accept the beliefs of others without true evidence of your own you are victims to false prophets that may feed you with their own hidden agenda.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • You people keep getting this wrong... Atheists, weigh in please...?

    Atheists have formed their beliefs and opinions based on facts they can lay out... If God would sit down with an Atheist and lay out a logical argument with evidence to support his position... A true Atheist would be willing to consider Gods argument...

    You people keep acting like they are stupid because they are Atheist, but most of them have probably researched more history on religion than any of us God believer's combined.

    I don't know... Am I right or wrong Atheists???

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • My God! What is wrong with you people?

    I'm sorry but what is up with all the people on this forum that claim they are so freaking christian??? I believe in God deeply and I have always said that I am christian if somebody asks, but some of you people are making me not want to claim that anymore... Not the believing in God part, the claiming I'm "christian" part.

    I know there are a lot of people on here trying to get a rise out you or create controversial conversations, but come on... what do you really expect to get from yahoo Q&A? Its like trying to get reliable research from wikapedia...

    And then when a person poses a real question because they are actually in spiritual distress and seeking honest opinions you throw a bunch of bible verses at them and tell them to believe or burn... How could you expect anybody to ever take your view seriously when the only thing you have to offer is quotations that somebody else wrote... I don't think half of you even know why you believe in what you do other than because somewhere somebody told you to.

    Going to church and reading the bible is not going to save somebodies soul. Most churches won't even baptize a person anymore unless they can understand and profess their reason behind the desire to do so.

    I believe in God and that cannot be tested or shattered or altered... But it is not because of church or the bible... I couldn't quote a complete bible verse to save my life but I have seen what God can do. I have testimonies that have brought pastors to their knees in prayer for the guidance I have found. God has laid out where I will be when this life is over and I have no doubts about what will happen when I die. My faith cannot be tested because I have my proof, from God, that I needed to understand why I should believe. God does not expect blind faith. He wouldn't give us free will if he did. God wants us to question him. He couldn't answer us if we didn't. I have had many conversations with Atheists about religion and I have never had one of them walking away without respecting my opinion and accepting that, although I may not have changed their mind, they could understand why I have the beliefs that I do... How many of you on here can say that? Not many, because I see what they say to you and it's simply because they don't respect your judgment and criticism. Respect is earned, not demanded. Even God himself does not demand respect from us... And how many of you out there can say he does? How many of you out there are dead, and burning in Hell? How many of you have had people come back to life to tell you what will happen to you in the end of your life? Have you seen the other side? Do you know what happens when a person dies? I do... I've seen that transition from this life to the next begin... I've watched a person, who did not believe in God for most of his life, begin his journey back home. I've been in God's presence when the pain from losing that man had me in my darkest moment. I've seen God heal from the prayer of a truly divine man of God... I have sat and told my stories to people who truly do not believe and watched their heart fill with doubt. And I may not have changed their mind, but at least I did give them something to consider, because at the same time, I gave them respect to take what they wanted from my story and process it for themselves.

    People need to understand that God should not be feared... And if you are a true believer in his power than you should understand... he's got this covered. Yes, stand strong in your beliefs. Embrace him with your entire soul... But open your hearts to people that don't know what you know. Most people just want to understand... They need a reason to believe in something. And with everything people face in this world, God is hard to believe in... But he knows that. And he will seek them out when they are ready. When there is judgment against those who don't believe, it makes his job harder, because those people will only shut themselves off to him more because all they see if hate and persecution in the name of a man who only desires love and acceptance.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why are you so judgmental?

    I don't usually get into religious debates because I feel everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, so I generally stay off of this section of Q&A, but I gotta ask this...

    Why do so many people use God as a weapon to judge and persecute others on here? I am seeing a lot of people scream a christian belief and use it to judge an atheist. I believe in God. I'm pretty sure I have a deeper connection and faith in God than most. It can't be questioned and it can't be altered. On this forum I am seeing that the "Atheist" on here have more insight than the "Christians."

    A person who truly understands God and what he wants for his children would understand that it is not right to deny others their choice to believe what they want, and then persecute them for believing it. Nobody on here has ever spoken to God about whether or not we should be telling people they are going to Heaven or Hell. Think about it this way... How would you feel if somebody off the street was telling people who was aloud to enter your house? It would probably piss you off.

    If you believe in God, you believe in his message. You believe in his ideas and passions he wants you to have in your heart. And you believe it when he says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." If you wanted you ideas and your thoughts to be heard and respected you would understand that there is a way to present your ideas without belittling others for theirs. You damage your own argument that there is greatness out there when you taint it with judgment and ridicule. Man has free will for a reason. And we will answer for our choices in the end regardless. And it is not for us to determine that a person's soul is damned because they do not agree with us.

    And furthermore... even if the Atheists disagree with me that they will meet God in the end of their life... I don't believe their soul is in jeopardy and I don't think it matters if they are wrong. If they are wrong, when they die, they will be given that choice in the end. No matter what you believe in spiritually, if you are the best person you can be, and you do good in this world and are good to the people in your life that is all that matters. Stop hating each other and understand that you don't have to be defined by what you believe in.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How to tell her the truth?

    I met my husband when I was three weeks pregnant with my daughter (I did not know I was pregnant when I accepted the date). The biological father and I had broken up and upon learning that I was pregnant he took off and wanted nothing to do with her from day one. My husband decided from day one that we would take it one day at a time and was there for every moment of the pregnancy and everyday of her life ever sense. The father has never once changed his mind about wanting anything to do with her and never will. We had decided long ago that we would tell her the truth when she was old enough to understand but not too old that she ended up feeling betrayed and lied to. We had talked about five being a good age to sit her down and begin trying to explain this. She is now four and half so the thoughts of how I will tell her this truth is overwhelming being that I know this will hurt her and I would like to present this to her with the least pain possible.

    I've thought this through and I understand that the truth will hurt and I can't avoid that. I also know that I need to explain that her daddy is my husband and he will be there for her and love her every day of her life.

    I would like to hear from people who were adopted... What helped? What would have made it easier? When do you wish you would have found out? What should I avoid saying? My children are my whole world and I am a good mom. But that little girl is my husbands heart and soul and the truth is going to bring out a lot of pain for both him and her and I just would like some ideas on the best ways to handle this situation.

    3 AnswersAdoption9 years ago
  • What's the earliest you had a healthy baby?

    I posted this in pregnancy already but I know newborn section is probably better because there are more people who have already delivered.

    I'm just wondering how early did others have their baby and have them still be healthy. I've been going through complications with keeping my little guy in. I'm 32 weeks and at 30 weeks I had to have labor stopped. Well contractions and pressure are starting again today and I'm just wondering if the doctors can't keep him in much longer what am I looking at health wise for my little guy?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What's the earliest you had a healthy baby?

    I'm just wondering how early did others have their baby and have them still be healthy. I've been going through complications with keeping my little guy in. I'm 32 weeks and at 30 weeks I had to have labor stopped. Well contractions and pressure are starting again today and I'm just wondering if the doctors can't keep him in much longer what am I looking at health wise for my little guy?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gestational Diabetes: What is the doctor going to tell me?

    My doctor office just called and told me that my levels were high from the glucose screening test, and that it puts me in the range for having gestational diabetes. I got put on an 1800 calorie diet and the said I will have to retest in three weeks and then start stress test on the baby.

    Has anyone here had gestational diabetes? What's going to happen through the rest of my pregnancy? I'm 28 weeks and this is my fourth baby, but I never had this before. (I know my doctor will tell me more when I meet with him again, but I'm looking for answers from people who have been there)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • People who have had a natural birth and an epidural.?

    I had three children, all natural with just the basic shot of pain meds. I'm a little older now, and I'm having my fourth child, and this pregnancy is already taking a bigger toll on my body then the other three did. I'm considering doing an epidural with this baby because I know I will go into this labor already exhausted since I chase around three kids 24 hours a day, but I've heard mixed things about it.

    Some people have said it doesn't take any of the pushing pain away, some people have said it caused constant back problem after labor. I want to hear form someone who has done both natural birth, and an epidural: Does the epidural really make a difference that is worth anything, or should I just bare through it?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Tips on potty training before two?

    I potty trained both my son's at about a little over two and half so I was able to talk them through it with out problem. But now my 19 month old daughter just brought me a diaper and wipes to change her, and sure enough, she was wet. So I'm thinking she might be ready for the potty. Did anybody successfully potty train before the age of two, if so how, because I am not sure how to start this with her.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is my dog in puberty or something?

    I have a four and a half month old boy Chihuahua, and for the past week or two he has had his little "thing" out and he just will not quite licking it. And it is out all day and night. And every time I turn around he's licking the thing again. I'm not sure if he is suppose to be doing this or if he might have an infection or something. Is this normal? When will he stop? Or should I take him to the vet?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago