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I am only on here occasionally and generally hang out in the R&S section. Religion: Jewish Politics: Liberal I am currently a college student with a Pre-Pharmacy major. I have three children. I have 1 year old identical twin boys, Courtland and Wyatt and a baby girl Kinsley who was just born June 10th!

  • Does having children very close together have pregnancy risks?

    I have 16 month old identical twin boys (born @ 27 weeks due to TTTS) and a 3 month old daughter (born healthy @ 41 weeks). I just found out I am pregnant for the third time. Basically my husband and I find ourselves going to be the parents of 4 children under the age of two. I am 22 so I am still young but I am curious as to whether or not having such little rests in between each pregnancy can potentially cause problems. What are your experiences? I just want to hear from others before my doctor's appointment.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need some spelling ideas for my baby's name?

    Okay my boyfriend and I have decided on Kinsley Olivia. But I am not sure how I want to spell her first name. So far Kensley, Kinsley, Kinslee, Kensleigh have all beensuggested by friends and family. Which spelling do you prefer or offer a suggestion if you have a different idea! Thanks so much!


    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    My BFF just had her baby this evening ( 22 inches, 9 pound 12 oz !!!! and yes, somehow it was a vaginal birth)

    Anyway here's the little guy's first and middle names:

    Lyric Severus Lucius Hogwarts____.

    So I am just wondering what your opinion is? I think she and her hubby are completely mental and that this poor kid is going to get beat up if he ever tells people his middle names.

    Anywho I just wondered what you all thought!!


    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • WDYT of these names?

    I know I have asked about a million of these this week but naming a girl (at least in my house) is much more difficult than naming the boys were! But I think Resse is out but I still really like Kinsley. Here are the other names we were considering:







    Gwendolyn (my boyfriend seems to really like this one for some reason...I'm not convinced)




    Here are some ...different...suggestions we have gotten from other people: Timberlin, Sutton, Saylor, Quinnlynn, Elle, Melanie (she pronounced it Ma-lawn-ee)

    Let me know what you think! I like to hear everyone's opinions!

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Your opinions on these baby names please!!?

    Okay I know I asked a smiliar question yesterday but many pointed out that Reese can be a bit masculine for a little girl. I have taken that into consideration. Here is the other names I was thinking of and I would love to hear your opinions!

    1. Annily

    2. Ainsley

    3. Kensley

    4. Ashtyn

    Oh and this one is just for fun...a suggestion from a friend...I hope she wasn't serious! lol


    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Your opinion please on this baby name?

    Hi everyone! I am currently 20 preggers with a little girl! My boyfriend and I have 8 month old identical twin boys named Court and Wyatt. We like their names but want something cute for our little girl too. I really like the name Reese. What do you think of the name Reese for a girl? Her name will be Reese____ Blumenkrantz so even if we go with that name we are at a loss for a good middle name. Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much! :-)

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Can a brain injury cause epileptic seizures to return? For how long?

    My older brother suffered a serious brain injury in August (he has recovered since). He is 35 and had epilepsy since childhood though it had been over ten years since his last seizure. However ever since he was injured he has been having so many seizures (mostly absence/petit mal seizures but occasionally grand mal) He will have several absence/petit mal everyday. Is this normal? His doctor keeps adjusting the meds but nothing seems to be helping and I am really worried. He is an attorney so this is really effecting his job. It's hard to see this keep happening even months after the injury. I am worried that something awful will happen if it doesn't stop soon. Am I over reacting?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Question for my xian friends?

    Rocko-that's what I asked too and apparently it doesn't amtter at her church what kind of abuse the other had to put up with.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Leber's congenital amaurosis?

    I was wondering if anyone here has this or knows anyone who does or have any experience with this disease. My younger brother's infant son was diagnosed with this last week. So far they know that the visual impairment is signifigant and I am just unsure on what to say to my brother. Any information/advise is welcome!


    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • For those who have children very close together in age...?

    My question is for those of you who have children very close together in far apart are your children and is there anything special you did to handle the chaos/stress during the pregnancy and having another new born so soon?

    I had identical twin boys 5/3 of this year at 28.3 weeks due to Twin to Twin transfusion Syndrome. thankfully they are doing just fine now. I am now 13 weeks preggers (surprise!) with baby #3. My twins will be 13 months older than this little one if I am able to carry him/her to term so I need lots of pointers from those of you who have had experience with lots of babies running around because at times it feels so overwhelming.

    Thanks in advance for all of your answers!

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Speaking in tongues?

    Okay, one of my friends had a Bible study with someone who is some type of evangelical who claimed that one must be fully immersed in Jesus' name and then receive the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues (which is separate from the baptism)

    I don't remember what denomination she said the person is from. Is this mainstream xian belief or some radical concept? I'm Jewish and don't really care about speaking in tongues but I am just curious as to the views of other xians on this topic. To me it seems sort of controversial.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had a child in the NICU?

    My twins were born on Sunday at 28.3 weeks so obviously they are very small and will be in the NICU for sometime. They are doing quite well and with all the complications I had during my pregnancy we were expecting premies.

    However the stress and tension in the NICU is overwhelming at times. You can just feel it on that whole floor of the hospital. It's awful. I mean nothing is going to stop my boyfriend and I from going and seeing them everyday but it's just much more overwhelming than I thought it would be.

    What is your experiences with babies int he NICU and was there anything you did to make it a little more bearable?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How far along were you when stretch marks appeared?

    I am 28 weeks preggers with twins and I fortunately have not had any stretch marks yet. I was very thin before I got pregnant and have been using preventative measures (bio oil/cocoa butter) I am not carrying that big for twins but obviously I am very pregnant looking. I'm having a scheduled c section on 5/11 due to TTTS so I don't know if I will get them during this pregnancy.

    My question is how far along where you when they appearedor where obvious?

    Also, after the babies are born can they appear as my baby bump disappears and not just be obvious during the pregnancy?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I want your opinion on my twin's names?

    My babies will be here in 13 days and my boyfriend and I have picked out their names weeks ago. They are Courtland Jakob and Wyatt Levi. We like the names but several people have thrown a royal fit about them. They say that idential twins especially should have names that begin with the same letter or rhyme or somehow go together. My assertion is that they are identical and therefore will be lumped together alot throughout their life so we wanted to give them names independent of each other. We are not going to change the names but I would like to hear your opinion on it!

    50 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else been diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome?

    I am 25 weeks preggers and just got the diagnosis of twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Has anyone else experienced this? IF so how far along were you and how are your babies doing now?

    I'm really scared and worried and wondering of anyone else has experienced somethign similar.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to deal with a high risk pregnancy and premature birth?

    Well I got the bad news today. I am 25 weeks preggers with twin boys and my doctor confirmed this morning Twin to twin transfusion syndrome. My boyfriend and I are so worried. They want me to try to make it to lat least 30 weeks but I my body is really frail at this point. Anyway we live in Chicago and my boyfriend has been accepted into an east coast law school so he will be away in the fall.

    I was just wondering if you could share your own experience and advise on dealing with and coping with premature birth even if you did have your husband/boyfriend/partner there with you.


    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What is with all the Catholic hate on here?

    I have noticed on here alot of xian denominations being critical and extremely rude to Catholics on here. I just don't get it. They are all xian, they all believe in the divinity of Christ. Aren't they all on the same team? These other people are calling Catholicism "false doctrine" and worse.

    I mean just because I am a Reform Jew and someone else might be an Orthodox Jew I would never be so condescending and screech at them that they are going to hell just because they do not belong to the same branch of Judaism as I do.

    So my question is to Catholics...does this happen to you often and how does it make you feel?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Democrats of all faiths?

    I'm an avid Democrat and a member of Young Democrats of America so everyone knows I am very left winged!

    Anyway I was told the other day that G-d will hold us accountable for voting for Pro-Choice and Pro-Stem Cell Research and Pro-Gay Rights candidates. This person told me that by voting for these people will are responsible for allowing "evil" to reign in the US!

    I think it's bollocks and that they were just trying to get more people to think the Republican/conservative way. I don't think G-d would hold people accountable for the "sins" of others. This whole thing made me mad...they may have been just trying to ruin the inauguration party I was at on Tuesday.

    What do my fellow Democrats think about this both politically and religiously? Have you ever been told this or something similar before?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow Jews, what do you think of this?

    Today I was sent this condescending email from a "friend" in it she says that since I am a Jew that she assumed I am a Democrat (I am!!!) and so she sent me this long winded email about how Obama is going to open American borders to the Muslims who will in turn come to the US and "get" the Jews, that Obama has antisemitic policies, and that Obama is to America is what Arafat's Oslo was to Israel.

    What say you about this matter? Also, do people automatically assume you are a Democrat just because you're not a WASP?

    Oh and non-American Jews feel free to chime in as well!!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you ever experienced antisemitism?

    I was just wondering if anyone else or their family have experienced antisemitism. One of my "friends" this morning asked me again for the millionth time to go to church with her. I don't feel comfortable going to a Baptist service so I politely told her no and asked her not to ask me again. Then she said "Why, because you people killed Christ?" Then I got mad and told her we can't be friends anymore. Then she said that being friends with "a kike will only make G-d angry anyway".

    I'm 20 years old and I live in a urban area and there are lots of Jewish people around. I am just so surprised to have experienced this. It's the first time. It really hurts that in modern society there is still antisemitism. I mean we have seen it a lot in literature and my mom is from Russia and it is bad over there. Some of her family was murdered in the Holocaust. I am just shocked and hurt that it happened.

    I am curious to hear others' experiences both good and bad.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago