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  • Why do I like guys like this? Is it weird?

    Hi, I'm a nineteen year old that has always been told that I'm mature for my age since I was a toddler. This question isn't about a stupid high school girl falling for her teacher or anything too taboo like that. I am currently taken by someone who is turning twenty this month. I don't see myself leaving him anytime soon, but my taste in men is much different than what I am with. I really have a thing for big, burly, maybe even what most would call fat guys; older guys, I find guys in their late twenties or early thirties to be very attractive. Basically what pops in your head when you think of a lumberjack, I guess. I don't have daddy issues and I get along pretty well with my fiancé. I have a seven month old daughter, so I work, go to college, and I'm a full-time mom. Those things have aged me a few years as well. I think the masculine big guys are a huge turn on, thought it contrasts my looks completely. I'm short, thin, huge rack, pretty (was a cheerleader) why do I like what I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can a person be straight with the exception of one person?

    I am talking about someone who has always been straight, never even thought about someone of the same sex until they met one person that they enjoy physically, mentally, and emotionally. But still be appalled by thinking of any other person of their sex and still 100% attracted to the opposite sex?

  • How many live plants should I have in my aquarium?

    I have a 75gal long aquarium with 120 watts of lighting and 2 60gal filters. This tank has 18 small rainbowfish, 8 gold white cloud tetras, an asian spot pleco, a small black ghost knife, and a butterfly hillstream loach. I want it to be densely planted enough for my knife, pleco, and loach to hide during the day, but enough space for my rainbows and tetras to swim. I currently have 3 dwarf sag, 1 red wendtii, 1 red flame, 1 dwarf hairgrass, 2 moss balls, 3 bunches of java moss, 1 dwarf lilly sprout, 1 ludwiga, 1 melon sword, 1 crypt, 1 anubias, and 1 cardinal. As of now it is pretty lightly planted, also, what are some tall background plants I could use? Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How do I let go of my husband's past?

    My husband and I have known each other since we were in elementary school, we didn't get together until our junior year of high school but we were still friends throughout the years. Since he was a kid, he had always had a rough life, but he didn't open up to me about any of this until we became engaged. Since then, he comes clean to me about a lot of disturbing pieces of his past, mainly sexual addiction-related things from fantasizing about teachers, friends, and relatives, to porn addiction, to anal play with himself and ejaculating into his own mouth, all of this to the extreme of it being hard for him not to masturbate to certain songs or even strict safe search images on google. We have been married for 2 and a half years now with a newborn baby and things still keep coming up. I can't watch television, listen to the radio or log onto Facebook without something reminding me of things he did. It hurts and I know he's completely changed (completely clean of porn, he enjoys making love daily to me only, he's never masturbating without me, and only plays with his butt on occasion. I know he's trying, but it upsets me every day because of triggers in my mind; he is a very loving and caring husband but how do I move on from his horrifying behavior prior to our marriage?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Why would my straight husband enjoy this and what do I do?

    My husband and I have been together for a long time and he has had a porn addiction in the past, but has been clean since our marriage and claims he doesn't want it as long as he has me. I have no problem helping him in any way that he needs, and he has just recently let me know that he always had a thing for watching anal sex. I was a little uncomfortable, but I have tried this with him and am ok with it. Just the other day, he told me he shoved a vibrator up his butt and that he used to use his hand all the way to the wrist in his anus while masturbating. I know the prostate can be stimulated from there, but I feel really uncomfortable about if I should let him enjoy this or draw a line. He is definitely not gay, penises gross him out and he said the whole reason he did this was because it felt good and the kinkiness turned him on more, but I'm lost on what to do/how I should feel. His whole hand just disturbs me to think about and he also said he used to let his ejaculate squirt into his mouth just because he thought it was sexy. I want to make him happy in bed, but this sounds incredibly taboo and disturbing to me. Please help..

  • How to decide who will be in the delivery room?

    Several months ago, my husband and I decided that we wanted it to be just the two of us in the delivery room; at that time, it didn't really matter to me because I was fine knowing I had to be there. Now I am 3 weeks away from my induction date and I'm having second thoughts; I feel like I might need my mom. She called off work to be there and my husband is still adamant about keeping it as just us. I feel like it is more about what my mom/husband want versus what I want. I will either be pissing my husband off or breaking my mom's heart. Please help..

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • How many rainbows can I have in my 55gal tank?

    I mean for the time being, because I am upgrading to my 75gal after they grow more and then possibly even a 125gal later on. Right now all of my rainbow fish are fairly new and young; I have 2 boesemani, 2 neon dwarf, 1 red Iranian, 1 turquoise, 1 parkinson, 1 orange albino millennium, 1 australian, and a butterfly hillstream loach. They are all around 1.5-2inches each and I'm wanting to get an eastern rainbow and/or maccullochi rainbow if they would fit? I have a 60gal filter and a 40gal filter in my tank with fine water quality.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How can I show my husband that I love him when I don't want to have sex?

    I love my husband very much and I am usually ready to do whatever it takes to make him happy. We make love a lot and I used to never turn him down, but it's been getting really difficult for me because I am now 8 months pregnant. He thinks I'm using this as an excuse or I don't find him attractive anymore, but I am just not up to it every single day. Please give me some advice on what to do or how to handle this. Thanks

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What all types of rainbowfish are sold in petstores?

    I know that my local pet stores have had Australian rainbows, Boesemani rainbows, Turquoise rainbows, Goyder River (banded) rainbows, Red Iranian rainbows, Madagascar rainbows, Parkinson rainbows, Neon Dwarf rainbows, Emerald rainbows, and Albino Orange Millennium rainbows, what else have people purchased from pet stores or online stores? Thanks in advance :)

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Where should I shop for clothes now that I will be a young mom?

    I'm being serious, so please no rude comments. Until this point of my life, I've always worn clothes from places like American Eagle, Pacsun, Hollister, Buckle, A&F, etc., but I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy and am realizing I want to dress more mature to be a good role model for my daughter while avoiding looking like a teenager in her grandmother's clothes. I am turning 19 just before my due date and my husband and I will be in our second year of college, so I am still young. I would like some guidance on where sells appropriate clothing for young people that will still let me feel like I look like a responsible parent once we have our baby. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Do I need a power head with what I already have with my aquarium?

    I have a freshwater 35gallon breeding tank with 2 tetra filters for 30-40gallon aquarium. These create some current, I also have a 20inch air stone hooked up to an air pump that adds current as well. I have several live plants, a butterfly hillstream loach, a rosy barb, a turquoise rainbow, orange albino millenium rainbow, and an Australian rainbow currently, but I plan on getting a couple more rainbows and a black ghost knife. My loach and a knife would both need a good current, is what I have good enough without a power head? Thanks in advance. :)

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • How do I stop feeling awkward around my husband because he looked up porn?

    A few years ago, my husband, then boyfriend, told me he had had a really serious porn problem that lasted about 7 years, until he met me he said. We have been married for about a year, I'm 3 months pregnant and he told me he looked up porn because he was mad at me about an argument we got into and I'm so upset. How do I get over it?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How much of an age gap is ok?

    I used to like a guy that was a whole ten years older than me for four years, I was 19 when I met him and he was 29, now I am 25 and he's 35. I still think about him sometimes but there were some social reasons why nothing ever happened (he had been a teacher at my high school) just curious if it would ever work with that big of an age gap?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • When is the Wii U coming out?

    And if you know when the Zelda game for wii u will come out, thanks :)

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Why does every guy like the same girl before me?

    I really don't think that it's just a coincidence that several people I have dated have either dated or talked to this girl before they've talked to me. This guy that I dated for two and a half years liked her for three years before he met me and asked her out several times after we broke up. Another guy that got rejected by her dated me right after and we dated for about ten months. I recently found out that my current boyfriend (we just got engaged) liked her for four years before we got together and I feel like I'm always the rebound. She isn't necessarily better, prettier, nicer, or a more caring person than me, but she is known to get around a little, but I hate being compared to her and the second pick to her. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. :J

    Singles & Dating9 years ago
  • Are college "basics" included in a degree program?

    If I'm wanting a bachelor's degree, but want to take my basic courses at a community college (say they take 2 years) will I still need to take 4 more years at a university for a degree or will I only need 2 more since 2 will be completed? Please help :)

  • Could I be pregnant? My period symptoms completely stopped?

    Ok my fiancé and I had sex and he peed before, we also used the pull out method and he pulled out roughly 1 minute before ejaculating, that happened Sunday, it is now Tuesday and I was supposed to start my period yesterday, but I stopped ovulating on the 9th. Monday I had some period symptoms: bloating, tender breasts, some cramps, but no period. Today all my cramps are gone (besides nervous cramps) and my breasts are fine, I don't seem bloated anymore at all. I know I'm only 2 days late but I'm paranoid, all symptoms of my period are gone. How long until i should take a test? Please help.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • I don't want my relationship to revolve around sexual stuff, help?

    Ok my boyfriend and I love eachother very much, known eachother well for 6 years, been dating a few months and we both have very high sex drives (he's 18, I'm 17). We agreed not to have sex for a very long time, but some physical stuff still happens. I'm fine with that but we really don't want it to become a main point of our relationship, (we once cuddled and without stimulation just ejaculated right there) but he is always aroused (not that I don't like it) but it always leads to something if we aren't in public (ie one of our houses) which is about half the time, how do we limit how often to do stuff and make sure it doesn't become too much? Please help because neither of us have ever found a person with so many common interests and we feel perfect for eachother without that stuff.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What does this guy want to be? Friends or more?

    We have known each other for several years as ok friends and we just started "talking". The things he says and does really confuse me and make me think he is just messing with me. The other day he said I was the cutest thing ever, after that he said "you're my new best friend" so I was thinking he just wanted to be friends but still thought I was cute? Then he told me I was beast, so I thought there was no way he likes me since he called me that. Then that night he said goodnight beautiful, you're so special. He keeps calling me a goober too, I'm just so confused. He said I was awesome for wanting to learn to fish. I asked if it made him think of me as one of the guys and he said it made him think we had a lot in common (and smiled). This is driving me nuts, any answers are appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I upgrade my aquarium?

    I have had a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium for 3 years and want to get a bigger tank, I just don't know how big to go. Right now I have 1 golden loach, 2 dojo loaches (all about 4 inches long), 2 green spot barbs (about 1.5 inches each), 1 cherry barb (1 inch), 1 rainbow (I forget which variant, but it is about 3 inches), and an 11 inch pleco. I'd like to get a few more fish that would be considerably larger than most of them I have now. What size tank should I get?

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago