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Lv 734,953 points


Favorite Answers8%

Fiction Writer, Borderline Sociopath with a Good Sense of Humour. Love: P&S, Meeting New People. E-Mail: Hate: Nothing, 'cause hate just puts a 'downer' on my Life Experiences.

  • Survey 4 Tuesday: Have You Heard...?

    ... that the Bird is the Word!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Survey of the Day: There Should Be A 'Public Safety' Clause...?

    Here's a quote from something I caught online this morning:

    "Taking the idea of insuring body parts a step further, David Lee Roth, the lead singer of Van Halen, decided to pay a premium on his sperm with an over-$1 million insurance policy, according to U.K. newspaper The Independent."

    Shouldn't there be a 'Public Safety' Clause in that policy, something guaranteeing that David Lee Roth won't have kids, just to keep the rate of mentally-challenged people acceptable?

    (Lloyd's of London ought to know this already!)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Survey Sez: When you Croak, You Want Your Body To...?

    a). Go to Medical Science.

    b). Be buried in a casket.

    c). Be cremated.

    d). Have a 'promession'.

    Just wondered...


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When your body is just a shell...?

    ... would you rather be:

    - Buried

    - Cremated

    - Freeze-Dried & Composted

    I'm asking because I recently read about the freeze-drying thing becoming very popular in Sweden and the UK; apparently they freeze-dry your bod, break it down with Ultrasound, and bury you in a way that's eco-friendly. (You can even have a 'Memorial Tree/Shrub' planted, with you as part of the compost!)

    So, what would YOU prefer?

    8 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • So, when you are 'dead & gone...?

    ... would you rather be:

    - Buried

    - Cremated

    - Freeze-Dried & Composted

    I'm asking because I recently read about the freeze-drying thing becoming very popular in Sweden and the UK; apparently they freeze-dry your bod, break it down with Ultrasound, and bury you in a way that's eco-friendly. (You can even have a 'Memorial Tree/Shrub' planted, with you as part of the compost!)

    So, what would YOU prefer?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Survey: When You Die...?

    ... would you rather be:

    - Buried

    - Cremated

    - Freeze-Dried & Composted

    I'm asking because I recently read about the freeze-drying thing becoming very popular in Sweden and the UK; apparently they freeze-dry your bod, break it down with Ultrasound, and bury you in a way that's eco-friendly. (You can even have a 'Memorial Tree/Shrub' planted, with you as part of the compost!)

    So, what would YOU prefer?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: Are you getting more...?

    errors than Answers posted? Just wonderin'...

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: Who Thinks ...?

    ... that the word next to the Star should read 'Entertaining' instead of 'Interesting'?

    Just curious; to my way of thinking, Questions I give a star to are not always given one because I found the Question to be interesting, yet I always give a star to those Questions I find entertaining. What's your take on this?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • True-or-False Survey: What's Your Take On This Statement From 'Chatelaine'?

    "Is Cinderella bad for our daughters' future self-esteem?"

    (see linked story)

    The plight of boys has been making headlines for the past five years: They're bombing school! Addicted to video games! Failing to launch! So girls are home free, right?

    No way, say the psychologists and researchers whose ability to make mortgage payments depends on detecting girl crises.

    According to Cinderella Ate My Daughter, released in January, the toys girls play with may have serious negative effects, not only on their self-esteem but, later, on their sexual behaviour. Hairs standing up on the back of your neck yet? Yes, it's a girl crisis all right! Although American journalist Peggy Orenstein's tone is different - wry and memoir-ish rather than grimly urgent - her exploration of pop culture's impact on the lives and psyches of girls starts with the standard assertion of all girl-crisis lit: Our daughters have it both easier and harder than ever before.

    Also see:

    Embrace the Chaos: Is it time to rethink the pink?

    Do gender stereotypes really hold true?

    Boys vs. girls: Why each gender rocks

    As one gender barrier after another has fallen, experts have insisted that the more equal the playing field becomes, the more dangers girls face. In the '60s and '70s, some conservatives warned that equality of opportunity and sexual permissiveness threatened the minds and bodies of girls. In the 1980s and 1990s, many feminists declared that girls were, increasingly, victims: of date rape, of the beauty myth, of a backlash against feminism, of academic discrimination and of what bestselling author Mary Pipher called "a girl-poisoning culture" that renders girls "much more oppressed" than ever before. Today's crisis concerns girls' sexuality: they've morphed (in the media, anyway) from cowering victims to hussies who dress like hookers and service boys they barely know - brainwashed, so the argument goes, by highly sexualized media images.

    More Stories from Chatelaine

    Kids killing your conversation? 6 strategies for connecting with your spouse

    It's time to tell my daughter my darkest secret

    Are we still paying the ultimate motherhood penalty?

    Marriage vs. cohabitation: Why so few are saying 'I do'

    Now, there's some truth to every girl crisis, which is one reason they resonate with mothers, who are all too familiar with the overwhelming pressure to look good and be good - at everything: sports, relationships, work. And, weirdly, there's something comforting about a girl crisis because it presents a cosmology, a complete system for understanding this brave new world that's so different from the one in which we grew up.

    Lifestyle TV: Q&A with 'Cinderella Ate My Daughter' author

    But actually all girl crises are rooted in an old-fashioned stereotype: Girls are passive creatures to whom bad things happen. Nothing is ever girls' fault; rather, blame is pinned on male privilege or "the culture" (a problematic concept in this day and age, when two girls may live next door to each other yet be immersed in entirely different stews of values and practices). Yes, societal factors are also cited as causes of boys' troubles, but there is a strong sense in most boys-are-failing literature that boys themselves - and, in some cases, absent fathers (for once, mothers aren't blamed) - are to some extent responsible for their fate. They're lazy, we're told. If only they could be as disciplined about their homework as they are about downloading porn!

    It's interesting to consider why the better girls do, the more emphatically experts stress the obstacles to and internal costs of their success - and why, as parents, we want to believe girls have it worse than boys. It's as though we don't quite accept our daughters' actual achievements. Females now make up the majority of the student population on campus as well as the majority in almost all professional programs, such as law and medicine. In today's economy, with manufacturing jobs going the way of the woolly mammoth, higher education is key, and girls appear poised to rule the world.

    This didn't happen overnight. It began a quarter century ago but went largely unnoticed because of the hullabaloo over the girl crisis of the day. Remember that American Association of University Women (AAUW) study in 1991 claiming girls are "silenced" in the classroom? It felt entirely plausible. But in reality, by 1991, girls had surpassed boys on many significant academic measures; they were already, for instance, in the majority on American campuses. (Perhaps that explains the "silence": they were busy studying.)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll\Survey\General Question: Is 'Snow Rage' A Legal Defence?

    I ask because I may NEED a good defence if my upstairs neighbour doesn't quit shovelling the snow off of her deck onto mine!

    Thanks to All Who Respond - if only to make me able to laugh this off and keep me from needing to raise bail!


    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: You Know You Need A Life When__________? (Re-post from a p*ssed off Answerer)?

    These were the Answers I had put together for the Original Post:

    you have deeper conversations with your dog about what's for dinner than any of the people you live with.

    you have a number of 'hobbies' that involve wood-chippers and mannequins.

    you get more exercise going to the basement for beer than you would if you had a gym membership.

    your biggest outdoor experience of the week is checking the mailbox.

    Trolls: Don't mess with the Grin Reaper!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is Stress a Common 'Trigger' For Seizural Problems With Epilepsy?

    Because I have 'clonic-tonic' seizures, I'm just curious as to whether a 'high' stress load is known to cause this type of 'spaz attack'.

    (No, I'm not politically correct' in regard to my Health, but I respect those who are serious about their Health; that's why I'm asking.)


    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is Stress a Common 'Trigger' For Seizural Problems With Epilepsy?

    Because I have 'clonic-tonic' seizures, I'm just curious as to whether a 'high' stress load is known to cause this type of 'spaz attack'.

    (No, I'm not politically correct' in regard to my Health, but I respect those who are serious about their Health; that's why I'm asking here.)


    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is Stress a Common 'Trigger' For Seizural Problems With Epilepsy?

    Because I have 'clonic-tonic' seizures, I'm just curious as to whether a 'high' stress load is known to cause this type of 'spaz attack'.

    (No, I'm not politically correct' in regard to my Health, but I respect those who are serious about their Health; that's why I'm asking here.)


    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Who Would YOU Accept A Job From\Like To Work For?

    I'd love to handle a switchboard position for the Suicide Hotline! (Oh, be quiet! Van Halen is doing 'Jump!' on the 'Hold' line!)


    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: If they mixed Country with Rap...?

    ... what would it be called?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Survey Sez: Should the phrase "Life... "?

    "... is Too Short" be used as a catch phrase to sell Viagra?


    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll - Can you complete the sentence: "I spent time in a Juvenile Detention Centre and ____________________" ?

    I believe a bit of 'cross-over career training' can't be an entirely bad thing; at least you know how to react\respond when your path crosses that of a criminal. Besides, a little extra 'employment insurance' in today's job market might just mean the difference between a Mid-Level and an Executive pay-scale.


    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Survey for 'Hump Day': Which Works Better When You're Stressed...?

    1). Jack Daniels in your glass,


    2). Glass in your Jack Daniels?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago