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Mark S
I have a bathroom that has mold behind the walls, should i let it dry out a couple of weeks before renovating? Hopefully killing the mold?
i am completely gutting the bathroom..If i don't use the shower for a couple of weeks...will that kill the mold behind the walls( beacause there is an obvious leak in the shower) or is that more dangerous because the dry mold spores can spread easier when dry?
Mark S
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry4 years agoHazard button on mazda tribute is stuck?
My wife was cleaning out the mazda tribute she wiped down the console and barely hit the hazard button, now the hazards are stuck in the on position and are blinking. The only way to turn them off is to hold down the hazard button, but as soon as u let go, the hazards come back on! Not sure what to do?
4 AnswersMazda7 years agohow to change the volume balance on my rca rs2767if?
rca rs2767if
Can not switch from right to left to balance the speakers, there is no button on the unit or on the remote to do this, just wondering if anyone knows how to do it
1 AnswerHome Theater8 years agoMy pioneer reciever is displaying "MUTING"?
Pioneer model number vsx-d307.
The reciever somehow is stuck on "muting", the remote stopped working, i turn the volume knob and it stays on "MUTING" everything else seems to work the radio swithes channels just no sound, The display is flashing "MUTING" i have un hooked everything except the speakers and the power, i have left the reciever unplugged for a week hoping that is would reset still no luck just displays "MUTING"
Please help
1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 years agoMy car is only running on 1 cylinder?
My car was idleing really rough and almost dying when the radiator fan kicks on, but i can still go 0 to 60 in 15 seconds when driving, not in idle. I took it to a mechanic and he told me that 3 out of the 4 cylinders are bad and that i need a new engine. It seems weird to me that i still have good power with only driving on one cylinder, it does burn a quart of oil a week, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoIs Don Carter Bowling lanes named for the bowler or for the dallas mavericks owner?
Who started don carter all star bowling lanes? The bowler or the don carter that started the mavericks? I live in dallas and just assumed it was the don carter business man that sat court side with the big cowboy hat at the Maverick games
2 AnswersDallas9 years agoWeed eater starts then dies when i let off the gas?
Weed eater has trouble starting, then when it does start it runs until i let off the gas then it dies, the weedeater will not idle at all.
Not sure if it could be the spark plug
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoMy dishwasher started smoking from underneath the machine?
My dishwasher started smoking from underneath the machine and making a zapping sound. I have a fridgedaire model #fdb24152fbo, I unplugged the dishwasher took it outside and started investigating, i looked where i thought it was smoking from which was the junction box. I took the junction box cover off and noticed the white wire was not hooked up to anything and corroded. So my question is can i just hook that wire back up or did something else cause this wire to come loose, Also i need a wiring diagram for the junction box because i am not sure where the white wire goes?
1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years agoMaytag washing machine stopped working still full of water?
My maytag washing machine stopped working, i opened it up because it was making a sound(like something was trying to turn but could not), Water was still in washing machine, i took the clothes out and restarted, it would fill with water fine but when i turned it to spin it made the same noise, so is it the drain, or is the pump?
3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years agowhat is good web site to get free mp3's?
i used to get them on, but i does not seem to work anymore
what is good web site to get free mp3's
3 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years agoreplaced memory now computer will not bootup only fan comes on?
I took the memory out of the computer to match it up at the store as i was going to upgrade, decided not to upgrade, put the memory back in the slot and now my computer will not boot up only the fan comes on, could i have fried the motherboard, i tried booting it up with no memory stcks in it, still same reslt, i have switched which slot i put it in, still sam result. All i did was take the memory stick out an put it back in, maybe it was not in all the way would that fry the motherboard? All wires look properly plugged in to everything what happened?
5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoI want a tablet that will take pictures, videos, and text message, and apps?
I want a tablet that will take pictures, videos,apps, and text message? Do i need to get an ipad for this or a kindle or an android?
I know ipad is really expensive
Mark S
2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years agoComputer Memory had to remove the old memory?
When updating the memory in my computer, i removed the old memory 512mb, and replaced it with kingston 1gb and everything worked just fine, I have 2 memory slots so when i put the 512mb in the other slot thinking that now i will have 1gb and 512mb of memory. Well when i turned on the computer, the screen came on with a funny design and the computer would not boot up. Took out the old memory 512mb and put the 1gb in the other slot and the computer just started beeping and would not boot up. Just wondering why i can not have both of the memory cards in at the same time, maybe that other slot is bad?
Mark S
2 AnswersDesktops9 years agoI was thawing some chicken breast may have left it out to long?
I put the whole bag of frozen chicken breast unopened in the sink with cool water. Forgot about it, when i remembered it had been about 2hours its was completely thawed out and was not cool at all.When i opened the bag there was just a hint of smell, so i am wondering should i toss the chicken out or is i still good? Right now it is in the fridge marinating
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoi bought a new acer 23 inch, s231hl monitor now my screen is all stretched out?
I have windows XP, maybe i need a new graphics card, the highest resolution i can currently set it to is 1280 x 1024, Please Help
1 AnswerMonitors10 years agoDoes taking Cayenne Pepper Cure H. Pylori?
I recently tested positive for H. Pylori. I have always had this pain in my side/stomach area so i put 2 and 2 together and thought it might be an ulcer as H. Pylori causes ulcers. Anyway i started taking cayenne pepper about 1/2 teaspoon a day and the pain went away and has not returned in 2 weeks now. So i was wondering if i should even go to the G.I. doctor does the cayenne pepper kill H. Pylori and cure ulcers?
2 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years agoDeleted all DVR shows dish network need to to restore them?
Is there any way to restore deleted dvr recordings on dish network
2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs10 years agoLooking for Natural ways to lower Triglycerides?
My Triglycerides are high 322
hdl 39
ldl - 115
total 210
I really dont want to take prescription pills my whole life looking for a more natural way
Does Cayenne Pepper Really work to lower Triglycerides?
How about L-Carnitine ?
How about Mango Streem?
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine10 years ago