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Lv 55,754 points

Dave Mania

Favorite Answers12%

One of the most relentlessly happy bunnies this big ol'world has shaken out. I'm nice. I'm balanced. I'm kind. I'm a perv and a radical atheist, but don't let that put you off.

  • What song had this video?

    Trying to identify a video I saw a while back... I can't remember the song at all, but I think I liked it. 

    The video has a guy dancing and singing cheerfully in the foreground while behind him a woman sits at a table in an empty birthday party and gradually breaks down into a tantrum, trashing the room and smashing the cake. 

    Really sad, but it was a great little song. Any ideas?

    Other - Music10 months ago
  • Book Title Ideas!?

    ....For a Sci-Fi story about teenage kids in a British seaside town in the 80s who stumble upon a terrible secret about the Earth and Humanity, and who decide that they alone have to sort it out.

    I currently have The Knowers (but that's probably rubbish);

    Gasser Nearly Saves The World (gives away the plot);

    Earth Woz Ere (rubbish);

    Off God's Radar (maybe too sensible)

    C'mon.... Ideas, please!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Guitarists... I need help identifying a chord?

    What's that chord he's playing at 0:47? On the word "lull"? I'm trying to learn this and the only chords I've found online reckon it's a Bm, but it's no shape I know of for Bm - to me a Bm means 224432 ('cos I'm a bit basic in my chord knowledge) Could anyone tell me the actual fingering there?

    3 AnswersBlues7 years ago
  • What is the word for weaving from side-to-side to avoid being shot?

    Not 'STRAFING', I think - that's more for someone who's attacking, isn't it?

    I want to describe someone who's fleeing and managing to avoid being hit. I'm sure I once knew a word for that very action.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • What's your secret for a really good chilli?

    Here's what I discovered earlier whilst mucking around with spices: smoked-off chilli flakes! Chuck a couple of teaspoons of 'em into a very hot, dry pan and let them smoke up for a few seconds (DON'T breathe in the smoke or you'll choke, as I found out!) Then add the beef and cook in your usual way. It adds a wonderful, smoky heat to it.

    The rest of the spices I use are: loads of ground cumin; and teaspoon each of chilli; paprika and cinnamon, and a sprinkling of chopped coriander.

    So what do you recommend? How do you cook it up to impress your mates?

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Can't send emails in Outlook, but all settings are correct?

    This is puzzling me... two of the computers in our house can send emails just fine in outlook from the same account, with the same settings - EVERYTHING the same, all the advanced stuff too, like "server requires authentication" and all that. But one laptop will log on and receive emails but won't log on to the out-going server.

    There seems to be plenty of people online with the same problem, but no solutions. Anyone know about this particular problem? Is it a known software version issue? It's Office University 2010 edition that's having this problem.

    5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • What were all those white and yellow poles about in the 90s?

    All over the country in the late 80s/early 90s, there were all these white poles with yellow roofs on that appeared in fields and at roadsides quite suddenly.

    They were about 4 feet high and I think the little roof-shaped yellow bits were about 7 inches wide.

    There was no internet back then, so I couldn't research what they were, but even then it drove me crazy wondering what they were all about.

    Anyone know?

    3 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • What is that huge antenna that can be seen on the horizon off the coast of Brighton?

    I've only noticed it for a couple of months now - guessing at the size of it, it has to be 300 feet or so. What's it all about?

    1 AnswerBrighton9 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy Mini dropping calls after one minute?

    As is usual with any techie issue I ever search for, the internet seems to be full of other people with the same problem but no answers and no knowledge of it from Samsung themselves.

    I have a brand new Galaxy Mini and it drops outgoing calls after exactly one minute. Anyone know why and how to fix it?

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Anyone else got this problem with Y!Answers mobile version?

    All the questions and selection 'buttons' have got bullet points on them suddenly, so everything looks off-place and no longest fits the screen as it used to.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Is this sensation tendonitis?

    I'm prone to frequent problems with my hands and feet. I get something that feels like the muscle is being ripped from the bone if I over-stretch a limb. It comes and goes in periods of a few weeks at a time and is usually in the fingers or sole of the foot. It's accompanied by numbness on the skin wherever the pain occurs.

    Is that tendonitis or something else?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Which beer should we buy in?

    Right - one for the boys.... We need to buy in beer of some sort to peddle to the happy punters at a charity do we're putting on. What do you reckon we should get? Only room for one so do we get a lager or an ale and what brand? What's the most mainstream and widely appreciated in your opinion? Need your votes.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • How did speaking in tongues ever catch on?

    It must have been one quick-talking churchgoer who got away with that the first time... Surely it comes across as demonic possession and warrants a good burning at the stake?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Guitarists who finger-pick......?

    How on earth do you keep your nails in usable condition? I can't seem to hang on to mine more than a week or so before they split from the edge and need cutting back. And I swear I haven't whacked 'em on anything.

    How can I get nylon-hard nails?

    5 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • How is digital music assembled in headphones?

    That sounds weird, but stick with me:

    In the days of analogue, if a stereo headphone jack was half out, you'd only hear one side of the stereo tracks. Unless an instrument was panned fully to the side that was out, you'd still hear everything in one ear only.

    These days, if a headphone jack is half out, you'll actually hear in BOTH ears, but sometimes entirely lose the vocal or the lead guitar, regardless of where it's panned in the mix.

    How does that happen then?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Anyone know Stephen King's 'It' well?

    ...He makes some mention of how well kids adapt to extreme circumstances. Anyone know where he says it, or, even better, what he says?

    I'm wanting to write something similar into a novel, but don't want to repeat his words.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • If steaming veg is supposed to give it the best taste and nutritional goodness?

    ...How come when you see professional chefs on the telly, they always boil it? Is it all just claptrap about steaming stuff?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Could a native French speaker help me with a translation ?

    ....For a story I'm writing?

    I need to translate two English sentences into natural French slang. They're obscene, so only help if you don't mind that.

    I'll need to discuss with you as they're very English constructions that probably don't exist in French (but that's the point), so I need your help to make them sound natural.

    If you can help then email me:


    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago