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Born and raised in Colorado (Boulder-Denver area). Graduated from CU-Boulder back in '06 with a BS in Computer Science, after working in the industry for about 4 yrs I went back to school and obtained my MS in the same subject. I've been described as everything from 'a cold-hearted bastard' to 'a big softie'. Make of that what you will. I'm very liberal in most of my views and an atheist. This makes me a veritable spawn of satan to some members of my family.

  • Sightseeing in Manila?

    I'll be traveling to Manila in the Philippines in a couple of weeks; I'll be there for 4 days. What are some worthwhile sights to see and places to go? I'll be with a ladyfriend and I plan on staying in Taguig, if that matters.

    7 AnswersPhilippines9 years ago
  • S. Korean CDMA Galaxy S2 on verizon?

    I'm currently living in Korea, however it seems i'll be moving back to the US soon. So I was wondering if I would be able to bring my phone and have it activated in the US. I'll most likely be in the DC area.

    I'm not quite sure what frequency bands my phone operates on; I know it runs on the 1800MHz band my current service uses (LG U+ in case it matters), but I don't know if it runs on any others. Can anybody either a) direct me to more detailed specs on this phone model, or b) confirm whether this phone will work in the US (for any carrier, though I've confirmed that sprint wont do it)


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • A question on grammar?

    Currently I am tutoring somebody in English, and during our last session, the following question came up:

    There were two sentences

    A) I am an introverted and organized person

    B) I am introverted and an organized person

    I know A is correct with the adjectives "introverted" and "organized" modifying the noun "person", but I'm unsure whether B is grammatically correct or not.

    So a couple of questions: Is B grammatically correct and if it is, why (also, if it is, what is "introverted" modifying)?


    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Girl issues: Mixed signals, any insight?

    Ok, so there's a new girl in my research lab, and she's throwing off all kinds of, what I take to be, mixed signals. I'd love it if anybody could give some insight into what might be going on here.

    She entered the lab about a month ago. From the beginning we were smiley toward each other (yes, i realize its a bit juvenile for my age...). That moved on to some flirting, and she would occasionally wait for me to finish up my work so we could walk to the subway station together. She also says a lot of things that I take to be "hints", like "oh hey, there's this great restaurant near here *pause*". So I asked her to dinner last week, and she agreed.

    Now the mixed part: On the day we were supposed to go out, she comes up to me and suggests inviting a few other people along. She seems a little reluctant to go without a group, so I agree. Later, when everybody else backs out, she also backs out and decides to head straight home.

    A couple days later, I try to strike up a conversation, and it still seems like she's interested.

    Any insight into this mess would be appreciated, thanks.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Quran burning day...?

    Do you agree with it?

    If you do, would you have a problem with me burning bibles to let the world know about "the dangers Christianity poses"? (and because i know it'll come up; i don't necessarily believe that any religion poses any sort of danger, but hypothetically speaking)

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • looking for a malware repository for research purposes?

    I work at a university research lab that is researching malware network traffic, the problem is that there seems to be no official repository I can find infected files at. Can anybody confirm the existence (or confirm the non-existence) of such a repository, and if applicable point me toward it? I can provide proof of my current employment to whomever maintains this repository if thats required.

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • That is this video game...? space-based RTS?

    I recall playing a game years ago... its a space based RTS (I'm certain it wasn't turn based) with a lot of 4X elements. There were several weapon/defensive tech trees you could follow similar to Galactic Civilizations 2. Traveling speeds between stars and inside star systems were governed by different tech trees (FTL and sublight trees) once you enter a solar system you can zoom in and direct them to individual planets in the system. You also had the option of bombing enemy planets to death instead of having to invade. I can remember exactly what the game looked like, but not its name.. can somebody help? This has been driving me insane

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Visual C++ 2008; trig functions giving wrong answers?

    I'm working on visual C++ 2008 express edition, and i'm doing some trig calculations, but they're occasionally spitting out the wrong answer. Here's my code and output

    HAngle = m_HorizAngle*PI/180;

    VAngle = m_VertAngle*PI/180;

    printf("HAngle = %d, VAngle = %d, (%e, %e, %e)\n",






    Currently m_VertAngle and m_HorizAngle are both 0

    HAngle = 0, VAngle = 0, (0.000000e+000, 1.105563e+008, 0.000000e+000)

    HAngle = 0, VAngle = 0, (0.000000e+000, 1.266482e+011, 0.000000e+000)

    I'm not sure why 10.0*sin(HAngle)*cos(VAngle) is ending up as some ridiculously large number, or why it changes after that initial value. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I need to write a letter of recommendation for myself...?

    My prof has asked me to write a letter of recommendation for myself, which he will edit to his liking and sign for me. The problem is i've never written one for myself, and so i'm not sure what to put on it. Is there a good template or example anybody could give me?

    I'm currently in graduate school, trying to transfer to another university's master's program, if it matters at all.

  • Parents vs spouse. Which should be your priority?

    So i got into a discussion last night, and we couldn't reach a consensus, so i figured i'd toss it up here and see what you guys think.

    If you got married, should you give priority to your parents or to your spouse? For example:

    your spouse and your mother are both dying. You only have time to see one before they pass away. Would you see your spouse or your mother? Also if you could provide your gender.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • English language job-searching websites for Korea?

    I'm currently looking for a job, specifically in Korea, and i was wondering if there was an english based website, preferably for jobs where the main spoken language is english (similar to what CareerCross does for Japan). Also, I'm an engineer, and do not wish to teach English out there.

    I don't have a national ID number, so i can only use sites that either don't require one, or have an alternative method of signing up (like faxing in a license)

    I can speak Korean conversationally (and i have several friends out there willing to teach me once i'm there), but its not on a business level yet, and reading is still a bit difficult for me.


    3 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • when exerting myself chest and arm hurts (its not a heart attack)?

    When i do anything remotely strenuous (going up a couple flight of stairs can do it sometimes), the left side of my chest and upper arm start to hurt, and it becomes uncomfortable to breathe. EKG shows no unusual activity, and the doctor simply told me to take some ibuprofen for the pain/discomfort. It doesn't seem to be helping though. Any ideas on what it might be?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Which quote best describes your life or current situation?

    For my friend, it would be

    "And here's something else, Bob; I have eight different bosses right now." - Office Space (he literally has 8 bosses)

    Mine would be

    "So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life." - Office Space

    So, whats yours?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How is California's prop 8 justified?

    The US being a secular country, our laws must also be secular. Can anybody explain to me how proposition 8 (banning gay marriage) is justified in a secular society? This means i don't want to see the words 'Bible', 'God' or 'sin' in the explanation.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Obama's speech?

    I found it amazing. He was conciliatory, hopeful and humble. It makes me see a brighter potential for this country. I hope for reconciliation between Americans and the world. I hope for the future. What do you think?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • people say the book of Revelations says the anti-Christ is a man, in his 40's, of muslim descent.. where?

    I've heard this several times now here on Y!A, in reference to Obama... I've read the bible, and i don't recall reading anything regarding an age for the antichrist, nor do i recall seeing the word 'Muslim' anywhere. Can you quote me specific passages? Along with the translation edition you're using.

    Also, Obama isn't muslim, though if you don't believe it now, nothing i say will change that.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why have i heard so much about the voter fraud perpetrated by ACORN...?

    but nearly nothing about the voter fraud perpetrated by YPM, a republican affiliated group?

    Does anybody else find the fact that republicans can't stop mentioning ACORN while ignoring this hypocritical and a bit disturbing? What do you republicans (specifically the ones that enjoy mentioning ACORN) think about this?

    26 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is a little bit of socialism that bad?

    I'm hearing a lot of anti-socialist rhetoric these days, and i was wondering why people today believe a little bit of socialism in a government is really bad. FDR, routinely listed as one of the top 3 presidents in history (next to Washington and Lincoln) was probably the most socialist president in US history. Far moreso than Obama. A lot of New Deal policies were actually declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. Yet those policies helped to pull the US out of the Great Depression. They say history is the best teacher, so couldn't similar policies help with this current crisis? What do you guys think.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think you pay too much in taxes?

    I've noticed a lot of people here believe they're paying more than their fair share of taxes, and that the govt is giving handouts to the poor. I did some number crunching (with a bit of guesstimation for some things). Lets look at an average american family. 2 working parents making average pay, 2 kids in school.

    Average income: $90,000/yr (men:45000+women:35000)

    Taxes paid: pre-bush, you paid about $9000 (with 2 dependents)

    According to the government, the dept of education spends $11,000/yr per student. That's $22,000 for the 2 kids.

    Guesstimation: Military+paramilitary (federal police and intelligence agencies) - $600 billion (probably a little less, but not significantly so). estimating 200 million working-age adults, that's $3,000 per person.

    Before taking into account research money like NASA or physics/math/biotech/whatever (which give spinoff technologies that benefit everybody) or agencies like the CDC or FDA, $25,000 in taxes have already been spent on this hypothetical family every year. The government has given them $16,000 in services above what they had 'paid' for.

    Do you still think you pay too much in taxes? If so, why?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago