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What is the appeal of Freemasonry to Indians?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years agoSeniors, have you found a remedy for excessive perspiration?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years agoRoaches in my laptop?
Today two small (baby?) roaches came out seemingly from my laptop. One was on the screen, then disappeared and I caught up with it underneath the laptop on the desk and dispatched it. A little late I spotted another one coming out from under the laptop. Are roaches being hatched inside my laptop or is it just a coincidence? I am very disturbed by this, esp. since the desk is in my bedroom. I occasionally eat a snack at my desk but don 't drop crumbs in the (full size) keyboard. Anything I can do besides placing Combat stations nearby?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhy is YA not working on my Kindle Fire with Maxthon browser?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years agoWould it be a good idea if we could filter YA?
I don't know how it would work, but what if we could filter out the questions that are gross, obscene, malicious, sarcastic, and all others that make you despair of mankind. Looking at YA for some sincere or interesting questions becomes a game of darting eyes as you try to skip over the ugly and disgusting questions. I would love it if I could only see the decent and intelligent queries and those from people who you have a chance of really helping. And let those who enjoy or can answer the other questions view them to their hearts' content.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoName of fungus that resembles animal scat?
I saw a series of round, brown things in the backyard (SE coast of US) and when I poked them with a stick they were mushy. The top has a texture or pattern like a mushroom but otherwise it looked exactly like the excreta of some animal. My husband said it was a fungus. I am wondering what it is called.
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape7 years agoQuestion about resolution of still pix on Canon PowerShot SD30?
I took a photo with the Canon PowerShot SD30 (after not using it for a while, so I didn't remember much about it) and was surprised that the resolution was only 250 dpi. I was asked for a higher resolution (this would be for Internet display primarily). The manual confused me since it did not express resolution in a dpi number like 300 or 400. (I am used to such numbers used in scanning, whereas for digital cameras it seems to be different.) What's the relationship, if any, between the resolution as expressed in dpi and the image size?
The advanced manual, under "Resolution" settings, gives these choices for still images:
Large= 2592x1944 pixels
Medium 1 = 2048 x 1536
Medium 2 = 1600 x 1200
Small = 640 x 480
I had the camera set for a high-quality compression setting (Superfine--don't know if that has anything to do with it).
1 AnswerPhotography8 years agoQuestion about resolution of still pix on Canon PowerShot SD30?
I took a photo with the Canon PowerShot SD30 (after not using it for a while, so I didn't remember much about it) and was surprised that the resolution was only 250 dpi. I was asked for a higher resolution (this would be for Internet display primarily). The manual confused me since it did not express resolution in a dpi number like 300 or 400. (I am used to such numbers used in scanning, whereas for digital cameras it seems to be different.) What's the relationship, if any, between the resolution as expressed in dpi and the image size?
The advanced manual, under "Resolution" settings, gives these choices for still images:
Large= 2592x1944 pixels
Medium 1 = 2048 x 1536
Medium 2 = 1600 x 1200
Small = 640 x 480
I had the camera set for a high-quality compression setting (Superfine--don't know if that has anything to do with it).
1 AnswerPhotography8 years agoQuestion about resolution of still pix on Canon PowerShot SD30?
I took a photo with the Canon PowerShot SD30 (after not using it for a while, so I didn't remember much about it) and was surprised that the resolution was only 250 dpi. I was asked for a higher resolution (this would be for Internet display primarily). The manual confused me since it did not express resolution in a dpi number like 300 or 400. (I am used to such numbers used in scanning, whereas for digital cameras it seems to be different.) What's the relationship, if any, between the resolution as expressed in dpi and the image size?
The advanced manual, under "Resolution" settings, gives these choices for still images:
Large= 2592x1944 pixels
Medium 1 = 2048 x 1536
Medium 2 = 1600 x 1200
Small = 640 x 480
I had the camera set for a high-quality compression setting (Superfine--don't know if that has anything to do with it).
2 AnswersCameras8 years agoWhy won't YA load on my Kindle Fire?
It only shows me my Activities but does not show open questions or let me browse categories, etc. If I try to look at those things, it says that it can't load the content. It seems to make no difference if i use the Yahoo App for Kindle or not--the screen looks exactly the same with the App or just going onto Yahoo via the Web, without the App. I am use the first generation Kindle Fire.
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years agoDo neutered tomcats still court females?
I have observed an outdoor tomcat (an abandoned pet, judging by his tameness) hanging around a feral female who comes to my house. At first I thought he was guarding his territory, but he allowed her to come to the porch and eat and seemed to be socializing. Neither of them made any sounds or cries. I have not yet been able to bring him to the vet, so i don't know if he is neutered. I have seen neutered male dogs go after females in heat and wondered if a cat would do the same.
He is affectionate in behavior but nips me if i stroke him more than a minute. He is very affectionate with my other outdoor cat, who has been to the vet and is neutered. They spend a lot of time together and rub heads. I feed him dry cat food and he won't eat any other food.
I am planning to take him to the vet but I am wondering if his behavior indicates anything about whether he is neutered or not. I might trap the female and take her in, although I've already spent a small fortune spaying and releasing feral cats.
3 AnswersCats8 years agoDoes Orthodox Judaism allow organ donation?
Since autopsies are not permitted, I wondered if organ donation is acceptable, since its purpose is to save lives,
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoHow to deal with a bossy elderly Chihuahua?
My Chihuahua is 14 years old; I have had him for about 7 months, adopted him from friends. He is cute as a button but of course he's a dog like any other and wants his way. He eats usually around 5 pm, and by 6 he starts insisting that I come into the bedroom with him. He wants to get on the bed, retire for the night and go to sleep after eating. He can't get on the bed himself because of his arthritic joints, He can no longer jump up or down. (I have not found a suitable ramp and am reluctant to shell out for one that may not solve the problem, because the issue is that he wants me to be with him, not just to get up on the bed himself.) So he starts whining and squealing -- he won't just lie down on his bed on the floor next to my desk (where he sleeps during the day as I work).
When i put him on my bed and try to go back into my office to work, he waits about 10 minutes and then starts making the funniest-sounding cries and squeals. He wants me to be there with him. If he had his way, I'd go to sleep at 6 pm! He can't hear well (selectively) and doesn't pay attention to spoken commands. (He will obey a gestural command at times, but he was never really taught anything--he won't come, sit, or stay.) I considered bringing my laptop into the bedroom to keep him company, but I really don't want to work in the bedroom. Should I just ignore him and endure his harassment until he gives up (he doesn't give up easily)? Or should I go with him and try to sneak out after he falls asleep? (Eventually he wakes up and realizes I'm gone and cries and cries.)
It seems as if the saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks is true in this case.
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoSeniors, have you connected with friends from your youth on the Internet?
Have you gotten back in touch with any romantic or platonic friends from your youth? What was your experience in reconnecting with them? Did you find that they had developed and improved themselves over the years, or did they seem stuck in the past?
15 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years agoI can't figure out how to answer a Yahoo message?
I got an email that says "You have received a message from another user!"
Then it says:
To continue the conversation, click this link:
Reply To This Message
When I clicked on "Reply to this message," it brought me to the screen showing all my YA activities. I looked at the question I answered that caused someone to send me a message, but I did not see anything. I also went to the profile page of the person who sent the message, but there was nothing there to help me, or to enable me to contact him.
Then I thought maybe I have to download Yahoo Messenger (I don't use Yahoo much except Answers now and then). After I did that, I still couldn't figure it out.
How can I reply to his message?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years agoHow do you, personally, perform petitionary prayer?
I often hear of people saying they pray 'for" others, but I don't have a clear idea of what exactly they do. Do you ask God in so many words to help or heal a person? Or is it "Thy will be done"? One person said she would just think of a person along with Christ in the same thought. Are Catholics or other Christians taught a method of how to pray for others, or do people just do it instinctively?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoBest way to ward off a dog attack?
In my area, tethered or confined dogs sometimes get loose and attack other dogs that are being walked or attack the person who is walking their dog when they try to pick up or protect their dog. This happened to my friend/neighbor, and both she and her dog were bitten by the loose dog. That was a few years ago. Now she has a different dog, and when she walks him, she carries a large walking stick for protection. I understand that she was traumatized, but I am concerned that using a big stick on a hostile dog could be dangerous. (There was a local news item about a woman who used a big stick to break up a fight among her own dogs in the yard and they killed her.) Is there anything I can suggest to my neighbor that would be a safer and more reliable way to repel an approaching hostile dog? (I also don't like to see this young woman walking around like a weird, paranoid old eccentric carrying this huge stick.)
I personally have carried a pocket spray containing citronella oil that you're supposed to spray in the dog's face (bought at PetSmart), but though I never tried it, I did not have much confidence that I would be able to aim right at the dog's face in the event it was attacking my Chihuahua or me.
5 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhy does it say Continue instead of Submit?
When using Yahoo Answers on my Kindle Fire, I wrote an answer and then it said "Continue" at the bottom. When I clicked that, it went to a page where the question was there, and "Submit" was on the bottom, but my answer had disappeared.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years agoIdentify teensy beetles in SC?
I live in coastal SC. Very tiny beetle-like bugs, brownish black, appear at one kitchen window sill--every day a new batch, after I've wiped away the last, and most of them are already dead. I do not see any outside the window, which is not open, but only just inside; if they are crawling in from outside, I do not see the opening, but they are very tiny, like the head of a pin or smaller (and I don't see any on the outside about to come in). I don't see them on a list of common bugs of SC. I could send a sample to Clemson University but thought I'd see if anyone on Yahoo knows what they are. Prior to the appearance of these, in the last couple of weeks, we had a lot of fruit flies in the house. Now there are no more little flying bugs, only these wee crawling beetles.
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago