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  • Are any of the Enemies in modern warfare 2 Muslim or middle eastern?

    Are any of the terrorists/enemies in modern warfare 2 actually muslim or middle eastern? are any of the campaign levels in the middle east? just curious

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago
  • Are there any muslim enemies in COD-MW2?

    Are any of the terrorists/enemies in modern warfare 2 actually muslim or middle eastern? are any of the campaign levels in the middle east? just curious


    3 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Should I get snow tires? Here is the situation?

    My house is on a hill so my driveway is sloped, during snow storms its hard or impossible to get up even with good all season tires sometimes, besides that my car really has no problems in the snow so its probably 9 or 10 times a year that my car gets stuck at the bottom of the driveway,

    The driveway gets plowed but the plow doesnt always come at the right time of course and even when it does plow before I come home my car still can have a hard time getting up the driveway because the plow doesnt really plow down to the driveway there can be like an inch or so of packed snow still left behind

    The driveway may have low sand content that makes it slicker

    Now heres the clincher I know for only a few times use during the year you might say just go with regular all seasons but the thing is getting the car up the driveway even outside the 9 or 10 times just for a few inches of snow can cause a lot of wheel spinning that burns off the tires tread quickly

    What would you do?

    7 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • At what point in Englands history would someone speaking modern english be able to understand the language?

    What is the earliest date that a person speaking modern english be able to understand the language being spoken in England?

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why do people say the conflict in Iraq is an “illegal war”?


    Iraq was in violation of the 1991 cease fire agreement for 10 years

    Congress voted to go to war.

    The United Nations approved of military action but wanted to wait an additional month to negotiate.

    If Iraq violated the cease fire agreement that aloneby definition authorizes us to reopen hostilities.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How can I make my girlfriend understand she is not funny?

    My GF thinks shes the funniest person on the planet, but her sense of humor is immature and annoying,

    Like getting right in your face and dancing around like an idiot untill she either gets you to laugh or scream at her to stop, and

    She asks repetitive stupid questions over and over thinking if It wasnt funny the first time maybe it will be funy the 50th.

    She farts loudly and when she gets no response she will ask if you heard it because she doesnt understand why you didnt laugh.

    Ive tried talking to her and telling her shes not funny in a serious manner, but she just doesnt seemm to belive it

    Ive tried flat out ignoring or leaving the room that doesnt stop her it just makes her try harder

    Ive even tried being downright hurtful to her just letting loose really trying to break her down getting angry but shes immune to this it has no effect.

    Does anyone else have any options

    Please keep in mind that breaking up is not an option

    I think because of her looks shes probably been encouraged by others that just laugh at her nonsense to win favor with her.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can you diagnose this horrible disorder?

    I have a question about my wife’s behavior We’ve been married for 4 years. My wife seems to have a lot of uncontrollable urges that Im not really sure how to categorize, but the closest thing seems to be impulse control disorder these symptoms started out small but have really gotten out of control and I am at my wits end.

    My wife seems to have a lot of mood swings and can go from being very happy to having violent outbursts where she breaks something over trivial issues like where I place my plate when Im making a sandwich

    She is very fixated on my ears and nose and nipples and is constantly pinching them or rubbing them despite my constant pleading to stop. Over the last year I’ve been I have been vigilant about this behavior and Im sad to say that the only way I’ve been able to curb it has been through retaliating, so If she pinches my nose or ear I immediately assume a menacing posture and will punch her in the arm or on her leg fairly hard, enough to let her know there's a negative consequence, for doing it. I just do not know what else to do but I cant just sit around and take the abuse, because discussion and pleading do not dissuade her, she’s told me before she cant help herself but she more often explains it as a type of corrective action for me. After starting this routine the occurrences of this problem really did not go down but the severity of them did so when she does it there's no bleeding or bruises on me afterwards she usually will just gently pinch me, although I complain to her about it if it does not hurt, I wont strike her in her arm.

    She swears A LOT, for no reason. English is not even her first language but she will often weave together soliloquy of obscenities that would make a sailor blush. And she will repeat obscene phrases over and over again until a yell at her to stop. She becomes fixated or maybe obsessed with certain ideas or events and will speak in circles about them for hours even days, like she will speak about the death of a celebrity that she really never cared about till they died and she will just keep repeating the same ideas over and over again sometimes repeating exactly what she said sometimes altering it slightly. She can become fixated on something like a form she needs to fill out at work she will ask me endless questions about it even though the form is simple and she will ask the same questions over and over again despite the fact that I’ve explained it to here clearly several times already.

    When I come home from work that’s the time where things are particularly bad she will usually start jumping all over me literally smothering me with hugs kisses ear and nose rubbing grabbing me all over grabbing my genetils and trying to get me aroused, I know that this might seem as normal but it happens every day, this is when the talking in circles happens A LOT she will usually start frantically telling me about something at work that’s bothering her repeating the same sentences over and over. Also at this time she hangs over me I will try to change my clothes but she is compelled to jump on my lap or have a similar outburst. I will try to eat and she will come over and start whispering nonsense or strange noises words in my ear while shes doing this her hair often gets all over my food and visa versa

    She has other weird outbursts as well like she is constantly exposing herself to me while im working or watching tv or she will jump in front of me and start dancing or signing loudly, louder than the TV If I look away she will say “hey look” over and over till I look at her or leave the room, she also does this with exposing herself. I think these outbursts might just be an immature attempt to get attention, because admittedly With the years of dealing with this behavior I have blocked her out quite a bit, because I do not know how to deal with this behavior other than to ignore it , If I do otherwise it might encourage it. Even though ignoring it doesn’t seem to help, I think at the very least its not making it worse. So its sometimes hard to really pay attention to the relevant stuff If Im trying so hard to ignore all of the nonsense. Ive communicated to her that her behavior is inappropriate and that if she wants a response she needs to talk like an adult. My pleading for her to stop is useless. All these things if done in moderation would seem normal but these are events that happening repeatedly through out the day for years.

    My wife is 32 years old Asian shes not retarded shes actually pretty smart. And she only behaves this way when shes alone with me although I know that the thoughts of these things are with her all the time, because when she comes home from work she will tell me at length about them.

    Sorry for the long story but do you have any ideas on what this is? Is it impulse control disorder? And what we can do?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Deployed Women in the U.S. military and Sex?

    In the U.S. Military, do women deployed in Afganistan and Iraq have tons of sex with multiple partners? That are in their unit or on their base? I know its against the rules but I imagine sex is readily available for these women at any time with the man of their choice, when there's millions of guys and only a handful of women, is it like living in a soap opera porno for them?

    If you are familiar with this subject please comment. If you were in the military can you give some examples to provide an ide of how it is?


    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Wireless Networking question any smart computer people out there?


    I have a wireless network at my house I have a few computers hooked up to it, my main computer was not getting internet fast enough from the router for my purposes( the other computers are fine),

    So I bought another modem to connect directly to the internet for my main computer. but now although I now have internet that is fast enough I am no longer connected to the wireless network so I am unable to connect to the wireless printer /scanner unless I unplug my modem and connect the internet adapter

    Is there any wireless solution here?

    I want to be able to connect directly to the Internet wired to the modem (that has a USB and Ethernet port) and at the same time be able to connect to the wireless network through the Ethernet port or usb port on my computer

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Is having a 1 nighter with a prostitute really cheating?

    Please assume there was 100 percent no chance of any disease transmission or pregnancy

    Please list why you think it is or is not?


    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to start a cadaver business in a poor country?

    Buying bodies from the local populace freezing them then selling them to hospitals and research organizations.

    Theres a lot of human parts that can be re used or used for research

    The bodies will end up burned anyway such a waste, Instead of that they would be paid a small fortune which would benefit them

    And thieer relatives body we be used for a good cause

    Can this be done legally and what country would be best

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • When you dream of flying do you remember what controls your direction and propulsion?

    For me it comes from my hands every time control and propulsion?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Have you ever died and been revived?

    Do you remember anything? If so what do you remember?

    PS Im not talking about video games

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what Is your Opinion of Capital Trust, Inc (CT) as a stock to invest in long term?

    It had a great divudend. even before the RE bubble, but it looks like it was heavily involved with the whole mess Can it make a come back? or will it die?

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Online Gaming Internet Network Question Please help! thanks!!?

    I get internet from my cable company the cable signal comes in through the garage and then splits throughout the house, I live in an apartment in the house The cable signal that comes to my apartment is split to a TV in the living room, a TV in the bedroom and a modem. The modem is connected to a Belkin wireless G or N router. For regular internet it works great but for online gaming its really not fast enough Im always lagging and dropping out of games.

    I connect the computer directly to the router with about 35 ft of Ethernet cable and it seems to improve it a little but the performance is still not that great there's still some lag and drop outs. I connected the computer directly to the modem and there's a big improvement lag and drop outs significantly decrease or are eliminated, this is after I upgraded my internet service from 5 mb to 20 mb

    The thing is I have a 50 ft cable running across my apartment that really cannot stay

    Does anyone know of any effective products out there that can really give my internet a boost in speed and power like a new modem or wireless router or some signal enhancer?

    I cannot move my computer and the cable signal coming into my apartment is already split with the people upstairs they do use my signal from the wireless router which is ok

    The cable company has been out before and they say the signal is kind of weak already because its being split so much

    What would you do

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago