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Anubis's Right Wing

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  • Yarn wreath material and size?

    I've been inspired by some of the lovely images I've seen of yarn wreathes. I'm wondering if it's better to use a foam or straw base, and what size you typically use.

    Any other tips? How do you finish it off when you're done wrapping string? And how can you make different sections of color without being terribly bumpy and uneven?


    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Another hedgehog queston - cold baby?

    I asked another question earlier about dehydration. Now I'm concerned about her cold-to-the-touch belly. We've had her in a room that is usually 75+ degrees, and she's been on a heating pad. I have her in a snuggle sack on a heating pad on my legs now. She just can't seem to get warm. I'm sweating, and her belly is still cool and lazy. She can unroll from a ball but just has no interest in really moving. We just brought her home from the pet store day before yesterday.

    I think I have found another exotics vet to replace the one I had, but it's too late to visit tonight.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Hedgehog dehydration emergency - Ferret-Aide?


    We brought a little girl hedgehog home from the pet store day before yesterday. She had a little diarrhea but it seemed to be doing better, and she seemed fine last night. Her stools were firming up.

    However, I've come home today and she cannot move. I gently pinched her abdomen and she shows signs of severe dehydration. Her nose is not wet anymore. She has been drinking a little, but as I just got her I wasn't sure how much was normal.

    I have emergency electrolyte solution for "Ferrets and Small Animals", called Ferret-Aide, by Marshall. I was wondering if it is okay to give to hedgehogs. We are also going to try Pedialyte. She will not drink on her own.

    Any other tips for this emergency? I've already called my ferret's vets, and can't find anyone in the immediate area who can treat her.

    Very distressed right now, she seemed very playful and active just last night.:(

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Good dog to live with ferrets?

    I'm looking for a puppy and I'm concerned with getting a breed that will treat my small animals gently. (Ferrets, perhaps a hedgehog.) I don't like caging my ferrets all the time and want to be able to let them run freely most of the day when we buy our own home. Is there a type of dog that would be a good housemate with them, and I wouldn't have to constantly watch? Or is this too much to ask? I left them alone with my cats all the time, as they were extremely gentle and pretty aloof. I would hate to have to pen one or the other up so they can play.

    My favorite breeds are Australian Shephers and Golden Retrievers. Would either of these make good partners that I could trust? We don't really want a small dog like a Chihuahua or Corgi, adorable as they are.


    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Images that reinforce social stratification?

    I have an assignment to capture two dozen images (locally) of advertisement, products, etc that reinforce social concepts of gender, race, class, age, etc. I'm about halfway there but am running out of possibilities that aren't completely far fetched. I live in a small city (more of a town really) so there aren't tons of businesses or marketing or anything. I've already done some of the more obvious, like how certain toys reinforce gender roles..

    Any ideas of things I could find in a small place? I'm really drawing a blank here. In an increasingly politically correct world, these things are becoming physically harder to find.

    1 AnswerAnthropology10 years ago
  • How many Youtube videos are there?

    I know it's impossible to have the exact number, but is there a recent point at which we have measured the rough number of videos for that day or month?

    Google and Youtube itself have both proved pretty ineffectual, but maybe I'm just burned out on this awful question and am not searching effectively.


    2 AnswersYouTube10 years ago
  • Annual US Oil Imports?

    I'm working on an assignment that wants me to find, "The amount of oil the US imports annually, in gallons" and I'm having trouble finding information. I've found daily average consumption, imports from the top five sources, but not total annual imports. Can anyone point me to a resource??

    2 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • D.E.W. ferret turning orange?

    My deaf D.E.W. is turning this burnt orange color. (I love her, but to be honest, it's rather ugly in contrast of my snow white and black baby!) It started out as a blotch between her shoulders - I thought it might have been a result of the flea issue at our old house, so I bathed her. It did not lighten, and now it's spread into a large triangle from her shoulder blades - and is spreading further! I now see spots of it under her neck and belly. She's very young - only about nine months old. And yes, I'm positive it's a female. I did just change from Zupreem to the Marshall Chicken diet - my ECE ferret refused to eat any more Zupreem, so I had to switch.

    I've noticed that her bedding is getting *really* grimy, (white cotton turning yellow) fast. I just washed her bedding and within a week it's tinged and nasty again. I realize you should wash their bedding this often anyway, but before it wasn't grimy, just a little smelly and hairy.

    She's still the energetic, hungry, fat little thing she's always been. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Ridding a Farm of Parvo?

    My grandparents are assisted in operating their large farm by their family of border collies. Recently, my grandmother lost two full litters, totaling thirteen puppies, in a period of a few weeks. She knows that parvo was what wiped them out. Now she's wanting to try to breed the dogs again, but is frightened that she will lose her pups. My grandpa suggested planning for pups in the winter, because of a rumor he heard that parvo is less likely to devastate in the winter. But we want to figure out how we can get rid of this awful virus - I'm afraid that the whole farm is contaminated, considering all of the animals and people tracking dirt from one place to another. What can we do to ensure that we don't lose another litter? I've read that spraying bleach on the ground can be helpful, but that's not especially practical to treat a yard as large as theirs!

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Severe Wisdom Tooth Socket Infection?

    I had my wisdom teeth removed about three weeks ago. (I know, like a dummy) I stopped taking the antibiotics after a week, but I had some pills left over where I sometimes didn't manage to take all four in the same day.

    Last night my gums started swelling - I thought it was because a chunk of my tooth had worked its way out of my gums. But I woke up in the middle of the night and it was so painful and starting to swell, I couldn't sleep. I called my surgeon's office the minute they opened and they prescribed me a different antibiotic, Clindamycin 150's. I've taken two so far.

    But now that their office is closed, the wound has started oozing and swollen up MONSTROUSLY, much worse than when my teeth were initially removed. It's hard along the jaw and the gum has swollen up around and over one of my back molars, making it painful to close my mouth and nearly impossible to eat.

    Is this to be expected right now, or should I be seriously worried?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • Crock pot for yogurt making?

    What slow cooker would be most appropriate for also making yogurt? I need something that can keep a temperature around 110 degrees over a long period of time.

    Is there a model with a warm setting that is appropriate for yogurt making, or is there an affordable one that I can leave on and maintain a certain, pre-selected temperature over a long period?


    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Decent state schools with late deadlines?

    To make a long story short, I'm unhappy with the schools I ended up applying to. They're good, private liberal arts schools, and now I'm finding that I want less controlling, large state schools in ..a variety of areas.

    Could I get suggestions for what schools are still accepting applications? I'd like a public university, not a community college though, with fair and affordable out of state tuition. I'm an A/B student and I have very high ACT English/reading scores with a fair science score and poor math score.

    I've been looking into trying to make a SUNY or Wyoming University school affordable. I'm getting a little desperate and would like suggestions as to where to look. I'd prefer to be able to live on my own as a freshman, and California is a no because of its "no ferrets" law.

    Thank you.

  • Ferret Fighting - Help!?

    Recently I bought a deaf kit - eight weeks old - as a companion to my older, year and a half ferret. Understandably, the older one was a bit afraid at first, having not seen another ferret in a year. After a few days, they finally had this moment and began to play, and the bigger ferret even groomed the little one at the end.

    However, the fights started almost immediately after. My older ferret caught ECE from the younger ferret and was quite weak for a while, which enabled the little baby kit - small enough to fit into the palm of my hand! - to put the whoop on her. However, she is recovered now and I have been trying to let the ferrets fight it out and get this thing over with. They seem to play reasonably well when they are let out together, except for occasional fights, and their cages have been side by side for a month. However, if you put them together in one cage, it's a huge fight! My older ferret will not fight back offensively and only tries to get away from the baby, who pursues her relentlessly and bites her face and neck. I have tried putting bitter apple spray on my older one's neck and just step away to let them fight it out, but my older ferret looks so sad and will jump at the edge of her cage to try to get away from the baby.

    Finally this evening I just decided that I had to be tougher - the fights haven't resulted in pooping, pulled hair, or blood, just a lot of squeals, hissing, and retreats. They have finally stopped fighting continuously, but my older ferret seems totally exhausted and even depressed. If she tries to move or rearrange her position to sleep on top of the other ferret, they hiss and begin to fight again.

    Please. I don't want to cause my older ferret depression by having her constantly whooped by the new comer and "put out". But I also don't want to get rid of the baby, I feel that to give her away would be wrong.

    I know deaf ferrets can sometimes be meaner, but I can't stand for my first ferret to suffer. Please help. What can I do? Will it take time or is it just hopeless?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Most "Ethical" Pet Store?

    Originally when I set out on a search for my next ferret, I was set against not purchasing from a pet store. But after finding the nearest ferret shelter to be four hours away and after exhausting Craigslist, it seems as if my only practical option is to buy one from a pet store.

    I know that no pet store has an immaculate record for humane treatment, but which chain tends to provide the *best* care to their animals (particularly ferrets)? Within an hour, I believe we have a Petland, Petco, and Petsmart..There is also a "Complete Pet Mart" but I've already been there and the living conditions of their ferrets are unacceptable.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Serious pain during sex?

    Since taking Nuvaring, I have had issues with dryness, so I've been using lubricant during sex which I thought might have contributed to a recent yeast infection.I had all the symptoms: itchy/burning, strange discharge, though no real odor. There was a lot of heat coming from the area, much more than normal.

    My boyfriend and I went to have sex, once when I was initially having symptoms, once when I finished the treatment, and again tonight, two days after finishing the treatment. I can barely stand to allow him to barely penetrate me! The pain is truly excruciating. It's a burning, stretching, awful feeling. What is also alarming is that he says that my vagina *feels* different - his initial impression was that it was like "prickly, really short hair". A gritty feeling that neither of us can really feel with our fingers, although I did feel some very tiny bumps. It's extremely painful for me and the unpleasant texture is also a little painful for him.

    What on earth is wrong with me!? Other than the obvious, "see a doctor", does anyone have any ideas what this could be, or any experience with it? Has anyone else experienced this from a yeast infection?

    Another concern is a bump on my upper pubic region.. it's come and gone once or twice before, but is a hard, perfectly round lump just beneath the skin. It once came to a head like acne but not this time - it's been there for a month or so. It's not painful to touch, and I am reluctant to believe that it could be anything like appears to be the only one of its kind and with my sexual history doesn't seem likely. I was previously in a monogamous relationship for two years, and in my current relationship the man had not been with another woman before.

    Sorry if this is a lot. I'm puzzled, frustrated, and hurting.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • AT&T Early Termination and New Line Activation?

    I am interested in terminating my line on my family plan to open a new line and get a new phone at a discounted price. (The discount cost of the phone plus the termination fee is less than the cost of the phone without a commitment.)

    My father believes ATT won't allow us to destroy the line and then create a new one, or will charge us an additional fee on top of the early termination fee. Any experience or insight on this?

    Thank you.

    (By the way, I'm looking at terminating a "standard phone" to buy a refurbished iPhone, if it matters.)

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Financial Aid and Checking Accounts?

    I'm on a joint account with my grandfather - I don't withdraw money from the account, and according to him I couldn't close it. I've been told that although you DO have to report these accounts to FAFSA, it won't affect your EFC. But, will it affect the amount of aid given to me by individual schools?

    There are a few tens of thousands of dollars in it, I'm not sure the exact amount because he manages the account and does not allow me to withdraw money.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • FAFSA - do I have to report this?

    When I was very young, my grandfather put my name on one of his bank accounts as a joint owner. I think his intention is for me to have the money after his passing, so he does not allow me to draw money from it presently. Must I report this account on the FAFSA anyway, as part of my investments/checkings and savings?

    6 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Sarah Lawrence Graduation Debt?

    Sarah Lawrence seems like a wonderful academic match, but the prospect of deep graduation debt intimidates me. One advantage I have is that when I file FAFSA, my lonely part-time job income will be the only reportable income, as I live with my unmarried mother who is a student with no income.

    I know that Sarah Lawrence is reputed to be the most expensive college of the nation, but is the debt really that bad? Are their scholarship/grant packages substantial? What sort of debt am I looking at, here?

    Also, does anyone have any tips for writing the essay? Writing is typically my strong point, but the responsibility of writing something so critical to my future is beyond scary! I plan on writing about my summer living and going to school in Japan - what can I do to help distinguish this experience? I'm sure with so many resources available, many students of the current generation can boast study abroad of some form or another.


    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Sarah Lawrence Graduation Debt?

    Sarah Lawrence seems like a wonderful academic match, but the prospect of deep graduation debt intimidates me. One advantage I have is that when I file FAFSA, my lonely part-time job income will be the only reportable income, as I live with my unmarried mother who is a student with no income.

    I know that Sarah Lawrence is reputed to be the most expensive college of the nation, but is the debt really that bad? Are their scholarship/grant packages substantial? What sort of debt am I looking at, here?

    Also, does anyone have any tips for writing the essay? Writing is typically my strong point, but the responsibility of writing something so critical to my future is beyond scary!

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago