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Feral kitten help me out plz!?
My dog had a kitten cornered last night. I brought it in my house.. its so scared, idk what to do to calm it down, every noise makes it tense up. I offered it some food in the bathroom, but it just hides and stays there for hours....
What do I need to do ?
I think its around 8-10 weeks old
4 AnswersCats8 years agoAnimal abuse question?
Ok so bil, then there is his xgf (1) and her bf (2)
Anyways, my mil dog was found dead with his tail cut off. Neighbors said they saw an orange truck in alley the same day....
Well turns out 1 bf 2 has orange truck. So we find out from a guy timbo* that 1 and 2 killed MIL dog for revenge bc BIL poisoned their dog and it died
But he didnt.... 1 and 2 are tweekers who have a grudge on bil entire family.... from when bil and 1 were dating....
Welll 1 and 2 threatened to beat up timbo if he didnt go file a police report saying bil killed dog, so he did. Bil got picked up for cruelty 2 animals
This whole situation is stupid... just wondering what is going to happen
Will the judge just throw the case out? Since its he said she said ordeal?
1 is pretty stupid they got the dog when they were together but bil was main 1 who took care of it, but she took it when they broke up
When she had her own place and I went over she had like 4 kittens that felt like a bag 8f bones and 4 or 5 dogs just as bad and she kept taking them in..... her mom called the pound and they confiscated the animals. I remember her telling me she could no longer own animals and she would get in big trouble if she got caught....
So I could see her neglecting the dog n it dying. Ber being paranoid n blaming it on bil,,...
Ty if u read all this
1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years agoDog killed a cat, what do I do?
Let my dogs (3) outside after 20 or so minutes went outside and saw my husbands dog looking down at this extremely friendly wild cat that hangs out around the house... The cat is half gone from the dog (s) eating it. Idk what to do. Its so messed up. I feel like getting rid of them.
I have a young child and an inside cat. I would never leave my child alone with any dog but it still worries me. If the dogs can kill a cat that they have seen before numerous times and then one day randomly kill and eat it, who knows what else they will do....
Guess I'm just asking for advise on what to do.....
8 AnswersCats8 years agocan't remember this country song help!?
Its been a long time since I have seen/heard this song, probably a few years. But the singer is an old man with white hair and he is singing about all the things that have happened(bad things/disasters) to (america/world?) going by each decade I think....
Thanks :) Sorry I don't really remember much more than that.
1 AnswerCountry8 years agoDo you need a grab bar?
I have a 2001 S10 CHEVY, On the passenger side it has a grab bar. Do I NEED it. Can I remove it, or does it serve some safety function?
This is what I am talking about
2 AnswersSafety9 years agoNot paying personal loan?:):):)?
What actions can they take? I have payed on it, but just haven't had the money to make payments lately. . . its a personal finance loan, I only owe 400
4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoRunning AC unit and Humidifier unit same time in the same room?
AC unit 5300 BTU 115V energy star (if that matters) Just a window unit. And the humidifier is a little one, a crane humidifier.
AC unit leaves my nose/ throat really dry in the morning, and it feels horrible. So I was wondering if I could run them at the same time? I have a fairly small room maybe, 25'x35'. . . the units will be about ten feet away from one another.
I know AC units dehumidify, and I do not want to ruin my AC, as new ones are expensive....
Thanks in advance
10 points best answer!
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden9 years agoTitle loan question plz help?
Asked this the other day but didn't get that great of an answer.
I have a vehicle, on the title is in the format of: Mine or His. . . well he (His) took out a loan on the vehicle, he died a few months ago and I have been paying on the loan to keep the car. To help out my credit, I wanted to put the loan into my name, since I have to pay it anyways. The place the loan is from knows he died, they have seen the death certificate and all that, and tried to get his insurance to pay, but they said no.
I'm going to ask next week when I come in to pay again, but just wanted to know if it was even possible? Or should I not get the loan in my name, can I avoid paying the loan and keep the car? LEGALLY? :D
3 AnswersCredit9 years agoCan I get Title loan switched into my name?
Guy took loan out on car, he died. I've been paying on it for a few months now. Can I switch the title loan into my name? ( my name is on the title)
1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years agoDo I have to pay off the title loan?
Guy took a loan on the vehicle (title was in both of our names) well, he died. . . Do I have to still pay on the loan (that is not in my name) to keep the car? I didn't get a cent of the money he got, I didn't even want him to do the loan!!
Just wondering if I have to pay off the loan in order to keep my car
3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoQuestion about applying for FAFSA?
You need to use your income tax info. Well we filled out our own, and I guess we made a mistake, but the IRS fixed it. Do I still just use the income tax that I filled out? IF not how do I get the corrected one?
1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 years agoFIL has a felony can he ever buy a gun?
I live in NM (new mexico) a sheriff told MIL that he can't buy a gun, but she can buy one for him. . . and he also told MIL that she could walk around with a gun w/o carrying permit as long as it is in plain sight. (which I am sure is correct, but I know there are still certain places you cannot go like stores will alcohol.) A link would be awesome, or an answer!! THanks
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoi have a question ..... . . . .?
someone got in an accident w/ me. they didn't have insurance. can I sue them for the property that they own?
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years agoRescue harassing me :/ making me mad?
So I adopted this dog from this 'rescue' once I got there after driving some miles some children came out. Was a surprise to me as I thought the person I was talking to was an adult. Anyways, they bring out two dogs one was healthy and friendly, and then there was another one that was shy, so they push it towards me. I check it out, its a little skinny. So I take that one (they person I was talking to told me that they rescue them from the side of the road, so that is why I figured it was skinny) Anyways, I bring to vet, vet tells me that it is sick, from malnutrition and has parvo. Dog dies a few days later. I blow it off, see no reason to contact children and tell them. So a few months later I am looking around and see these pups that have been rescued. I contact the person. They tell me they give the shots themself. So I ask what brand they use, and if they give the labels with the dog on adoption. They ask me why. So I explain my reason, which is that it is bad to mix brands and to avoid that I wanted the label. They get upset telling me they are a vet tech, know everything there is to know and that dogs in May need 4 sets of shots not 3.
Well I am re-reading my texts and find out that they are the same people as from before (phone saves texts and lists them out as an IM format, that is how I found out)
So I send them a message saying that I know who they are and am no longer interested in adopting one of their pups, and that they obviously do not know what they are talking about.
They freak out, start cursing at me leaving me horrible voice messages. Saying that I didn't get a dog from them, even though I have proof from my text messages. Telling me that it was my fault the dog died from 'poor ownership'. Even though my vet told me that it was from who ever had it first. After about 10-15 messages like this I tell them to stop harassing me or I will call the police/animal control.
And they tell me that I am the one who needs the police / animal control called on.
Well I have stopped texting, But am so mad. What should I do? I think I am posting this as more as advice, on who was in the wrong.
Thanks for reading
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoDog attacked another dog? help plz?
Let me tell the story! My moms neighbor has a really annoying dog, that any time any other dog is out it jumps on the chain link fence and barks. Well today my mom let my older sisters dog out and he bit the neighbors dogs foot and wouldn't let go. The neighbor took their dog to the vet and handed my mom a $600 vet bill for the bitten foot.
Anyways, I know my mom will more than likely have to pay something, but I don't think she should have to pay all of it since the neighbor dog was the one jumping on the fence barking
But IDK do you know?
Thanks in advance
6 AnswersDogs9 years agoWhat do I do!? I need your help?
Okay, I am trying to find out if it is legal to own prairie dogs or what you have to do to be able to own one. I called the department of game and fish and they just advised me not to own a prairie dog because of the diseases, and I said what if I got one from a breeder, and she told me it sounded suspicious. She told me they are a non protected species, "you know what I mean?" I told her I didn't, and she said it is like coyotes(Still do not know what she meant) So I called the Animal control for my city, and they told me I couldn't because it is wildlife, and I only could if I bought it from a pet store.... And he didn't seem to know what he was really talking about.
So who do I call? Where would I get the real answer that I need, and what does a non protected species mean?
Would my local department of agriculture know? There is no local game and fish department for my city, I looked. THANKS!
2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years agoWhat is this song?! only remember music video :(?
I think it is by a new canadian singer, but the music video starts out with the girl singing. And then this guy is mowing her backyard, and takes his shirt off and she is watching. Then it goes to her washing her mustang while he is fixing his camaro (maybe) and she is trying to get his attention, then falls off of the car, guy picks her up, she does a little song for him, and the guy gives one of her band members his number...... Thanks in advance.
6 AnswersLyrics9 years agoGood dog insurance....................?
I plan on getting a neo some time, and I know they have many health problems. Vets can be expensive so I am sure that getting insurance would help it be cheaper. (?)
I have a few questions for ppl with dog insurance. It is like human insurance, do you pay a monthly fee or is it semi annual/annual? Also what is a good dog insurance to go with, does your dog have to get approved to be on the insurance? Thanks!
7 AnswersDogs9 years agoCo-sleeper bassinet question please help?
My daughter is 4 weeks old, for about a week she hasn't wanted to sleep by herself. When we put her in her bassinet almost asleep or completely asleep she will wake up about 10 minutes later and start crying. I am not going to let her "cry it out". . . so lately I have been co-sleeping with her on my bed, or I will lay blankets on the floor and lay with her there. I -HATE- sleeping with her, in fear of smashing her, or her suffocating on something. So I was thinking about buying a co-sleep bassinet. Has anyone had similar problems and tried this? I think it might be just a buy it and see if it works deal, but I would hate to spend the money on it and it end up not working. So just looking for good advice or personal experience. THANKS!
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoDo you have to be checked for dilation?
I have been checked twice now once when i was 39 weeks and then again at 40 weeks. I will be 41 weeks this thursday and they are going to induce me on friday. Anyways, I don't like being checked to see if I am dilated. I do not enjoy it and the last time the doctor who did it made me feel violated. . .
Tomorrow I have an appointment for the stress test and IDK if they are going to check me or not but can I deny it? Is there really any importance for them to check me, I mean they are going to induce me on friday anyways :/. . .
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago