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6 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years agoGet my babies to Disneyland?
I could never afford to send my babies to Disneyland but they're in the top 10 of a competition. Please can I ask, beg (!) people to vote for them. Both had a really poorly start in life and we went to hell and back with them in hospital constantly so this really would be a trip of a life time
They are the first photo, girl in red top boy in stripey top under the name targetzone fitness
Please please please can you vote for them
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture6 years agoOnly 2 days post partum and completely stopped bleeding?
I had my son on Sunday night at 21:17. He's my second child. With my first I bleed heavily for 6 weeks and then spotted for a further 2 weeks. Her delivery was 6 hours for labour and birth
With my son on Sunday the labour and birth lasted 50 minutes, yes that's 50 minutes from 5cm a tube labour with pains to live birth. Well I lost 1.5 litres of blood so was kept in a bit longer to make sure my levels had returned to normal and they had so we were discharged
I'd obviously noticed I was bleeding less but I've just gone to the toilet and my pad is completely white still, I've wiped and nothing, looked with a mirror and nothing! I hadn't torn or needed stitches
Obviously I'm taking it as easy as possible (although newborn and 21 month old isn't gonna be that easy going) and I'm exclusively breastfeeding
I've got my midwife check up today so I'll mention to her
Just curious if anyone else stopped bleeding so fast?
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoOnly 2 days post partum and completely stopped bleeding?
I had my son on Sunday night at 21:17. He's my second child. With my first I bleed heavily for 6 weeks and then spotted for a further 2 weeks. Her delivery was 6 hours for labour and birth
With my son on Sunday the labour and birth lasted 50 minutes, yes that's 50 minutes from 5cm a tube labour with pains to live birth. Well I lost 1.5 litres of blood so was kept in a bit longer to make sure my levels had returned to normal and they had so we were discharged
I'd obviously noticed I was bleeding less but I've just gone to the toilet and my pad is completely white still, I've wiped and nothing, looked with a mirror and nothing! I hadn't torn or needed stitches
Obviously I'm taking it as easy as possible (although newborn and 21 month old isn't gonna be that easy going) and I'm exclusively breastfeeding
I've got my midwife check up tomorrow so I'll mention to her
Just curious if anyone else stopped bleeding so fast?
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago37+3 and been in the bathroom all day! (Tmi)?
With my first pregnancy I felt "weird" in the evening, went to the loo and basically sat on the toilet for an hour without stopping! After that my contractions were every 4 minutes and 6 hours later I had my daughter at 38 weeks
Today in 37+3. My husband and I hadn't had sex for a while and I've been feeling fantastic and full of energy so we had sex. No issues, no bleeding all good
An hour or so later I felt sick, ran to the bath room and was extremely sick. I then progressed to severe diarrhea and vomiting. There's not been more than 30 minutes where I've managed to avoid the bathroom today
Yesterday although feeling great I barely ate as wasn't hungry and when I did it was a cheese sandwich so I know for a fact this isn't food poisoning. I've not had any contractions that I've noticed and baby still moving ok
What you think? Virus? Sex triggered something? Early pre labour?
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago37 weeks and sudden crazy amount of energy!?
I'm 37 weeks with my second and suddenly I have the most amazing amount of energy. I feel I could run a marathon, do hundreds of star jumps, burpees and squats!
Baby is head down and although I'm high risk due to a heart condition everything is perfectly fine, I just want to go for a run!!!
Anyone else have crazy amount of energy at this point? (Don't remember feeling like this with first baby who arrived naturally at 38 weeks)
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoBaby still transverse position at 36+3?
While of course it's possible for baby to turn by itself still my midwife is concerned s/he is still in transverse position (across my tummy rather than head down)
She mentioned the ECV which I've only heard horrendous stories about and she also mentioned the possibility of a section
I'm upright and moving as much as possible and when I sit down for anything I sit on a birthing ball to keep upright so I'm trying to do what I can to encourage baby to turn.
My daughter was well engaged by now and delivered naturally at 38 weeks. I know each pregnancy is different but this is starting to worry me
Anyone have the ECV and it go ok?
Or any recommendations to help baby go head down?
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoBaby still transverse position at 36+3?
While of course it's possible for baby to turn by itself still my midwife is concerned s/he is still in transverse position (across my tummy rather than head down)
She mentioned the ECV which I've only heard horrendous stories about and she also mentioned the possibility of a section
I'm upright and moving as much as possible and when I sit down for anything I sit on a birthing ball to keep upright so I'm trying to do what I can to encourage baby to turn.
My daughter was well engaged by now and delivered naturally at 38 weeks. I know each pregnancy is different but this is starting to worry me
Any have the ECV and it go ok?
Or any recommendations to help baby go head down?
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years agoWould you buy new Moses basket mattress?
I know it's recommended for each new baby to have a new mattress to reduce SIDS
My daughter was a tiny baby and only in her Moses basket for 20 weeks. The mattress that we bought for her was an expensive one and she was only on it a short space of time.
There are no dents in the structure, no tears and its basically completely immaculate, the only difference between that and a new one is she slept on it for 10 weeks only
Would you buy a new mattress in this situation?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years agoBaby gets nose bleeds when tooth cutting through?
We've noticed with her molars and incisors when they've cut through she'll get a little nose bleed or two every day. Only enough to wipe it and its stopped but I've never heard of it before
I've asked friends and none of them have experienced it with their children and I asked the doctor at her check up last week who wasn't concerned unless we couldn't stop it after 10 minutes.
(She's 20 months at the moment and healthy at the moment with no cold or fever)
Anyone else's child get nose bleeds with teeth cutting through?
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years agoAnyone else have the issue of "I'm pregnant not incapable" issue?
Believe me I appreciate the thoughts and cares from family, friends and work colleagues but its seriously getting to me
Last week two people actually had an argument between themselves for one of them 'allowing me' to carry two cups of tea as the other one thought it was inappropriate! Yes that's 2 cups of tea, one in each hand, walking down a corridor.
I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second and its just getting crazy. I'm classed as high risk due to a medical condition I was born with but it actually has no effect on me and has not got any worse since I've been pregnant. My consultants are happy and my last pregnancy was fine too
I know you have to take things a bit more carefully when pregnant but not to the extreme that people are getting, I actually walked out of my mother in laws house the other day cos she wouldn't stop bringing me food. I wasn't hungry, I told her that but she kept coming in the room with sandwiches and salad and pasta and was getting annoyed at me for not eating. I wasn't hungry!!!
Anyone else just getting sick to death of people being way way too over protective? I've got to the point where after months of being nice about it I want to scream at them to just leave me alone!
1 AnswerPregnancy8 years agoDo you feel 'differently' about nieces & nephews on either side of family?
I really hope this comes across as I mean it to!
I have nephews on both sides, my husband's brothers kids and my sisters kids and although I love them all deeply I find its a different feeling as such
Firstly my brother in law's kids are fun and good kids but they're always soooo hyped up on sugary junk food and drink that they're super loud and its always so chaotic! Of course I would do anything for them and I do love them but I find it a struggle
My sisters kids on the other hand I feel differently towards. Much more motherly and close to them even though they live 200 miles away and my other nephews are just round the corner. I miss them every day when I don't see them and I just feel so much more loving towards them
Anyone else find they feel differently towards relatives? Obviously my sister is my blood rather than in laws but I'm shocked at the difference I feel between them and feel bad that it seems negative
6 AnswersParenting8 years agoDid you go to antenatal classes for second baby?
We went to antenatal classes for our first but my labour was so ridiculously quick that I didn't have a chance to recall anything from the lessons !!!
My daughter is 20 months old now and I'm 31 weeks so need to book in if I want to go back and retake the lessons.
I know each pregnancy and labour are different and there's no guarantee I'll have a quick labour this time but just wondering about going again for my second or not... Did you?
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago"Baby can sleep over" problem has arisen!?
I knew there was going to come a time when this was going to be raised and I've dreaded it !
My daughter is 20 months. We live a 4 minute drive away from my in laws so see then all the time. They're fantastic with our daughter and the other grand kids, a real help whenever we've needed anything
I work crazy shifts and my husband does his best to work around them which normally isn't a problem but next weekend there's a clash at 8am. I'll be starting work at 07:30 and can't change that and unfortunately that's the only time my husband can fit this client in that week
It would mean he'd have to get up early and take our daughter straight round to his parents for breakfast so they can look after her while he sees the client. Not a massive deal I thought.... But they've suggested "why not let her sleep over?"
This is the problem. His mother smokes and we've had several big falling sour over the last 2 years about it. She promised before baby arrived that she wouldn't smoke when the baby was there and she's gone back on that on several occasions which has led to some arguments and for a while us not taking the baby to their house. It hurt but our daughter comes first (especially as she's had some major breathing problems and been resuscitated 3 times!)
Well them other in law said she'd quit smoking after the last big falling out and give her her dues she's cut from 30 to 10 a day but seems to have given up 'giving up'
I simply don't trust her not to smoke in the house in the evening while my daughter is upstairs in bed. So now I've been asked "why doesn't she just stay over?" And I've just said I'm not comfortable with her being out the house yet, which I'm not, even if it was my parents offering I wouldn't be 100% as I'd be worried about her but with this smoking issue I'm not happy at all
I've said it's no problem my husband just dropping her off in the morning as their so close but his mum is getting all excited to have her stay over. I think I'm gonna have to raise the smoking issue again....
What should I say? Not comfortable her staying over yet or smoking?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago"Relative" just picked the name we were going to use?
So were due our baby in October and decided on Sam if it is a boy
My brother and his wife became uncle and aunt last week as her sister have birth to a boy. It's been a week and they've still not named him officially but we've been told he'll likely be called.... Sam!
We had struggled so hard to pick a boys name and although they won't be blood related I feel it would be a bit awkward naming a new family baby the same name so close together
What do you think?
10 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWdyt of the name Sam?
Not Samual, just Sam
Likely to have Thomas as a middle name
We don't like wacky "unique" names, were more traditional.
Go ok in your opinion?
8 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoStressed cat needs help?
We've been to the vet, had skin and blood tests and everything is normal so there's nothing medically wrong with him
I'm pregnant and I know last time I was he went a bit strange too but this time he's really bad. Also next door have just got a new cat that wants to play with him and my cat obviously doesn't want to play.
He's lost so much weight and he's over grooming himself and got so so so many bald patches and thin fur everywhere else. I'm giving him as much love as possible and he loves our daughter and let's her stroke him but I just don't know what to do and the vet just said give him attention.
He's getting worse and worse and I feel so bad for him. We've got a feliway plug in to try and calm him but that doesn't seem to be doing anything
Any ideas?
4 AnswersCats8 years agoWon't give up on the offer of having my daughter when I have new baby?
My daughter will be 22 months when I give birth in October to number two. My mother in law who lives round the corner has very kindly offered to have her so "it won't be too much for me" dealing with a newborn and a toddler
While I've stated that I appreciate the offer and it's very kind I'm not going to be taking her up on the offer as far as I can see it at the moment
I don't want my daughter to feel left out that a new baby has come in and she's not involved/wanted (who knows what a 22 month old will think) and I want her to enjoy the celebration of the new baby and be a family together.
I've said I'll obviously take up the offer IF I feel the need for a few hours maybe, not automatically and definitely not over night, but she simply won't give up. Every time I see her she goes on and on about how difficult it will be and that I won't cope (thanks for the confidence boost!)
But I'm 30, happily married, got our house so there's no reason why I "won't be able to cope". Which just really annoys the hell out of me. Plus my husband will of course be around!
Anyone else get bombarded with well intentioned offers but they just wouldn't take no for answer? I'm getting to the point where if she mentions it again i'll explode!
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago