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I was born in 1981 and live in Florida. Horses are my passion, but I love all animals. I currently work as a vet tech assistant. I'm happily married and am mommy to a beautiful baby girl. I enjoy the outdoors-fishing,horseback riding, camping ect. I like a variety of music-country and rock being my favorite.

  • Mortgage help! Can we lower our payments somehow?

    Okay. I am trying to help keep my family in our home and continue to pay our bills, but really need to reduce the cost of our home mortgage. Here is the situation- We reside in Florida and purchased our first home in 2004 when the housing market was high. We have an FHA loan at 6.5% and the value of our home has fallen as has our income. At this moment we have very good credit as we have always strived to keep our bills paid and are current on our mortgage. Please anyone with knowledge in this area any advice would be appreciated. Do we stand a chance to refinance? I have heard there are programs out there to help but the terms are so confusing I'm not sure what we are eligible for if any at all. By the way not held by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac-though not sure what that means.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • My computer is running sooooo sloooow, why?

    First, let me admit I'm not the most computer knowledgeable. I do know enough to defragement regularly and think I have a pretty good anti virus program in place with Norton security suite through comcast. Lately though, my computer is running incredibly slow-words appearing moments after I actually typed them and I almost get motion sick trying to scroll down a web page it jumps around so much! I tried to investigate the computer some and found Factory Image(D:) is in the red. Can and should I do anything with this drive? Also, the computer pops up daily telling me last back-up failed....any thoughts why this would be happening? Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm not in a position to hire the geek squad and obviously my attempts haven't fixed the problem.

    4 AnswersDesktops9 years ago
  • Is a personal injury settlement subject to tax in my case?

    In July of 2010 I received a personal injury settlement from Allstate following a motor vehicle accident. The amount, I was told by the lawyer who handled my case should mot be taxed as it was a personal injury claim, Allstate however submitted a 1099-MISC form for the total. The IRS understandably is now wanting to collect on this as additional income earned but I had not reported because I was reassured it need not be. Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. I want to correct this with the IRS before penalties start accumulating, but can't afford to pay and don't wish to if this is an error. Please help!

    6 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • How does Magic Jack phone service work?

    Is anyone familiar with this service? For $20 a year it just sounds too good to be true! I am trying to cut expenses anyway I can as so many others are in today's economy. Please, if anyone can offer me any insight on this product I'd greatly appreciate it.

    3 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • To tip or not to tip?

    I am unsure about tipping in certain circumstances when food is ordered on the go. Naturally, when you have a sit down meal at a restaurant you tip your waitress for her service/time. What about when you call ahead and drive to pick up an order of food?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • CPU over heating. What does that mean?

    What does this mean and what causes it. My computer was emitting a hi low siren upon start up that I read means CPU over heating. Now I am looking for help figuring out what I can to to fix the problem.

    10 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Alarm sounds in computer tower.?

    Let me start out by saying I am NOT very computer savvy. I am using a different computer to ask this question because mine is down. I have an HP, couple years old, can't tell you model or specs cause I don't know sorry.

    Sooooo here's the deal: I turn on the tower and monitor but a few minutes later an alarm sounds in the tower Beep Beeeeep beep beeeep and although the power button stays lit connection to the monitor, keyboard, and mouse are lost.

    Any ideas on what the problem could be?

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding 911: My milk supply is diminishing!?

    I am a first time Mom trying very hard to continue breastfeeding my now 3 month old daughter. For many reasons I have chosen to pump my milk and bottle it for my baby and until recently all has gone well. Suddenely, it seems my baby is eating more than I'm making and I don't know what to do! For the past 2 or 4 days, despite pumping every 1 1/2 to 2 hours my milk supply is very low. Does anyone have some advice on what else I can do to build up my milk?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Accident at work: Should I be worried?

    I am 19 weeks pregnant and despite it growing more difficult am continuing to work. My job is as a veterinary nurse so it is demanding in that the hours are long(sometimes 12+ hours), Besides lunch break I am on my feet constantly, and animals have to be restrained. Despite all my efforts to avoid dangerous situations(no x-rays, lifting over 30lbs) I had a situation yesterday that has me worried. While talking with an owner about the reason for her pet's visit, her excited and happy boxer came over and without warning jumped on me. She wasn't meaning to hurt me but in the process socked me with her paw right below the belly button where baby is. I wasn't in pain after wards so I continued to finish out my day but felt some discomfort when I urinated later. That night I was worried but didn't want to over react because I can still feel the baby moving. However, it is sore in that area and I keep feeling like my bladder is bruised...if that's possible. I say my bladder because that area is sore and it's most uncomfortable when I urinate.

    Is the baby well protected in the uterus at this stage?

    Do you think this could be a coincidental bladder infection coming on or something?

    If it were you would you be calling the doctor or waiting a little bit to see if it gets better after a few days?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Inconsiderate Neighbors...dogs & fence....what would you do?

    I really need some outside opinions on a problem I'm having with new neighbors. You see for four years my husband and I have lived in our home with our 3 dogs. We put up a 6 foot privacy fence as soon as we moved in so the dogs could enjoy free roam of the backyard when we let them out. We have always gone out with our dogs throughout the day, letting them out for 10-15 minutes at a time. If the dogs should start barking we always called them in so as to be considerate of our neighbors. Well, recently new neighbors moved in behind us and we share the back panel of the fence...actually it is theirs that we connected to with permission of the previous owner. I am usually a very patient person but these people are so inconsiderate I'm really getting fed up. For one they have about 5 kids that climb on trees up to the fence and antagonize our dogs. I'm worried if they ever fell over the fence our reached over something bad could happen. Of course the parents never seem to be watching them! I have also caught them throwing branches over the fence and I am not ok with anyone trying to hit my dogs! To top it off they recently got a 2nd dog...a very yappy little one that is constantly barking and growling at my dogs through the fence. Every time this happens I reprimand my dogs and bring them inside. What isn't fair in my eyes though is that they leave their dogs out all the time and never seem to take action when their dog starts picking a fight through the fence. I am concerned that this little dog will get his nose under the fence one day and meet the jaws of one of my bigger dogs....woul;d I be responsible? Now everytime my dogs go out with us instead of enjoying play and potty time it's kaos of them versus the little dog-there's barking, yelling, and me trying to seperate them and drag my dogs in since the owners ignore the situation. I've been trying to ignore their barking dog lately hoping eventually they'll grow tired of it and take action, buit here it is almost 8PM where I'm at and the dog is continuing on while they act oblvious.

    Is there any laws about leaving dogs outside unattended and being so disruptive with constant barking? What would you do?

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Advice on how to alleviate ovarian cyst?

    I am 27 years old and about 2 1/2 years ago I started having problems with ovarian cyst.I have no insurance but the pain has sent me to the emergency room several times. At one time they told me the cyst was 9 cm in size...I don't know if that's a big concern. The treatment is always the same, Here's an injection for pain and then a several thousand dollar bill arrives in the mail shortly thereafter. Does anyone who has experienced the pain and frustration of ovarian cyst have some tips they can share? Like, what methods have worked to treat your case? Does anyone know of more natural at home remedies? Please! I'm desperate for relief!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Help with stain removal. Any advice?

    I work at a vet's office and we have different colored scrubs that have to be worn on certain days. Well, this year the management not so wisely decided to order one color in canary yellow! As you can imagine they stain very easily. Unfortunately, my clumsy self spilled chilly on them the other night. It gets better though...I put them in the wash, went to bed forgetting about them, and the next morning half asleep and in a rush threw them in the dryer. Well, now I see that the chilly stain is still there, right across the front of my chest of all places, and I'm scared there's not much hope. I the dryer usually sets in stains but do you think there is any chance of getting it out? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. As I see it there's a good chance i already ruined them so I'll try anything.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in ghost? Tell me your story...?

    Just for the sake of curiosity, I wonder who out there believes that ghost exist. I am fascinated by it, and I love hearing stories of encounters! Tell me if you do believe, and if you've had any experiences please share them.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else seeing an increase in animal attacks?

    I work as a vet technition and in the past month we have seen atleast on injured animal a day due to an attack from another animal. People are being bitten as well, often when they try to intervene. We mostly see hurt cats and dogs but the bite wounds aren't just coming from other cats/dogs but wildlife too. Some of these cases are a family of pets that have lived in harmony for a longtime and then suddenly the other(s) just maul often the older more weak member. Small dogs are being attacked by the bigger stronger dogs. Cats are coming in with puncture wounds from other cats, raccoons, bobcats. We have also treated several dogs that were attcked and bitten by unknown wildlife. What is going on? Often the owners claim these fights were unprovoked. The injuries to the hind end and legs often show the victim animal was trying to escape. Some injures were so severe that a limb had to be amputated, a lung reinflated, inards put back. Something is very bazzare about this!

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Rabies Virus. Do I need to seek treatment???

    I am so frustrated right now. In my state(Florida) I am having a terrible time seeking help/advice regarding myself being exposed to a possible case of rabies.

    Here is the situation: I work in the vetinary feild as a technition. 5 days ago we had a dog come in with laceration and puncture wounds to the face and chest. Foolishly, we were ungloved for a short time while examining the dog's wounds until we were aware of the situation. We found out the dog had just been in a bad fight with a raccoon that morning.

    The vet is vaccinated agianst rabies but I am not. I found a sore on my thumb that I am concerned could have been an enrty point for the virus. I worry because these were fresh wounds(still wet) and the raccoon's salvia would have been in them-and I was bare handed with a sore on my finger!

    The health department isn't showing much support for me because the raccoon escaped and therfore it isn't a confirmed case of rabies. In this area though raccoons are a big carrier.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago

    I need some advice on the technique for adding low lights to my hair. I have long straight hair and will be doing this myself at home. I've had my hair professionally hi lighted in the salon many times and know foiling is the usual technique. If someone could give me a quick step by step how to that would be great. For example: What size should the foil be cut into? I start wrapping at the roots right? I don't think the foil will reach the legth of my I use two sheets? Do I need to section/part my hair off to achieve all over coverage? Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • B.A.R.F.-Raw Diet for dogs. Recipes & Tips?

    I have decided I want to feed a raw diet to my dogs. I've heard many good things about the diet and know of a couple people that have fed it for years. I undersatnd the basic idea of the diet, but need help getting started with it. If anyone has example recipes it would be very helpful. Also, when first introducing the diet to my dogs any tips on going about it would be great.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog has hair loss on tail...Conditions that might cause?

    I know a vet needs to see this dog and bloodwork done to be certain. However, I know there are some conditions that could cause this and would like to get some thoughts ahead of time. The dog is a long haired dauchund female(not spayed) that is around 5 years old. She recently started losing hair along her tail, just along the the tail bone. It looks like a rat tail and I know I've heard of some diseases that this can be a symptom of. Hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease are sticking out in my mind and I like your thoughts.

    Please don't mention fleas because I assure you she has none and the hair loss isn't anywhere else. She's isn't itchy either, the hair is just thinning almost completely gone along the vertabrae of her tail.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Ciprofloxcn for treatment of strep throat?

    I was recently around a family member who has been diagnosed with strep throat. I woke this morning with a sore throat. I really want to try and knock this out right away. I have plenty of Cipro 500MG in my cabinet. Is it effective agianst the strep bacteria?

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is the myspace tracker real or a scam?

    I've seen ads about this myspace tracker all over and I'm curious...does it really work? With all the scams out there I'm afraid to download anything without knowing. Any insight on this would be great, thanks!

    5 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago