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Lv 610,912 points

My Wicked Mind

Favorite Answers16%

I'm a reptile-crazy gal with some weird obsessions. I've got 9 snakes, as well as 2 dogs, which are pains in the neck! I absolutely am a metalhead. Here's a sampling of my fave artists: *Dream Theater *Ozzy Osbourne *Marilyn Manson *Ayreon *Opeth *Cradle of Filth *Arch Enemy But I have lots more, and plenty of others that I like a few songs here and there of :) I'm an atheist (which means I don't believe in God, Heaven, @#!*% , etc.) but that doesn't mean I don't have strong morals. I'm a pretty decent person (granted you get on the right side of me!) who does NOT eat pork, chicken, beef, lamb, turkey, etc. The only meat I'll eat is seafood. I'm not a hypocrite because I feed rodents to my snakes. I love my snakes, and I'll do whatever it takes to care for them properly :) I've got my own style that's totally different from anything else...goth, punk, edgy-ness basically sums it up. I have my own Na

  • How many calories should a 13-year old consume?

    I'm 13, 5'4" and 125lbs. I fast walk 3 hours a day. I'm trying to consume 1500-1600 a day. Is that right?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Healthy baby cottontails?

    How can you tell if a baby cottontail rabbit is healthy? we have 3, that we discovered right before Tropical Storm Debby hit and we have been monitoring the nest by placing a smallish stick over it to see if it is moved in the morning, meaning Mama is still feeding, and after 2 nights we took them in because it was not being moved.

    So we've been feeding them kitten replacement formula and now they are wandering around their enclosure, eating and peeing regularly, and pooping too, with round bellies. Each night they hop around and, come morning, they are all back in their "nest" together.Their eyes are open and alert, but I still want to know the signs that they are healthy. When she would stop feeding formula? Anything else we should know?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Importance of Double-Spacing?

    I'm already 190 Microsoft Word pages into my story, 95,000 words, and I just now found out about double-spacing. I want to self-publish, but now I am worried the letters and words will be all clumped together in the final draft (I'm not done yet, definitely another 6-8 months still). But I'm 190 pages in! It would take *forever* to highlight ALL that text. How important is it to double-space, and how can I double space my *whole* document?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How many words per page in a book?

    On a Microsoft document, I'm at Garamond 12pt and 177 pages in. Words per page ON THAT, in docoument form, is about 630, but obviously it's going to be a lot less if it gets published.

    So, with that being said, how many words per page would it be put at and about how many pages would it be at RIGHT NOW (considering I'm not even halfway through it yet...heh)

    Am I right to start to worry that this book is gonna be a monster? :/

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Have I eaten too much today?

    Today I had a peach banana smoothie, a brownie (shouldn't have but looked sooo good) a bowl of linguini with clam sauce and a handful of almonds. Walked dogs for an hour and 10 minutes and have done about 40 minutes of dancing. Too much??

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Dear Christians, how do you feel about this song?

    Personally, I feel like this song is a great way of getting the word of God out in a fun, family safe, musical way. How do you feel?

    Skip to 0:50 if you want to cut to the chase :)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have NO self confidence!!! :(?

    It's true...I have absolutely none...every moment of every day I think about how I could look better...every time I see somebody on TV--anyone at all-- I think about how much I wish I could be thin like them. That's all I think about...that's all I care about...

    3 of my friends that I hang out with most are all super skinny...Lexi is 5'8" and 119lbs...Sadie is 5'3" and 120lbs...Hailey is 5 foot and 85lbs...they're all really skinny. I'm just fat and ugly. Lexi is blond and gets ALL the attention from the guys. EVERYBODY loves her. EVERYBODY tells her how hot she is. Hailey is very pretty. Sadie and I never have any body compliment us. I shun cameras...I cry about pictures...I can't focus on anything else...I'm a SO self conscious...I cry all the time...I never feel accepted, I never feel pretty...I hate myself...when I think I look pretty, I see a photo from the same day and realize that I never looked like I thought I did...what can I do to feel better about myself? I hate living like this...I hate it...:( :(

    9 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago


    I was watching her swing and she saw me and got scared. I jumped on the other swing and mom came out. Emma got off the swing, started crying, grabbed my hair (I was holding onto the swing) and ripped it back, and as I was falling off the swing, grabbed my hair again and tried to pull me off!!!! She does all sorts of nasty s--t to me and nobody gives a crap! My mom always goes after ME for "antagonizing" and doesn't care that my sister tells me how she wants me to get my head cut off and be tortured and have my guts stabbed! She doesn't care that my sister bites me and rips out my hair and tries to pull down my shirt! NOTHING is fair! She's 9 and I'm 12 almost 13 and I'm ready to beat her! HELP!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    It had begun as every nightmare before did: pastel flowers painted gracefully onto a meadow side. The overgrown and lush grass danced in the wind and the sun was shining brightly. There was a tree that sprawled up at the sky in the middle of the meadow. Flowers and dainty leaves were supported by a thick trunk and small blossoms fell to the ground, the wind carrying them across the meadow so they were peppered every which way. It was a beautiful start to a ghastly expedition of a nightmare.

    Suddenly, a gray and wispy storm cloud would roll across the sun suddenly, obscuring its gentle rays. Evie would feel herself yearning to yell at the cloud to move away, for she longed for sunshine, but she could never utter anything. Evie doubted that she even existed in this part of the nightmare. But she found herself trying anyway every time. Thunder would rumble in the distance, and lightning would fork the sky in harsh streaks of crackling electricity. The once beautiful blue sky was now black and clad by angry thunderheads. The rain would begin, now, and it was as if each raindrop was acidic. One by one, the fallen blossoms would ignite and burn anyway, along with the fragile flowers. The grass would wilt to an ugly shade of gray green.

    At this part in the nightmare, it was revealed that the meadow was on a slant, the meadow itself being the highest peak. The viewpoint would shift to the right, unveiling a steep slant down to a stream. As Evie was watching, mud would begin to drip down and surge towards the once peaceful, now raging stream. Upon closer examination, Evie would find herself startled at the fact that it wasn’t mud; it was warm, crimson blood flowing towards the stream at a fast pace, and the blood kept coming, running down the slope and staining the clear water deep scarlet. Evie would watch in horror and the entire landscape would change suddenly.

    In this part, Evie would find herself watching a man dig frantically into the earth. His hands were raw from gripping the splintered shovel too tightly, but he kept working as if he were digging a pit under the order of Satan himself. But the worst part only came when she saw what was in the pit when he finally stopped digging.

    It was a grave, and even though Evie had seen the contents a hundred times, she could never get over the fear. Inside was the ripped and mauled body of a woman—or a man, for that matter, as the body was gnawed to bits, but she always knew it was a woman. When awake, Evie had known for years it was her mother, but the fact always slipped her mind in dreams.

    Suddenly, the viewpoint would surge into the mangled eyeball of the corpse, and she would find herself staring at a large raven with menacing eyes and plumage so black it looked purple, though no sun was visible in the backdrop, just grey, stormy skies. The raven would crow loudly, and then suddenly fly off as if its master had called it suddenly. It would leave behind a single black feather.

    Thanks :-)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I have a horrible stomachache! Help me!?

    I've had it forever. There's no reason for me to have a stomach ache. I haven't eaten a lot too much, I had 4 small pieces of pizza, some olives, a bowl of macaroni and broccoli and 2 shrimps and a popsicle and that is it! I feel like I'm hungry but I'm not and it hurts sooo bad. I took 2 anti-acids but they aren't working! :*(

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Rate these lyrics please!?

    1 (horrible) to 10 (amazing)

    P.S. My aim was obscure, cryptic, mind tangling lyrics. Are they too outright?

    Between a wrist

    So cold and cryptic, narcissistic

    And razor blades

    That tore a scrying moon

    Pleasure’s Black Lagoon

    Tempted an Eve with frosted stars

    To bare her open scars

    Tourniquet for nighttime mist

    With heaven’s scent impressed

    Into rent facades of bliss

    Stalking lands whence my heart had gone remiss

    Is now evermore…

    To lick the stars awake

    And chide their doused flame

    Until they burst to life again

    What hellish beasts do lurk here?

    Something that God has dared

    Has forsaken dormancy and malice-laced eyes glare

    Midian, hidden, but where

    The Lorded now cower, despaired.

    I see the angels as they fall from grace

    Torn dress and face

    Has fate tempted faith to lead them here?

    Seismic and impulsive

    Blasphemy and repulsive

    Scales write as an hourglass

    Chimes their lives away

    And yet Eden stays

    Evil laden and disdained

    Vicious beasts have been unleashed

    To saw through thorn and rose

    Or paradise supposed

    To defile any rich of health

    And beauty sleeps in @#!*%

    Where ashes fell like snow

    Once did to strike the chords of childhood

    A ground misunderstood

    To the Goddess they swoon, who

    Conjures distorted gloom

    To eclipse the moon

    And stand where I once stood!

    Nothing left; no good

    Only more red blood

    As dew upon the rose’s buds

    To weave the veil of fate

    And weed the garden free of any hate

    Remember me…

    Remember me!

    5 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Cradle of Filth songs where Dani sings?

    I know there are a few out there, like the Foetus of a New Day Kicking where he ACTUALLY uses his real singing's not that I dislike his growls/screams at all (I love them) I am just curious. Thanks :-)

    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • WHAT is going ON????? I dont' get it!?

    OK, so every time I try to access anything like my profile it tells me I don't exist. I'm not banned and I've been answering questions all day. What on EARTH is going on?? Sigh...

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • What does it mean when people put [ ]s around words?


    [my cat] was doing fine and now he is sick.

    I've read interviews where they are asked a question, and they will be talking, and then there will just be a random [...] around random words. I try taking the words out (as if it were being used to add a word that the original speaker didn't say) but nobody in their right mind would ever say that. Well, at least not anyone fluent in English. And everyone I like is. So WTH?? Sorry for being incredibly stupid :/

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • I feel like crap! Help me :(?

    I just started my period and I feel like crap right now. I really feel like just dying and not waking up until it's all over. I have a headache and I'm hot and I feel like I'm fat and ugly. I get realy painful stomach cramps a few times an hour and it doesn't last long but it hurts. I'm uber tired and hungry and most of all I'm super embarrassed. My mom was talking to me and I told her that I "didn't know" because I have a cut on my thigh (which I do) and I "didn't check" when I wiped. I would be FINNNE telling her but she had a hysterectemy in March so she doesn't get periods and if my dad and sis see her buying pads, they're going to look at me and know, and I feel like breaking down and crying because my sister will have a good laugh at me and tell all her friends and everyone she knows and I just don't like my dad right now as he's not communicating AT ALL with me the right way (trying to embarrass me is his way of bonding and he doesn't understand for some reason why I'm always pushing away from him, it's because every time I'm around him he mortifies me!) and that's not info I want him to know. Mom says she won't tell anyone but she's really hurt because the day it happened we were camping and I told my friend and not my mom. I feel like why did my body choose to do this to me now and not a year ago, so that it'd all be done and over with?! I want to cry and kill something and I normally love to listen to loud music on the computer and right now I just feel like I need something lighter and softer and my eyes sting and my throat is tight and I don't know what I can do to help this, wether it's just words of understanding or a medicine BUT I NEED HELP because I am GOING to lose my mind! I can't believe I have to deal with this for the rest of my life now!!!! I'm really jealous that my mom doesn't even get them and I don't and I just started crying AGAIN and I just need someone there for me and it seems like nobody is because I don't like to communicate with my mom in this way and I just want to break down and die, pleasse help meee :(

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Do you find LONG or SHORT hair more attractive on guys?

    I'm a girl and I just want to see other people's opinions. I'm not a guy asking how I should wear my hair :-)

    Anyway, short hair on guys is a major thumbs-DOWN for me. I mean, ick! Ok, sorry if I seem defensive, but I've seen questions like these where long hair is totally TRASHED. And I need to make sure there is SOMEONE here to stand up for long locks :)

    And when I say long, I don't mean stupid "emo" crap or whatever. I mean, like, long. (Yess, I am a Dream Theater fan :-) maybe that's where it all comes from haha..and on the topic, I was crushed when James cut his hair last year.)

    I'll stop my fangirl rambling now. So anyway, state opinions below. :-)

    11 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • POLL: Are You An Atheist?

    I aammm :)

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • How long until it fully emerges from the egg?

    Maya the corn snake laid eggs 5/17/11 and now today one of them has pipped. It is 7:30 at night and the snake has been pipped since morning. Should I expect him out tomorrow?


    1 AnswerReptiles10 years ago