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My wife refuses to wear lingerie?
I would love to see my wife dressed up more. All she wears is baggy pants, granny pyjamas and stuff. I bought some lingerie but she refuses to wear them. Im thinking about divorce.
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years agoWhy did my chemical romance break up?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago1. Which is the best definition of diction?
1. Which is the best definition of diction?
(Points : 5)
the use of figurative language
the use of a dictionary to learn foreign language
word choice
sentence fluency
2. Good writers:(Points : 5)
choose diction to go with purpose and audience
show off with formal diction
always simplify their diction
develop one style of diction and stick with it
3. The most natural way to develop diction is to:(Points : 5)
talk as much as you can
write as much as you can
read as much as you can
listen to professional speakers
4. Developing diction is; (Points : 5)
boring, dull and a waste of time
something scholars do all their lives
unnecessary to good writing
useless in terms of improving reading
5. As you develop your diction, you can collect words in your: (Points : 5)
Writer's Notebook
Writers' Workshop area
3 AnswersHomework Help5 years agohow do you pray for a persons hardened heart?
what do i say to God about this person for them to change and for God to fix their hardened heart?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoPass out game , side effects?
So as a teenager , and others, we decided to play the pass out game, where you squat down and hyperventilate for 30 seconds or so , then immediately stand up . Also known as a riser and can cause euphoria. We were all catching each other when we fell , but when my girlfriend did it she passed out for 4 seconds and it was really hard for her to breathe, I was going to call the ambulance but she said she could handle it , I was really nervous and can someone please help me and tell me why it was hard for her to breathe , btw she was on her period thanks .
3 AnswersPsychology5 years agoWhats the name of the song the goes oh yeah yeah that sounds a little like the red hot chilli peppers?
This song has been stuck in my head for ages. It goes like 'oh yeah, yeah' or someting similar in a high voice and has a backing to it as well. There is a guitar in the background and it sounds a little like a red hot chilli peppers song but I dont think it is. For some reason I think its been played towards the end of a movie(possibly recent), not sure if that helps at all. Sorry this is all pretty vague, any help would be great though!
2 AnswersLyrics5 years agowhat does this mean, "Follow your passion, chart your own course, march to the beat of your own drummer, follo?
Follow your passion, chart your own course, march to the beat of your own drummer, follow your dreams and find yourself
3 AnswersHoroscopes5 years agowhy dont they build a bridge from key west to cuba?
I would donate for this cause. Why do you say yes or no, and what are the facts?
3 AnswersCuba5 years agowill a car dealer buy my car it there still a balance on it?
i want to buy a new car but i dont want my current car balance to be add towards the new car
6 AnswersBuying & Selling5 years agoHow could you explain why soap is able to clean the oil and dirt off our bodies?
5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry5 years agoare two days enough for venice?
We are visiting Venice for two days. I heard it's not enough,but sadly our itinerary is already fixed for the next destination and cannot be changed. Any advice in how best Venice can be seen in two days? Please guide. Thank you.
Venice5 years agohow long will it take hair to grow from pixie cut to hip length?
? And how many inches a month does hair grow my sis said 1 or 2 inches while others said 1/2 1/4?? Thank you
6 AnswersHair5 years agoHow much should a beginner spend on a guitar?
Ok so I'm looking into getting a guitar, I already have some 'musical' experience since I played the clarinet previously.
I heard its best to learn on an electric guitar. I also heard that strings could break but how easily do they break. I mean I don't want to buy a guitar and have the strings break and have it be unusable.
I'm looking to spend $100-$150 max. Is it possible to get a good guitar that will last me a long time with this price? I really want to make this a good investment.
Also what are things i should look for when buying a guitar?
8 AnswersPerforming Arts5 years ago