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I've got idea I intend to share.

  • Is she cheating on me?

    My girlfriend of 3 months hasn't been wanting to hang out for the past 3 weeks (she lives close enough to commute to college so she lives at home, I live on campus). Recently she has been coming up with bleak and circumstantial reasons why she cant hangout like " I haven't had a day to myself in months". If we are free at the same time she wont want to drive 20 minutes to come over. Anytime she IS over she sets an alarm to remind herself to leave before it gets too late, and while that was understandable at first, she has been setting less and less time lately, the last time I got her to hang out was over a week ago and that was only for 30 minutes and only because it was after class. Recently its been taking her forever to reply to texts and its never anything I can respond to, Just "hahahaha" or "you're such a dork ;)"

    I have a hunch that she may be cheating on me. She shaved her legs the other day for the first time in over 6 months when she told me she wouldn't shave. I have not seen her since she shaved so it wasn't for me.

    Although, it is finals week at school and she has been studying and working hard lately to get **** done, so I assumed she has been neglecting me because she is lost in her books. She didn't even want to go on a 15 min walk for a study break. she is very passionate about her schoolwork, she puts school first. I hope I'm over reacting and I am just being paranoid ***** because this is my first serious relationship and I don't want to lose her.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how to go from foreplay to sex?

    I have no problem initiating foreplay and getting my girlfriend in the mood, but I never seem to know when to move on to sex. I've always had this problem with sex, not just with my current gf. We either end up making out with petting for a long time, or we strip each other and give manual stimulation.

    It's weird because I can get her off easily without penetration at all sometimes just dry humping does the trick, and she can get me off no problem, but I feel like an ultimate failure every time we are together because we didn't go all the way. I feel like she expects me to know when to stick it, but is disappointed because I never do. I feel like we have lesbian sex because I don't know when to, or even use my man parts at all. I guess if you think about it, I'm the one disappointed in myself for being inadequate.

    I know this is a conversation I should be having with her, but I want to impress/surprise her.

    The specific part I get stuck on is after we have been making out, I've rubbed her down, and she's bothered and ready, I freeze up because I don't have a condom on so I roll over next to her and use my hand instead. I don't want to just get up out of bed, go put a condom on, and return. it doesn't feel smooth enough for me. So if there was a way to make a smooth transition between the two I would be set.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • would you date or continue to date someone who has no money?

    If the person has a great personality, and is attending college but has no income would you date them?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I feel sick but I have no usual symptoms?

    For the past few days I've been feeling like I am about to get the flu. I can smell my sinuses producing something but there is no mucus. i have no headache, fever, cough, sneezes, sniffles, stuffy nose, sore throat. nothing. I've just been feeling mildly weak, and very hungry. I have also lost my sense of smell. all i smell is whatever my sinuses are doing, and i always smell that when im sick.I also feel stagnant, like i want to do things, but i dont want to move and i dont care about the consequences of staying put, such as missing class or missing hanging out with my lady friend.

    whatever mucus my sinuses are producing it is very pale and gooey. it is not much though. the smell i smell is kinda burning with a hint of musk or sweetnsalty. hard to explain, but it smells like something is brewing.

    this has never happened to me before, what is going on? am I about to get very sick, or is it a mild sickness?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • what is this feeling called?

    When there is something you need or want very much, but you cannot get to it due to geographical or circumstantial reasons. Since you cannot get to it right away you are afraid it will be taken by someone else.

    a combo of yearning and fear of loss. What is that called?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • how addictive is GTA 5?

    Will I constantly find myself up until 7am playing it, or will it get boring after a day?

    38 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • how do you know someone wants a relationship or sex buddy?

    If you've been hooking up with a girl for a few weeks, how can you tell if she has deeper feelings? What are the signs that she wants more than just your body?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • can you get individual cards sent from magic the gathering online?

    I know you can request entire sets to be send to your home if you have all the digital versions, but lets say I only wanted one card from the set. Is it possible to have that one card sent to me instead of the whole set?

    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • Is it legal to keep money from a vending machine?

    There is a vending machine here at my college that spews out money if you hit the return change button then open the door. It only gives back all of the money it ate throughout the day because this machine is notorious for eating money and not vending beverages. So people knowingly or unknowlingly put money into an out of order machine that does not give back money, nor drinks.

    basically I found the secret to get that money back. the money does not belong to the machine because it did not give the person their product, but I don't feel right keeping the money because it's not mine either. I want to turn it into the cashier desk, but it's not the schools money either, and it would be impossible to find who it really belongs to.

    I ended up getting about $7 in change in one go, and the other day I found $5 in change sprawled out in front of the machine. I do not abuse the system, and I will tell maintenance of the faulty machine.

    What do you think I should do with the money, and would it be legal to keep it?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • undiagnosed chest pain since a child?

    I am 21, and I have been having chest pains ever since I was about 8-9, give or take a few years I can't remember. The pain is always about skin deep on the left side, and it's a sharp prick. It never stays, and always goes as quick as it came, and I won't have another for days, sometimes months. Sometimes the prick is agonizing and makes me flinch from the pain, and other times it only feels like someone pulled on a chest hair lightly. The pains have not gotten more or less chronic, or severe then when they started, and I can go months sometimes without a pain, other months I have at least 3-4 a week. I have never told anyone about them, but I think it should be time to find out what it could mean. I know it could be life threatening, but I keep telling myself that I have made it this far with the problem why would it take me now. I could use some encouragement to see someone about it because the fear of death never got me into the doctors office. I also don't want to take it up with my family because my father just got out of the hospital and I don't want to worry him or anyone more right now.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • i've never caught a fish while lure fishing?

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I don't know whether it's the way I use them or the places I use them, but I never seem to have as good as luck as other people I've seen use them. I take their advice all the time on how to move and tease the lure, but it never works. I understand its hard to give advice to me if you can't see me fishing, but is there any general advice you can give that has helped you or others with a similar problem.

    I also never have luck with jigs or synthetic bait.

    The ol' worm on a hook never fails though.

    I would like to try catching sportier fish with lures because I'm getting sick of worm guts at the moment.

    I should mention that I have about 300+ casts under my belt with the lure and not once have I had anything but weeds and water. Hell I caught a 5ft muskie on a worm, but never the lure...

    7 AnswersFishing8 years ago
  • magic the gathering: preconstructed mill deck?

    I'm looking for a preconstructed mill deck for a friend. He likes Jace's dream puppets deck from duals of the planes walker 2013. I have searched all over the place but I cant seem to find anything like it. He would like to buy a preconstructed deck instead of building his own. I know it would be wiser to build his own, but he just wants to get one deck he really likes already made.

    2 AnswersCard Games8 years ago
  • who makes movie props?

    What is this job position called, and what are the requirements to become one? I'm about half way done with getting a BFA with a sculpture concentration and it would be absolutely amazing if it could get me involved in making props for movies or shows. I'm sure it would, but on the other hand I feel sculpture isn't the only thing I need, or if it even has any relevance.

    sculpture isn't just in clay, stone, and wood either. I've worked in plastics and metal all the time, and can make just about anything from an abstract potato to a functional contraption.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Do you think it's infected?

    On the morning of January 1st I accidentally kicked/bumped my foot on the faucet in my bathtub. I stubbed my 2nd toe's toenail on it. It hurt for a moment like I stubbed my toe but the pain went away a few seconds later.

    That night I look at my toe and there was blood everywhere, the toe was cold to the touch and the blood looked gooey. I didn't even notice all day that it was like that.

    A little bit later the nail started to throb and when I pressed on it pus oozed out which freaked me out so I quickly cleaned it with antiseptic whipes and covered the wound in a few bandaids.

    I cleaned the wound and changed the bandages for the past 2 days. Last night it started throbbing again and now the toe is inflamed and my toenail hurts when I step down on that foot.

    That whole toe was cold to the touch when I first discovered the blood, but it is just normal body temp now. not hot, or unusually warm.

    I would also like to point out that I have had the opportunity to not wear socks or shoes for the past few days which means my toe was not incubating in my sweaty shoes all day.

    I hope it's not infected but I've never had an actual infection before so I need some advice please.

    it is now jan 3th btw to add a time frame.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • What does it mean when a girl?

    What does it mean when a girl says yes to a date, but is absent when trying to place a day and time?

    absent as is not responding to questions or statements about day and time. There was one point when she told me she was free one day, and wanted to come out and asked me if I was free that day. It just so happened that I WAS free that day, and I told her so. She stopped talking to me before I could tell her the plan and that day has passed without any word from her. I feel like an idiot.

    I don't really feel like beating it out of her with 10 broken record messages and a lecture, but at the same time I don't think that would solve anything. I WOULD much rather love to call her instead, but I assume she doesn't like to talk on the phone with me since the last 2 times I tried calling she let it go to answering machine and continued to just text me after instead.

    The thing that kills me the most is that on 3 separate occasions she has told me that she really wants to meet up with me. Her actions obviously speak differently though, which is making me lose a lot of respect, and fondness I had for her.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • what do women respect in a man?

    You can mention personality traits, his lifestyle, or anything for that matter.

    And for contrast, please write what women can't or won't respect.

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago