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Sticky leaves on young cherry tree?
My cherry tree has sticky new leaves but I don't see aphids. What can I do
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape3 years agoRec'd Email from "yahoo' to cancel for non use.?
Email states that Yahoo will cancel me for non use of my account. I use it every day. There was no info t correct this in the Email. Now what?
2 AnswersPassword and Sign In4 years agoBest way to save unused paint?
I would like to save about a pint of unused paint for future touch ups. I don't want to save it in the gallon can. Glass Jar? Plastic container? Maybe an unused paint can from the store?
I plan to save some and mix the rest with some white paint for a different hue.
Thanks for your opinions.
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years agoHow to rid crepe myrtle tree of aphids.?
My young tree is slowly being killed off by aphids. Leaves turning and falling off and blooms dying.
I've tried the detergent and water bottle but hard to work with a 10ft tree. If I spray an insecticide, I would kill off the praying mantis as well...Help. I am in zone 9 or 14 CA where it is hot and dry.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoStopping automatic donation?
I have two donations that are automatically made on a credit card. What is the best way to have them stopped? The c/c does not seem to have the right to do that. Do I just write a request to the foundations or will I have to go through demand letters or cancel the c/c's.
I'm sure these two foundations will not be happy or eager to oblige a casual phone request.
1 AnswerCredit9 years agoDual pane window replacement?
I have a seal leak in the fixed glass side of a large window. Will I need to replace the whole window or just get the one replaced? The one side is 34x45 Millard vinyl clad alum. Guess on the price to repair? Will it be OK until spring? I know it won't have the same E value.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoOlder cat becoming neurotic?
13 yr old male (indoor/outdoor) had a case of fleas and now a minor case..same with my other two cats. He has ripped out some of his fur, became more needy and vocal with his needs, sprays when I don't let him in my bedroom and just a royal pain. He has always had these mannerisms but not to this extent and now, its just over the top. Is it just old age? No new cats or homelife changes.
1 AnswerCats1 decade agowhat happened to my yahoo toolbar?
Its the toolbar with the weather,answers,etc at the top of the page.
2 AnswersYahoo Toolbar1 decade agoskype with yahoo as homepage?
I want to get skype but will it show up as an icon or will I have to go thru some hoops because I use Yahoo as a home page.
I'm beginning to rethink using yahoo as a home page.
Any thoughts?
2 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoRescued a loose budgie today?
I saw a budgie eating my wild bird seed and could get a foot away before it would fly away and then later while he was on a tree branch, I placed some bird seed in my hand and he would eat it. I then reached behind him and picked him up and placed him in a small cage.
He has one foot that can not grasp on to the perch and one wing that he has trouble tucking in. He has eaten and has water but he has not made one sound. Seems calm but I think he had more flying room.
I live in CA and in zone 9. It will get to 100 in the summer and down to freezing with wind and rain in the winter. I think he would do OK in the summer but not the winter and the the scrub jays are known for attacking other birds.
I'm sure he escaped from someone, maybe an avery. He flys very well.
Should I release or try to place him. Want to do the best thing......thanks
7 AnswersBirds1 decade agoIs it a ranch or farm?
There are no wrong answers!
What would make property a farm or a ranch? Livestock vs Produce? Acreage? House on the property?
Your answers will vary from state to state so please tell us your local.
This not a earth shattering question. It's just a curiosity on my part.
I could not find a category for this this question but would entertain suggestions.
5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoPlumbing contractor question?
My city is putting in new water mains. The water enters the house in the back right now and will be reconnected to the new line and enter the house from the front. This will mean that the water flow will be reversed for some pipes (not the hot water).
The house is old (50yrs) and I'm wondering if the change will have an adverse effect on my pipes especially when it is first turned on.
Any thoughts or experiences would help.
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoPressure treated fence long should they last?
8ft post sunk in cement and a vinyl sleeve over them for fencing were installed with vinyl fencing about 5 years ago. This last year they are almost all loose...dropping like flies. Water is not an issue. It rains 5 or 6 inches a year. Wind is a problem but were they installed wrong? I haven't dug down it see any rot yet.
They will all have to be reinstalled. What can I do the next time to avoid this?
I hate to see pipe put in because of the sleeve. Help
7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWifi laptop using a dialup router line?
I have desktop dialup and router system....all good for me.
My friend has a Wifi laptop that she can't use due to her location.
Can she come over and use my connections...router/ethernet etc?
I know that I would have to disconnect mine for her.
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoCalla lily..bloomed,now what?
Just purchased a bloomed out calla lily (zantedeschia aethiopica), potted and raised to bloom for christmas. OK it was cheap!
Do I just cut it back and set in dirt (zone 9) and let it re-adjust to the seasons or what? Any prep that I should do? I don't expect blooms in spring.
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoyahoo ask for sign in and info?
yahoo just asked for sign in info and password. this never happened before.....did i get breached? i just had a problem with going into a bad site.
2 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade agoDealers...clunker question?
After taking in a clunker and filing for rebate, will you have to prove that you had it crushed? Can it be sold at auction (in another state) or in Mexico? Or do you have to turn in the title at time of filing?
I had been in the business for many years but this sounds like a real a huge nightmare and filled with pitfalls for the business, just to get $ from the government.
4 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade agoWhat can I do to legally stop the noise?
I'm at the end of my rope. My neighbor,who's window is 10 ft from my window, plays the music in his room so loud that it can be heard 50ft away outside. He opens his window and cranks up the music 'gangster rap' so loud that his window vibrate. I have called the police a couple of times and he turns it down but I don't see an end to it.
He is about 20yrs and lives with his dad who works 10hrs a day.
Public nusense, has to stop.
PS I'm a single 60yr female.
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago120% best
Check this out....
Go to my profile, answers, the guy with the broken leg and wants an online job (third one down) and then follow sandman who got best answer. He shows 10 answers and 12 chosen for best answer.....How did he do that!!!
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago