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Alcohol, Led Zeppelin, Spirituality, Political Philosophy. "Turn on, tune in, drop out."

  • What are some publishing companies that specialize in political books?

    I'm thinking about writing a book of politics, in the vein of Abbie Hoffman or Jerry Rubin. Are there any publishing companies that specialize in this type of work, or am I asking the wrong question altogether? I'm not aware of how the publishing business works; and I've got no clue how to go about self-publishing if it comes to that? I just really need some answers. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Any great modern (Jazz, Classic Rock, Alt) versions of classical music?

    For instance, Jethro Tull's version of Bouree... thanks a lot, guys. Also, I'm not too crazy about the electric guitar shredding kind of stuff... I respect it greatly, it's just not my style... I'm more into bebop, classic rock... something less "shrill," if you like. Grazie...

    5 AnswersClassical9 years ago
  • Which companies provide the best/worst standard of living for employees?

    Here's the deal. I've come to terms with the fact that we are, currently, living in a hellish corporate bureaucracy. Given the situation, I would like to spend the rest of my life avoiding as many big-name capitalist institutions as possible. I do, however, require certain things as a human being living on this earth. I eat, I drink, I smoke, I use technology. We're living in the 21st century here. I've got to make a living for myself, and it remains against the law to go fishing without a licence or grow your own tobacco in certain areas. Where could I spend my cash in good conscience?

    Which companies provide their low-level employees with the best pay? Are there any websites that provide this type of information? If not, is there any personal advice you could give me about your own choices I live in Central PA, if that helps. I do support any small business I can. I avoid Wal-Mart and McDonald's at all costs, etc. When small business is nowhere to be found locally, though how do you suggest I handle these things? Are there any large corporations that treat their employees well? I'm curious.

    Help me out with this. And, if you don't understand why I'm doing this, you're just another braindead, self-obsessed American loser, destined for a miserable factory life. I urge you to open your eyes, too.


    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • What movie features "Brand New Day" by Van Morrison?

    I really dig the song, and I know it was on some film I've seen recently -- it might have come out back in the '70s or it could have been released in the past ten years, I don't know. It's just bothering me, so let me know of any films which feature this tune, if you will. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Question about Catholic Marriage?

    I'm aware that it's standard practice for Catholics to go through counciling or whatever before they can be granted the Sacrament. Here's my question. Is there a set amount of time one must wait, or a set of general/specific guidelines to be completed at the most appropriate pace? Does it make a difference if the couple had been together for a long time beforehand? What all does this entail? Thanks.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Question for Catholics, age 18-25?

    Atheist brothers and sisters, let it be known. Any offensive answers will be swiftly reported and tracked down to the full extent of my abilites. I don't play those silly games, and I expect the same level of decency from you. Deal?

    On to the questions:

    (1) How do you describe your political beliefs?

    (2) What kind(s) of music are you interested in?

    (3) Any favorite books?

    (4) List your ten favorite films?

    (5) Tell me your age and gender.

    I'd appreciate throrough answers, if you may. Thanks.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is there any good psych-rock/punk scene on the east coast? (PLEASE READ DETAILS)?

    I'm a multi-intstrumentalist from Central PA, but I mainly play guitar. I'd like to start a band that would be inspired by everything from Led Zeppelin to Dead Kennedys to John Coltrane to Radiohead, etc. Here's my problem. Most people who play around here seem to be involved in ridgid genres, i.e. HXC (not punk), simplistic Indie/pop-punk stuff, cover bands, etc. My question is this...

    Where should I re-locate in order to find a decent scene? I KNOW, most "scenes" typically aren't too inventive nowadays, but is there a specific area(s), somewhere along the Northern East Coast where like-minded musicians thrive? It's an odd question to ask, and it borders on the super-group mentality; but I'm bleedin' tired of trying to teach people to play from square one, or trying to get in with bands who play music I've got no interest in.

    Please, help out if you can.


    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Is Ray Liotta a film producer, as well as an actor?

    I thought I read somewhere (awhile back) that aside from being an actor, Ray Liotta also ran a production company or something. Now, I can't find anything on that. I could be wrong, but I don't know why I'd have that illusion in my head for so long if it weren't at least partially true. I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out, because it's kind of a hard/specific thing to search for on Google or whatever. Thanks

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Radiohead fans -- create a Greatest Hits tracklist?

    I know most of the albums work incredibly well together (not to say they're all concept albums), but I noticed they didn't put out a Greatest Hits album... give me your top 20 tracks, and I'll do the same once I think more about it. Peace and love.

    5 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Skin problem -- read details, please?

    Here's the deal. I've got what's best described as a blemish or something on my right side. It's about the size of my thumb (a little bigger), and it's relatively new. Compared to the rest of my skin, it's slightly red around the edges and slightly darker in the middle. When I brush my fingers over it, the skin feels a little loose, like a blister. WHAT COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE? Is this something I should be concerned about?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Can you name a single U.S. politician who is anti-war, anti-abortion, and anti-Reaganomics?

    When you think about what causes the most deaths, from a political sense, the top three would almost innevitably be war, abortion, and poverty. BQ: Why do you think there is no major candidate who is willing to stand up against all three?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Atheists: Spiritually speaking...?

    What are your views on John Coltrane?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What are some cool, original PS2 video games a guy like me would enjoy?

    I'm not crazy about video games, but I like to play them every once and awhile. Most of my collection is getting played out. My favorites are the Tony Hawk Games, Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition, and the Crash Bandicoot series (specifically the early stuff).

    I'm really into customization and create-a-modes, as well as good old-fashioned fighting games, so I play my old professional wrestling games every once and awhile, but there's no interesting storyline or premise to the game itself.

    I'm not at all into military games like COD, they're way too boring and far too patriotic for me. The Sims and games like it make me want to vomit. Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts bore me to death. I just want a game with a realistic goal, creative interaction, preferably multi-player experience, and classic gameplay. Is that too much to ask?


    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Breaking Bad - Why did Walt get his son drunk?

    In Season 2 of Breaking Bad ("Over"), Walt gets his son drunk at a party. I was wondering why he did this. My interpretation of it was that he was trying to make him a man or something. But, then, in the next scene between the two, Hank seems dissappointed when his kid mentions that he kept up with the men (by drinking as much as them). Could this be Hank's regret showing through, or am I getting this situation all mixed up to begin with? What did you guys think about this whole thing? Any interpretations will be appreciated. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Would you watch a movie like this? >>> (see details)?

    I'm thinking about making a documentary, where I go to big cities and interview homeless people, sincerely talking about where they came from, how they got to be where they are, anything interesting about them, etc. The point of it would be -- without sounding pretentious or degrading -- to remind the audience that homeless people are in that situation for a reason; that it doesn't matter who you are, where you live, or what you believe in; we're all in the same boat... I know, it's beginning to sound preachy, but that's NOT how I intend to make the film. Understand? Of course, all those interview would be payed no less than anyone on the staff (which would probably consist of only myself and the camera/lights/sound guy). What do you guys think?

    Would you see it? Why or why not?

    Are there any questions you would ask them?

    Have there been any other films like this?

    Thanks, guys.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Would you call this peice of furniture a partition?

    I'm writing a screenplay, and the idea involves one person in the kitchen interacting with one person in the living room, in the same basic layout as the house in this clip... would you please tell me the name of this thing so I don't look dumb in the screenplay, lol. Here's a video of what I'm talking about.

    Thanks much;


    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Health: If somebody slits their wrists, and stays overnight at the hopsital, how much would it cost?

    Relax, I'm not suicidal, but I'm writing a film where one of the characters cuts her wrists, and her boyfriend needs to pay in cash because they have no health insurance. It's important that I have a range of dollars to work in because it sort of ties in with the plot. How much would it cost for all the stitches, and are there any other procedures done? I would like a cost range, if you can. Thanks a lot. Peace.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago