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Where exactly is the fuel filter located a 2001 mitsubishi galant 4 cylinder?
autozone said its pass side, upper firewall, in fuel line. need more specifitics.
3 AnswersMitsubishi9 years agoFuel filter question?
I have a 2002 Mitshubishi Galant, 4-cylinder. Don't know much more than that, but I need to change the fuel filter and someone said the filter is inside the fuel pump instead of separate and on the outside. Is that true? It's hard to believe that you would have to buy a fuel pump just to change the filter. Please give me whatever info you have. Thanks!!
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoLooking to make some extra money from home?
I have a full time job mon-fri, but I'm a single mom and need extra money. I don't want to have to mess with babysitters too much so I was wondering what would be a good way to earn extra money on the side. I thought about cleaning houses that way my kids can go with me or learning how to do taxes and do them out of my home, but what else is there to do? Please don't say anything porn, I seriously need to earn extra money. Is there jobs are out there that you can do over the internet so you can stay home but isn't full time? If anyone has any suggestions and knows how to get started, please give me info. Thanks!
12 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoQuestion about antiques?
Does anyone know of any good websites to look up information about antiques? In other words, if I have the info, can I put in the info and find out how much it's worth? Or find out the era of the piece? Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoFormula for finding the volume of a cylinder?
I forgot what it was. Can someone refresh my memory?
Thanks in advance!!
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoCan anyone tell me what these #'s mean?
I'm thinking about buying a laptop from someone and wonder if it would be a good buy. I mainly need it for school and maybe watching videos but that's about it. I want it to have good speed and memory so I'm going to give you the description the guy gave me and need someone to tell me what the all the numbers mean to me. Thanks alot for all your help!!!!!!!! ( By the way it's a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop.)
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoQuestion about a child's rights in Texas.?
My son is 12 years old. He doesn't want to go to his dad's anymore because he says he feels that his dad doesn't pay attention to him and treats his other children (from other women, not me) like they're better. He's sick of it after all these years. When I talk to his dad about it he says it isn't true. Of course I'm not there to witness any of this, but I believe my son. Anyway, we went to court in 1997 for child support and visitation, but I seem to remember the judge saying something about our son having the legal right to refuse at a certain age. I can't afford an attorney right now to ask and everywhere I tried to call to get an answer just told me to get an attorney. I'm going to the public library to see what's there, but I thought if there is such a law, wouldn't it be written in a book somewhere for the public to have access to? Wouldn't it be a law pertaining to all cases in general, or just case by case? Please help, there's more than I can type and he just wants out.
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoQuestion about painting a SMALL kitchen.?
I really do have a very small kitchen where all the appliances and the sink and countertop are all side-by-side. Everything is white right now including the ceiling, countertop, and cabinets. I was wondering if I remove the cabinet doors and paint the inside one or two shades darker than the walls, will it look good? And if so, what would be a nice color? After I decide on a color, then I'll decide on a floor tile. But first the color. There's only one window, but alot of light comes through so I never have a problem with that. I even thought about removing only the top cabinet doors and leaving the ones under the sink or maybe putting material or curtains for the bottom cabinets. As long as it doesn't look too country or cottege style. I like more modern or transitional. Any helpful advice?
7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoPlease help with this color problem before I buy any paint!?
Okay, I always heard if your kitchen and dining room ajoin, then you should bring colors from one room into the other. My kitchen right now has everything white (appliances, cabinets, & ceiling) so that's good. But my dining room has burgandy carpet that I can't afford to replace right now. I prefer warm colors, but it doesn't have to be warm. I hope one day to replace the carpet for a neutral color. Anyway, what color should be the one for my kitchen walls that I can bring into my dining room with the dark carpet? I haven't painted my dining room walls yet, so I need an idea for that too. I really don't have a color scheme. I just moved in not too long ago and really don't want to sink alot of money into this house. It's my grandfathers old house and I don't plan to stay here forever, I just want a cosmetic lift to make it comfortable while I'm here. My dining room furniture is mainly oak color. Any ideas?
11 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoHelp with painting furniture.?
I was wanting to decorate my daughter's ceiling fan and was wondering if I can place stickers on the blades for decoration and cover them with a few layers of a poly coat so they can be wiped clean. Will it work? If not, what's a way to decorate them if I'm not a very good painter?
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoIs Stopzilla okay?
I posted a question about my computer popping up a window that I had malware and to scan my computer to check for infections, but now have discovered that it was actually a malware!! Someone suggested Stopzilla and so I installed the trial version and it said it quaratined them but to remove them I would have to buy a subscription (with varying prices). I'm dumb when it comes to security systems and was wondering if this Stopzilla is for real or not. Is there other sites that are good or even better that I can use (preferably free) to remove these infections? Stopzilla said I had 92 infections most from the malware-scanner window that popped up and another called spyshredder & vxgame.B. Please give me any info that will help. Should I always enter with safe mode and how do I with windows xp professional? (Sorry about all the questions, but I'm really that unaware about the security systems out there)
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoHELP!! Computer security problems!?
A few minutes ago I was trying to get on the website of a local tv station to read the news when all of a sudden this window pops up saying I had malware detected! Malware.2.1 I believe it was scanned the computer and said their was 75 threats detected and another window popped up to pay 39.99 to remove the malware. I don't even know what malware is! Anyway I decided to go to my security on the computer and did a virus scan and it detected -0- threats. Am I okay? Do I need to purchase this "malware" stuff? I actually don't really know what my computer has installed for such things but it is a XP professional version. Can anyone help me with this and explain a little bit about what I need to look for, watch out for, or settings in my security that I might need to adjust? What do I need to look for to make sure a site is safe to go on? I have kids and I might need something to make sure when they are on there that they don't open something that they aren't supposed to and let in a virus
7 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoPlumbing question.?
The water's running in the toilet. The float (?) needs to rise just a hair higher to stop the water from running. What do I need to do to fix this?
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHelp with fleas! (Have you heard of this remedy?!)?
My momma cat had kittens and got fleas when outside (hasn't been outside for awhile) and now the kittens have them. I don't see them anywhere except on the cats, but I still need to treat them as well as the house. I know many have said to use Frontline on the cats, but have you ever heard of using peppermint oil for the house? I read that fleas hate it and so it repels them (maybe kills them). If you know anything about this, please let me know. Just curious for a home remedy.
11 AnswersCats1 decade agoQuestion about office work/data entry?
Does anyone know what SAP is? I thinks it's software, like Microsoft Office. If you know what it is, can you briefly explain it? thanks!!
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoBasic info on Pell Grants?
I was wondering how long are you allowed to go to school on a Pell Grant? How does this grant work aside from not having to pay back. Sometimes I can take 3 classes a semester and sometimes only 2. But overall how many classes are we allowed? What if I change my major? Does it start over? Any info (in plain english please) would be helpful. Thanks
2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade agoIt's too hot! Do you think this idea will work?
I live in a 3 bedroom house and have window units in 2 bedrooms (my kids') and the living room. Nothing in my bedroom and I don't want to run them all night anyway. My electric bill would skyrocket! I was wondering if running a humidifier in our rooms at night and turning on the ceiling fan full speed to try and circulate the mist would help cool down the room. Has anyone tried this? Do you think this will work?
10 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHelp with Ceramic Tile Please!!?
I have ceramic tile in my bathroom and I don't like it. It's extra slippery and very cold in the winter. Yes I do use a rug but the parts that are exposed are cold. I want to put those peel-n-stick tiles on top of them, but what do I have to do to prepare the floor if it's even possible to do this? Thanks in advance for any tips and advice!
7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoThank You Yahoo Answerers!!!?
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to give their knowledge about the things they know. It really helps alot of us out here! A couple of months ago, I was about to call a repairman about a problem I was having with my fridge but decided to try Yahoo Answers first. And I'm so glad I did! The answer I got from APPLPRO was the exact answer the problem needed! I've been to busy too try the advice, but I just tried it and was able to fix it myself and save money, and to a single mom on a budget, it was a real blessing! So don't stop answering those questions, because you're answer might be just what someone needs to fix a problem. Thanks again APPLPRO!! You're the best!
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoInfo please?
I can't afford a tiller, and if I rent one I'm not sure I'd be done before it's due back. Is there another (cheaper) thing I could do to turn the topsoil so I can rake the weeds out and plant new grass? (Besides digging it up with a fork! I know at least one person was thinking it! lol)
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago