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Moving and can't keep my hermit crabs - what should I do?
I'm from the Poughkeepsie, NY area and own two small hermit crabs. Unfortunately, I'm moving to Arizona in less than a month, and it doesn't look like I can take the crabs with me on the plane.
Do you guys know if animal shelters take hermit crabs? Should I go back to the pet store? Try craigslist?
Any advice appreciated thank yu ~
2 AnswersOther - Pets6 years agoMom disrespects relationship with my boyfriend?
So I'm a senior in high school, 17, and have been in a relationship with the same guy for about a year. Early on in our relationship, my mom called us "friends" to everyone despite my repeated corrections, but I didn't see it as a big deal at the time.
Also early on, she repeatedly would bring up boys that liked me in 7th or 9th grade and hint that I should date them. Again, I asked her not to do that, but didn't argue too much.
But now that it's been a year, I'm getting pretty sick of her acting this way. Today in an unrelated argument, she interjected "Joseph likes you", for no apparent reason. This is a random boy that I knew three years ago, and he had no place in the conversation we were having.
I asked her, very calmly and politely, if we could finish our conversation later, as I didn't appreciate that comment. No voice raised, no sarcasm; please just take this on my word, I know I'm a teenager and it's easy to assume my tone was disrespectful, but it honestly wasn't.
This led to her calling me arrogant and bitchy, and her storming out of the room in a fury.
I was wondering if anyone out there has problems like this, and how I can get it through to her that constantly undermining my relationship like this isn't going to fly if she wants to have an adult relationship with me. I feel like we're stuck, and that we can't get to the point yet where she respects my decisions, not just in this regard but in basically everything.
Also, just to clarify, this boy I'm dating is very nice. He's super polite to my parents, almost comically so, and we're just some nerdy marching band kids (meaning we don't drink, sneak out, curse, anything bad at all). So the problem isn't him at all. As for me, straight A student, I'm always spending time with family, I help around the house and I think generally I'm a pretty manageable kid, as far as teens go.
I'm very confused on how to proceed, considering I'm going to college in less than a year. I'd like to have resolved some of these issues by then.
Thanks to whoever answers, I will pick best answer <3
2 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoMom won't respect relationship with boyfriend?
So I'm a senior in high school, 17, and have been in a relationship with the same guy for about a year. Early on in our relationship, my mom called us "friends" to everyone despite my repeated corrections, but I didn't see it as a big deal at the time.
Also early on, she repeatedly would bring up boys that liked me in 7th or 9th grade and hint that I should date them. Again, I asked her not to do that, but didn't argue too much.
But now that it's been a year, I'm getting pretty sick of her acting this way. Today in an unrelated argument, she interjected "Joseph likes you", for no apparent reason. This is a random boy that I knew three years ago, and he had no place in the conversation we were having.
I asked her, very calmly and politely, if we could finish our conversation later, as I didn't appreciate that comment. No voice raised, no sarcasm; please just take this on my word, I know I'm a teenager and it's easy to assume my tone was disrespectful, but it honestly wasn't.
This led to her calling me arrogant and bitchy, and her storming out of the room in a fury.
I was wondering if anyone out there has problems like this, and how I can get it through to her that constantly undermining my relationship like this isn't going to fly if she wants to have an adult relationship with me. I feel like we're stuck, and that we can't get to the point yet where she respects my decisions, not just in this regard but in basically everything.
Also, just to clarify, this boy I'm dating is very nice. He's super polite to my parents, almost comically so, and we're just some nerdy marching band kids (meaning we don't drink, sneak out, curse, anything bad at all). So the problem isn't him at all. As for me, straight A student, I'm always spending time with family, I help around the house and I think generally I'm a pretty manageable kid, as far as teens go.
I'm very confused on how to proceed, considering I'm going to college in less than a year. I'd like to have resolved some of these issues by then.
Thanks to whoever answers, I will pick best answer <3
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoI found a stray kitten, help?
I'm not at all a cat person, so I'm pretty clueless about what to do.
It's about 6 weeks old I think, it wandered into our backyard just meowing very sadly. We gave it some milk and dog food, and over the course of two days lured it into our guest bedroom/bathroom area where it is now.
I have two dogs and a dad with allergies, so I can't keep it. The animal shelter zoned for my area is a kill shelter, and my mom doesn't want to risk putting the kitten there. What should I do now, it's in my house?!
Also, I read you shouldn't give cats cow milk, but this kitten already had like three little plates of milk over the past couple of days. It wasn't drinking water I put out, and it would only go for the milk, but will it be okay now?
I live in so cal if anyone knows a rescue group or something I can give it to. We just want it to be somewhere safe as soon as possible. I have two dogs that will often kill lizards and mice, and I don't know how they would react to this kitten. I have the cat very secure from the dogs, and it doesn't seem to mind them barking at all, but I'll need a solution in the next couple of weeks if any of you have ideas. Thank you!!
7 AnswersCats9 years ago¿Cosas que debo hacer en La Coruña?
Mi madre y yo somos turistas americanas, y vamos a quedarnos allá por cinco días este verano.
¿Cuáles cosas interesantes pueden Uds. decirnos sobre esta ciudad maravillosa?
Restaurantes, museos, playas, festivales, y cualquier otra cosa que puede decirnos.
Lo siento por mi español, estoy aprendiéndolo. ¡Gracias!
2 AnswersGalicia9 years ago¿Estaré en Madrid por dos días. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Voy a viajar allá con mi familia. ¡Nunca hemos visto a Madrid!
Vamos a ver el palacio real, el teatro real, el parque de retiro, y algunos museos.
Otras cosas por favor, no tendré mucho tiempo pero quiero conocer más bueno a esta ciudad maravillosa.
Lo siento por mi español, estoy aprendiéndolo (soy americana). ¡Gracias!
2 AnswersComunidad de Madrid9 years agoAre these good SAT II scores?
I took three and got the following:
730 Spanish (not listening)
740 Literature
790 US History
I know the history is good, but are the other two? I'm looking at colleges at or near the ivy league caliber, anyone know if this is good enough?
2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years agoDad lost his job, what to do?
He was the CEO and the company was relatively new, and just all of a sudden it happened. Apparently the Executive Chairman, whose family I spent quite a bit of time with this summer, was angling against him for a say that I'm angry is an understatement.
Anyhow, have any of you guys gone through this before? Like, what can I do? We have enough money saved up, but I just feel frustrated and helpless and don't know what to do. Yea, I'm gonna stop typing now because this is turning into a rant....meh...
6 AnswersAdolescent10 years agoDad lost his job, what to do?
He was the CEO and the company was relatively new, and just all of a sudden it happened. Apparently the Executive Chairman, whose family I spent quite a bit of time with this summer, was angling against him for a say that I'm angry is an understatement.
Anyhow, have any of you guys gone through this before? Like, what can I do? We have enough money saved up, but I just feel frustrated and helpless and don't know what to do. Yea, I'm gonna stop typing now because this is turning into a rant....meh...
2 AnswersFamily10 years agoDo children have to stand for the pledge in US schools?
I know they don't have to say it, but do they have to stand and "show respect"?
My friend's little brother is atheist and he really doesn't wanna say it (IDK if his atheism is the reason why or not), and his teacher and him had this awkward stand off.
So do you know if standing is compulsory, or if the teacher was out of line?
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years agoIs this a good or bad definition of atheism?
"Atheism is the belief in nothing, the belief that there are no beliefs."
My neice got this from her AP US History teacher.
Scale of 1-10, how good or bad is it? (1=bad, 10=epic)
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoIf yaweh is real, why did he create humans?
As a perfect being, he couldn't be lonely.
Why would he have wanted us to exist?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoGrandmother secretly baptised my cousin?Meh?
SO yeah this question is pretty much self-explanatory, but here's some details.
Grandma = devout Irish Catholic, Aunt/Uncle/New Baby Cousin = Baptists.
I feel like I should tell them now that I know, but I'm not sure. Is it my responsibility to tell them, or should I just let it go? I don't believe the whole baptism thing is or ever was anything more than a symbolic ritual, but I know my Aunt and Uncle believe otherwise.
Opinions in general or about my situation are fine. Go!
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhat do some people have against jews?
I was listening to some jewish music on youtube, and of course all of the most recent comments are along the lines of "i love nazi" or "f*cking jew".
Why do people think that's okay?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy is the His Dark Materials book series considered atheist?
This is the series with Northern Lights/The Golden Compass as the first book.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoMother worried about ghosts?
I don't believe in ghosts for one, and my mother has been insistent this week that my dead grandmother's ghost visited her. The evidence:
-a dream in which she saw her
-someone (or the ghost) ding dong ditched our house
-upon leaving my deceased grandmother's house, some song came on that was about goodbyes
Do you think this evidence constitutes an encounter with a ghost?
If not, how can I convince her so? She is pretty freaked out over it :P
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoAtheists/agnostics: Expressions like "oh god!"?
Do you ever find yourself saying this kind of thing? Just curious :P
26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoAria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood full text?
I need to annotate this for school, but the link given to me is broken. EEK.
Please, if you know where I can find it tell me! I'm desperate!
1 AnswerHomework Help10 years agoHow many people know what Zoroastrianism is?
Without googling it?
Just curious.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago