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  • What's up with this girl?

    So yesterday I was talking with one of my female friends, who I am voluntarily just friends with. During the conversation, she mentioned that she was single and looking for a casual kind of relationship, at which point I said that I was also available. Here's what's got me confused: the next thing out of her mouth was literally "You're a nice guy, and you're attractive and funny and smart and you're the kind of guy I'm looking for, but I don't want to go out with you." What the h**l? I'm seriously confused here is it me specifically, or what?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • HELP! What can I do for my mom for Mother's Day?

    First of all, I know it's a little late in the game for this, but I have literally had no time at all in the past week to do anything at all for Mother's Day. I've been out of the house every day, almost all day (like until 8 or 9), so by then the stores are closed and my mother is home, so I can't work on handmade stuff. So, what can I do for her today? I have a few hours free in the afternoon and possibly this morning that she may or may not be out of the house for, so any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Will Nyquil Cough show up on a drug test?

    I was just informed that I have to take a drug test at a random, unannounced time this summer. I take the Cough variety Nyquil, NOT the Cold and Flu kind, for mild insomnia (I don't want teh side effects of the prescription drugs) and allergies. I think the active ingredients are Doxylamine Succinate as the antihistamine and Dextromethorphan HBr as the cough suppressant. Will these show up on a drug test?

    Medicine8 years ago
  • How am I supposed to deal with this lawsuit?

    So, the event that triggered the suit happened about a week ago, and when it happened I was actually on a class trip in Chicago, we were on Michigan Avenue at the time to check out the Magnificent Mile. I was walking with a few friends and we went a block or so off Michigan to find some place for lunch. On the way to the restaurant, this really shady looking guy started following us. We started walking a little faster, and that's when the guy put a knife to my back (since I was towards the back of our group), and demanded we give him our valuables. Since I'm a black belt and have had a lot of experience in knife defense I fought back and got the weapon away from him (I kicked it out into the street). Luckily there was a cop nearby who arrested the guy and the rest of the day passed without incident. Now, a week after the events occurred, I found out on Friday that this mugger has tried to sue me for assault and battery for some reason. I can't go to court up there because of school, but I was informed that I would have to pay out a large chunk of cash if the court ruled in the mugger's favor. How should I deal with this? Should I get a lawyer? Or should I just wait and see what happens?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How do I get rid of this girl?

    About 6 months ago, I broke up with my girlfriend because she was being really controlling and mean towards me all the time, to the point that I couldn't take her trying to put herself above me (we're in high school). Turns out it's actually made some aspects of my life even worse. She actively stalked me for a while, despite a number of restraining orders and parental surveillance, usually online and frequently in school. For about a month after I dumped her she kept trying to corner me and would insist that we were not over, since she had never accepted my dumping her. When she finally got over that, she tried to trash my reputation, which luckily failed completely, to the point that she ended up inadvertently sending her own public standing down the drain. That lasted about a month and a half, then she went totally psychotic. As in, borderline bipolar. When we passed in the hall she would sometimes start yelling and screaming at me (happened 3 times in the space of 3 months), and even tried to start a fight with a girl I was talking to on the way to a class we had together. A couple times she just collapsed in tears in the hallway, even when I wasn't around. This all died down to just some minor stalker tendencies about a month ago. It hit the breaking point a few nights ago. I was woken up at around 12:30-ish when I heard a loud thump followed by a crash like glass shattering from my window, followed shortly by this girl CLIMBING IN MY SECOND FLOOR WINDOW. Within a few seconds my Labrador had burst into the room and tackled her, and she wasn't carrying any kind of weapon, so she wasn't really a threat. I called the cops, and they took her away (she'll do time in juvie), but now she's trying to sue me for supposed "injuries" she sustained from my dog defending me and has expressed in no uncertain terms that she's going to come after me again after she gets out. How am I supposed to deal with this? Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What are some really good Christian bands like Demon Hunter or Skillet?

    I'm kind of burned out on the basic worship music, which is what I normally listen to for Christian music. I'm looking to get some new music that has a hard or heavy sound, without it being solid screams all the time. I like bands like Skillet, Demon Hunter, Stone Sour, Project 86, Fireflight, Thousand Foot Krutch (the older stuff, not the pop metal they have now), and Disciple. Any recommendations? Best answer to the person who gives me the most relevant suggestions.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What are some good open ended jokes?

    Every day in my Engish class, we do this thing called the Line of the Day. It's basically an open ended sentece or a question, which we then fill in with the best punch line we can think of. The line can be dirty or clean, but no politics can be involved. It's my turn to do the straight line on Monday, and I have no ideas whatsoever. Could you please give me some really good ones? Best answer to best line!

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • How do you convert grams to volume?

    I have a huge Chemistry worksheet, and I don't have a clue how to do this. I am asked to find the density of oxygen gas at 40^C and 615 mm Hg, and to do that I have to find grams per milliliter. The grams equal 16g. How do I do that?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • What's the difference between the graphs of these 2 functions?

    For a math project I'm doing in my Trigonometry class, I have to do a bunch of graphs and transformations, about 80 in all. Two transformations in particular have me a bit stumped, and they are both of the same function. One is -f(x)=x and the other is f(-x)=x. Last I checked, those are the same thing, right? If they are different, how would I go about graphing them, especially on a calculator (we have to do our graphs on a graphing calculator or computer and print them out)?

    Asking my teacher is not an option, she doesn't explain anything well at all. Most of my classmates and I have taught ourselves most everything this year.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • How can I improve my flexibility?

    I do karate, and have done it for almost 9 years now, and I a a black belt. I have had to take some significant time off due to school (I had so much homework that I was unable to get to class), and it looks like this week I'll be able to get back into it. How should I go about stretching in the coming weeks to regain the flexibility I had? If you could include some stretches to do it would be a great help.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • What are the best mods and/or custom maps for Minecraft?

    I've been getting back into Minecraft lately, and I'm wondering what some god new mods are, and some good custom maps.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What is this program?

    A little while ago I got a trojan that dumped about 30gb worth of adware, spyware, malware and keyloggers, along with a lot of lewd images, onto my computer. I deleted all of it using McAfee, Norton, and Hitman Pro. Now when I boot up and log into my computer, sometimes there's a command prompt window that opens with the title AppData/AppLaunch/AMDService.exe. It flashes a bunch of command lines, then auto-closes. I can't find anything on it on the web, anyone know something about it? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • What should I teach my parakeets?

    My sister and I just got two parakeets on New Years Eve, and I read that you can teach them all kinds of tricks once you hand train them. First off, how exactly do you hand train them? Once we've done that, what are some good beginning tricks for them to learn?

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Could you please help me answer these questions on Isaac Newton?

    I have a huge project about Newton I have to do, and I can't find this stuff anywhere. Could you help me answer these 3 questions?

    1) Did Newton think people could govern themselves?

    2) Did he think humankind was basically good or bad?

    3) what are the underlying ideas behind Newton's political thinking?

    Thanks for your time, guys.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • What influenced Thomas Hobbes?

    I have this massive assignment for my AP Euro History class due after break, and I can't find this particular part anywhere. Everything else is done, just this one question. Anyone know What political ideas influenced Hobbes?

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Did Voltaire think people could govern themselves?

    If he did, why? And did he view humankind as basically good or bad?

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • What can I do for my 16th birthday?

    So... Here's the deal. I'm turning 16 on the 31st of this month, and as kind of a tradition myself and my family always pick something to do, just as a family, before I have a party with friends. I like outdoor stuff, but the forecast for the whole week is really bad, like 70+% rain chance every day, so outdoors stuff is off the table. Any other ideas? I live in Huntsville, AL and I can travel up to 3 hours out of town. Also, any ideas for my party with friends? For that we would not be going out of town.

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Is there a good Minecraft mod for terrain gen.?

    Hey guys, I'm working on a bit of a project in Minecraft with some friends. We're designing a Minecraft world from the ground up (we started with regular superflat), and when we're done it'll be a public survival server. We've finished most of the largest structures, and now we want to build some terrain, like biomes and things. Is there any mod that can insert biomes like that?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What's in the new xbox update for skyrim?

    I had enough time last night to play Skyrim, which I haven't done since August. When I got on, I got an update from Xbox Live for the game and my console both. I understand what the console update was, but could soemone tell me what is new with the Skyrim update? Thanks for your time.

    3 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • What's a good name for zombie repellent?

    I have to film a mock commercial with some friends for English class, and we're doing zombie repellent. What are some really cool names for it?

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago