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  • 1099-C filed on debt that isn't mine and isn't on my credit report.?

    I had a credit card opened in my name. I disputed the debt by sending a validation letter. The creditor never responded. I contacted the credit companies and they removed the debt. Years later I received a 1099-C and had to pay taxes on debt that wasn't mine. I have contacted the IRS and they are being slow. Is there any way I can sue for violating fair debt collection practices? Thank you for the advice.

    3 AnswersCredit5 years ago
  • USDA loan rejected because of well? What to do?

    The well is too close to the house. The house is 106 years old; fully renovated. Is there any possibility I could get the well grandfathered as the water test came back clear.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Are home warranties worth it?

    I am going to close on an older home. During the inspection we found out that the furnace and the damper are going to need to be replaced soon and that there wasn't any heat getting upstairs. We requested that the heating be fixed; but my concern is that we will move into this house and the heat will crap out and we will have to spend our savings on a new HVAC system. Advise any one?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Can my employment be terminated because of the effects of my medication?

    I am legally disabled and my medication gives me brain fog. I have heard a lot of other people with PTSD with a similar problem. My employer does know I am disabled. I was called into the office and terminated because my medication (that I have to take every day) has been effecting my work performance. Is this legal?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • New Job is "wishy washy" about start date.?

    Okay folks here is a doozy. I interviewed for a position and they told me that my start date would be in spring. This interview was now five months ago! They have yet to give me a start date! I told them that I dont have much choice but to look for alternate employment options, but I still really want to work for them.

    Mean while I am broke!! what am I supposed to do? any suggestions?

    2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • Why wont my boyfriend have sex with me?

    I recently got out of a very long relationship, but I am definitely over him. I also recently met a man who's fiance broke up with him 6 months ago. We have been exclusively dating for 2.5months.

    When we first met up he wanted to have sex with me, but I wasn't ready. I told him I had a rule that I dont have sex with people I am not in love with. He agreed that this was a good rule. So the next few times we hung out he ca usuallybrought it up.

    He ddoesn'ttalk about his ex anymore. I am not into my ex any more.

    Now the sex offer I guess is off the table. I dont understand. We are cconsistentlyintimate, but, no sex :-( I am ready. I have been kind of blunt about it and I have hited at it. I dont want to seem desperate.

    Any advice? is it me? is it him? Help!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is an alcholic and I miss him?

    My boyfriend and I have been togeather for 6 years. He has problems and I have been supportive and encouraging. We moved in togeather and he started drinking. He was sober for two years before we moved in togeather. I love him.

    When he gets drunk everything is an argument. A violent argument when has calls me aweful names that are hurtful and I dont understand. He sometimes pushes me and gets physical.

    The other day we had a really heated argument. I had been dealing with this for quite sometime and I finallt just called the police. In Virginia there is no such thing as not pressing charges in domestic violence and I did not know that. The police took him away and we are not allowed to talk for 72hrs. According to his mother he is moving out and this is not what I want. I do not want to live with some one who is abusive, but if he got help, I would feel safer.

    I cannot handle the guilt. I feel like I have ruined his life and this is all my fault. I love him soo much and I am alone for the first time in forever. I just wish we could work things out in some way.

    Will he call? How do I deal with this? is there anything I can do to help him? will he forgive me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am being evicted...and my apartment has mold!?

    Hello every one! any help or advise you could offer would be great!

    So, basically, Me and my boyfriend are renting an apartment. This month is the last month of our lease and he just broke his leg and we are waiting for disability money. I am a full time student and I do not work, since, my boyfriend is the "bread winner." My identity was also stolen and my bank account wipped out!

    I wrote my rent check and it bounced and now the land lady is threatening me with a five day or quit thing?

    We really dont have the money!!! how long will this eviction take? We are sheduled to move the end of the month.

    In addition we also have a mold problem. I have told the land lady and written her and I first notified her three months ago. She did send some guy over and he told us to clean it with tilex, but, the WINDOWS are covered in black mold.

    Me and my boyfriend did not report her to the health department becuase well, we dont want to be jerks.

    I was planning on writing her a letter about the mold, offering her half the rent, and letting her keep my deposit....does this sound resonable? I just dont know what to do!

    Also, my boyfriend is supposed to be getting a background check and security clerance for his new job....will going to court over being evicted effect his background check? His name is on the leas...does this mean he is only resbonsibile for 1/2 the money?

    Like I said any help would be great!


    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Landlord wont deal with Mold?

    Hey Guys!

    Any input you have regarding my situation would be apprieciated.

    I live in Virginia and recently I notified my landlord about mold in my rental. The bathroom has mold on the cieling and is growing! I am suffereing from horrible nose bleeds.

    I contacted my landlord over a week ago. I am not sure what I can do. How long should I wait to send her certified mail? can I terminate my lease? I know this living area cannot be safe or healthy.

    In addition, every time I have had a problem with my rental; she has not made effort to fix the issue....and I signed a lease for a washer dryer hookup and a vent for my dryer is not present!!!! grrrrrr.....

    Let me know what you all think!


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Renting a new home with stolen identity.?


    I hope some one can answer this question.

    I am trying to rent a new apartment and I had my identy stolen last year. I have abou three accounts that have unverified debt that are still being delt with.

    I was wondering if the realty company can call the credit bureaus or the paper work I signed for them to run a credit check is "just that."

    any advice any one can give me would be great!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • where can I find.....?

    Where can I find apartments/homes for rent? besides using craigslist? any ideas? thanks!!!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • My Mother-n-law puts her...?

    daughter on a pedistal!! it drives me crazy!!!

    They think she is great and there is nothing great about her. She is all in to physical fitness and has a great job.

    This kind of makes me want to separate me from them.

    I am 26 I have a master's degree and I am a paramedic and vet tech and I consider myself successfull. My husband has had the same job forever...its not a fancy job like his sister's but we are comfortable.

    It is upsetting to my husband and me. I do not know how to handle this.

    It dosent make me jealous I would just like to get an e-mail or have a conversation with out hearing how great her daughter is.

    can any one advise?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Ok, let me re-phrase this: Biological Dad Wants His Baby Back.?

    When I was 18 I had a child. It was pretty stressfull because my boyfriend and father of the child had broken up with me.

    I took it pretty badly. I called him several times, e-mailed him and even went to his house.

    We lived on the same college campus. He made it clear he did not want to talk to me; he even got the police involved.

    I later found out he was cheating on me and doing drugs and I did not want some one like that in my life.

    I found out I was pregnant but he did not want to talk to me at all. I even pretty much stalked him so we could talk....

    So, I spread it through the grape vine I had an abortion and I switched colleges. I know it was wrong, but he didn't want anything to do with me.

    I am now married (6 years later) and my husband has adopted "Jude" my child. My husband loves him and treats Jude as his own.



    Any way,thanks to the magic of face book my ex suddenly appears.

    There are messages on my facebook that insinutate that I have a child.

    My question was: dose my ex have any legal rights? and what are the rights of my husband?

    Jude knows he has biological daddy, but, he calls my husband his daddy.

    I do not want my ex in his life and I do not care what anyone thinks...he has a father and when he gets older if he wants to pursue finding his real dad then thats fine.

    I have many friends who are adopted and know so; some wanted to find there bio family when they turned 18 and others did not.

    Any advice would be great!

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Biological Father Wants His Baby Back....?

    Hey everyone any advise would be great!

    So, I had a child when I was 18. I tried to tell the father but he wanted nothing to do with me since we were breaking up and I was not taking it very well.

    So, he thinks I had an abortion. I told him this. I was wrong! But I did not want him in my life or my child's life after what he did (cheated on me and wouldn't tell me the truth about it.)

    So years later..I am married and my husband adopted my son Jude and my husband loves my child to death and considers Jude his own son.

    Soo, thanks to the magic of facebook my ex is able to see that I have a child (no i didnt post pictures of my child) through mutual friends and message wall postings. I am afriad he is going to want contact.

    I do not want him any where near Jude! and I dont even want him to have visitation rights.

    My husband adopted jude. I am afraid this may be confusing to Jude.

    My question is: what rights does my husband have as a adoptive father? and what rights does the biological father have?

    I live in Virginia and the father in Maryland.

    Thanks for your help!

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My Lisence is In Another State?

    Hey guys and gals!

    I am a paramedic and a vet tech licensed in virginia. Me and my husband are moving to Alaska and I am concerned about finding work.

    can I get my licensesttransfer ed do I take a test?

    Thanks everyone!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago